Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1040 I'll give you a chestnut! (add more)

Jiangnan also wanted to take Xia Yao for an injection, but was killed by the big wolf!

So I ran to the injection room to get an injection!

Xiong Daxiong, Zhang San, Li Si, they are all hanging bottles, and many nurses and sisters are busy in the house!

As soon as Jiangnan entered the house, everyone's eyes were focused!

Nurses and sisters all have bright eyes!

(ʃƪ ·̀ㅂ·́)♡"Yeah~ it's Nanshen wow, let me give him a needle!"

٩(๑❛ัᴗ❛ั)۶ "I'm here, I'm here, my technique is good, it doesn't hurt at all!"

( ・᷄~・᷅) "Please, let me tie it, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

There were three nurses and sisters in front of Jiang Nan, and the corners of Liu Mang's mouth twitched!

Zhang San has a face of resentment, why are there three people who want to pierce the Nanshen, and no one pierces me!

Jiang Nan had a bright smile on his face: "Don't worry, there are, there will be opportunities in the future!"

Liu Mang snickered!

╮(︶ᴗ︶)╭ "South God, do you have the heart to refuse the requests of the ladies?"

"As the saying goes, it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day, so we tie it together? What about the three hanging bottles, what are you afraid of?"

The nurses and sisters looked at each other with bright eyes: "Good idea!"

A minute later, Jiang Nan sat on the bed and twitched at the corner of his mouth!

Three needles were stuck in both hands, and three hanging bottles were hung at the same time...

"This... is this really possible?"

Liu Mang snickered: "What are you afraid of? The strongest platinum in the world? Not to mention three, even if you hang 30 hanging bottles at the same time, it will be fine, right?"

I'm sorry, jealousy has made me unrecognizable!

Gangnam: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄

God special meow hanging 30 together, it will leak air, right?

(๑˘ٹ˘) "Hey~ I can't help it, it's a sin to be too popular, presumably this is God's punishment for being too handsome, right?"

"Unlike some people, no young lady likes it, the boss is not too young, and he doesn't even have a partner, lose it~"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sound of grinding teeth in the injection room!

[The resentment value from Zhang San +777! ]

[From Li Si...]

Beside Liu Mang, Aijiang suddenly appeared and hugged his arm, Liu Mang suddenly became hard!

"That's right, a bunch of single dogs, sad!"

Everyone: (¬_¬)

It seems that you are more pathetic, don't you?

Next to Xiong Er, Miss Nurse looked embarrassed: "Student, the hairs on your hands are a little heavy, and you can't see the blood vessels? Maybe you need to prepare the skin to get the needles!"

Liu Mang laughed: "Brother Xiong, you took off your gloves, you have to work with Miss Sister?"

Both Xiong’s faces turned black: (̿▀̿㉨▀̿ ̿)̄

I asked Jiangnan for a bottle of Dali, and as soon as I washed my hands, the bear hair on my hands disappeared, revealing two white bear paws!

Miss Nurse rolled her eyes: "Are you still laughing? People can find blood vessels after preparing skins. You can't see anything with the black hands on your hands, okay?"

"Better luck~"

The smile on Liu Mang's face froze suddenly, only to realize that he was still black!

Three minutes later, the nurse was sweating profusely, and Liu Mang's eyes twitched!

(·́w·̀●) "How about? Let's pierce it with another hand? This hand has been pierced for about 20 times and the blood vessel has not been found!"

"Even if the blood vessel is found, the medicine will leak out, right?"

With a face full of embarrassment, Miss Sister gave Liu Mang another hand to tie...

Jiangnan is so happy, it's time!

As soon as he turned his eyes, he saw Zhang San wearing a gold chain, hanging a hanging bottle, rolling up his cuffs and skillfully tying a cuff!

Immediately, he patted the back of his hand, pushed the needle into his own blood vessels with great precision, and started hanging the bottle!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Three... third brother? You can do this job well?"

Zhang San spreads his hands: ╮( ・′‸・`)╭

"Otherwise, how do you think I've survived until now? Even if I wait here for a day, no one will give me a needle!"

Jiangnan covers your face, life has devastated you, but you still love this world!

So inspiring!

It took a lot of effort to put needles on everyone, and both of Liu Mang's hands were bandaged!

Finally stuck on the back of the foot...

Li Si's eyes couldn't help but fall on Mu Wan who was hanging on the water alone in the distance!

Half leaning on the bed, she quietly read the book, Li Si didn't dare to read it if she wanted to, she could only peek out of the corner of her eye!

Jiangnan: (๑乛◡乛๑)

"What's the matter, fourth brother? Rare?"

Li Si blushed: "Blind... nonsense! Nothing."

However, looking at Jiang Nan's little eyes, he still didn't collapse!

"I just think she's pretty, and my heart beats faster when I see her..."

Jiangnan suddenly became energetic: "Ask me? What are you chasing girls, I'm the best at it!"

Li Si's eyes are bright, Nanshen is known as the dream of 900 million girls, so popular, a bunch of nurses and sisters are rushing to give needles, there must be some unique skills!

"Nan Shen, you teach me two tricks, and I'll give you a red envelope!"

Jiangnan was happy when he heard it, and there are still red envelopes to earn?

"Then listen carefully, a girl like Mu Wan likes a man who is bold and generous!"

"You can't do a sneaky one, you have to bravely show your offensive and show your generous side!"

Li Si swallowed his saliva. Sounds quite reasonable, doesn't it?

"I... what should I do?"

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "I'll give you a chestnut, just like you two met in a restaurant, and you secretly settled her table!"

"She went to checkout, she must be surprised to know that someone paid for her, then the front desk will mention that it was you who settled the bill!"

"A strong girl like Mu Wan doesn't like to owe others, so she will come to thank you!"

"At this time, you say, you deserve it, because only when I see you will my mood be happy, and your beauty makes me intoxicated!"

Li Si's face is full of excitement!

"That sounds romantic? No girl can stand this, right?"

Jiang Nan smiled proudly: "This not only euphemistically expresses your goodwill towards her, but also shows your generosity, doesn't the story begin?"

"I guarantee that all she dreams of at night will be you!"

Li Si directly gave Jiangnan a thumbs up, raised his hand and took out five hundred yuan and stuffed it into Jiangnan's trousers pocket!

"It's still my Nanshen, don't say anything, I will!"

Jiangnan was so happy, the three hanging bottles were hung up at the same time, and after pulling the needle, I went to the toilet!

On the other hand, Li Si couldn't hold back his excitement, and his eyes kept rolling!

Raising his hand to say hello: "Miss nurse, can you help me?"

The young lady was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Li Si whispered to her for a while, and the young lady looked strange: "Are you serious?"

Li Si begged!

(。・᷄~・᷅) "I beg you, my happiness for the rest of my life depends on you!"

The young lady looked embarrassed, but finally agreed: "Then... that's fine!"

Time passed by, Mu Wan raised her head and glanced at the hanging bottle, there was no medicine in it!

So I closed the book and prepared to pull the needle by myself, but at this moment!

The little sister nurse came to Mu Wan with a box of hanging bottles and wanted to change her medicine!

Mu Wan was surprised: (··᷄ࡇ·᷅) "Didn't I finish all three bottles? Why are there still more?"

The nurse wiped her nose: "This box of 12 bottles is yours. Which gentleman said he would refill it for you!"

"I'll refill a box for you and say it's on his account!"

Mu Wan: ? ? ?

God special meow refills, can the hanging bottle be refilled?

One more box? Is this trying to kill me?

Looking in the direction of the nurse's finger, I saw Li Sizheng staring out the window with a deep expression on his face!


"It seems to be." Sensing Mu Wan's gaze, she looked back gracefully, grinned and raised her eyebrows!

Waved gracefully!


My heart is full of joy, I should behave like a gentleman, and Mu Wan really noticed me!

I saw Mu Wan pulled out the needle and walked towards Li Si with a box of hanging bottles!

Li Si's heart was beating, God! She is walking towards me!

Are you here to thank me? How to do! So nervous!

Mu Wan came to Li Si's bed with a cold face!

(。 ̄᷄ ~  ̄᷅) “What do you mean?”

Li Si took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and looked solemn!

(。・᷅ὢ・᷄) “You deserve it! Seeing you here makes me happy! Your…”

Before he could finish speaking, Mu Wan's eyes turned red, and a punch hit Li Si's face!


Give the hammer a black eye!

Li Si: ? ? ?

"Your beauty..."


Li Si's words were just half said, and the other eye socket was blue!


Mu Wan was so angry that I deserved what?

Did I provoke you? You're happy to see me hanging a hanging bottle here, aren't you?

Don't you expect me to be better?

And give me a refill of 12 bottles?

Li Si was stunned, why is this different from the routine described by Nanshen?

Shouldn't she be thanking me and then dreaming is mine?

Hiss~ Could it be that she would be happy knowing that I was beaten? So express your gratitude in this way?

This... This is too appetizing to me. As a bold and generous man, I should sincerely accept her thanks!

(#)'д`(#) "That's it? You can work harder!"

Mu Wan:! ! !

"Okay! I'll satisfy you!"

Saying that, he jumped onto the bed, pinched Li Si's neck with one hand, and madly hammered Li Si with the other!

Li Si: "That's right! That's it, I love it so much! Hmm~ ton ton ton!"

Mu Wan gritted her teeth for a while, opened a hanging bottle with one hand, and poured it directly into Li Si's mouth!

"Go to hell!"


Jiang Nan came out of the bathroom, still humming a little song!

hum hum ~ (งᵒ̌◡ᵒ̌)ว

Hearing a loud noise coming from the injection room, I couldn't help but tilted my head and glanced in curiously!

But seeing Mu Wan standing on the bed madly hammering Li Si, her face was swollen, and Li Si had a happy expression on her face!

Several nurses were holding Mu Wan's waist tightly, but they couldn't hold it at all!

"Stop fighting! If we beat us again, we won't be cured!"

As for Zhang San, Liu Mang, and the others, they were so frightened that they stood in the corner with hanging bottles, and they didn't even dare to breathe!

Hiss~ What a remnant!

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva and sweated profusely on his forehead. Why did he fight?


Shouldn't it be?

I'd better withdraw quickly. Maybe Li Si will regret it later, but I want the five hundred dollars!

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