Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1247 The mystery of Landis! (plus more)

I saw the deep sadness in Alice's eyes!

(๑・᷄~・᷅) "If you have any questions, feel free to ask! My memory was blocked a lot by Haitang before!"

"The energy ripple of the stick of origin broke the memory seal!"

Jiang Nan looked stunned, no wonder Alice doesn't look so hot anymore!

(๑·̌~·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ "What's going on with Landis? That stick of origin really has the power to break through?"

Alice shook her head!

(˘◠˘。) "No! It's evolution! Under the radiation of the Origin Stone, species will speed up their evolution and adapt to the living environment extremely quickly!"

"Break the original limit of the species! Whether it is wisdom, physical fitness, learning, or comprehension ability, all-round improvement!"

"The ancient kingdom of Lantis was able to achieve its brilliance in the last era precisely by relying on the stick of origin!"

Jiang Nan was surprised: (*゚ロ゚) "Speed ​​up the evolution of species? Is it really so magical?"

"Since Lantis is so brilliant, why did it sink again? And they all turned into fish-headed monsters?"

Alice smiled wryly: "Because of the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven thousands of years ago! King Atlas is not satisfied with the current status quo, and wants to have more Origin Stones to push the Lantis civilization to its peak!"

"The stones of origin all sense each other! Unexpectedly, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky aroused the wrath of the sky!"

"Fire rained from the sky and sank the continental shelf, but it also caused a devastating blow to the ancient country of Lantis. Only the clansmen in the Lingxu survived!"

Jiang Nan had goosebumps all over his body, good guy!

The murals in the church of the Fish King Palace are actually real?

What is the origin of this stone of origin?

Alice's eyes were full of melancholy: "It's ridiculous that Landis was not destroyed by the attack of the gods, but was destroyed by himself!"

"However, the sacrifice to the heavens was not in vain. The stone of origin was really summoned, and it fell with the sky. The sapphire on the altar is it!"

"Lantis sank, and the sea water poured into the Lingxu. In the beginning, the people could still rely on tide clam pearls to survive, but under the radiation of the origin stone, the people began to evolve!"

"Evolved into what it is today, fully adapted to life under the sea, but this evolutionary path has gone astray!"

At this moment, both Heidi and Yao Hong were dumbfounded!

Mermaids really evolved from humans, all because of the Stone of Origin?

Jiang Nan scratched his head: ୧(··᷄ࡇ·᷅) "Isn't that right? Since the Stone of Origin has the power to make species evolve!"

"You have been illuminated for thousands of years! Should there be an existence beyond Daotian?"

Alice shook her head: "No, the sacrifice to the heavens thousands of years ago also ushered in the end of the era!"

"The spiritual energy has completely disappeared, and the space gate of the Lingxu has been closed. The clansmen are trapped in the Lingxu and cannot go out, and they have reproduced generation after generation!"

"The ancestors have long been turned into loess, but only more than 20 years ago, the spiritual energy gradually appeared in the Lingxu!"

"But the total amount of spiritual energy is not much, and it can only be used for some fish to practice. Shake is the highest level, and the thinness of spiritual energy limits his achievements!"

"And just a few months ago, the Lingxu space door was reopened!"

Jiang Nan grinned. With the end of the era, have they been sealed in the Lingxu for a thousand years?

The time period when the aura is restored in the Lingxu is the time when the aura is recovered by Lan Xing this time?

And the time period when the Landis space gate reopens!

It also coincides with the opening of the large-scale opening of the Holy Star's Heavenly Killing Project and the large-scale opening of the Lingxu in the no-man's land in various places!

Igor accidentally opened Landis' space door in this wave of killing?

Is this the reason why the ancient country of Lantis was seen again?

Jiang Nan's eyes flickered endlessly!

"What's the matter with your blue blood? How did you run out and get caught by Bombardier?"

Alice pressed her finger between her eyebrows: "This is the blood of King Atlas! It's the bloodline bestowed by the Stone of Origin!"

"Only the purest blue blood can control the stick of origin and enhance the radiation of the stone of origin!"

"I am the saint of this generation, with the purest blood, the highest ruler of Landis!"

"But the opening of the space door this time, coupled with the failure of the Stone of Origin, made the whole Landis panic!"

Following Alice's narration, Jiangnan figured it out!

I didn't know what was going on, but after the space door opened, Alice planned to gradually get in touch with the outside world and integrate into this era in a gentle way!

Try not to cause conflicts!

But before it was implemented, the large stone of origin began to fail inexplicably!

And the power of the Origin Gem on the Rod of Origin is also weakened!

Shark certainly didn't want to lose this power of evolution just like that, he didn't listen to Alice at all!

Bringing people is the opposite, arrest all the members of the Supreme Council of Landis, and make yourself king!

And Alice ran out under the cover of many subordinates, thinking about asking humans for help!

But he was injured by a sea beast in the Bumping Flame Prison, and tried his best to escape, but was seriously injured and unconscious!

Then he was caught again, and finally fell into Haitang's hands. He was brutally interrogated, and his memory was sealed again!

I saw Alice standing on the muzzle looking at the bustling city, her eyes were faint!

"Thousands of years... This is no longer the era we are familiar with!"

Jiang Nan grinned for a while, so he spent 10 billion to buy back the king of Landis?

yo yo!

"Then what's Shark going to do?"

Alice looked sad: "He wants to reproduce the operation of King Katras thousands of years ago, using the stick of origin to summon a new stone of origin!"

"He's going to ruin it all!"

At this moment, Jiangnan and Clegg's eyes widened!

━=͟͟͞͞(Ŏ◊Ŏ ‧̣̥̇)(·'口'· ۶)۶

Nima? no?

This guy wants to summon the meteorite rain to dry the blue star? And it's still the kind that can sink the continental shelf?

Depend on! Is it so ruined?

It's fine for them to hide in the Lingxu, but a meteorite rain of this scale falling into the sea will cause a super earthquake and a giant tsunami!

If he is really allowed to do it, Yuguo will have to stop this wave immediately!

Clegg was in a hurry: "This operation is to give Yuguo to Zheng! Four! Huh?"

Alice said anxiously: (งᵒ̌口ᵒ̌)ง "We must stop him! I must regain my rights! Take soft measures to the outside world and gradually integrate into this era! Only in this way..."

Jiang Nan said lightly: (¬д¬.) "I'm not trying to scare you, you are too naive. Although Landis is strong, he has Shark, Leviathan, advanced civilization!"

"But with the power currently held by all countries, Lantis will be beyond redemption!"

"Profit is the word, who doesn't want to own the treasure of Landis? Weak countries have no diplomatic rights, and the power of the state machine is terrifying!"

Landis has a treasure that everyone is jealous of, and it is bound to be eaten up by all countries! "

"The only way out is to rely on a powerful country and seek protection, so that you can enjoy the shade under the big tree, so that Landis is qualified to integrate into this era!"

"Instead of being eaten by tigers and wolves!"

Alice's face was pale: "Is this... so scary?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ╮( ·́~·̀ )╭ "Leviathan is strong! But among the people I know, there are at least three or four who are capable of it!"

Clegg looked serious: "Jiangnan is not exaggerating, this is the truth, if this continues, the only ending waiting for Landis is destruction!"

"But I, Yuguo, will do my best to help you. After all, Yuguo is a part of Lantis, and the royal family of Atlas is the descendant of Lantis thousands of years ago!"

"Heidi's blue blood is the best proof, you can trust us completely! Yuguo is the big tree that gives you shade!"

Alice looked at Heidi with bright eyes, she had already discovered this!

Heidi's blood is even purer than her own!

She never expected that the clansmen who survived the wrath of the sky would develop into this!

(๑ớ﹏ờ) "Can you really help Landis solve the crisis and keep us from being eaten by other countries?"

Craig smiled slightly, just about to nod and speak!

Jiang Nan just rolled his eyes!

(꒪ั~꒪ั*) "Can Yuguo keep a piece of yarn? What kind of insurance do you take?"

"You count the King of the Sea, you only have three Daotians! There is also Cai Xukun among them, and there are only two who can fight, not even a space system!"

"If it's real, Yuguo can handle it? Don't put yourself in it again!" "Once the news of the Origin Stone spreads, who wouldn't be tempted? It's all ruthless!"

Craig's face turned black, what the hell is Cai Xukun?

Don't say that about our Lord Neptune!

Jiang Jiang continued: "In the Abyss, the cores of the two resource layers were robbed like that! Yuguo didn't even have the qualifications to enter the game!"

"This time it's the Landis treasure! Something that can evolve species and break the limit! The fight will only be more fierce than last time!"

Craig rubbed his forehead with his hands, his face full of sorrow!

(′-﹏-`(ヾ) "Then what do you say?"

Jiang Nan was full of air!

(๑ˉิٹ ˉิ๑) "China has entered the game! Yuguo is united with Huaxia! You Yuguo and Landis are connected by blood, which is justified!"

"I, Huaxia, help our allies to tide over the difficulties, and we can't find any faults!"

"As for Huaxia's strength! There is also high-end combat power, don't I need to say more? You know better than me!"

The corner of Clegg's mouth twitched, Huaxia has always been three heavens to the outside world!

But ghosts believe that there are only three of them! There are several stubbles in those hidden families! There are also Taoist beasts! There's even a boson...

A fierce group, just the spiritual disaster incident in no man's land is enough to see Huaxia's strength!

"What about the conditions?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Of course it's resource sharing! Landis's spell technology, advanced weapons, and all other knowledge are completely shared! Don't hide them!"

"Tripartite common prosperity, mutual benefit, deeper cooperation!"

"This era is unpredictable, and Saint Star's actions are becoming more and more frequent. Isn't it a bad thing to have multiple allies?"

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