Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1204 Temptation Technique?

And Merlin and Clegg's eyes became serious!

Jiangnan is playing!

Not serious at all!

In other words, facing the Pava horse herd, he didn't even feel threatened at all!

Merlin grinned: ( ◞·̀⌓·́) "This is not a combat power that a student can have. I thought the hippopotamus would cause trouble for him! But who knows..."

Clegg looked solemn: (·̀Ĺ̯·́◟ ) "China's second space system is about to rise, are you ready to squeeze into the world stage?"

"The old Vulcan has been silent for many years, but he has cultivated a successor!"

Both of them saw the momentum of Jiangnan!

No wonder Huaxia dared to let Jiangnan come to Yuguo for a business trip so reassuringly!

Pang Air is also feeling heavy at the moment!

Jiangnan's strength is somewhat beyond expectations, which is a good thing and a bad thing!

But Omega should be able to handle it, after all, the ability is there!

But the second insurance still needs to be done!

I saw Jiangnan running freely among the hippos, strolling in the courtyard, and knocking the hippos away!

But he explained it in his mouth!

( ・᷅ὢ・᷄ ) "The higher the level of the spirit beast, the higher the level of intelligence. Diamond beasts and star beasts already possess intelligence no less than that of humans!"

"The only way to tame such a spirit beast is to tame it! Let him know how powerful you are! Powerful!"

"That's how we have the capital to negotiate with him! This is the first step, have you learned it?"

Shaxia and the others almost popped their eyeballs!


In such a fierce battle, how did you manage to teach while fighting?

Do you want to be so easy?

Learning is learned, but once you do it, it will be useless!

Doesn't everyone have the strength to single out the Pava horses?

Jiangnan continues to explain!

☝(๑◠ٹ◠)☝ "After I tame these hippos, I'll feed them delicious food!"

"Turn the stick first and then give the sugar, let them overcome the psychological barrier of hating humans! Naturally, they will obey your orders!"

"Follow-up, you can also teach the hippopotamus battle formation, formation, and develop the wisdom of the hippopotamus! Improve the relationship, and even respect you like a father!"

"I named this method Hippo Wisdom Development The Three Things You Have to Do to Overcome Psychological Obstacles The Method of Taming Your Godson's Broken Iron Shoes!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard it!

Is the name of your method a bit long?

Sounds very esoteric, doesn't it?

Jiangnan blasted a hippopotamus, beating with one hand!

✌( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "Referred to as "Ma's mentally retarded refuses to accept the law"!"

Sasha:! ! !

There is no doubt, Jiang Nan is cursing people in different ways!

The reason why the name is so long is to make up curse words, right?

There is nowhere to look for the god special meow who has broken through the iron shoes!

Stop pretending! We have all discovered your little thoughts!

[Resentment value from Saxia +1000! ]

[From Clegg…]

[From Merlin...]

To put it bluntly, just keep hammering if you don't accept it, until people are convinced?

This is too simple and rude, right?

Clegg laughed and said, "Don't underestimate them, Pava hippos are full of stamina! These are a group of masters who would rather die than surrender!"

Otherwise, Jiang Nan wouldn't have specially asked them to tame them!

Jiang Nan was terrified when he heard this!

‼ (·'口'· ۶)۶ "Hiss~ full of anal fissures? Is it so scary? I have to be careful!"

Don't dare to follow with Ladou and Jiajiapulu anymore, it would be bad if you beat them again!

Craig: ? ? ?

Did you misunderstand something?

At this moment, the hippopotamus has almost been put down by Jiangnan!

More than a thousand hippos lay on the ground, and the rest of the hippos knew they couldn't beat this human demon!

All running in all directions, trying to escape!

And those hippopotamuses who were hammered to the ground climbed up without fear of life and death, delaying Jiangnan's actions!

Jiang Nan frowned, am I here? Can you run away?

So he took out a hundred shots, a hundred medium and small slingshots, and condensed out a black bead!

"Tracking the armor-piercing sparrow bomb!"

Pulling the bow with all my strength, I almost broke the rubber band!

Immediately let go, and the armor-piercing projectile bursting with dazzling aura was fired at an astonishing speed!


I thought I would go for those hippos!

But who knew that it turned a big bend halfway and smashed straight to the space above!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Pang Air:! ! !

Nima! Why did you come to shoot me?

I exposed? And the aiming part is a bit bad, isn't it?

But now Lao Tzu is in a gaseous state, invisible and formless, how can you hit a house sparrow?

See Lao Tzu change your position for you!

However, as soon as Pang Kong finished transferring his air sparrow, the armor-piercing projectile also turned a corner!

Then it exploded in the air!

➦━=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞❂)′ ロ`弌弌)



(ʘ̆口ʘ̥̆empty) "Ah~"

Amidst the violent explosion, there was a mournful howl!

But it was covered by the sound of the explosion, and the air began to vibrate endlessly!

Jiang Nan was stunned, how could the self-aiming mode that I had turned on explode in the air?

୧(๑·̌ . ·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣

The little slingshot is broken? Never seen anything like this before?

[Resentment value from Bombardier +1001! ]

This guy found me eavesdropping

Is the precipice intentional?

The unbelieving Jiangnan changed to a small slingshot, raised his hand and fired again!

Pang Air was terrified!

゙━=͟͟͞͞(Ŏ◊Ŏ ‧̣̥̇) again?

I hide!

However, no matter how he dodged, he was still hit by the armor-piercing bullet and exploded in the air!


[Resentment value from Bombardier +1001! ]

Jiang Nan looked suspicious!

It may be a coincidence once, but something is wrong twice!

Remember Bombardier's power is matter mimicry?

So he turned into air to eavesdrop?

He is the one with the highest level within three thousand meters?

Good guy! Can you even do this kind of thing?

If it wasn't for the reminder from the little slingshot, I really wouldn't have noticed it. After all, even Clegg and Merlin didn't notice anything unusual?

There was a devilish smile on Jiang Nan's face!

ψ(⃔ ๑⃙⃘ ' ٹ ' ๑⃙⃘ )⃕↝

Lao Tzu's class is paid!

To eavesdrop without paying? Give you a big snot soaked up?

I saw the small leather whip poking out from Jiangnan's back, and 20 vine branches emerged!

Like tentacles, holding ten small slingshots!

Jiangnan frantically condenses black beads to fill bombs! And the small slingshot started a round of salvos!

The armor-piercing bullets were shot out without money!

Bombardier was shocked!

How did Jiangnan become aware of his existence?

Do you want to just aim at Lao Tzu's sparrow?

The gaseous self doesn't have any strength at all, and it will shatter as soon as it is fried!

Although it can be condensed again, this special meow also hurts?

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of armor-piercing shells exploded in the air, brilliant like fireworks!

Bombardier's grievance value has gone crazy!

You just wait for me, the hatred of the fried sparrow is irreconcilable!

I will kill you sooner or later!

If it wasn't for Merlin and Clegg being by the side, I couldn't expose myself, so I'll teach you a lesson now!

However, this series of operations stunned Heidi and the others!

(ˀ̣ˀ̣・᷄~・᷅) "Brother Jiangnan? What are you doing? Is this also a necessary step to subdue spirit beasts?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "No! I called to thank you, just to celebrate the victory in advance!"

"This can cause psychological stress on the hippos!"

The corner of Roberte's mouth twitched, and you were the first to celebrate with a slingshot and set off fireworks halfway through the fight, right?

Soon Bombardier was far away from Jiangnan!

I don’t know how many times the air house sparrow was blown to pieces!

After going out of the range, the armor-piercing projectile no longer hits the air, but actually shoots towards the hippopotamus!

Jiang Nan was taken aback, did he leave?

Seeing that those hippopotamuses have already fled away, if you don't chase them, you may not be able to catch up!

Subconsciously want to wear a forgiveness hat!

But suddenly stopped!

If I were wearing a hat, there would be three Daotians present!

I'm afraid that if he didn't attract the hippo, he would be hammered to death first, right?

"The one? Who has the taunting skill? Pull a monster for me?"

Damon on the side raised his hands excitedly!

(꜀꜄⌯͒Ⱉ⌯͒꜂)ノ "Nan Shen, I can pull monsters! Let me help you!"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, that's right!

Damon's animalization is a devil lantern fish?

Damon came to the field and sipped lightly: "Beast Transformation Angler!"

The next moment, Dimon's ugly face completely turned into that of a devil fish!

It is black in color, its skin is covered with countless bumps, and its mouth is exaggeratedly large!

The chin is round, and the teeth are dense and sharp, protruding outward!

It looks extremely hideous and terrifying!

The dull hair on the top of its head turned into a small lantern emitting faint blue light, hanging in front of his forehead!

Countless stem filaments shot out from the spine and floated in the air!

Those stems also bloom with hazy blue light from time to time!


Although the half-beast Damon is still ugly and terrifying, it is much more pleasing to the eye than when he was in human form!

Ugly and ugly!

The academy tutors in the rear had already started to vomit, and they didn't dare to look directly at Damon's face!

Ugly horror is fine!

Still using a lantern to illuminate your face?

And it's Blu-ray? This is scarier, okay?

Dimon didn't take it seriously, but looked forward to it!

ᶘ꜂꜆҉ ᵒ̴̶̷ൠᵒ̴̶̷̣ᶅ⌒·′ - "Nanshin What should I do?"

Jiang Nan puffed out his cheeks!

(◦°ˉ᷄༥ˉ᷅°◦) "Just pull the monsters, and leave the rest to me!"

Damon straightened his body and shouted loudly: "Got it!"

"Talent Skill: Deep Sea Magic Light!"

The next moment, the lantern above his head burst into dazzling brilliance!

Those hippos that were irradiated seemed to be possessed, their eyes were attracted by the flashing blue light!

Desperately rushing towards the lantern!

Even the hippopotamuses that had run far away also rushed back one after another!

What is in the eyes is not hostility, but full of desire!

Desperate to get that ray of blue light, like a bewildered man!

Jiang Nan suddenly recovered from his absence!

I was almost attracted by the blue light just now, and couldn't help but want to grab the lantern!

This is different from the taunting skill, which is driven by anger, but by desire?

There is an essential difference between wanting to destroy in anger and wanting to gain!

The latter is not hostile, it is more appropriate to say it is an enemy luring skill!

This is even more advanced than the taunting technique, because the seduced object even puts down his guard under the blue light!

This is scary!

Jiang Nan grinned: "There is still something!"

So with a flick of the little leather whip, Damon was entangled and held high!

The hippopotamuses around are desperately rushing towards this side!

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