Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1192 Shiba Inu's Smile

It felt as if an electric current had come down from the top of the sky!

The whole body is numb and crispy!

The princesses were stunned, how could they keep their eyes off Jiangnan?

Just after hearing Sha Xia's magic voice, Jiang Nan's song was so young, so I just got it from them, okay?

The little heart almost jumped out!

Even the pupils have become heart-shaped!


The handsome Nanren who can fight, dance well, and sing well can't be rejected, okay?

Even the princes and dignitaries shivered collectively!

It's as refreshing as the one when the water is released!

Saxia was startled, with a dull expression on her face, what kind of high-pitched voice is this!


Why did I really "see" a young man standing on the edge of a cliff looking at the bright moon in his singing?

However, before Saxia could get out of the shock!

Jiangnan Zhuanmai will sing again!


"Young and so light ~ crazy!"

"Where do you want to go!"

Together, the atmosphere of the audience was completely ignited!

It's like Doudizhu just released four second opponents who can't afford it, and just dumped Wang Zha again!

The little girls looked at Jiangnan completely fascinated, and screamed excitedly!

?′?`? Bud~

There are not a few people who are so excited that they faint!

Saxia's head seemed to be hit with a sap, and her whole body was numb!

Young and frivolous, with lofty aspirations?

Isn't Jiangnan the true portrayal of the person in the song?

He sang about himself?

This strong oriental ancient charm, coupled with that opera accent, made Sha Xia's ears red!

[Resentment value from Saxia +1000! ]

He is so good at it!

Although I don’t want to admit it, but he seems to sing a little bit better than himself~

Heidi's face flushed with excitement, she didn't know what to say!

While pointing at Jiangnan, she pulled Robert's skirt!

Roberto blushed!

?﹏ヾ "Yeah! I see! It's... pretty handsome!"

I saw Jiangnan's mouth curled up, and his eyes were deep and confused!


"I'm only afraid of getting old and regretting my intestines~"

"Sigh for a lifetime ~ absurd!"

Saxia swallowed her saliva, opened her mouth but couldn't say anything!

I can only grind my teeth everywhere!

The princesses are crazy!

"Yeah! I don't care! I want to give birth to monkeys for him! Give birth to a litter!"

"Oh my god! This is too artistic, isn't it? People are not frivolous and waste youth! I want to be crazy!"

"Damn it! It's the focus of the audience when you open your mouth? I love it!"

"Isn't there a southerner who can't? Show off the audience anytime, anywhere?"

I saw Jiangnan holding up the microphone: "Ariel Barty! Let's get high together!"

During the conversation, more than a dozen dance grenades were thrown out and rolled to the ground...


Follow the silence in the field!

Everyone was terrified!


Depend on!

Why did this person throw a grenade while singing?

Listening to Sasha sing makes me want to die! Listening to Nanshen sing really dies?

Not Wang Zha? Is it really fried?

People had no time to escape, the grenade exploded, and colorful lightning covered the audience!

Cover everyone in it!

An irresistible urge to dance surged into Saxia's heart!

Sasha:? ? ?

I saw that she couldn't control herself at all, she raised one hand high and stretched out the other!

On the spot, COS set off a tornado passing through the border, spinning circles everywhere on the dance floor! ?

[Resentment value from Saxia +1000! ]

Damn wow! Why can't I help myself to such a vulgar dance!

I am the princess of Yuguo, graceful and ladylike!

I can't do this!

[From Sasha...]

She almost went crazy right away!

Looking at Jiangnan again, I saw that Jiangnan took out two Scallion Sacred Swords, swung the Scallion Sword Technique on the spot, and sang a song of great strength!

Keep recharging the holy sword of green onions, and I have charged more than a dozen of them in such a short time!

Saxia stares: ?﹏?. "Why can you dance such an embarrassing dance without caring! Aren't you shy?"

Jiang Nan looked indifferent: ??′??`?

"Face or something, I don't want it long ago!"

After so many years, Jiangnan's face is comparable to a city wall, and Daotian can't break through it!

Besides, everyone is embarrassing, as long as someone is more embarrassing than me, I am not ashamed!

Not only Sha Xia and Jiang Nan are dancing, but one of them in the house is not running away!

Heidi was doing a clapping dance, and Roberte was chopping around the room with a big sword, everyone's faces turned pale with fright!

With one hand on his hip and one arm swinging, Uzi crazily pushed his hips in a horse stance!

The mouth is still yelling non-stop!

?‖??口???? "Dad's surname is Gou~Dad's surname is Dad~"

His complexion is extremely black!

[Resentment value from Uzi +1000! ]

Damn it! My eldest prince is stable and handsome!

Quan Te Meow was ruined by you, you just wait for me!

[From Uzi...]

The dinner party finally came to an end amidst a crowd of demons dancing wildly. Those princes and nobles turned around and ran away. How could they dare to stay any longer?

They all took taxis, because the row of luxury cars parked in the parking lot was all packed by Jiangnan and stuffed into the alien space!

After agreeing to give a lecture at Landis College tomorrow, Jiang Nan and Xiaomi pulled him back to the mansion!

In front of the room, Yuna held Mira's hand and laughed!

"I'll sleep in another room with Mira, how about you tonight?"

Emma looked pity!

??﹃?? "Hey~ Didn't the master want one for two? I thought..."

Yuna picked up Mira and said, "It's too pitiful for Mira to sleep by herself, isn't it?"

Jiang Nan sneered in his heart, is this trying to separate us?

It seems that there is action tonight?

Just as Jiang Nan was about to speak, Mira smiled sweetly and said, "Well, I'm going to sleep with Sister Yuna, and I like her the most!"

As he spoke, he blinked his eyes at Jiangnan!


Jiangnan snickered, but Mira cooperated!

"Alright then, remember to keep Mira safe, she is very vulnerable at night!"

Yuna nodded: "Anyone who wants to touch her has to ask about my knife!"

As he said that, he carried Mira to the room deep in the mansion!

And Emma thoughtfully opened the room door for Jiangnan!

First ran in and scouted around very carefully to make sure it was safe!

Then he came to Jiangnan with a look of excitement!

"Master? Excuse me, should I take a bath first? Or the SPA first! Or should I eat first... me?"

While speaking, he grabbed the hem of his skirt, aimed at Jiangnan, and lifted it violently!

Jiang Nan's expression froze instantly!


I saw that Emma's white stockings are still normal, but it's not right any further!

Wearing a pair of lantern safety pants on his fleshy thighs, dozens of smiling Shiba Inu with thumbs up are printed on them!

The sense of the picture came out at once!

Jiang Nan didn't hold back!

???????? "Puff~hahaha! What the hell are you fat times? Where did you buy it? Isn't this wrong?"

Even if he was a bit thoughtful, he was turned off by the staring of these twenty-odd Shiba Inu?

Emma's face was blushing!

???﹏??? "It's... very strange? This is my favorite one? I changed it today!"

"Didn't you say that you need to teach me more in the future? You need to grow strawberries, and..."

"I...I will try my best to meet all reasonable and unreasonable demands of the master!"

Emma's little face is full of ambition, but her chubby legs can't help shaking!

Obviously very nervous!

Jiang Nan snickered and gave Emma a headache!

"What are you eating? I haven't even eaten, so eat first!"

"It's better to do this kind of thing with someone you like, I'll forget it!"

Emma was startled and said anxiously: ???﹏? "I like Master very much? I have learned a lot about this, and I won't let Master down!"

"Do you despise Emma for being unclean? No! Battle maids must cleanse themselves before they are dispatched!"

"And I heard from the seniors that after the princes got the maids, they all..."

Jiangnan's forehead was sweating profusely: ??w??? "I don't mean to dislike you, but how do you like it? You are clearly greedy for my body! You sp!"

"I like it~ It's not the kind of liking you understand, you will understand later!"

"The main reason is that you don't mind, in the future..."

Emma hurried over with an anxious expression on her face!

???? Mouth??? "I don't mind at all! Tell you that I can't hold back! Teach us knowledge every day, show us the study materials!"

"I know a lot, but it has been forbidden to operate! Who can bear it?"

"I look forward to being taken away every day, so I can~goose box~"

As he spoke, his saliva flowed out, and his eyes kept scanning Jiangnan's body!


The scenes of Jiangnan changing clothes are all in his mind!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched!

Where did this SP maid come from?

About that time when the maid lifted up her skirt for you to see?

Jiang Nan's face is dark, how much do you think?

"No, no, no! Go and get me a meal!"

Emma had a pitiful expression on her face, and then said with a smirk!

??w?? "Oh shit? Could it be that the master already has a girl he likes?"

Old Jiang Nan blushed and dodged his eyes!

?????? "Cough ~ don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Emma hurried over, eyes full of curiosity: "Who is who? Tell me? I promise not to tell anyone else!"

Jiangnan teleported away from the questioning, and poured his strength into the bathtub!

"Go and beg for food!"

While speaking, he began to pour his strength into the bathtub!

Emma salutes: ∠`w′ "Good! So if you do a good job, can you reward me and wash it together?"

Jiang Nan had a dark face: ?????????????? "Just rub my back!"

Emma's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she immediately went to beg for food full of energy!

Jiang Nan, who was lying in the bathtub, began to cultivate his spiritual muscles and jade bones, and then began to look forward to tonight's action!

I don't know who will come?

Now Jiang Nan is not sure which maid has the problem!

But after tonight, you should know!

At this moment, in Mira's room, Yuna is bathing Mira, laughing non-stop, and the atmosphere is peaceful!

I saw Yuna squatting outside the bathtub, a black shadow sprang out from her feet!

Extend along the shadow of the room and go all the way!

In Uzi's room, Uzi in a bathrobe sits on a stool and lights a cigarette!

Looked up at the time!

At this moment, the shadows converged, forming a human figure with blurred facial features behind the curtain...

"Yuna! Met Lord Uzi!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Uzi's mouth: "Very good!"

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