Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 123 Exploding the plane? (Add more!!!)

In an instant, the fire burst into flames!

The gunshots sounded like firecrackers!

Countless bullets poured towards Jiangnan!

The hearts of the players are about to jump out of fear!

There is no such way to find death, right?

I'm afraid it won't take 3 seconds!

Jiangnan's body will be beaten into pork stuffing!

But right now!

Everyone is stunned!

In the face of countless artillery fire, Jiangnan was unscathed!

The big-breasted flower shirt flutters in the night wind! m.9biquge.\\ncom

at the same time!

The rear of the local army!

Countless bullets poured down like a torrential rain!

"Whoops! The enemy is attacking! The enemy is attacking!"

"Bastard! Who ripped our ass!"

"Are they coming for reinforcements?"

"Hit me to the back!"

A wave of firepower that suddenly appeared from the rear directly caused heavy casualties to the local troops!

When they came back to their senses, they moved towards the rear again!


The bullets are roaring in front!

Local troops: ? ? ?

Depend on!

What's up with this horse?

The commander realized something in an instant, and said in horror, "Space-based abilities?"

"Cease fire! Cease fire!"

Jiangnan hey hey laughs!

He just opened the space wormhole to the maximum and put it in front of him!

The other was placed in the rear of the local army!

All the bullets that poured over were diverted!

Can you beat yourself up?

The team members squatting behind the concrete piers could not help but get goosebumps all over!

Katarina screamed with excitement!

An Ning Su Rui's face was flushed, and her beautiful eyes were full of excitement!

Space Department!

It's just outrageous!

Jiangnan has exploded!

No wonder the space system is strictly controlled by various countries!

It is an existence that can turn the tide of battle!

Even the people who were hiding in the ravines, the Luo Fei family, the elite group, the blood alliance, and the Rakshasa were all stunned!

His eyes widened in horror!

Jiangnan turned out to be a space system!

Huaxia's second space system?

The commander, with a grim expression on his face, roared at the walkie-talkie: "Come up to me!"

"At all costs, keep Huaxia's second space here!"

Jiangnan is having fun.

Just listen to the sound of "tututu"!

A Greyhawk combat helicopter came up from the bottom of the mountain!

Occupy absolute air superiority!

rocket missile! The machine guns were all aimed at the opening of the air-raid shelter, pouring firepower frantically!

Jiangnan's eyes widened


The teleportation just slipped away!

Don't be shy! His space wormhole coverage is only 300 meters!

Can't reach the helicopter at all!

The players were beaten and dared not stand up!

A scalp tingling.

Chen Chen cursed: "Go! Are the gunships in use?"

An Ning covers her face! This is totally incomprehensible!

They were directly stuck in the hole and couldn't get out at all!

A nuclear bomb explodes! Just finished playing!

Wang Tie looked serious: "Nan Shen, why don't you go first! You can run with teleportation!"

"Go to Captain Bobcat with the nuke!"

"We're drawing fire here!"

Su Rui said anxiously, "Yeah, Nanshen! Now is not the time to play with emotions!"

"Nuclear bombs must not explode here! Otherwise Suka will be finished!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Bah! A wall-breaking helicopter wants to block Lao Tzu?"

"Give them face!"

"Old Chen! Tiezi! Come with me!"

An Ning Su Rui was stunned!

What is this going to do?

By now!

Is Jiangnan still thinking about bringing everyone home safely?

He could have gone by himself!

There is nothing in this world that can stop a space system from running away!

But Jiangnan just won't go!

Do your best to get everyone out of here!

An Ning Su Rui's nose is sour!

The most unreliable one on weekdays is Jiangnan!

Critical moment!

The most reliable one is Jiangnan!

Even if I put myself in it, I don't want to abandon anyone!

"Boom! Om~"

Anning and they are moving here!

I saw that it was opened to the largest alien space!

Accompanied by the violent roar of the engine!

A main battle tank burst out with black smoke!

Players: ! ! !

This ride!

Main battle tank?

Did you bring all the tanks?

Why don't you move the military base here?

No wonder the lynx face is so dark before going out!

They have seen it!

The entire Jiangnan mobile arsenal wow!

Chen Chen laughed and kicked the accelerator!

Wang Tie carried the cannonball and slammed it into the barrel of the cannon!

"Damn it! Can't kill you!"

Jiang Nan rode on the cannon barrel and patted...

"There's a heavy machine gun in the back! Who's coming?"

A little star appeared in Su Rui's eyes!



Is she dreaming about it?

Raise your hand instantly?(?`^'?)?

"Me! I'm coming!"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Okay! All members of the team! Follow behind! Break through!"

"Big beautiful girl! Come! Take you for a ride!"

Katerina's eyes are bright:! ! !

Driving around the battlefield in a tank?

It just blows up, doesn't it?

He rode directly on the barrel of the cannon and wrapped his arms around Jiangnan's waist!

"Rough hair!"


Outside the shelter!

The commander looked proud!

Damn I'll see how long you can hide!

3 more minutes! The mountains will be flattened for you!

I see you...


The engine roared violently!

The steel crawler directly smashed the cement pier and rushed out in a burst of smoke!

Gangnam and Katerina ride on the barrel!

He also wore a small helmet on his head!

commander:! ! !

Members of the local army: ! ! !

Immediately stunned!

What 78 stuff?


Am I a big boss?

Where did you get that main battle tank wow!

How to fight this horse?

Not only are they blinded!

The Rakshasa who were hiding in the ravines were also stunned!

You can put an egg in your mouth!

I drop a mother-in-law!

Wow what level of battle is this!

Are the planes and tanks all dry?

Qunyinghui's younger brother: "Xu...Brother Xu! Are we still robbing?"

The corner of Xu Xiao's mouth twitched: "Can you resist the bomb?"

Younger brother: "Enough... enough for 78 chokes!"

Xu Xiao stared: "Then what are you forcing?"

Little brother:  …

Jiangnan shouted: "Iron! Don't aim! Shoot me!"

"Boom to death! Leave the rest to me!"



Jiangnan directly aimed one of the space wormholes at the muzzle!

another one?

Wherever you want to drive within 300 meters!

The space wormhole was simply played by Jiangnan!

Wang Tie said excitedly: "Okay!"


Accompanied by violent fire and loud noises!

There was a puff of smoke in place!

The gun channel is out of the chamber and disappears instantly through the wormhole!

Then the gunships in the sky!


It was directly bombed, lighting up the night sky!

commander:! ! !

Come up and blow up our plane?

[The resentment value from Ivanov Brada +1000! ]

The bombardment continues!

And this time, Ning Yuan aimed at the enemy hiding behind the bunker, banging!

With cannons! Fire splash! Rocks fly!

Jiangnan's grievance value list is refreshed like crazy!

Heart hey hey straight happy!

It's still cool to bombard it!

There is also resentment worth earning!

The only thing is bad!

Jiangnan regrets riding on the barrel of the cannon!

Hot ass!

Katerina was also aggrieved, and her whole body was lying on Jiangnan's back!

She is also hot, not only hot buttocks! It's still hot...cough!

At this moment, Jiangnan followed the flames of the plane's explosion.

I saw a group of people squatting in a small ravine!

Jiang Nan's eyes met Wei Changsheng's eyes!

The corners of the mouth evoke that iconic smile!

Wei Changsheng was shocked!

"Lying... in the trough!"

"The big thing is bad wow!"

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