Everyone's eyes widened, looking expectantly at Jiangnan's hand reaching into the alien space!

The next moment, Jiang Nan pulled out his hand violently!

"Look! What is this?"

I saw a palm-sized conch lying on Jiangnan's hand!

(ง ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ヮᵒ̴̶̷᷄)ᓄ๑

It is engraved with dense and complicated mantras!

Take a closer look, and a sense of chill comes oncoming!

Vaguely, he seemed to see an infinitely large conch crawling in the sea of ​​corpses and blood!

The land is full of dead soldiers, and the broken flags are flying!

It finally exhausted itself and fell on the ancient battlefield. Only the snail shell survived, absorbing the endless evil spirits on the battlefield!

Everyone was startled by the aura exuded by the conch, and they took three steps back, their faces pale!

Someone couldn't help asking, "This...what is this?"

Jiangnan looked solemn: ( ・᷅ὢ・᷄ ) "If my guess is correct, this should be a horn made of a conch shell that surpasses the peak!"

"I named it the Horn of God!"

Everyone's eyes were full of horror, hissing ~ the horn of God?

I saw Jiangnan holding the conch shell and waving his hand, the air flowed by, and the conch made a "woo-woo" sound!

In an instant, a desolate horn sounded in the void, long and sad!

A horn, as if across the long river of time, came from ancient times!

The heroic spirits on the battlefield heard the horn and charged again!

At that time, a person with poor psychological quality, his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground with fear on his face!

Senbon Sakura swallowed her saliva!

( ŏ﹏ŏ๑ ) "Where did you get this... the God's Horn? Why haven't I seen a fish head monster use it?"

Jiang Nan proudly said: (๑ˉิㅂˉิ) "Heh~ I was the first person to rush into the Landis Lingxu! How do you think I got it?"

"Of course I picked it up! Even my god-killing cannon was picked up inside!"

As soon as these words came out, people started talking about it, and Qianbenying was also startled!

I vaguely remembered that after the space door opened, Jiang Nan was indeed the first to lead the team to rush in! And stayed in it for a long time before coming out!

Even Omega, who was hiding in the crowd, recalled that when Bombardier rushed in with him, Jiangnan had already run out!

Could it be that he really got so many treasures in it?

Jiang Nan shrugged: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭ "Don't believe me? I believe that many people present participated in it at the beginning, right? Was I the first to rush in?"

Rhodes also ground his teeth for a while, although he didn't want to admit it, but it was the truth!

Jiang Nan grinned: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "I'm a space system with natural advantages. As soon as I rushed in, I ransacked Landis' treasure house!"

"My alien space is full! This God's Horn is just one of many treasures!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone exclaimed in surprise and couldn't help casting envious glances!

But Yao Hong on the side: (๑·̌口·̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣

Yuna Emma: ᥬ(Ŏ口Ŏ|||)᭄?

Ghost! You looted a treasure trove of wool, huh?

Didn't you go to the large stone of origin in the center of the altar after entering?

Then before he could even make a move, he was kicked out by Shark!

Where is the treasure house? Isn't this staring blind?

But where did the horn of God come from?

Alice is dumbfounded!


Why didn't I know there was such a thing as the Horn of God in the clan?

I saw Jiangnan looking back at Alice with a vicious look on his face, blinking wildly!

ψ(⃔ ๑⃙⃘ ꆤ利ꆤ๑⃙⃘ )⃕↝

Alice was dumbfounded at first, but then remembered that she wanted Jiangnan and the others to help regain her rights!

It suddenly dawned on me!

So with a serious face, he said in human language:

(。・᷅◠・᷄) "I took him there just to thank him for saving me from fire and water!"

"This horn of God is a sacred object of our clan, a treasure! Jiangnan is right!"

Jiang Nan was so happy, he deserved to have evolved, he was smart, and his small head was enough!

The mermaids all spoke, coupled with the aura of the horn of God, everyone believed it even more for a while!

Even Clegg's scalp was numb, and he went in there unexpectedly to have a good time, and Jiangnan ransacked Landis' treasure house!

Is there such a big gain? No wonder he left so simply!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "I don't like this thing! Just sell it to someone with Yuan Yuan! Three hundred million! Who wants it?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Omega raised his hand directly!

(。 ̄́ʖ̯￁́)۶ "I want a begonia!"

As soon as these words came out, the field fell silent!

Omega narrowed his eyes and said, "What? You won't stop selling, right? Open the door for business! Treat everyone equally!"

Jiangnan is so happy, I can't wait for you to want it!

But there was still a disgusted look on his face after Xie Te, but he forced a smile!

(ˉ͒ㅂˉ͒ꐦ) "How can I not make money when I'm rich? I'll sell you!"

As he spoke, he threw the God's Horn in the past, and the people around were shocked by the killing aura it exuded, and dared not take it at all!

And Omega also suppressed the fear, and took it with both hands!

He took a deep breath, put it in his mouth and blew it, and sure enough, the desolate and solemn horn sounded again, making people's legs weak and fear in their hearts!

(☍口⁰) "Brother! You're holding your breath! I'm almost scared to pee, this thing is too scary!"

_(┐「﹏゚。)_“Spiritual attack? It's horrible! As expected of Landis Supreme Treasure! "

Omega was full of joy, but got a good baby!

Although Haitang took some actions this time, not to mention that he didn't get the Stone of Origin, not only did he not gain anything, but he also lost a lot!

It would be great to be able to get some ancient Su relics here in Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan looked at Omega's mouth blowing the conch, and his hand holding the conch, with a sinister smile on his face!


"Jiangnan! Why don't you use it? Do you despise it? Go out and let it go?"

"Exactly! Just take out one? Are there more wolves and less meat?"

"I have got so many treasures, let us eat some too?"

Jiang Nan coughed twice: (。ˉ᷄กˉ᷅) "Then I will release some treasures today! Look forward to it!"

As soon as he said that, he stretched his hand into the alien space and fiddled for a while!


Then a pan was pulled out of it!

There was a deathly silence in the arena!

Qianbenying stared: (งᵒ̌盘ᵒ̌)ง "Don't tell me this thing is also a Landis treasure! They use a frying pan? Is it used to fry fish on the bottom of the sea?"

"Cheat you!"

Jiang Nanqi said: "What do you know?"

While speaking, he picked up the frying pan and threw it at Senbon Sakura's head!

In an instant, the situation changed, and the bottom of the pan seemed to turn into a black sky that could overwhelm everything in the world!

It is enough to crush and suppress everything!

Qianben Sakura screamed!

୧(๐˃̶口˂̶)୨ "Yah~ don't!"

As he said that, he brought Miyazaki over and stood in front of him!

Miyazaki:! ! !

(◞꒦ິ口꒦ີ) "Uwah~Uwah! Don't! Don't hit me!"

He was crying at that time, struggling for a while!

Jiang Nan stopped immediately, with an inscrutable expression on his face!

(乛 .̫乛๑) "Do you still dare to underestimate this pot now?"

"Alice! Tell them about the origin of this holy cauldron!"

Alice:! ! !

God Meow Heaven Holy Pot! Can you choose a more casual name?

I can guarantee with my life that my Landis family absolutely does not have such a treasure!

He must be lying, right? But I have to make him happy!

I still need Jiangnan's help. What if he gets angry and doesn't help me if he exposes it?

Alice's head is running wild!

( ‧̣̥̇ớㅂờ) "This... this is the holy cauldron of King Atlas, before Lantis had sunk! As the existence that can kill gods, the king likes to use this pot for cooking!"

"I even used this pot to kill a god! This pot is stained with the blood of the gods. It has been passed down for thousands of years!"

Everyone was shocked, so mysterious? No wonder the aura emanating from this pot dare not make people look directly at it!

Even Daotian was scared to cry?

Jiang Nan was pleasantly surprised, Alice is too good, right?

I can't make up the history!

Alice is about to collapse!


sorry! King Atlas! The children and grandchildren are not filial, everything is for the prosperity of Landis!

I saw the Jiangnan frying pan held high: "The holy pot of the sky! Five hundred million! Who wants it?"

All of a sudden, everyone went crazy and bid wildly!

Clegg said anxiously: ( ◞·̀yi·́)ノ "Me! Give it to me! King Atlas's Holy Cauldron of Heaven! Never allow it to flow into the hands of foreigners!"

Jiang Nan hesitated: (||・᷄口・᷅) "Ah, this..."

What kind of trouble are you coming out to make trouble, hello?

Catch up with the trap?

Clegg said anxiously: "For the sake of our friendship, sell me this pot! I'll transfer the money to you right now!"

Jiang Nan's face is dark, I don't want to cheat you just because of love!

How can I explain this situation to you?

If I miss it, can I still do business?

Jiang Nan looked reluctant!

(′-﹏-`(ヾ) "Then 500 million will be for you!"

Craig patted Jiangnan on the shoulder!

(◞・᷄ヮ・᷅) "Thank you! I remember this favor!"

Jiangnan: ...

With the sale of the Holy Cauldron, the atmosphere reached a climax!

I saw that Jiangnan fiddled with the alien space again, and took out a black and inconspicuous stone!

But there are dense incantations engraved on it. At a glance, although the stone is small, it gives people a feeling of looking at the roof of the world!

Magnificent and thick, a piece of black stone is comparable to the ancient mountain!

(乛~乛)ᓄ "A piece of god stone! Cough~"

After finishing speaking, she coughed lightly, and Alice was shocked!

Can you bring out some reliable treasures, so I can make up some too!

Why are they all cheap? Did you just pick this stone up by the side of the road?

[Resentment value from Alice +666! ]

(づ﹏ど) "This... um~ This is a sacred object of our clan, the God-hitting Stone, which is specially used to hit the gods! It can even ignore the translucent body of the gods! One hit is sure to hit!"

Everyone was shocked!

Fuck? Is the god that Alice said belonged to Bose?

Can this God Stone hit Bose? Do real damage to bosons?

In an instant, everyone's eyes were red!

Jiang Nan couldn't hold back his joy, Alice, you are simply amazing, okay?

My plan to accumulate skill points depends entirely on you!

These "treasures" are of course not real, they were all taken out by Jiangnan after spraying Didiovos perfume in the alien space!

Special effect perfumes are not only effective on creatures, but also on items!

This is what Jiangnan discovered a long time ago!

And Jiang Nan has no psychological pressure to cheat these powerful people!

After all, those who can afford Gusu's relics are all top powers, and they are going to compete for the treasure of Landis in the future!

All opponents! Tigers and wolves who eat people without spitting out their bones!

Once the Juekong Yushen Formation is broken, the fight will definitely kill him!

Pre-planning is always right!

Landis battle has begun now!

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan's eyes narrowed slightly! Jie Jie sneered!

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