Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1151 Just take me one? (plus more)

Ye Xingxuan immediately got goosebumps all over her body, and her body froze in place!

˚‧o·(˚ ˃~˂ )‧o·˚

Hey Hey hey!

Is this the beginning?

I knew that those with long tentacles were not good people, did they?

This kind of touch is too strange, isn't it?

Ye Xingxuan wanted to yell, but she was afraid of being discovered, so she could only hold back!

The little hands are clasped together!

At this moment, Ye Xingxuan suddenly felt that Fujieda had come to the foot of the mountain!

Can't help but let out a "beep" sound!

( ớ ﹏ ờ ) Oh~

The student next to him couldn't help but wondered: "Sister Xingxuan? What's wrong?"

Ye Xingxuan's forehead was sweating profusely, she quickly pulled on her clothes, and a smile appeared on her face!

(๑・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "'s okay, I touched the gunshot wound on my thigh, it hurts!"

In fact, my heart is almost going crazy!

Fujieda pressed back and forth on the vest, not knowing what he was doing?

Jiang Nan looked puzzled, so he wrote on Ye Xingxuan's stomach!

(๑·̌.·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ "Why is there no steel ring lining in your milk cap?"

Ye Xingxuan:? ? ?

Do you want the underwire on the vest? Do you want to use this thing to unlock it?

I... I thought so!

Ye Xingxuan's face was blushing at this moment!


By the way, why do you know so much about vests? Did you know there's a rim in there?

"Nonsense! Now basically there are no rims, and the shape of the rims... Bah! Why should I explain this to you?"

Jiang Nan is also confused, is there no steel ring in the milk cover now?

Bad review!

The times are changing with each passing day!

Ye Xingxuan blushed, and asked in a low voice: "Sisters, which one of you has the underwired vest?"

Many girls shook their heads and looked puzzled at the same time, why did Sister Xingxuan ask this?

I saw Zhou Yuqing's weak voice!

( ・᷄~・᷅)ノ "I... mine is that style..."

Ye Xingxuan's eyes brightened: "Great! Xiaoqing, don't move!"

Jiangnan naturally heard it clearly through the small leather whip, and quickly controlled the rattan branch to wrap around Zhou Yuqing!

Zhou Yuqing's eyes widened, and she watched in horror as Fujie crawled in along her cuffs!

This... this is Brother Jiangnan?

What does he want?


I saw Zhou Yuqing covering her mouth fiercely, her pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, steaming hot!

˚‧o·(˚ ˃ก˂ )‧o·˚

After a while, the vine root was withdrawn, and it also brought a semicircular steel ring!

Retracted to the ground!

As soon as the little whip was gone, Zhou Yuqing was paralyzed on the ground, her face was as red as an apple!

As long as you can help Brother Jiangnan, that's fine!

Jiang Nan looked at the rim and laughed!

The mere spirit-binding handcuffs, how can it be difficult for me to fall?

I saw that Fujieda was as flexible as a finger, turning the steel ring into a special shape and inserting it into the keyhole!

In the time it took to fart, all 38 spirit-binding handcuffs were released!

Even the spirit-binding iron locks were all unlocked!

But there was still a bound Lingzhu in the stomach, Jiang Nan opened his mouth slightly, and the slender vine branches extended down the esophagus into the stomach!

Rolled out the Binding Lingzhu, and was crushed by Jiangnan!

The spiritual power has been completely restored!

Looking at the silk on his body, Jiang Nan's muscles were tense and his veins were bulging. He only heard "bang bang bang" a few times, and the silk was ripped apart by Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan, who got up from the ground, stretched fiercely!

A teleportation disappeared from the cell and appeared in the stronghold!

A black-hooded man with his head leaning against the wall and swiping his phone seemed to have noticed the movement, and then looked up!

Jiang Nan grinned and raised his hand to say hello!


Then, with his little hands on his back, he swaggered towards the bonfire not far away!

The black hood stared wide-eyed, and the phone dropped to the ground!


Fuck wow!

That that... is Jiangnan?

He ran out? Greeting me arrogantly?


The black hood was so frightened that he hurriedly turned around to greet people!

A big pot of instant noodles is cooking in front of the campfire!

I heard that Huayin captured Jiangnan, so Fu Lei and 001 also came over!

The stronghold over there is guarded by men, and only 001 is left with one arm to guard the heart!

At this moment, the four of them were holding the bowls and chopsticks, eating instant noodles!

Fu Lei frowned: "Jiangnan won't let go? Then we can only send someone to contact the academy!"

"Now that Jiangnan is in our hands, Huaxia will not sit idly by!"

Huayin asked suspiciously, "One thing I'm curious about is why the academy hasn't taken any action so far when something happened to the students?"

Milano said triumphantly, "Are you overconfident? After all, Jiangnan is following me this time, but they never expected that Jiangnan will also fall into my hands!"

001 looked relieved: "I still have to be Cowboy Brother! But if we have a showdown with Huaxia like this, don't we have to act too hastily?"

"Let's catch some meat tickets! In addition, we must keep an eye on Jiangnan, and we can't let him run away!"

Mirando patted his chest: "My silk is so tough that Jiangnan can't break it at all! You just have to be 100-hearted!"

And at this moment, I saw Jiangnan walking to the pot with his little hands on his back!

He took out the rice bowl, picked out two chopsticks and instant noodles in the pot, and put all the poached eggs in the pot into his own bowl!

Sitting next to him as if nothing had happened, he became bald!

(๐・᷄ཀ・᷅)⋋♨ "Have you added too little water? It's a bit squishy?"

At this moment, the four people in front of the bonfire were all petrified in place!


Staring at the bald instant noodles Jiangnan!

Milan's rice bowls all fell to the ground!

Huayin coughed violently, two unfinished instant noodles spewed out from her nostrils and hung on them!

(˃᷄ །~། ˂᷅๑)

Fleur and 001 were stunned!

"Is that what you two said you got caught?"

After a while, Kung Fu Jiangnan finished a bowl of instant noodles and burped!

The rice bowl was handed to Mirando: "Hey~ I'm not full, let's have another bowl!"

Miranda:! ! !

"You, you... how did you get out?"

Obviously bound spirits, bound spirit beads, handcuffs chains and silk are all used!

Wrapped three times to the left and three times to the right, why did he just run out to cook as if nothing had happened?

And ate all the poached eggs?

Jiangnan Tanshou: ʅ( ・′‸・`)ʃ "Why don't you just have hands? You didn't say to bring me some food? I can only rely on myself?"

As he said that, he went to serve another bowl!

[The resentment value from Huayin +1000! ]

Are you a captive here?

Are you going to be so arrogant that you come out and grab our food in front of us?

This is a blatant slap in the face!

Why don't you take us seriously?

Seeing all the black hoods staring at him, Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows!

"Hey, hey, when are you going to catch students? Take me with you when the time comes?"

"It's too boring to keep me locked up like this? I have the potential to be a bad person!"

"Take me, I'll catch three to five thousand of you in one wave! Give me a black hood!"

Fleur:? ? ?

"What? What are you talking about? Are you going to catch students with us?"

"Do you still think we have caught fewer people?"

Can you be more arrogant?

Feeling that the enemy is too unchallenging, so you kindly join the enemy team to help arrest the students?

Increase the difficulty of the task?

There is no such thing as you!

[Resentment value from Fleur +1000! ]

"You are too much!"

Jiang Nan pointed to his nose in astonishment: "Where did I go too far? Am I kind?"

"Don't be so narrow-minded! Just take me with you?"

While speaking, his eyes fell on 001, seeing that he was missing an arm!

Can't help but stepped forward and put an arm around his shoulder: "Is that right? Brother Ling Feng? Help me convince them?"

"Why is the arm gone again? Oh~ I know! It must have been removed on purpose to play a good or bad guy, right? You are so dedicated!"

001:? ? ?

Who is it, Brother Feng?

[Resentment value from Cindy +1000! ]

Jiangnan: (๑·̌~·̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣

Frey? Cindy?

Why are these foreign names?

and many more! The name Cindy seems to have appeared once in the academy before?

At this moment, a bunch of black hoods came running over!

"Damn! Boss! That bastard Jiangnan ran out? He..."

Mirando has a dark face!

(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄ "I saw it! Du Temiao came here to eat poached eggs!"

[Resentment value from Mirando +1000! ]

Jiangnan:! ! !

Who is Miranda? It's impossible to have someone with this name among the instructors, right?

I giao!

This damn is not really here to steal the rabbit, is it? Really badass?

Isn't Brother Hu and the others playing it?

Thinking of all the abnormal behaviors before, plus so many old black hoods!

Jiang Nan swallowed!

Wan Duzi, what a villain!

Not only did I cooperate with their "performance" and arrested many students, but I also wanted to go with them to arrest students?

At this moment, ten thousand horses are galloping in Jiangnan's heart!

Damn it, is it such a coincidence?

You don't want to make a cameo while we cast someone to play the villain?

Now the Stealing Rabbit Alliance has so many students in its hands... hiss~

And these people seem to be a little bit capable, what should I do?

I am in an embarrassing situation now!

If you turn your face directly, those students are all your own tricks!

Even if he is strong enough, he doesn't have the confidence to save everyone without damage!

Jiang Nan's thoughts changed sharply, and he couldn't help but stare and curse!

(ꐦ°᷄口°᷅)☛"What's wrong with me eating some noodles? If it weren't for me, would you have caught these students so easily?"

"You're just killing a donkey? What's the point of making me play a bad guy?"

Huayin gritted her teeth: "Are we here to play with you?"

Jiang Nan scratched his head: "Otherwise? Didn't the instructor play the villain, catch the students, and then test the students' reactions in life-and-death crises?"

"Bring me one, I'll be serious about catching students! Brother Feng! Why don't you talk to me?"

As he said, he put his arms around 001's shoulders, and his eyes flew for a while!

(๑◔◡◔ิ๑)(̿▀̿~▀̿ ̿)̄

At this moment, Fleur and the others looked at each other, and suddenly realized!

So wow!

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