"Well, the effect is not good, but this document from three thousand years ago is not bluffing. When the ancient civilization was at its most glorious, some technologies did surpass the modern ones. Unfortunately, it was destroyed because of the star beast. What a coincidence." Carol fiddled with the telescope and observed the moon. As a result, the outside of the planet was shrouded by a vague and hazy force. Nothing could be seen clearly. The universe was like a map.

In the knowledge of truth, there is a general imagination of the universe, and some imaginations have been confirmed by relevant gods. Unfortunately, the gods have not allowed alchemists to observe the outside world. Generally speaking, it is too dangerous.

Don't meet their eyes, don't listen to unknown whispers, and don't acknowledge their existence. This is the warning left by the gods.

"Although I am very curious, I believe that the warning of the gods is right. Just try this toy and prove that the technical data of this set of documents is correct. The telescope will be dismantled tomorrow." Carol quickly packed up her things. Her curiosity has been satisfied now.

Just as she was busy, the communication crystal suddenly rang. After the connection, the screen like the surface of water unfolded. Film on the other side was sitting at the desk.

Seeing Filin's outfit, Carol couldn't help but whistle: "Oh, you are really a nobleman. The wood of your chair is good. Can you dismantle it and use it as material for me?"

Filin did not refuse: "You can ask for anything, but I need your help here."

Carol stretched out her hand: "Give money, equal exchange, you know, we alchemists rely on knowledge to exchange for wealth."

Filin nodded: "Then I said, you give me an estimate, what should I do to become a god?"

Carol did not talk about money, but pointed at herself: "Guess why I am not a god?"

Filin sighed: "This time when we go home, our situation is not good. I am afraid that we will see the result in two or three years. I know it may be crazy to say this, but we must at least have the power of a god, otherwise we really can't survive."

Having power, no matter what method, even if it is temporary? In fact, Carol can burst out the combat power of a god in stages if she tries her best.

Carol considered it from a professional perspective: "Through refining and using some external objects, the power of staged bursts can also reach the level of godhood, but the cost is very high, such as burning some memories and causing irreversible damage."

Filin thought bigger: "Burn the soul."

Carol agreed: "Of course, the greater the cost, the greater the reward. When the chips are on the scale, you have to think about it, is it worth it?" Carol raised her finger, "Is it worth it? I have studied these three words for hundreds of years. Guess what I have studied?"

Filin said: "What?"

"If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth." Carol slowly came down from the ladder and had dismantled the astronomical telescope. "Of course, things like the Tao are also confusing to those who are involved. If you can trust me without reservation, tell me all your secrets for free, and let me study your Tao, maybe I can provide you with reference opinions."

Filin suddenly had an idea in his mind: Discuss the Tao.

Well, the idea is more like cultivating immortals, and its essence is to share experiences, learn from each other, and learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses. It's just that too many people have strange talents, which leads to no idea of ​​mutual learning. For example, for the talent of deception, Feilin doesn't know who to communicate with, and the risk of trusting others without reservation is very high.

Maybe everyone is friends this century, and they become enemies for some reason in the next century. Wouldn't that be terrible?

"I can tell from your expression that you are really a person with many concerns." Carol spoke. If it weren't for the normal fluctuation of magic power, she would have thought that the picture on Feilin's side was stuck.

Feilin came back to his senses and smiled bitterly: "Sorry, some things are hard to say."

Carol blurted out: "About Fili?"

At this time, silence is equal to acquiescence. Feilin reacted quickly: "Of course not. How should I put it? My talent is a lie. You should understand what this means, right?"

Carol launched a pursuit: "Then is Fili real?"

Feilin frowned: "Why do you always pursue Fili's problem?"

Carol answered while cleaning the room: "Because you returned to the family, Fili disappeared from our sight. I guess that when you come back, Fili may appear in front of us again. Tell me a question honestly, is your talent out of control?"

Feilin was slightly stunned. He realized in an instant that Carol might have a wrong understanding in the case of unequal information between them.

The so-called out-of-control talent is like a program crash. A person cannot control his own power well. This kind of thing often happens to rare talents, among which rule-type talents are the most common, which is roughly similar to the birth of Bahamut.

"It's possible..."

"You have your own guess, can you tell me the reason?"

Filin was silent, and Carol spread her hands.

"Look, you don't say anything and let me guess?" Carol didn't give up, "I just ask you, is Fili real?"

Filin nodded: "There is no doubt about it."

Carol raised her finger: "That's great, then the Fili you have been thinking about will probably appear in front of you soon, after all, she is the heroine who revolves around you."

Filin frowned. After the last exchange, Feilin felt that Carol was too concerned about Fili: "Why are you exploring Fili's affairs again..."

Carol said matter-of-factly: "Because as soon as I looked at Philly, you were busy pushing her away. Maybe Philly is your heroine. At least you think so. When you are in danger, Philly I’ll definitely show up to help you.”

I don’t know why, but after saying this, Carol’s expression seemed a little lonely, and she seemed very sure of her guess.

Carol finished cleaning the attic and locked the door: "So, Philly is a godhead and will be of great help to you."

"Can she?" Feilin sighed. He didn't know how to face Carol. This guy would get to the bottom of his doubts. Although she didn't fully understand the truth, she had imagined another possibility and wouldn't tell her anything. good.

"There are rumors in the nearby Miriam, Arius, and Karan areas that the deceitful witch Feli is a godhead, especially from Calan's side. Serena and the others think Feli went there to watch The missing battlefield is like this." Carol finished, and then mentioned another thing, "Arius's star beast analysis report has also come out. After we extracted Bahamut's star core, the subsequent materials were generated. It is completely different from Bahamut's characteristics. The documents about Bahamut are all fabricated out of thin air. After you told me that your talent was a lie, all the broken flaws and clues can be matched. "

Feilin was really silent now. Although Carol deceived him, he also used Carol's reasoning to make her think wrong. With some acting skills, Feilin had become a fictional character.

Carol leaned against the door frame and looked at Feilin seriously: "Speaking of which, I also like Fei Li very much. She is lively, charming and has a good personality. If you die, Fei Li will be sad too. We all will be sad for a while when Fili disappears, especially Serena and Scathach."

Chapter 140 Feili’s Hug

Countless lies have become true, and public opinion has increased to a certain level, and it no longer matters whether the truth is true or not. Spreading rumors and refuting them is not just talk, the real Feili is indeed made up of lies.

Carol's understanding is almost true. The only miscalculation lies in the information gap. Feili is not a false existence. She has been Felin's disguise from the beginning, and she doesn't even need to pretend now.

Now that things have happened, it's a bit hard to say that I am Feili, just like a straight man admitting that he has a cross-dressing fetish, which is somewhat embarrassing. However, the day I was actually exposed, I didn’t feel any pain or itching, maybe because I was used to it.

What really makes Feilin regretful is the friendship he gained. After Carol exposed the possibility that Feili was lying, Feilin felt very conflicted. He admired Carol's alchemy skills and wanted to work with such a powerful alchemist. He became a friend and learned skills from her, but he didn’t want to involve his friends in his family’s turmoil, and he was also worried that this friend would leave him, or leave Feili, right?

Feili's identity gave Feilin the feeling of a third life, and it was nice to chat and laugh with the witches.

"It's a headache. We need to take things step by step with Feili. The situation here cannot be delayed." Feilin sighed, and then set his sights on the family territory. In the past, he was too weak to explore the family territory. Now that he has returned, Feilin has many secrets. Want to know, otherwise it can't be laid out.

From now on, he will use his life to test Earl Chen's bottom line. This is related to the future plan. If he makes a mistake or fails at every point in this plan, he will die. There is no distinction between the sequence.

Dong dong dong——

After a knock on the door, Cloverfield, the maid, brought a plate of fruit.

"Master Feilin, I want to ask your opinion on something. Do you need to visit Madam?"

"...Not yet."

"You haven't seen each other for ten years."


There was a moment of silence, only the sound of the plate being put down, and the head maid respectfully left.

"I see."

Feilin sighed softly, snapped his fingers, and the door of the room automatically locked. He clapped his hands gently, and let the deceitful clone appear across the table in the form of Feili. However, the quality of this clone was very unstable, because the main body was affected by Qingyue. The influence of the protection must be suppressed with all the power of deception. Being able to create a clone of deceit within half a meter is already the limit.

The annoying Green Moon Goddess.

After talking to Carol, Feilin looked at his masterpiece again, thinking about his experiences in the past year, and had mixed feelings. The life he was born in this family was not as happy and free as this false lie.

"Hey..." Feilin sighed, pretended to stand up, brought a chair for Feili and invited her to sit down, took Feili's hand and whispered softly.

This is simply talking to oneself.

"My mother is the fifth wife of the earl. She has the ultimate talent. She met the earl when he was assisting the royal family in putting down the rebellion. It was different from the political marriage. At that time, my mother, who was a hero, and the divine person Earl Chen admired each other. Later, they were married by the emperor. They are married and are considered distant relatives of the royal family by blood. "

It's so weird to talk to your own doppelganger, but she is Fili. She helped Serena solve her problems, saved Scathach, and became friends with so many witches. Now she is Fili, the great witch who is in Miriam's prime. Miss.

But what he said now, he had no one to talk to, not even Enir, only Feili could listen.

"Unfortunately, she later participated in the Star Beast war and was injured, permanently losing an eye and an arm. Although to outsiders it seemed that she was gradually abandoned by Earl Tran, she was actually provided with the treatment she deserved from beginning to end, and later gave birth to a child. Ansuliya and Feilin, before accepting the engraving, I was secretly grateful to this old thing."

"My bells, throwing knives and assassination techniques were all learned from this mother."

"This kind of life is very short. As you know, something happened to Ansuria. My mother was devastated by Ansuria's death. She changed from a strong swordswoman on the battlefield to a fragile glass."

"I didn't expect that such a strong woman would completely collapse. When she realized what the count had done, she was as helpless as a soaring bird falling from the sky with no hope. She gradually received gossip from other ladies on various occasions, like Like the trash can, this trend is also spread by other children.

Feilin was still very young at that time and was not as calm as he is now.

"The second brother always liked to take the lead in making noises, calling her a blind person and a rag doll, so I beat him."

At that time, Feilin grabbed the usually arrogant second brother and beat him to the point where he couldn't even recognize his mother. At that time, even a passing dog had to be beaten twice. The other brothers and sisters couldn't hold Feilin back, and there was only one on the ground. The second brother's knocked out teeth and blood made the other party pee, and he cried and said he would never dare to do it again.

After feeling refreshed, Feilin felt relieved for a while.

"Then I realized that I had done something wrong. I realized my mistake when I saw my mother kneeling in front of the earl, completely pressing her head to the ground, even drinking until it bled, just to plead for me and beg for forgiveness."

"She cried and explained that she was wrong. It was because she did not teach me well. It was because the child was ignorant. She desperately begged the earl to spare me. She did not hesitate to tell the meritorious service she had made for the family, and personally uncovered each of her scars. Lian Yi My eyes rolled to the side, but fortunately the decision on this matter was in the hands of the earl. In the end, because of my special awakened talent, even if the other ladies were aggressive, the result would be a farce. "

"I was really depressed that day. I thought I had traveled through time and could prosper with my two lifetime experiences. I could roam the world with the power of a top family. Then I realized that my dignity and strength were in the world. How small and fragile he is in front of the Earl, or there is no so-called dignity and strength at all. "

"Feili, do you know? After returning to her mansion, my mother didn't blame me or beat me. She just hugged me. The first thing she said to me was..."

"Mom, I'm sorry for you. Mom didn't protect you well. Mom doesn't want you to leave like Ansuliya, is that right?" This sentence should have been spoken by Felin, but the deceitful clone stretched out his hand and held Felin's head in his arms. Whispering softly in my arms.

"Yes, but why did she say sorry?" Feilin considered himself an adult. He had been in his thirties at that time and had never experienced anything like this.

Is it wrong to beat up the person who mocked my mother and son that day? Why was it the mother who apologized desperately in the end? There was a lot he wanted to say at that time. When he saw the mother crying, he wanted to comfort her and feel her love for him, but Feilin couldn't say anything and finally made up his mind.

Feilin left Feili's arms and looked at her again: "So you knew what I was thinking. I made up my mind at that time. I didn't want my second mother to cry because of me again."

Feili smiled softly and asked slowly: "Then what did you do next?"

Feilin coughed, avoiding the gaze of his clone, and looked at Qingyue outside the window: "So I began to intensively train the skills my mother taught me. I trained martial arts during the day, magic power at night, and used lucid dreams to review knowledge. You know, this was my only way, and then I achieved transcendence at the age of 11 and became a momentary genius. On the record, I was only two years later than the count. The count gave me this mansion as a reward. From then on, Officially avoid the gossip from the outside world and bring my mother here to live alone. "

Then comes hell.

A month later, Feilin was summoned by the count alone and taken to a basement where no sunlight could be seen, where he planted the mark of the bloodline curse.

Feilin sighed: "That's when I learned about the count's true face. He almost died after receiving the seal. It turned out that Ansuliya died like this. What surprised me later was that when I dragged my body back home, my mother He rushed over and hugged me and cried again, and cried again. To be honest, I would not comfort such a crybabies, but it was different from last time. I just came back alive. My mother cried because of this. It is very special to be able to survive. It’s easy. My mother has never experienced anything happy since sister Anzulia passed away. This time she cried not because of sadness.”

Feili, who directed and acted herself, asked again: "So?"

Feilin held Feili's hand tightly: "So, even if I make my mother cry, if it's such tears of joy, just cry. It doesn't matter if I cry a few more times. It's better than being depressed. But my mother didn't give me such a chance. , as if to prove that I was still alive, she left without saying goodbye the next day, returned to her parents' home, and refused any letters I sent, as if she had disappeared from this world. If Cloverfield hadn't been able to see her when delivering the letters, I would have I thought… forget it, it’s nothing.”

"so what?"

"So I want to kill Count Abels, please help me."


The next day, Feilin met the intelligence manager he had known for a long time in the Morgana family intelligence department, a good man.

This person is smart and capable, his talent is related to illusions, and he is good at all kinds of hidden assassinations. He used to be an excellent intelligence worker, but he doesn't seem to be good at being a supervisor.

Miriam, the intelligence chief, lowered her head and flipped through the documents in her hand: "Is this all the information about Feili?"

Feilin nodded lightly: "Yes, I sorted it out in the past two days."

The intelligence chief asked casually: "Why didn't you report it in advance?"

Feilin sneered: "It seems that you really don't understand witches, especially great witches, let alone great witches who are divine beings. On the other side's territory, don't call them by name. If you call them, you will be informed."

The intelligence director sighed with emotion: "She is a godhead?"

This sigh is not fear, but trouble. Recently, the Count has paid more attention to Miriam. The more powerful people there are, the less good he can do here, and he almost relies on Film.

Feilin gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, she is, and her title is the deceitful witch. She is proficient in masks and illusions. Fortunately, I established a relationship with her and helped her run a hotel business. "

The intelligence chief expressed confusion: "How did you get close to her?"

Feilin said with a relaxed expression: "You also know that my ability is deception, which is very similar to her title, right? So I exchanged my sincerity for my sincerity, created a coincidental encounter, contacted as ordinary friends, and proposed to run the witch's own hotel. Build interesting things and become friends. In fact, witches are not so mysterious and difficult to contact. I recently hired three witches, just trade with them in the right way and establish relationships. Simply put, witches are also human beings. ”

The intelligence director also knew how to be flexible. After thinking for a while, the possibility described by Feilin was within a reasonable range: "Actually, I have been in contact with the witch before, but with a purposeful contact, I soon couldn't keep up with her casual personality. , I always felt that it was difficult to get in touch with me. Later, due to disagreements about eating mushrooms, I didn’t really integrate into the witch’s life circle... By the way, did they let you eat mushrooms?”

Feilin smiled bitterly: "Why not? I eat and lie down once, and I eat and lie down again. Occasionally I see someone waving to me from the other side of the river. The next day, my skin changes color and my glasses glow. I drink the antidote afterwards as water."

The intelligence director was stunned for half a second: "Then you dare to continue eating?"

Felin crossed his arms: "What are friends? We share mushrooms. In order to get closer to the witch, the necessary patience is worth it. Anyway, my mission in Miriam is to get close to the witch. In short, about Feili I have written all the information above, please study it, I want to continue to investigate her past in depth. "

The intelligence manager nodded: "Okay, we will help you investigate. As long as Feili has lived in the surrounding area, it is impossible not to leave traces within a thousand years. It is necessary for a great witch with divine power to establish a separate file." ”

The family attaches great importance to outsiders with divine power, and they are all competitors.

After coming out of the intelligence department, Feilin went to see the eldest sister again, in the name of a visit, to see what kind of person she was and whether there was any possibility of cooperation.

However, the liveliness of the eldest sister's house exceeded Felin's imagination. Unlike a lonely person like him, there were several younger brothers and sisters living in the annex of the eldest sister's house. When these people stayed together, they felt like they were joining a group to keep warm. Brother, it's better to say hugging the thigh.

Looking at it now, the eldest brother Olufa is the leader of the eldest son, the second brother Leng Touqing has his own faction, the third brother has his own ideas, the eldest sister has a good idea, the second sister is a homebody, and the third sister is the count's loyal lackey. These six people are Being a powerful being among blood relatives, Ernier is weak compared to them, and the other brothers and sisters have to step aside.

Feilin returned to the mansion and met the hired witch: "Alubel, how is your translation work?"

There was a delicate cake beside Arbel, and her face was flushed with happiness: "Speeding on the right track! The ancient documents of Morgana's family are really amazing. This is a magic book that records a kind of monster and the magic to deal with it. "

Feilin had not read this document, but only took it temporarily to stabilize Albel and the others. At this time, he was a little curious: "What monsters were recorded?"

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