Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1138 Bobo Lipstick! Not selling lipstick! only sell bobo

Everyone opened their mouths wide, watching this scene in astonishment!

Zhou Yuqing's legs softened, and her pretty face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye!

A puff of white smoke emerged from the top of the head, as if turning into a steam engine!


Ye Xingxuan, who was standing closest, even widened her eyes!


What the hell kind of demo is this?

I think you just want to kiss a girl, right?

However, Jiangnan didn't stop at all, holding Zhou Yuqing's face and kissing madly for a while!

Make a "boo boo boo" sound!

In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen lip marks on Zhou Yuqing's face!

And Zhou Yuqing was in a daze, feeling like her heart was about to jump out!


The two hands subconsciously wanted to grab something, so they couldn't help but hugged Jiangnan's tiger waist!

The last kiss!

Jiang Nan looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction and wiped his mouth!

(๑ˉٹˉิ)☛"Let's work~"

Zhou Yuqing staggered back two steps, as if all her strength had been drained, she fell down on the floor!

The blush on my face hasn't faded yet!

Is Brother Jiangnan confessing his love to me?

I... what should I do?

Ahhh! Crazy!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Xiaoqing? Try it! I've given you all my housekeeping skills!"

Ye Xingxuan covered her face: "Is your housekeeping skill the same as kissing girls?"

However, being called by Jiangnan, Zhou Yuqing suddenly came back to her senses!

I seem to feel that something is different from before!

The next moment, Zhou Yuqing's figure suddenly disappeared on the floor spread!

Immediately, it appeared at an altitude of 3,000 meters, and the whole person fell at a high speed!

I couldn't help but let out a scream, and watched the ground hit me!

So he closed his eyes tightly and teleported again!

People are back in the crowd!

Everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene in horror!

Depend on!

How could Zhou Yuqing teleport? She is also a space department?

Hiss~ No, it's Nan Shen's kiss?

As long as you are kissed by Nanshen, you can master the teleportation skill?

Even Zhou Yuqing looked at her hands in disbelief!

But saw Jiangnan smiling!

(ʃƪ ˘ 3˘) "Nan Shen Bobo, one Bobo can give you the ability to teleport for ten minutes, do you want to try it?"

Ye Xingxuan:! ! !

"Yes, yes!"

So he rushed to Jiangnan like the wind, held Jiangnan's face in his hands, and directly printed his own cheek on it!

After printing the left face and the right face, it was printed more than ten times in a blink of an eye!

Jiang Nan swallowed, good guy!

Are you so rough?

I saw Ye Xingxuan looking forward to teleport, but the person stood still!

Can't help wondering: ୧(๑·̌~·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ "Why is it useless?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes!

(*꒪ัε꒪ั*) "I haven't put on lipstick yet?"

Ye Xingxuan's expression froze!

Why didn't you say it earlier? Let you kiss a dozen times in vain?

"Quick, quick! Put on lipstick and kiss me, two more kisses!"

Jiangnan is sneaky and straight, this is the first time I have heard such an unreasonable request!

That must satisfy you? Who told me that Jiang Bobo must be tough if he has a ball?

So I put lipstick on my mouth, like a woodpecker, kissing my head like an illusion!

It even sounds like a printer!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xingxuan's cheeks were covered with lip prints!

In the next second, Ye Xingxuan's body suddenly disappeared and flashed continuously in the air!

Shouting excitedly!

٩(๑˃̶ 口 ˂̶)۶ "Oh my God! Teleportation is so cool, isn't it?"

At this moment, none of the freshmen could hold back, their gazes all fell on Jiangnan's lips, like hungry wolves!

"Kiss me! I want this, I want a hundred mouthfuls! Let me drown in Nanshen's fragrant kiss!"

"Even if you can't teleport, I will pay Nanshen to kiss me?"

"Hiss~ If I can teleport, it won't take off in the ant nest maze?"

"Nan Shen! You're welcome, just suck me to death!"

For a while, the front of the stall exploded. Teleportation is a magical skill. Who wouldn't want it?

Zhou Yuqing's face was blushing, so it was really for a demonstration that she booed me?

Not a confession?

This is so embarrassing!

But for some reason, recalling the feeling of being poked just now, I still feel a little lost in my heart!


Jiang Nan quacked with a straight smile: "Bobo lipsticks! We don't sell lipsticks, we only sell bobos! 10,000 bites, the quantity is limited, don't miss this opportunity!"

Xiang Zu was the first to rush over, and he was about to smear Jiangnan's lips with his face!

( ͡ಠ❥ ͡ಠ⸝⸝)

"Don't say anything! The kiss is over, I will kiss as much as you can!"

However, before Xiang Zu came over, Jiang Nan raised his hand and took out a bottle of big green sticks, and opened a scoop for Xiang Zu!


He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground on the spot!


The audience is silent!

The smile on Jiangnan's face remains the same!

(ꐦ°᷄ .̮°᷅) "I'm sorry! Bobo doesn't sell men! Only girls!"

"It doesn't work if you add money, it's a matter of principle!"

Bei Feng couldn't stand it anymore, what the hell was a matter of principle?

You just want to boo girls, right?

Do you think girls are crazy? Will give you a kiss just for a teleportation?

Heh ~ joke!

Turning his eyes, he saw that the girls had already lined up in a long queue in the shape of a "bow", looking forward to it!

Beifeng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

Really ranked?

And at this moment, Jiangnan has directly turned on the sister-pecker printer mode!

Crazy lip prints!

After kissing and collecting money for the next person, the action is done in one go!

Sister Jiang Peck is so happy, how can such a good thing that my sister can make money fall on my head?

The system baby is also great, right?


And the students on the side watched this scene, their hearts were bleeding!

We want kisses too!


Jiang Nan was making a kiss there, just about to start, but suddenly stopped talking!

"Cough~ have to pay more! 100,000 a mouthful"

The school girl frowned: "Everyone else is 10,000, why am I only 100,000?"


Jiang Nan swallowed!

(๑ˉิ~ˉิ) "You are ugly!"

It really looks like a flower like a prison!

Junior:! ! !

You are so direct!

[Resentment value from Tang Xiaohua +666! ]

(๐・᷄ൠ・᷅) person "Well~ no no no, I want to kiss, I just..."


With a crisp sound, Ruhua was opened and thrown aside by Jiangnan before she could finish coquettishly!

"Next person!"

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen school girls in the team retreated silently, fearing that they would be fired...

At this moment, Bei Bei watched the girls being kissed teleport around, his big eyes full of longing!

(∗❛ัὢ❛ั∗) "Brother Changge ~ I also want to teleport, just being kissed by Nanshen more than a dozen times, you won't be jealous, giegie?"

"Brother Ge~ I just want to teleport! Giegie, you don't mind, do you?"

Luo Changge's eyelids twitched!

(Green ꆤ benefit ꆤ green)! ! !

nonsense! Can I not mind?

"Then will you listen to me in the future?"

Beibei nodded frantically: "Be obedient!"

Luo Changge: "Be obedient! Let's not cry~"

Beibei said urgently: (ง ᵒ̴̶̷̥́~ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )ง "I want it! You won't even satisfy me with this little request?"

"Although I was kissed by Nanshen, my heart still belongs to you?"

Luo Changge:! ! !

Why does Lao Tzu feel that the top of his head is so green?

Beibei still rushed to the crowd to line up regardless of dissuasion, leaving Luo Changge alone and crying silently!


At this moment, Qin Shou, who was imagining how to save the beauty after leaving the Ant Nest Lingxu, and live a happy life with the elementary school girl, glanced at Qin Shou!

I saw all the elementary school girls in the market queuing up, waiting for Jiang Nanqin!

The jaw hit the ground with a bang!

Tears burst out like a water gun!


"Nan Shen! He's not human. Are you starting to grow strawberries for elementary school girls now?"

"Extinct operation? No chance at all?"

Qi Yu was also dumbfounded, does Nan Shen's charm need to be so powerful?

Even Bobo can be sold for money? My sister still charges?

You can be a person!

Luo Tianqing also discovered this scene, and was in a hurry!

Quickly send WeChat to Shanmao!

"Xiaohong! Just look at him! The little milk dog is going crazy with you when you're not around!" ₍!₎

"If you keep it secret, the little milk dog will be taken away by others!" ₍!₎


"The message has been sent, but it was rejected by the other party"

"Luo Tianhong turned on the friend verification, you are not her friend..."

Luo Tianqing:! ! !

Why did Xiaohong block me?

Isn't this a delay? I can't even make a small report, can I?

Sister Jiang Peck continues to work, and it's finally Beibei's turn!

Just here, in front of Beibei, a pretty girl with snow-white face frowned!

(白·̌~·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ "This kiss is over, why is it not working? Bad review!"

With a dark face, Jiang Nan wiped off the powder on his lips!

(̿▀̿~▀̿ ̿)̄ "Did you shave your face? How much foundation did you put on?"

"You look like this, I will be poisoned by mercury?"

I didn't even kiss my face at all, and it was all printed on the foundation!

[Resentment value from Bai Xixi +888! ]

The girl who shaved her face covered her face and ran away in embarrassment!

At this moment, Zhao Dezhu shouted loudly: "It's time, all students and security guards will go down to the ant nest maze!"

"The 72-hour clock starts!"

Seeing that the time was up, Jiangnan quickly started to close the stall!

Beibei:? ? ?

( ٥❛ั口❛ั)ノ "Don't go? You haven't kissed me yet? I've been in line for a long time, why don't you kiss me twice?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "No kiss, no kiss, I'll close the stall!"

The ghost knows how many people he has printed, if this continues, he will be drained dry?

Turn around and leave!

Beibei was in a hurry, so he moved his face directly to seal Jiangnan's mouth!

Jiang Nan teleported away, not saying anything at all!

Bei Bei hurriedly chased after her: "You just give me a kiss? I'm such a kiss, my face is so soft! It's super sweet!"

"Isn't it that I don't give you money? Hey, hey? Can't I add more money?"

Jiang Nan waved his hands for a while: "Go, go! I don't want to kiss, close the stall!"

Luo Changge: (*꒦ິ口꒦ີ)

Why does my girlfriend run after other men for a kiss?

Should it be in front of me?

There is no way to pass this day!

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