Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1059 The real purpose of Tian Slaughter

As soon as this article was published, it immediately caused an international uproar!

Mi Ye's move seems to be for the sake of the whole world, wanting to quell the incident and solve the crisis as soon as possible!

But in fact, he is still favoring Huaxia, because now Huaxia has withstood the first wave of shocks.

Many countries are making trouble behind the scenes!

But she couldn't pick out Mi Ye's fault, after all, she was speaking from the standpoint of all mankind!

Now that spiritual disasters are suppressed, the spirit-binding materials produced by the abyss are just needed!

Once the abyss is closed, many countries will tie up the spiritual materials and cut off the supply, directly into a dilemma!

And Mi Ye's move has received strong support from the International Lingwu Alliance!

Urge all countries to suspend disputes and do all they can to suppress spiritual disasters, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the alliance!

Under such a form, no matter how helpless it is, whether it is the Rainbow Country, the United States, or the Eagle Country, they can only withdraw their means, stop making trouble, and interfere in the Huaxia operation!

In the Kyoto office, Yang Jian, who was watching the news, laughed heartily! remember for a second

How can you not see that Queen Crimson is changing the law to protect Huaxia?

Quick call thanks!

Mi Ye: ('???`) "Cough~ You don't need to crawl me, now your people can go to the west, right?"

"Don't let your space department go to block the gate and defend the city. How dangerous is it? What should I do if something goes wrong? You guys are really big!"

Just hung up the phone!

Yang Jian was startled, co-authoring was seeing Jiangnan Shouqing City, distressed? This is...

(????) Tsk tsk tsk~

A phone hammer was given to Jiang Nan: "Haha! Good boy! When did it happen? Can you?"

"With the demeanor of your younger brother Jian, when will you be the leader? I'll be the first to applaud!"

If you go to the abyss and get back two resource layer cores, even the heart of the queen is abducted back?

If you really turn Mi Ye over, that would be great!

Jiang Nan knew what Yang Jian meant as soon as he heard it, so he brought Mi Ye home? Not being kidnapped by her is already good!

It's too late to hate me, she only likes my trumpet!

"Oh Huo? Brother Jian's demeanor when he was young? My sister-in-law must be very interested in this!"

"Why don't you tell me in detail, Brother Jian?"

Yang Jian's mouth twitched, and his face turned black!

[The resentment value from Yang Jian +666! ]

"It's hard work for you in Qingshi. It's time to give you something. Mi Ye has resisted external pressure for Huaxia, and the rest is to solve the problem of Western Xinjiang!"

"I will personally lead the army to the western border and formulate a counterattack strategy. Uncle Ye will finally no longer have to stay in Kyoto!"

"You've done almost everything in Xijiang, right? Should you go back to the academy first or..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "Xijiang is in chaos, I can't stay still when I go back, and I can't put my mind at ease. I'll go back to the outpost after Qingshi is finished, see you there!"

Yang Jian was startled, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, Jiang Nan really took this as his own business!

"Yeah! That's right! Uncle Li... he's still here!"

Jiang Nan was stunned for a while and laughed. In fact, he knew when he heard that Li Mingshan went to block the void sea!

He still has Huaxia in his heart, and he is reluctant to let go!

Are you still there?

How long will this be for now? Jiang Nan took a deep breath, shook his head and stopped thinking about it!

And when Ye Zhenguo received the news from Yang Jian, he went crazy!

He smashed through the roof of his villa and flew straight to the western Xinjiang outpost at a terrifying speed five times the speed of sound!

"A bunch of little beasts have turned against the sky? This will let you see the power of my Azure Dragon God of War!"

The killing intent in the words is awe-inspiring!

At this moment, the outpost is still fighting hard, surrounded by spirit beasts everywhere!

Even in the distant mountains, you can see the newly opened Lingxu, and the herds of beasts are constantly pouring out!

The sound of artillery fire continued for nearly a day and a night without stopping, and the long-term war of attrition caused the outpost to almost run out of weapon stocks!

The wall was broken and repaired, and the beast corpses outside the wall piled up into mountains!

People were continuously injured and carried to the rear for treatment, and exhaustion was written on everyone's face!

But no matter how tired you are, you must stand firm, because this is the outpost headquarters!

It is the only spark that Huaxia has left in the Western Xinjiang today!

Once lost, it will be difficult to regain the Western Border from the spirit beasts!

Ziyuan's eyes are full of worry. Judging from the current situation, the base can still hold on!

But once the inventory is exhausted, it means rushing out to fight the beast horde!

Countless casualties!

Now the arsenal can't hold it for long!

Ziyuan couldn't help but set her eyes on the sky island. If the situation got out of control, she could only take people on the island to withdraw from the western border!

Keep the fire first to minimize casualties!

And at this moment, a deafening air explosion sounded, before everyone could see it clearly!

A white beam of light with a diameter of 100 meters was sprayed out fiercely, smashing across a herd of beasts!

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and I don't know how many spirit beasts turned into flying ashes under the breath of this dragon!

A cyan dragon with a size of over 100 meters fell from the sky and smashed a big hole on the ground!

"Give me a ball!"


The powerful repulsion burst out with Ye Zhenguo as the center!

It collapsed all the spirit beasts around it, and all the spirit beasts shivered with the pressure of the Daotian level!

"Look at Lao Tzu tearing you apart!"

The huge dragon body was inserted into the beast group like a sharp sword, and the place where it passed was full of beast corpses flying around, blood splashed, and the scene was extremely bloody!

At this moment, Ye Zhenguo is like a meat grinder, tearing the beasts that besieged the outpost to shreds!

The Long Yuan Dark Nights who are sticking to the main base are full of excitement, roaring in the sky!

"Hahaha! I got over it, it's Ye Daotian! The support from above has arrived!"

"Qinglong War God's sword is not old, yyds! Niubi, chop up these scumbags!"

Ziyuan's pretty face flushed with excitement, and the Qinglong God of War has come to the Western Border? Kyoto is not guarding?

Although I don't know what happened, it really solved the urgent need!

As soon as the Azure Dragon God of War arrives, this base is even defended!

"Fully cooperate with Ye Daotian to clear the beast tide, the night is over, and dawn will finally usher!"


It will be three days before a few people from Jiangnan rush to the outpost by helicopter!

And so much has happened in these three days!

All the spirit markets in the attacked cities in Qing Province have been cleared, and the crisis is lifted!

The evacuated people returned to the city, the Lingxu was in a state of blockade, and some troops were left to look for the core and see if they could find a way to close the space door!

All urban residents in Western Xinjiang will be evacuated to resettlement sites in various provinces!

This is also impossible, after all, there is no way to control the spread of spirit beasts in no-man's land!

And a large number of Lingwu troops are also deployed along the western border to prevent the spread of spirit beasts out of the western border!

The helicopter at this moment is flying over the western border. Looking down from a high altitude, you can vaguely see the herds of beasts wandering on the road!

Some are fighting for the territory!

The city was in ruins, and a black King Kong climbed a hundred meters high building!

Watching the helicopter fly by, he thumped his chest and roared, and jumped up to try to explode the helicopter, but in vain!

Zhong Yingxue suddenly said: "Xiao Nan? Do you feel that the concentration of spiritual energy has increased a lot?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's more than that! It's almost doubled! The spiritual market is not as high as the current concentration of spiritual energy in the Western Border!"

Xia Yao was a little worried: "I really don't know what this place will look like in a few years!"

Jiangnan looked thoughtful: "The atmosphere in the world is flowing, and so is the spiritual energy!"

"Now because of the explosion of the spiritual ruins in the no-man's land, the concentration of spiritual energy in the western border has increased sharply. As time goes by, this concentration will slowly decrease!"

"It is diluted by other places with low spiritual energy, but there are so many spiritual ruins in no-man's land, and the continuous gushing of spiritual energy is equivalent to a huge source of spiritual energy, always diluting the spiritual energy to the outside world, so... sigh~"

Speaking of this, Jiang Nan gasped, and could not help but realize a huge problem, and his eyes were full of horror!

Is this the point?

Nowadays, there are no-man’s land spiritual ruins all over the world, each of which is a huge source of spiritual energy!

Keep releasing spiritual energy outwards, and over time, the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire Blue Star will increase!

The reason why they chose to explode the spiritual ruins in the no-man's land is because even if the various countries suppress the spiritual disaster, they cannot completely conquer the no-man's land!

You can only let it go, because it is a no-man's land, otherwise what should you do? Invest a lot of manpower and material resources to supervise?

Not at all realistic!

Saint Star's Heavenly Slaughter Plan wasn't meant to slaughter humans?

Is this way to increase the concentration of Blue Star's aura?

And humans can only watch and do nothing about it?

"Sister Ning Ning? Are you there? Shengxing's plan to kill this time..."

Jiang Ning's voice echoed in my mind!

"You guessed it right, although I don't know the specific content of the Tianyu plan, the holy star is indeed to increase the aura of Blue Star!"

"Just like the time 22 years ago, I reckon that this plan to kill is just the beginning!"

Jiang Nan frowned, his eyes full of puzzlement!

"Why? The increase in the concentration of spiritual energy should be a good thing for human beings?"

Jiang Ning said silently, "It's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing. Humans are the most adaptable race I've ever seen!"

Jiangnan looked down at the helicopter window!

"The Holy Star has existed for a long time, and it is not the first time that Blue Star has recovered its spiritual energy! What are they trying to do?"

Jiang Ning was silent for a long time: "Do you think the vast universe is infinitely large, and Blue Star is the only civilization?"

Jiang Nan spread his hands: "How is that possible? Aren't you from an alien?"

Jiang Ning rolled his eyes!

(o?~o??) "Before, but now I'm yours!"

I saw Jiang Nan's eyes widen, and then he smiled wickedly!

(????) "So you are flirting with me? You are very good at it!"

Jiang Ning raised his hand and played Jiangnan's head: "It's serious!"

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