Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1231 Who Is The Hunter?


As soon as the strong water flow rushed, Alice, who was sealed in the cylindrical fish tank, was shocked and flew into the sky!

Yao Hong was taken aback, someone wanted to cut him off halfway?

What's the matter? We've all been sent flying into the sky!

Stop looking in the mirror!

Do you want to be so calm?

All of this was expected by Jiangnan?

I saw a large truck speeding on the road, and the door of the cargo box opened suddenly!

Hundreds of people jumped out of it, all masked, and went straight to the Jiangnan convoy to kill!

And the water rushing out of the sewer went straight to the fish tank!

Obviously here to snatch the mermaid!

Jiang Nan's body disappeared in the driver's seat in an instant!

Appeared at the front of the big truck!

"Heavy bones!"

I saw Jiangnan's body falling down like a cannonball, hitting the hood hard!


The engine was smashed by Jiangnan and fell directly to the ground, drawing brilliant sparks on the road!

The truck decelerated violently, and the driver in the truck was suddenly knocked out of the cab due to inertia!

And what greeted him was Jiangnan's long and narrow bone knife!


It was directly pierced to the point of chills!

[Resentment value from Zaksky +1000! ]

The entire truck slowed down violently due to Jiangnan, and the rear of the truck even tilted up!

I saw Jiangnan throwing off Ski and teleporting to the rear of the truck!

Raise your hand and grab the rear axle of the truck, let out a roar!

The huge truck was picked up by Jiangnan Shengsheng and smashed towards the hundred or so masked men!

A gold series diamond was shocked and raised his hand to the sky!

"Magnetic Force Field!"

The truck carrying a huge momentum slowed down, and finally stopped completely, suspended in the air!

However, at this moment, only a loud "boom" was heard!

The truck was suddenly broken, and Jiangnan rushed over like a shell!

The bone knife in his hand slashed down mercilessly!

That diamond was split up in the blink of an eye!


The broken truck caused a big explosion, and the flames shot up into the sky!

Reflected on Jiangnan's face, I saw Jiangnan's smile was very kind!

(?°??°?) "Which company? Show off your wrist?"

A masked man stares! "Liang Nima! Die to me!"

I saw his hands pointing at Jiangnan, undisguisedly showing his Xingyaoyi level!


The next moment, the huge flame column was over 80 meters in diameter! Covering the entire road around the sea, it sprayed towards the south of the Yangtze River in an unstoppable manner!

(?? ??) "Ah la la~ Is the young man very angry? Can my sister cool you down?"

Wearing high heels, Hetherine held a small fan, smiled coquettishly, and walked straight towards the sea of ​​flames with enchanting steps!

"Ice Prism!"

Following Hatherine's footsteps, a thick ice wall rose from the ground!

A little bit of chill floats in the air!

The sea of ​​burning flames was blocked by the ice wall, and when the ice and fire collided, white mist rose into the sky!

At this moment, Yao Hong is entangled by an earth-type Xingyao, and she can't get away at all!

Obviously this action was targeted and premeditated!

Can't help but anxiously said: "Boss! The fish was robbed!"

I saw that stream of water wrapped around the fish tank, rushed straight to the sea, plunged into the sea and disappeared!

Jiang Nan didn't even look at it, he raised his hand and took out a bottle of six nuclear bomb milk!

Pasted on Hatherine's ice prism, a layer of hoarfrost formed on it!

Heatherine: (???)? ? ?

Don't just use other people's supernatural ice drinks, hey!

It is said that we are being robbed!

Why do you still have time to drink?

Can you be a little nervous and show respect to your opponent?

[Resentment value from Hetherine +66! ]

I saw Jiangnan raised his head to kill the nuclear bomb milk, his eyes brightened!

(ˉ?ˉ;) "Hi~ is it quite refreshing?"

The next moment, Jiangnan's whole body glowed with scarlet light, a countdown appeared in his eyes, and the glazed armor covered his whole body!


The fish tank containing Alice suddenly appeared behind Hetherine!

I saw the sea in the distance!


Huge splashes were blasted hundreds of meters high, and the aftermath of the explosion even broke coconut trees on the shore!

However, this is not over yet, terrifying explosions came one after another!

The crimson light was extremely eye-catching in the sea, after six consecutive explosions!

There are countless sea fish floating on the surface of the sea, and the sea water with a radius of one kilometer is emitting white smoke and starting to boil!

It's raining cats and dogs!

Goose bumps watching Hatherine!


Is the brother who stole the fish okay? I'm afraid there is not even a scum left!

However, Jiangnan suddenly teleported behind that Xingyaoyi!

A big b was thrown on the back of his head!

(?????????)? "Fighting, be serious, what are you doing?"

[Resentment value from Hubble +1000! ]

Harper:? ? ?

I am robbing you! You don't need to remind me!

"Go to hell!"

However, when Haber looked back, Jiangnan had teleported to Yao Hong!

The distance is almost close to the level of face to face!

(??? ???)(°口°?)

Yao Hong was taken aback, and just about to speak, she heard Jiang Nan say: "Petrochemical me, obey orders!"

Yao Hong was taken aback, she didn't hesitate at all what Jiang Nan said!

His eyes were scarlet, and he stared straight at Jiangnan!

(??~?)═ (??????)

But the moment Yao Hong looked over, a replacement in Jiangnan disappeared!

Instead, it was Haber who opened his mouth wide!

(??~?)═(⊙ mouth ⊙╰ )

Was caught by Yao Hong's petrified light!

Only Xingyao-Hubble couldn't compete with Yao Hong's petrified light!

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a stone man!

Yao Hong's scalp is numb, what kind of explosive skill does the boss have?

And Jiang Nan, who had just disappeared, teleported back with an excited expression on his face!

He took out the nuclear bomb milk, the big green stick and 20 Dali, and poured it into Haber's wide-open mouth!

It is a three-piece suit of humanoid nuclear bombs!

As soon as it was poured down, Haber's stone hair turned into nothingness, bursting out with dazzling glare!

The black-gray stone turned red, and a countdown appeared in the eyes!

Jiangnan is farting, even in a petrified state, can it still work?

[Resentment value from Hubble +1000! ]

[From Haber...]

The petrified Haber couldn't control the self-explosion at all, and could only watch the countdown go by!

The grievance value is almost maxed out!

Yao Hong swallowed, and suddenly remembered the explosion in Lemon Park that night!

Boss made another one?

Now there is only one Earth Xingyao still struggling! The more than fifty people who jumped out of the truck were already half dead!

At this moment, Tuna, who had been hiding in the sea, couldn't stand it anymore!

These people are trash enough, just give them a hand!

The mermaid wants to get what she says!

Jiangnan! Just wait for me, the mermaid that cost tens of billions to photograph is just a wedding dress for me!

"Give it to me!"

"Big waves and raging waves!"

The level of Xingyao III was driven wildly, and a huge wave over 300 meters high was set off in the offshore!

Like a wall of water covering the sky and the sun, it has a great visual impact!

Once this huge wave is photographed, everything will cease to exist!

At the same time, another group of people rushed over, the number was much larger than the group just now!

Directly attack everyone in the south of the Yangtze River!

Seeing the huge waves coming, Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes slightly!

"Has the Lord come? Tuna?"

Heidi said anxiously: (?? mouth?)? "Sister Hetherine! Stop this wave!"

If caught by this wave, it will bring disaster to many innocent people!

At this moment, Hatherine also showed embarrassment, but she pushed towards the huge wave with both hands!


A gust of extremely cold air spewed out from Hetherine's hands, rushing straight towards the giant wave!

But the hundred or so people attacked!

Jiang Nan shouted: "Demon! Pull!"

Where does Dimon not know what Jiangnan means?

"Half-beast? Angler!"

"Scale-footed iron snail? Coir raincoat!"

I saw countless metallic black scales growing out of Daemon's skin, densely arranged together!

It formed something like a coir raincoat, protecting the whole body!

?????????⌒?′-"Deep Sea Magic Light!"

The lantern above the head exudes a misty blue light!

The blue light reflected on Damon's face, making his ferocious face even more ferocious, especially at night!

The hundred or so people who were irradiated by the blue light screamed in fright and wet their crotches!

Some even knelt on the ground with their legs limp in fright!

But even so, he still couldn't resist the temptation of the blue light!

He rushed towards Damon like crazy!

In an instant, they gathered into a pile, surrounding Damon in the middle!

Just about to pick up the lanterns!

But Jiangnan suddenly teleported to Damon's side! Grab his shoulder and teleport away!

There are only 10 large diamond durians with pressed fruit handles left in place!

"Huh? What kind of game is this..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Ten diamond-sized durians exploded with a bang, and the golden flesh was covered with rain and dew, and they collapsed all over them!

The refreshing fragrance made their eyes widen, and they knelt down and vomited wildly!

Σ_(???」∠) Wow!

On the other side, Hatherine's extremely cold air spread out!

Forcibly freezing the huge waves that are three to four hundred meters high and stretching for several kilometers!

The ice waves stand on the coast like this, the crystal clearness is extremely shocking!

Add a touch of coolness to this hot summer!

However, Hatherine's pretty face was also pale, and her steps were staggering. The huge waves of such a height were frozen, and the consumption was not ordinary!

But at this moment!

The water vapor floating in the air suddenly condensed, and a human figure made entirely of water flowed out!

Grab the fish tank containing Alice, turn around and run away!

The speed was extremely fast, and it plunged into the sea in an instant!

???(:3? ?)??? "Hahaha! In the sea, I will rule the world! Didn't expect that?"

"The mermaid is mine! Stay on the shore and eat your ass!"

Without looking back, Tuna rushed into the sea with the fish tank in his arms!

Heatherine said anxiously: "Quick! Go after him! He..."

Jiang Nan came to Haber who was emitting red light, and the number in his eyes was 8 seconds left!

Can't help grinning!

(?ˉ??ˉ??) "No hurry! He can run 100,000 meters in 8 seconds! I admit it!"

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