Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1054 Full horsepower! Gorefiend is undefeated

Nancheng District actually opened a diamond-level spiritual market at this time?

No one expected this!

Large quantities of platinum and diamond-level spirit beasts poured out from the spirit market!

The huge size of over 50 meters gives people an infinite sense of oppression!

Like a tide, it rushed in all directions, destroying streets and smashing buildings!

There are people screaming everywhere and running away!

Ordinary people simply have no room for resistance when faced with diamond-level spirit beasts!

And not far from here is the underground shelter under Hope Square!

Once it collapses, the people inside will be suffocated to death!

Jiangnan suddenly appeared in the field, watching the spirit beasts scattered and destroyed everywhere, the eyes were blood red!

If you can't pull it back, I don't know how many people will die under the beast's claws!

Jiang Nan had no choice but to put his forgiveness cap on his head!

I wanted to wear it to the spirit beast, but if the spirit beast with the grass pulled up like this ran into the city with the herd, it would be completely useless!

Jiang Nan didn't know if he could handle it, but at this time, he had to do it!

"Just run! Don't look back at me!"

While speaking, he took off his hat and pulled out the grass on his head!


With a violent roar, all the spirit beasts' attention was shifted to himself!

A monstrous anger burst out in their eyes, and they rushed towards Jiangnan desperately!

The scattered spirit beasts were pulled back immediately!

I saw that Jiangnan didn't go anywhere, and a teleport landed in front of the space gate!

You can't run by yourself, you must stand here and fight hard to ensure that all the spirit beasts can see you, and some will fight!

The seven gates of burning blood were fully opened, and the spiritual yarn was folded into the heavy armor mode by Jiangnan!

Raised his hand and stuffed the little ginseng and durian pulp in it!

A diamond-level Earth Bear raised his hand and shot it towards Jiangnan!

I saw Jiangnan also throw a punch!


The powerful air waves flew, and the huge bear body flew upside down, and half of Jiangnan's body smashed into the ground!

And the Divine Feather Eagle opened its mouth and spit out a wind blade whistling towards Jiangnan's head!

The space wormhole was thrown out, the wind blade was transferred, and it was chopped on a fallen wolf!

But before Jiangnan could breathe a sigh of relief, the bone elephant's trunk was covered with bone armor, and it came madly!

Jiangnan is holding a halberd to block!


Jiang Nan, who was rushing back to his physical strength, spat out a mouthful of old blood and was about to teleport!

A huge fireball slammed into Jiangnan's back!

Jiangnan was blasted straight into the air, the glass armor on the back cracked, and billowing blue smoke came out!

But before he could get up, several sharp thorns rose up, piercing Jiangnan's abdomen and thighs!

Everyone was strung up by the thorns on the ground, and blood surged!

Jiangnan punched the stone thorn, and just as he was about to take out the stone thorn on his leg, a silver-backed gorilla fell from the sky, holding half of the building in his hand and smashing down!


Jiangnan, covered in blood, suddenly appeared above the gorilla's head, and a battle axe smashed on the gorilla's Tianling cover!

The orangutan grabs the ground with its head!

But Jiangnan's figure was instantly submerged by spirit beasts, and countless spirit beasts rushed up, about to swallow Jiangnan alive!

The smashing spiritual skills are overwhelmed, even if Jiangnan is an immortal, it is impossible to respond to them all!

And the attacks of diamond-level spirit beasts are by no means comparable to those of junk platinum!

Jiangnan is strong, but not strong enough to ignore the beatings of diamond-level powerhouses!

You can't teleport to escape, you must hold the herd!

This is undoubtedly fatal to Jiangnan!

And as soon as Jiangnan left, the two platinum-level spirit market became noisy again!

At this moment, relying on Zhong Yingxue and Wu Liang to barely support!

Xia Yao's heart was dripping blood, she kept walking through the ruins, rescued the people who fell inside, and cleared the scene as much as possible!

She didn't dare to go to Jiangnan, because she was afraid that she would fall into it too!

"Mila! Watch Xiaonan! Don't let him die!"

Mila's eyes were red at the moment, she couldn't stop nodding, staring at Jiangnan in the center of the beast tide!

Even with the taunting of the forgiveness hat, Mira still carried it!

In her worldview, Jiangnan is everything, even if you hurt yourself, you can't hurt Jiangnan brother!

Squeeze the urge in your heart!

Xiao Dimple kept mumbling with his eyes closed: "That's the main silver, you can't hit it! Hit me and I'll be gone!"

Keep brainwashing yourself!

In the underground shelter at the moment, people are completely panicked, so close to the battlefield!

The roar was deafening, and on the screen of the mobile phone, everyone saw Jiangnan submerged by the beast tide!

With the level of platinum, it is hard to resist the beating of diamond-level spirit beasts?

Even across the screen, you can feel the suffocating pressure!

Not to mention the most central Jiangnan? Overwhelmed by attacks!

The barrage is all blown away!

"Nan Shen hold on, damn it! Why hasn't the support arrived yet!"

"Woooooo~ Nanshen has been squeezed inside, he did it for us..."

"Where's the courier? Send some more courier? Come on Nanshen!"

"Please be fine! I am willing to use all my New Year's money in exchange for the peace of Nanshen! He has created so many miracles, and this time he will definitely be able to do it!"

At this moment, a crimson energy burst out from the center of the herd!

Six times in a row!

Blow up all the spirit beasts in the center!

I saw Jiangnan standing in the same place, and there was not one out of ten colored glass armors! There is a broken antler on the chest, and the blood-drinking halberd does not know where it went!

But Jiangnan is still standing!

"The big wolf is gone! I don't know how long I can last to evacuate the people from the underground shelter!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the antlers on his chest, bringing out a bunch of blood!


Under the beam of light, Jiangnan's injuries recovered quickly, but he couldn't hide the exhaustion in his eyes!

Xia Yao rushed towards the shelter without looking back, her teeth were clenched tightly, and her tears kept falling!

"I won't let you die!"

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, his eyes full of helplessness!

Now I can't think about how long it will last!

If you don't fight again, you might be beaten to death by these animals!

"The Eighth Dead Door! Open!"

With a loud shout, Jiangnan went straight to the dead door, and then superimposed the burning blood, and the body functions were superimposed to the extreme!

A cloud of blood came out from the pores, lingering around the body, as if covered with a layer of blood!

Even the glazed armor on his body was reflected in blood, and blood-colored magic lines crawled all over his body!

At this moment, the world in Jiangnan's eyes has turned red, like a blood demon crawling out of a blood pool in hell, extremely hideous!

The heartbeat of the watch is reverberating endlessly!

I saw Jiang Nan raised his hand and took out a small biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth!

Come on be stronger, let me hold on for a while longer!

As long as it's not a sheep! Anything will do!

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, is it a horse? It's like I've never eaten it before!

What is the horse's ability?

[Full power! ]

Function: Kinetic energy superposition! Boost your kinetic energy to the true limit of what your body can handle! Make every blow of the user a full blow!

Jiangnan was stunned!

Full horsepower?

You must know that the human body has a self-protection mechanism, and the punch you throw with all your strength is not the limit that the body can burst!

Once this degree is exceeded, the body will be injured!

But under special circumstances, it can break this limitation and break out its full potential!

In the news, a grandfather in his 60s lifted the overturned truck in order to save his son who was under the truck!

Wang Gang once jumped up to a height of more than 40 meters with super-strong will, and even broke his leg bone!

This is the result of breaking the protective mechanism of the human body, reckless of the consequences, and bursting into full potential!

The horse biscuit is infinitely superimposed kinetic energy, ignoring the human body protection mechanism!

Let the user's every blow is a full blow, is the real horsepower fully open?

At this moment, Jiangnan's eyes are full of madness!

Don't drop the chain at the critical moment! The potential of the human body is terrifying!

Then look at yourself in the state of Gorefiend, where is the limit!

At this moment, a diamond-five hippopotamus, like a giant hill, bowed its head and slammed into Jiangnan!

Not to be outdone, Jiangnan took a step forward and the earth was trampled!

A random punch was swiped at the hippo's fangs, and the kinetic energy was superimposed frantically, only to hear a series of rapid air explosions!

"Boom boom boom!"

The hippo's fangs were smashed by Jiangnan's fist, and the fat on his body shook like a wave!


I saw that the hippo flew out at a speed several times faster than when it came!

Along the way, several spirit beasts were smashed, flew out more than a thousand meters, and finally crashed into the building!

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of shock, he clearly didn't exert much force, but the kinetic energy was automatically superimposed!

Hit the hippo with one punch!

Jiangnan could feel his muscles shaking and his bones sore!

As long as you add that little force, your muscles will break, and your bones will be smashed into slag due to the force beyond the limit!

This punch is the most extreme punch of his true full power!

good guy!

I didn't know I was so fierce!

So facing the bone elephant rushing to the side is a brain crash!

The kinetic energy of the fingers is infinitely superimposed, reaching the limit that Jiangnan's body can bear!


The bone elephant was swirling and flew far away, with blood on its forehead!

Jiangnan's eyes brightened, and all the melee combat skills that were filled up flowed in his mind!

Flying knees, falling over the shoulder, leaning against the mountain, superman punching...

Every part of the body has become a weapon for Jiangnan's attack!

But all the spirit beasts near Jiangnan were mercilessly blasted away!

In the process, Jiangnan does not exert any force at all, and the kinetic energy will naturally be superimposed to the limit that the body can bear!

As long as you make a move, it is a full-blown blow!

Jiangnan only needs to control his body to make moves!

Even the speed is several times faster than usual!

At this moment, Jiangnan was submerged by endless beasts, but it was accompanied by violent roars and sonic booms!

I saw that all the diamond-level spirit beasts that were pressed down were all hammered away!

Smashed upstairs, on the road, and everywhere in the store!

The air waves are flying, and the roar is endless!

The sky is full of diamond-level spirit beasts that have been smashed into the air. At this moment, Jiangnan is like a tireless fighting machine!

The small body is completely out of proportion to the huge spirit beast, but it smashes the spirit beasts one by one!

Gives an unparalleled visual impact!

Fiercely explosive!

At this moment, the eyes of everyone watching the live broadcast of Qingshi burst out!

This, this... Peerless Mengnan

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