Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1070 In order not to be beaten! Just hit people! (add more)

At this moment, the Long Yuan Dark Nights are all talking in a low voice!

He cast a disgusting look at Wang Dalei Chen Dao, who was dancing pole dancing with Ivy in his arms!

(¬ ¬ ٥)

Still upside down?

Yang solid can't stand it anymore!

"Visual blind spot!"

A purple awn flashed, and the area under the vines suddenly fell into extreme darkness, and the two of them could no longer be observed!

Save the last bit of face for the two of them, but there are still comfortable howls and the "slap" sound of thorns whipping...

Listening to Jiangnan, goosebumps goosebumps, and his eyes keep rolling!

Stay close to Jiangning to prevent you from being beaten!


And after the rock mountain, Ye Zhenguo also ended his battle!

The whole person has lost a lot of weight, his cheeks are sunken, and his face is pale!

(›′﹏`‹ )…

On the other hand, Liu Mang was squatting on his knees with empty eyes!

Ye Daotian's operation has simply refreshed his worldview, and he is too good at it!

There are some moves that I have never heard of before!

His spiritual world was no longer clean. Thinking of this, Liu Mang squeezed out a tear!

I saw Ye Zhenguo flying to Liu Mang's side, his face darkened: "I'm playing with Liu Mang! Don't tell me!"

When I think about what I just did, I want to die!

Really become the Qinglong God of War!

[The resentment value from Ye Zhenguo +1000! ]

Liu Mang wiped away his tears!

(*꒦ິ~ก̀) "Senior Ye, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your Dawei Tianlong 18-style if you kill me!"

Ye Zhenguo twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head and muttered!

"Well~ it's better to lose insurance for sharks, after all, only dead people can't speak!"

"If I press him to death here, no one will find out, right?"

Liu Mang: ! ! !

I saw the colorful clouds around me, and Aijiang appeared abruptly with a mace!

"Honey! I'm sorry!"

With a single stick, it was Liu Mang's Tianling cover!

The bright red blood flowed down his forehead!


I saw Liu Mang's face full of confusion: "Hey? Senior Ye? Why are you here? Hey~ How come you have become so small?"

"Your face is so unsightly? Did you just get tired of hitting the mother vine?"

Ye Zhenguo was stunned at first, then his eyes brightened, this kid is quite good!

That's a good idea, wow?

So it flapped its wings and flew out!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Zhenguo, and their eyes were not right!

Yang Jian's face was full of embarrassment, and he coughed twice!

( ٥・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Ye... Uncle Ye? Are you done?"

Ye Zhenguo frowned slightly: "Huh? What's the end? Mother Vine is indeed finished!"

"Just now I felt my head was hot, and I didn't remember anything. Why are you all looking at me like this?"

Everyone was stunned, this... Did you forget what happened just now?


Jiangnan is having fun, good guy!


Sister Shan Miao played this trick, and Brother Ye also played it?

Pretend to have amnesia, right? That way you won't be embarrassed!

tsk tsk ~ good acting!

Jiangnan, who has personally experienced the dragon biscuit, knows very well that he will not lose his memory after the event!

And Ye Zhenguo's eyes turned red the moment he saw Jiangnan, and he gritted his teeth!

(▼Yi▼#) "Lai Lai, you stinky boy! Look, I won't beat your ass into eight pieces!"

Speaking of which, he rushed towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan's teleportation hid behind Jiang Ning, his face hardened!

"What am I doing, you're going to hit me? Just now, I gave my brother the power of the Star-Breaking Cannon! You are ungrateful, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge!"

Ye Zhenguo stared: "Bah! What did you do without any approval in your heart?"

Jiang Nan crossed his waist: "What did I do? You said it?"

Ye Zhenguo was about to speak, but suddenly stopped!

If I said it, wouldn't I let everyone know that I didn't have amnesia?

Are you waiting for me here?

Jiang Nan has a sullen smile on his face, but you have to pretend to have amnesia!

If you hit me, it will be exposed!

[The resentment value from Ye Zhenguo +1000! ]

[From Ye Zhenguo...]

He gritted his teeth in anger, and this time I will bear with you, and let Lao Tzu catch you!

It's not a loss, it's cool anyway!

Liu Mang: (*꒦ິ﹏꒦ີ) Woo~

Qingteng was successfully promoted to Daotian, but he didn't stay here, but moved towards the center of Dick's no-man's land!

The Tiancong plan is to prepare the ivy to spread its branches and leaves in the center of the no-man's land!

Radiate towards the surroundings, thereby completely suppressing the no-man's land!

Yang Jian plans to rare species in the no-man's land, control the number of spirit beasts, but also maintain order!

On the edge of the no-man's land, there are many kinds of dense ivy forests, which surround the entire no-man's land and restrict the movements of the spirit beasts!

Let them be unable to escape from the no-man's land, and at the same time manage the ecology of the no-man's land!

The eruption of the Western Xinjiang Lingxu is a disaster, but also an opportunity!

Once handled, this will become China's largest resource output point!

And Daotian-level Tiancong ivy is a weapon to suppress no-man's land!

Qingteng passed along the way, and all the spirit beasts encountered were rolled over and killed!

After all, with the particularity of Qingteng, there are almost no opponents in the no-man's land!

Of course, when I moved, I didn't forget to bring two Daotians who danced the rattan pipe dance!

Jiangnan completely underestimated the side effects of Didipho perfume spray!

The itching lasted for three days, and Da Lei Dao-ge also danced the rattan pipe dance for three days!

And that night when the side effects were about to end!

I saw a pair of weird white gloves floating in the air!

Before Wang Dalei Chen Dao could see what it was, the pair of white gloves were already bowing left and right!

There was a mad fan on the cheeks of the two, and the sound of the mouth in the silent night was like falling rain!

The two who were beaten were stunned!

One mouth swiping takes less than a minute of memory, and nearly 10,000 mouths can be swiped out!

It just disappeared!

At the top of the ivy tree, a green teletubbie suddenly appeared!

He was shaking his arms, sweating all over his head, and his hands were swollen!

Can't help but laugh!

"It's better to forget some things, or you will definitely cry for me, so it's better to start first!"

In order not to be beaten and cry, Jiangnan does everything possible!

Tiancong Qingteng, who witnessed the whole process, looked at Jiangnan and shivered!

Even the powerful Da Lei and Dao Ge dare to fight?

It's still my godfather!

At this moment, Wang Dalei and Chen Daoyi stood under the tree with a confused expression!

(# ·̌ Д ·̑#) "What the hell? Why is it getting dark so quickly? Isn't it just noon?"

"Hey~ this...why is there so much redness on my body? It hurts me to death!"

(#ʘ̅yiʘ̅) "This trace is obviously drawn by Ivy? Don't you want to live with this vine? You dare to smoke both of us? I licked the whole bag for you, right?"

"Aren't you a little floating when you step on a horse?"

Ivy: ? ? ?

This... what does this have to do with me? Did you two let me smoke?

It took 5 days of kung fu Qingteng to move to the center of the no-man's land!

Recovered outpost 066 as a temporary stronghold!

And Qingteng sucked an unknown number of spirit beasts along the way, and they all avoided it, which also made Qingteng rise to the second star of Daotian!

The root system began to extend underground and spread all around!

But if you want to spread all over the no-man's land underground, you still need a lot of time!

In the past few days, the green vines have also produced hundreds of millions of vine species!

Part of it is handed over to the main base, and the large army is used to sow seeds on the edge of the no-man's land to form a vine forest wall!

And part of it was handed over to the Lingwu troops stationed at the 066 outpost to sow seeds in the no-man's land!

But this faces a problem. There are beasts in the no-man's land, which is extremely dangerous!

Wandering and farming with vine seeds, once besieged by the beast horde, the chance of surviving is zero!

Great loss!

The action encountered obstacles, and Ye Zhenguo did not idle for a few days, and all went out to farm!

It is probably the first time in history that a Daotian-level powerhouse has been pulled to farm!

Even Jiang Ning went to farm, after all, only Taoist geniuses have the strength to easily protect themselves in no-man’s land!

But the no-man's land is so big, and if you want to form a large-scale planting, Ye Zhenguo and the others will plant it like this.

There is not much time left for Huaxia, at most one month, we must get the no-man's land!

But now in trouble!

But looking at Zhang San wearing a big gold chain, Jiang Nan's eyes lit up!

My third brother is an extrajudicial fanatic, right?

Not to mention the herd, my third brother is the man who spit into other people's wine glasses in front of Daotian!

If you can mass produce extrajudicial fanatics, farming won't be a problem at all, right?

Zhang San's "absolutely ignoring" is also a talent skill, right? And is it a passive talent?

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan hurried to Zhang San, his face full of excitement!

"Third brother? Give me a kiss!"

Zhang San: ? ? ?

"Just kiss you for what? Although you and Li Si can see me, I haven't reached the point where I can't choose what to eat!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking? Seriously, if this works, you'll be fine!"

As he spoke, he took out Bo Bo lipstick, pressed Zhang San's face and painted it on him!

Then put a mark on his mouth with the back of his hand, leaving a Bo Bo lip print!

The excited Jiangnan just teleported and disappeared!

Zhang San was confused: "What are you doing?"

In the Lynx room, she is sitting at the table reading a book at the moment, turning to a page, there is still a piece of candy paper in it!

And here the pages are different, with a lot of wrinkled dots on them!

It's like being soaked in water and then dried up!

This is exactly what Jiangnan cried before!

The lynx touched the traces on the pages of the book, her eyes were full of softness, she didn't know what she was thinking!

Jiang Nan cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "Sister Shanmiao is old and fierce, so she knows hitting people, it's not cute at all!"

The lynx didn't seem to hear it, and was still looking at the pages!

The smile on Jiangnan's face gradually became devilish. Is it really useful?

Three brothers cattle batch!

Can not help but slowly walked towards the lynx!

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