Following the butler's announcement, the entire banquet hall fell silent!

Saxia, who had just sat on a chair to rest, stood up again before her butt was warmed up!

Looking at Jiangnan with resentment on his face!


She seriously suspected that they were all swollen from the fall!

Damn Jiangnan! You wait for this girl!

Jiangnan also followed everyone's gaze!

I saw an old man with white curly hair walking unsteadily, his footsteps were flimsy!


He was unusually tall, but his cheeks were sunken and his complexion was sallow!

There is a thick white beard on his face, and a pair of blue eyes are extremely bright!

A complex blue mantra on the brow appears and disappears from time to time!

As the king of the fish kingdom, I thought the level was not good, but the level of the king of the sea, Senna, is actually very high!

However, the most attractive thing is not Neptune!

It was the hundreds of girls following behind him!

All dressed in dresses, with charming smiles, their complexions are extremely rosy, and their cheeks seem to be dripping water!

Some are even younger than some princes and princesses!

Jiang Nan almost lost his eyes on the spot!

∑(*口*๑) giao!

Are there so many?

Immediately, all the princesses and princes saluted one after another, and Heidi rushed up happily and threw herself into Senna's arms to act like a baby!

"Father! Why did you come? Heidi has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Senna laughed loudly: (›′w`‹ )୨ "Dad was busy just now, didn't he marry more than 20 daughters-in-law a few days ago!"

"Come? Let's meet, this is your 298 mother! This is your 318 mother!"

(›′口`‹ )っ(∗❛ั .̫ ❛ั∗)

Senna gave Heidi a warm introduction at that time!

Heidi looked blindly at the mothers who were about the same age as her, and nodded mechanically!

(≖_≖ )…

Jiangnan covered his face, god special meow 318 mom!

(′-﹏-` ‧̣̥̇)

No wonder Heidi couldn't remember who Adams was born!

Neptune is also a philanthropic person!

At this moment, many aristocratic girls were excited!

(∗゚w゚) "It might be a bit daunting to be seen by the eldest prince! But let's study Senna-sama?"

(o'w'o) "That's right! Once we are photographed, the eldest prince will call us motherfuckers!"

Uzi: (¬_¬٥)...

Senna never refused to come, and the winks thrown by those noble children responded one by one!

Jiangnan: (。˘ก˘。) "cough~"

A light cough immediately attracted Sea King Senna's attention!

I saw Senna laughing loudly, walking towards Jiangnan dangling!

٩(› ⁼̴ ᗜ ⁼̴‹ ) "I've waited so much, I've waited for you! I'm a bit late, don't mind my little brother!"

But before he got to Jiangnan, he saw Senna's legs go limp!

The whole person fell forward, and was quickly supported by Jiangnan, leaving a mark!

You can't help but sweat profusely on your forehead, you are a Daotian-level powerhouse, do you want to pretend to be like this?

Senna smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I made the little brother laugh!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched slightly: (·́w·̀ ٥) "To put it bluntly, you are so old, you should take a rest!"

"It doesn't matter if Ga Beng disappears one day. Wouldn't your daughters-in-law be widows? Did you make it easier for others?"

"And what do you want Heidi to do? Right?"

Senna's expression froze, his face turned black!


Should I say it or not! What you said is really ugly, isn't it?

What the heck just disappeared?

[Resentment value from Senna Atlas +1000! ]

Clegg laughed and said, "Master Jiedu really knows how to joke! Lord Neptune is 44 years old this year, and he is in his prime!"

Jiang Nan was terrified, and his jaw hit the ground with a click!

Σ(っ °口 °;)っ

Is there a mistake?

Only 44 years old? Are you just getting old like this?

If you don’t tell me, I thought you were 104 years old!

Could Neptune be a sprinkler irrigation machine in his previous life?

The cabbage that squeezed itself dry and moistened the entire vegetable field?

yo yo!

Senna shook his head and sighed!

(›⇀‸↼‹) "This must be the emperor's hatred, right? For the sake of political affairs, premature aging! This is also something that can't be helped!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead!

(︶﹏︶٥) "Ahaha~ahhaha, it's really serious!"

I believe you ghost ah!

You are 24 hours a day, maybe 25 hours are doing business, right?

Senna walked to the main seat and sat down, and even more enthusiastically pulled Heidi and Jiangnan to sit next to him!

The mother group stood behind her, like a hundred flowers blooming!

Jiangnan felt dozens of eyes following him non-stop, even the 318 mother was still winking at him!

Jiangnan is like sitting on pins and needles!

What the hell!

Senna said, "Uzi and Sasha are there too?"

The two hurriedly bowed to say hello, but seeing Heidi sitting next to Senna, their expressions were a bit ugly!

Senna leaned on his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I've heard about the assassination incident during the day!"

"Those who prevent our country of fish from reaching a strategic cooperation with Huaxia, ignore the majesty of our Atlas family, the majesty of the country of fish, and they deserve to be punished!"

"What do you think about this matter?"

Uzi trembled, and hurriedly said: "I have already sent people to investigate. After comparing the fingerprints of the corpses, some clues have been found. Within three days! I will definitely find out the murderer!"

"To demonstrate the national prestige of our country of fish!"

Senna's expression remained unchanged: "One day! Are you clear?"

Both Uzi and Sasha bowed their heads and nodded heavily!

Senna turned to Jiangnan with a smile on his face!

(›′◡`‹◟) "Brother Jiang! You have also seen it, don't let some unpleasant things destroy the cooperation between the two countries!"

"I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter, this is the sincerity of my fish country!"

Jiangnan's skinny smile is not real!

(ꐦ乛ㅂ乛) Heh~

If you can catch the real culprit, those two real culprits are standing below!

Do thieves shout, "Stop a thief?" It is estimated that two scapegoats and scapegoats will be launched, so let's forget about it!

Senna isn't just a shower machine, so let's talk about it first, so that he can't make a fuss about it?

Even if you know that your son and daughter did it, do you still want to protect the calf?

Jiang Nan waved his hand!

(๑·̀口·́)ノ"Sure? I have a big heart, open to all people, how can I take small things to heart?"

"I didn't care at all!"

Senna laughed heartily: "Hahaha! I just think that the little brother is not the kind of person who will take revenge and care about small things!"

"Since this time it's for imparting the knowledge of spiritual pets in our country, Huaxia's Tiger Hunting Legion is even more in the limelight!"

"Why don't you show one or two at this banquet, teach us some experience, how about some dry goods?"

"How about going to Lantis College to teach tomorrow?"

As soon as these words came out, the interest of everyone in the field was raised!

Jiang Nan is the originator of the world of spiritual pets!

Let's not talk about anything else, let's just talk about the Fat Orange and Tiancong Ivy in Xijiang, they are both Daotian-level spirit beasts!

Now they are all used by Huaxia!

This alone makes other countries envious!

I saw Jiangnan standing up suddenly, with a smile all over his face: "If that's the case? Then I'll...ah~"

୧( ͡ಠ 口 ͡ಠ)୨ah~

A heart-piercing scream came out, and Senna, who had just been sitting on the stool, was almost whipped out of fright!

Suddenly bounced off the stool!

[Resentment value from Senna +1000! ]

[From Uzi's…]

I saw Jiangnan holding his head in both hands, with a grim and painful expression!

Rolling back and forth on the ground in pain, screaming!

The forehead is full of cold sweat!

୧(ꐦ˃᷄ ‧̣̥̇优 ‧̣̥̇˂᷅ꐦ)୨

Everyone was shocked by this scene, what happened?

Is this poisoned?

Emma panicked even more, the owner clearly didn't get any wool?

How could it be poisoned?

Senna looked nervous: (›・ˇ_ˇ・‹) "Little friend? What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Jiang Nan knocked his head wildly, and said in pain: "It hurts! My head hurts!"

୧(ꐦ༎ຶ口༎ຶꐦ)୨ "I don't know why! Whenever I think about the knowledge about spiritual pets, I get a headache! Damn it! I can't remember anything!"

"It must be the bullet that hit my head and gave me a concussion!"

"It caused partial amnesia! Hiss~ My head is about to explode!"

Jiang Nan was rolling and shouting!

The expression on Senna's face froze!

God special meow partial amnesia? I have read a lot of books, and I have never heard of your disease?

Can your purpose be any more obvious?

You just said that you have a broad mind, so you don't care at all?

[Resentment value from Senna +666! ]

That's good, just give me eye drops when you come up?

"Why didn't I know that a concussion can also cause partial amnesia? I really can't remember at all?"

Jiang Nan was in extreme pain, his eyes were blood red!

The next moment, a mouthful of hot blood spurted out from the mouth, and the spray was several tens of meters, bending the high-pressure water gun!

It almost didn't spray outside the banquet hall!


Not only did he vomit, but he even started to bleed from his orifices!

"No! When I think about it, I feel like I'm going to die!"

Heidi was so frightened that she rushed forward and hugged Jiangnan's head, tears fell on Jiangnan's face!

( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́﹏ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀๐) "Dad! Brother Jiangnan said he couldn't remember, so don't let him think about it!"

"Look at how painful he is! That shot was so powerful, Brother Jiangnan's head must have been smashed!"

"Maybe he got some miscellaneous disease, you need to find someone to save him!"

Senna's face turned black, are you going to die right here, kid?

This is obviously acting, right? Daughter, you can have a snack!

Don't turn your elbows outward?

"Then don't think about it for now, hurry up! The child is 120 mother, hurry up and save her!"

A princess rushed up and quickly used the recovery skill, Jiang Nan's complexion improved a bit!

He got up from the ground as if nothing had happened, and wiped the blood off his face!

Annoyed face: ୧(#・᷄~・᷅) "Oh, if you don't think about it, it will be fine immediately. I didn't expect that I am the strongest platinum in the world!"

"After being hit hard on the head, I actually got this strange disease!"

"I don't think I can remember this thing about spiritual pet learning for the time being!"

Senna's eyes twitched!

(ꐦ›ˉ͒ㅂˉ͒‹) "It's's fine, after all, you were hit hard on the head, and it's also my country's negligence!"

"Then how can this disease be cured?"

[Resentment value from Senna +666! ]

Jiang Nan looked pensive, and his eyes couldn't help falling on Saxia's chest...

(๑¥ก¥) Uh~

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