Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1048 I'm here! it will be fine

Seven minutes!

At this moment, Jiangnan teleported to the sky above Phoenix City, and before he could say anything more, he directly dropped the lynx Li Bing and the others!

Li Bing looked at Jiangnan's back and shouted anxiously: "Don't mess around! Your body still has sequelae that can't be solved!"

However, Jiangnan didn't look back, the two teleportation disappeared, and I don't know if I heard it!

Time is running out!


In the Kyoto Secretary-General's Office, Yang Jian is still calling Li Mingshan!

In the study, Li Mingshan looked at the 107 missed calls on his mobile phone, his fists clenched blood!

Looking up at the clock, it's 11:55!

The phone rings again!

Li Mingshan raised his hand and touched the phone, but his hand was frozen in the air for three seconds, and his eyes struggled even more! First URL htt

Immediately with a ruthless look, he picked up the phone and picked it up!

He took a deep breath and said calmly, "I didn't have my phone with me just now, what's the matter?"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, his eyes shone with hope, and his voice trembled!

"Uncle Li! The country needs you!"

"Still! Where is the town?"

"Void Sea!"

"it is good!"

"But there are only five minutes left, and over there..."


The phone hung up, Li Mingshan's shadow was gone in the study, and he rushed straight to the no-man's land in the western Xinjiang!

Yang Jian took the mobile phone and fell down on the chair. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then he laughed!

"Still... still? It's good to be still..."


Sunny City Center Crossroads!

More than 100 heavy armored tanks lined up in a fan shape, guarding the four street intersections!

The 155mm heavy artillery mount has been driven into the asphalt!

Three thousand Longyuan warriors are here, this is already the entire garrison of Qingshi!

And here are two platinum-level spiritual markets at the same time!

There will also be a gold-level spiritual market at the shopping mall building 10,000 meters away!

Defense over there!

No one spoke, and every Long Yuan was holding the barrel of his gun tightly, staring at the void!

The first person has a three-level diamond, a scar on the corner of his lips, and half of the two dumpling ears are missing!

Appearing unshaven, the captain of the Zhenglongyuan squad, An Jie!

I saw that he took out two cigarettes from his pocket and lit them together, took a sharp sip, and handed one of them to the immature-looking correspondent behind him!

Zhou Bei swallowed and shook his head: "Brother Xie An, stop smoking!"

An Jie grinned: "Damn, this time I won't punish you for doing push-ups. If you don't do it now, you won't be able to do it later!"

Zhou Bei's eyes turned red, he silently took the cigarette and held it in his mouth, the two fingers holding the cigarette trembled a little...

An Jie raised his eyebrows: "Have you called home? There are still a few minutes!"

Zhou Bei scratched his head and squeezed out a smile: "I won't fight, I'm afraid my mother will scold me! Hey~hehe~"

"They are in Rongcheng, they will be fine!"

An Jie patted his shoulder!

"Brothers! You have all seen what happened next. People haven't withdrawn yet, so I won't say much about other old men!"

"I'm tired of listening to Lao Tzu scold you every day!"

"Before the support arrives, even if the last one dies, it is not allowed to retire for Lao Tzu! Do you understand?"

Three thousand Longyuan shouted in unison: "Yes! Captain!"

An Jie said loudly, "Open the insurance! Load it! Prepare for the artillery launch!"

The sound of the action of the brush is coming!

But at this moment, there were bursts of loud noises and bursts of crying from behind.

I saw thousands of people walking out of the street corner in the distance, including women and children, many half-year-old children!

Even some reporters and media watched this scene with bright eyes, and many young people were still there with their mobile phones to take pictures!

The security team kept organizing the evacuation!

An Jie's face was full of anxiety: "What time is it? Why hasn't this place been cleaned up in the city center? How did you guys do it?"

The security team was also in a hurry: "We don't have enough manpower, so we can't organize it. This gang was evacuated by the second search!"

"There are some who sneak in to join in the fun, that's all, they're all here!"

An Jie went crazy: "It's not too soon..."

"Brother An! Here we come!"

Before the words were finished, I saw two large openings of more than 100 meters long split directly above the street!

Two space gates are formed!

The violent power of space instantly tore down half of the building on the corner!

Make a huge noise!

The people who didn't have time to evacuate screamed in fright, and many fell to the ground!

However, their screams were directly drowned out by the deafening artillery fire in the next second!

Hundreds of heavy armored tanks, heavy artillery fired at the same time, and the flames spit!

The hot cannon shells were splashed on the ground like raindrops!

"Boom boom boom!"

The rushing air wave blows people back, and the glass of the building shatters!

I saw behind the space door, pieces of black platinum-level spirit beasts slaughtered out with blood red eyes!

But as soon as it appeared, the flesh and blood of the spirit-bound cannonball splattered!

The huge beast corpse fell to the ground!

However, the covered artillery bombardment simply could not hold back the countless spirit beasts!

Taking advantage of the loading time, a large number of black wind wolves, three hellhounds, and steel-armored yaks rushed out!

Not only is it only platinum, there are even several diamond-level spirit beasts in it!

The three heads of the three hellhounds blasted out a fireball with a diameter of twenty or thirty meters!

Like a fort, there are three in one blast, directly blowing up the building!

And the steel-armored yak was even more fierce, rushing out in groups and bowing its head fiercely!

Before the heavy armored tank with a weight of 45 tons had time to fire the second time, it was directly sent flying over a hundred meters and smashed into the building!


The main beam was broken by a tank, and the building collapsed in a burst of smoke!

Scared those who escaped to flee!

An Jie's defense line of 3,000 people was torn apart in an instant when faced with the onslaught of tens of thousands of spirit beasts!

I saw that An Jie was directly hit by a yak, vomited a mouthful of black blood, and turned back to roar!

"What are you doing? Let's go!"

Where have those who escaped seen such a brutal scene? At that time, I was frightened, and my calves were shaking!

Don't care about anything, turn around and run wildly!

Under the rubble of the building, a woman in professional attire was smashed under the concrete slab with her right leg!

The blood was dripping, and no matter how she pulled it, she couldn't pull it out!

The eight or nine-year-old girl with a ponytail was crying loudly and kept pulling her arm!

"Mom! Let's go! Let's go with Taotao!"

The woman kept shaking her head and struggling: "Who! Who is going to help me!"

However, people have already run away, and no one has looked back!

The woman's eyes filled with despair: "At least take my child away! Please! Please!"

However, her hoarse screams seemed so pale under the roar of the beast!

"Peach! Mom can't go away, run away, don't worry about mom, go to dad, be good! Live, live well, it's useless for mom!"

She was crying and pushing the little girl to let her go!

But the girl refused, with a stubborn expression on her face: "No! I don't want my mother to die, Taotao wants to protect my mother!"

The woman bit her lower lip and was about to speak, only to hear a "bang"!

The herd of yaks completely broke through the tank formation, the horns hit the top, and the tank flew out in a whirl, heading straight for the two of them!

Tao Tao squatted down, hugged the woman, and tried her best to protect her in her arms with her small body!

The woman cried and hugged Taotao tightly and closed her eyes!

Seeing the tank crash head-on!

Jiangnan, wearing a glass armor, suddenly appeared in front of the mother and daughter!

His face was extremely gloomy, and he crossed his arms and pushed it up!


The tank with huge inertia slammed into Jiangnan's arms, and the roof of the tank was dented!

Jiangnan's two calves were thrust into the ground with great force, and his muscles were bulging, but he didn't take a half step back!

Tao Tao raised her head and stared blankly at the big brother who appeared in front of her!

There is light in her eyes at this moment!

I saw Jiangnan's face flushed red, with blue veins on his forehead, and he stomped on the ground!


With a roar, the tank was pushed back by Jiangnan!

It directly hit the steel-armored yak that was rushing towards it, and the shape of it was swayed!

"Steel Claws!"

A silver meteor fell from the sky, and the two wolf claws stabbed into the skull of the steel-armored yak!

Jump to the ground and dash straight to the beast tide to kill!

Jiang Nan picked up the peach clip under his arm, and lifted the concrete floor with one hand!

"Sorry! It's late!"

Before the woman could react, Jiang Nan put her on his shoulders and teleported away!

"Wu Liang!"

I saw a 30-meter red giant bear fell from the sky and slammed into the center of the intersection!

"Don't accept me! Brutal collision!"

Immediately, all the beasts raging on the street rushed towards Wu Liang, biting like crazy!

He was stunned to pull back all the beasts that rushed out and rushed to escape the crowd!

It soon became a mountain of beasts, and the golden light on Wu Liang's body became brighter and brighter!

Jiangnan Teleport appeared three kilometers away, catching up with the evacuated gang!

Throw that team of mothers and daughters to the vigilantes!

"Take them out, hurry up!"

Jiang Nan was about to teleport away, but Tao Tao grabbed Jiang Nan's clothes!

"Big... big brother! Thank you for saving my mother, we'll be all right, right?"

Jiang Nan was startled, then smiled brightly, and wiped Taotao's head: "I'm here! It'll be fine! Don't worry! Be good! Protect your mother!"

Saying that, a teleportation disappeared in front of everyone!

The evacuated crowd was shocked!

"Then... who is that? Nanshen? Nanshen, right? I've seen his photo!"

"Which Nanshen? Is it Jiangnan? Hey~ he came to Qingshi?"

"Great! When Nanshen comes, everyone will be fine, he is the strongest platinum in the world!"

"Go quickly! Don't cause trouble to Nanshen, and quickly withdraw from the city center!"

However, the crowd hadn't run far, and only heard the sound of "Boom"!

An extremely powerful crimson energy blasted out!

The building with a radius of three kilometers was blown to pieces and razed to the ground!

There were flying animal corpses everywhere, and even some blood and minced meat fell on them!

Everyone's faces were pale, how fierce was the battle inside?

The loud noise of the battle, as well as the vibration generated by the explosion, instantly spread the sonic boom throughout the city!

There was a sway in the underground bunker, the lights flickered on and off, and the crowd crowded inside burst into exclamations!

At this moment, everyone in Qingshi is looking in the direction of the city center!

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