Jumping Candy exploded directly in Chen Chen's mouth!

At that time, he was stunned!

Rolling his eyes, he lay upright on the ground and twitched for a while.

"This is riding a horse..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Chen Chen lay on the ground screaming and twisting, as if he was infected with a zombie virus.

I just heard a sound coming from his mouth!

"Da da da da da!"

That's called a continuous, loud!

Reverberates throughout the dorm!

In an instant, everyone in the dormitory woke up!

"Fuck! There is an enemy attack! Emergency assembly!"

"The enemy has heavy weapons! Gatling brought them?"

"My Nima! I sound like a howitzer!"

"Look for cover individually! Be sure to let the enemy come and go!"

A group of people responded quickly, and they all dressed up and gathered!

I don't know who turned on the lights!

Then everyone was so dumbfounded!

I saw Chen Chen twitching like an old zombie, sweating profusely!

I don't listen to it in my mouth!

Night Army: ? ? ?

Jiangnan covered his face!

Let you not believe it! Dry!

You can't blow up you bastard!

What are you talking about, Lao Tzu is taking drugs?

Is it illegal for me to eat a popping candy?

Who are these people!

"Old Chen, what's wrong?"

"Cultivation has gone crazy? Or is it a real-life version of Resident Evil?"

"This ventriloquist is awesome! There are good ventriloquists in Beijing!"

"What the hell? Lao Chen has broken through from the eight-star silver to the nine-star silver?"

Chen Chen: ! ! !

I believe it!

I really believe it!

It's popping candy! It's just too hard to Nima, wow!

Chen Chen felt that his whole body was numb, and what was even more terrifying was that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy increased tenfold!

I just gave him an upgrade!

After a full three minutes of puffing, Chen Chen finally regained his strength!

Wiped away a snot and tears!

Bright eyes!

"Nan Shen! Nan Shen! Give me another bag of popping candy!"

"I'm addicted right away!"

Don't talk about the big problem!

This ten-fold cultivation speed is simply terrifying!

No wonder he's addicted!

Are the night soldiers blinded?

Did that ghost look like he ate popping candy just now?

Feelings, these two goods do not sleep in the middle of the night, secretly hide in the bed and eat popping candy?


They are all grown up, and they still eat popping candy!

But what brand of popping candy is this Nima?

so loud?

Jiang Nan looked at the eyes of everyone looking at him, and his face turned red!

It's over, it's been discovered!

Their wise and powerful Nanshen hides under the covers in the middle of the night and secretly eats popping candy?

Jiangnan has the heart to hang himself!

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: "Addicted? Wow! Addicted! Go ahead and turn yourself in!"

Chen Chen, this second-hand guy!

And right now!

Jiangnan felt the air in the dormitory heat up for a while.

The eyes of the dark night soldiers looking at themselves are starting to be wrong!

Everyone's face is a little red!

Jiang Nan's expression gradually became frightened!

Damn it!

It is my charm that is nowhere to be placed!

The Night Army was also surprised!

what happened?

Why is Jiangnan so pleasing to the eye?

like it so much?


Even a little cute?

In an instant!

They even thought that Jiangnan was the one who was destined for him!

Heartbeat! very excited!


No wow!

What a man he is!

But...but he looks so handsome! Still so capable!


Depend on! wrong! what the hell!

This is camaraderie!

Must be a strong camaraderie!

Everyone shook their heads, but they couldn't help but peek at Jiangnan!

Jiangnan swallowed and spit! His expression became more and more frightened!

This Nima can still sleep in the dormitory?

If any brother fails to control himself in the middle of the night!

Aren't you a big guy?

Isn't it a man on a man?

Isn't it about men?

Is this still great?

Once you come here, you'll be done!

The frightened Jiangnan shivered!

If I eat popping candy in the dormitory again!

Just riding a horse is not a person!

The determined Jiangnan teleportation is gone!

"Chen Chen! You second-hand!

"Just get ready to accept the baptism of Dawei Tianlong!"


In the dormitory, Chen Chen looked excited!

How to say that because of jumping candy, I also broke through the bottleneck!

Silver Nine Stars? Gold is just around the corner!

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Chen Chen felt something was wrong!

The eyes of the comrades are wrong!

Why is it like a bunch of big bad wolves looking at a little sheep without clothes?

"Ah! Old...Old Chen! Go to bed earlier if you're okay!"

"Well! Go to sleep, go to sleep!"

"Well! Go to sleep!"

"It's better to fall asleep..."

Chen Chen looked terrified: ? ? ?


Jiang Nan in the corridor didn't know where to go, so he wandered around and came to the door of Bobcat's office.

The dormitory is saying that they dare not go back!

Otherwise, the back court will not be guaranteed!


Too dangerous!

May Chen Chen be "happy"!

"Come in! The door is unlocked!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Push the door and enter the office, Lynx is flipping through the papers!

She was also wearing the clothes that Jiang Nan covered her.

Jiangnan stayed for a while!

The lynx at the moment is simply crying!

Three-dimensional facial features, high nose bridge! Those icy eyes with a cold front, the strands of broken hair in front of the forehead!

Put together, there is an indescribable beauty!

The skin that has deteriorated after spending years in the dark army has also returned to a perfect state.

Such a lynx really made Jiangnan stunned!

Lynx blushed, thinking of what happened just now, some dare not look at Jiangnan!

Inexplicably, some heartbeats speed up?

"You...why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

Jiangnan: "Wow! It's so cute!"

Luo Tianhong:  …

Where did you learn all these vernacular stories?

I wanted to scold Jiangnan!

But suddenly a little unbearable.

"Not used to sleeping in the dormitory? They sleep very noisy!"

Jiangnan scratched his head and laughed.

Lynx pointed to the side: "There is a bedroom over there, you can sleep here during this time!"


Turns out there is a single bedroom next to the office!

The room is not big, but it is neatly tidied up!

There is a mineral water bottle on the bedside table, and a wild flower in the mountains is inserted in the bottle!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly and threw himself on the bed!

There is still a little fragrance in the pillow, this is the room of the lynx!

"I sleep here, where do you sleep?"

Lynx: "Go to sleep! Don't go to sleep!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

what the hell!

It's hard to be gentle for a while!

All riding is an illusion!

sleep! Lao Tzu sleeps to death!

"In the past few days, help me bring new people. After a while, you may be able to take them on a mission!"

Jiangnan: "Good!"

Lynx was surprised: "Don't ask? It might be very dangerous!"

Jiang Nan turned over, his consciousness gradually became dizzy, and he muttered: "What is there to ask? I believe you..."

Lynx stared at Jiang Nan lying on the bed in a daze!

She laughed!

Early the next morning, the Night Army assembled!

Jiang Nan looked at Chen Chen beside him, stomped him lightly, and said with a smile, "What? Brother! Where does it hurt?"

Chen Chen wore a big black eye: ! ! !

[The resentment value from Chen Chen +1000! ]

Afraid of losing the bullseye!

Chen Chen didn't sleep all night last night!

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