Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1167: Dying! Dianabol

If you say that yourself, isn't it equivalent to confessing to Xiaonan?

Where can this work?

I am Xiaonan's Sister Shanmao, the guide, and now I tell Xiaonan that!

What would he think?

So he quickly said: (˃᷄﹏˂᷅๑) "Don't think too much, I, I...I, oops! I can't explain it clearly!"

"In short, I don't want to be the one who restrains you. I have watched you grow up to this day. I am happier than anyone else that you are so powerful!"

"You can go further! I don't want to tie you down for something! I..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan's eyes were already full of tenderness!

Open your arms and hold the bobcat tightly in your arms, hold it tight!

( ・᷄◡・᷅)) ᵒ̴̶̷̥́~ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀๐)

Bobcat's body froze suddenly, and his hands were at a loss!

But it still fell on Jiangnan's waist!

At this moment, the eyes of those peeping outside the door were bright!



Luo Tianqing is about to lose her temper, the little wolf dog is very aggressive!

Only Luo Changge lay on the ground and vomited blood...


Can you step on your horse and not lie on me?

How could Jiangnan not know Shanmao's thoughts?

Then every time I go out on a mission, I will bring the photos on the bedside table!

That candy wrapper in the book!

That's the way he obviously thought about it, but insisted that he didn't want to because of face!

That stubborn gaze that tried to stand in front of him no matter what danger he encountered...

This is my sister Shanmeow!

(*ớ◡ờ) "I am also very lucky to meet you! I wonder if I saved the world in my previous life!"

"I understand your thoughts, Sister Shanmiao will still be Sister Shanmiao!"

"You were always protecting me before, and I'm not the kid who set up a stall!"

"This time, I will deal with it, and I will give you a satisfactory result! Definitely!"

Jiangnan's magnetic voice resounded in Bobcat's ears!

Bobcat closed his eyes and listened, the embrace was still so warm!

A strong sense of security arises spontaneously, as if all the grievances and sufferings of the past few days have disappeared in smoke!

(☍◡⁰๐) "Hmm~"

There was a soft hum, like a lazy cat purring, and a smile appeared on Bobcat's face again!

At this moment, only a "boom" was heard!

The floor cracked and a big hole was created, and Luo Changge, who was at the bottom, slammed into the basement!

Luo Tianqing firmly supported the ground with all four limbs, her face flushed red, so as not to fall!

The sudden movement startled Shanmao, and quickly escaped from Jiangnan's arms!

Looking along the crack of the door, I saw several people froze at the door!

Luo Yuhui: (٥・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Ahaha~ahhaha~ This dilapidated house is really not strong!"

Bobcat's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he turned his head away!


The scene just now was seen by parents?


This, this... I'm ashamed to see people!

Knowing what Shan Mao meant, Jiang Nan looked calm and smiled at this moment!

(・᷅◡・᷄) "Uncle? Let's go see Grandpa Luo! I heard that the situation is not good?"

Luo Yuhui's expression froze, and he let out a long sigh!

(′-﹏-`٥) "Come with me!"

A group of people came to the depths of the compound, here is a special room!

The foundations are all steel!

As soon as I entered, I was facing the mourning hall of the Luo Family!

The ones enshrined in the back are still spirit cards, which is quite normal!

But what is close is the human skeleton!

I saw several black skeletons sitting cross-legged on the altar, with tablets in their arms!


Metal texture exudes on the bone!

Seeing this scene as soon as he entered the door, really shocked Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan was stunned: ∑(°口°๑) "This...what's the situation?"

Luo Tianqing pointed at the skeleton!

ᥬ(๑・᷅◠・᷄)☛"This is the second grandfather! That is the third grandfather, their bones cannot be melted by cremation!"

"It can't be dealt with, so I can only offer it like this..."

Luo Yuhui bowed: "Before they died, their bones weighed more than a hundred tons!"

"Because of old age and frailty, weakened muscle strength, unable to bear the heaving chest cavity, the second uncle was crushed to death! The third uncle has bone cancer!"

Jiang Nan's eyelids twitched, how did he train his bones like this?

I'm afraid this bone density has long surpassed any metal on the periodic table, right?

Everyone came to the side hall of the mourning hall!

I saw a skinny old man lying on the hospital bed with sunken eye sockets, looking like he was about to die!


The nutrient solution is hanging on the arm!

A metal breathing tube was inserted into the throat, and beside it was a huge hydraulic cylinder ventilator, which was running non-stop!

Make the old man's chest heave up and down!

With every breath, the alloy steel hospital bed made an overwhelmed "squeak" sound!

The one lying here is the head of the Luo family, Luo Jiaoyang!

After seeing Luo Jiaoyang's haggard appearance, Shanmao Luo Tianqing's eyes turned slightly red!

After getting off the breathing tube, I couldn't even eat or talk, so I had to infuse fluids to keep me alive!

Seeing Jiangnan's figure in the crowd, Luo Jiaoyang couldn't help his eyes light up!

Luo Yuhui sighed: "My dad has been like this for a while, and I won't hide it from you!"

"If you can complete the spiritual muscles and bones and save my father's life, the Luo family can give you whatever you want!"

"You and Xiaohong seem right to me, they just happen to be together..."

But before Luo Yuhui finished speaking, Jiang Nan walked over to the hospital bed!

"Uncle, I don't need to mention this anymore! You know about the Chen family's affairs, I can make up for my flesh and bones! Don't ask for anything in return!"

"The only condition is to write the spiritual muscles and jade bones into the textbook, so that everyone can practice and contribute to the progress of the spiritual martial arts world!"

"Your bones are black, as hard as gold and iron, and extremely heavy. This is not in line with the original intention of your spiritual muscles and bones. It must be something wrong with your training!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Jiaoyang coughed violently on the hospital bed!

He stared fiercely at Jiangnan, shaking his head constantly!

(›ʘ̆Дʘ̥̆‹‖) cough cough ~

But Jiang Nan didn't care, just looked at Luo Yuhui quietly!

I saw Luo Yuhui's troubled face: "Announce the spiritual muscles and jade bones, and my Luo family, as a power department, will no longer have the means to surpass everyone!"

"This is absolutely impossible! Can't you save my father? He is Xiaohong's grandfather!"

"Do you really have the heart to watch him die?"

When Shan Mao heard this, she couldn't bear to turn her head away. This was the last thing she wanted to see!

But remembering the previous promise, Shanmao let Jiangnan do it!

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "I'm just announcing the top-level cultivation method! The most peak method is still in the hands of the Luo family!"

"Also! This senior's level is Daotian 2! It seems to be the only Daotian level in the Luo family, right?"

"To put it bluntly! The old man can't live long in this situation, and you only have Xingyao Liu! Can you really be promoted to Daotian before the old man passes away?"

"I see enough, right? In Jieshi Luo's family will have no Daotian town. What are the consequences? Don't I need to say more?"

Luo Yuhui stares: (ꐦಠ依ಠ) "You..."

It's hard to say, but it's true! Once the old man is gone, the Luo family will be encroached upon and suppressed by other second-rate families!

Once it is not handled well, it may be in decline!

Even if the old man is still there, because he can't move and there is almost no threat, those second-rate families with Xingyao are already gearing up!

The Luo family looks good on the surface, but in fact life is not easy!

Luo Jiaoyang's cough became worse, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say, with an aggrieved expression on his face!

Jiangnan continued: (≖~≖ ) "Of course! If you don't promise me, I can!"

"I'm kissing Sister Shanmiao, her grandfather is my grandfather! I specify that I can't look at the old man! There is still a way to continue life or something!"

While speaking, he pulled out Luo Jiaoyang's infusion tube and threw the nutrient solution aside!

Take out a bucket of Dali 2.0 from the alien space and hang it on the hook!

Then push the infusion tube in!

At this moment, the Luo family present were all dumbfounded!


What are you doing? That's the old man's lunch, right?

What's in your bucket? Is it really good to hang the water dispenser bucket as a hanging bottle?

[Resentment value from Luo Yuhui +666! ]

[From Yun Jin...]

Shanmao Luo Tianqing also widened her eyes!

∑(°口°(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)᭄

Hey Hey hey!

Don't just take Dali 2.0 as a nutrient solution and give it to grandpa!

How is this different from hanging two bottles of Erguotou Wuliangye for a dying person?

Even Luo Jiaoyang was dumbfounded!

What did you young man hang up for me?

However, at the next moment, Luo Jiaoyang's eyes widened sharply!

The few hairs left on her had completely fallen out, and the top of her head was shining brightly! -

`(› ͡⚆ mouth ͡⚆‹)′-

It really is like a scorching sun!

The originally withered muscles began to swell and become full!

Although he still looks thin and weak, the surging strength in his body cannot be faked!

I can support myself to breathe without a ventilator!

At this moment, Luo Jiaoyang looked at the barrel of Dali, as if he saw the water of life!

Struggling to sit up from the hospital bed, he pulled off the breathing tube!

Grabbed the big water bucket, pointed it at his throat and poured it in!

Everyone opened their mouths wide, watching this scene with horror on their faces!

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

The old man sat up?

Jiang Nan was also horrified, Dali 2.0 has been beaten down, the old man is just barely able to maintain his actions!

How much does his body weigh?

Regardless of everyone's shock, Jiangnan coughed lightly!

(。˘ก˘。) "Uncle! You have seen it too, I can supply the old man with this energy! Until he dies!"

"But the most fundamental problem still cannot be solved. The elderly in the clan are all facing this kind of problem, and some are suffering from bone cancer!"

"Even if you are old one day, you will spend the last days of your life lying in bed in torture!"

"Get through this time! How long can the old man survive? How long can the Luo family survive?"

Luo Yuhui just recovered from the shock, his steel teeth clenched!

(◞ŏ优ŏ) "I can understand that, are you threatening me?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "So? Isn't this what the Luo family did to Sister Shanmiao?"

"She is your daughter, you are willing to do this! Why can't I?"

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