Fili folded paper cranes again and showed them to different people in the hotel. This time, she did not deceive them by telling them the appearance of the paper cranes. Instead, she used illusions to make them think that the paper cranes flew up. The result was the same as before.

It was determined that this was a magic-like ability, changing the realm of truth and falsehood, and using the means of switching between reality and illusion to initiate fraud. As for creating fakes, it was just a derivative use.

Speaking of fakes, isn't Fili the same now? It's an entity.

"This body must have a limit. It's a divine incarnation. The source of magic power is the hourglass of Arius. Sooner or later, the power of the god will have a limit, and the magic power will be exhausted like a pool. But because of the problem of cognitive ability, Fili now has a way to absorb magic power from the outside world, so she can always exist." Fili carefully felt the state of her body.

The talents of this world are difficult to be deprived. Even the so-called possession of the body may not necessarily obtain the talents from the soul. Only extremely special circumstances can achieve this goal. This is to emphasize that a talent will not be easily divided into two, and the talent of deception is also an extremely rare talent. As mentioned before, Fili depends on the original body Flin and has temporarily achieved symbiosis. As a clone, Fili cannot overuse magic power, otherwise it will disappear, and it would be a pity to disappear.

This is double the magic power.

"But, this makes me feel content with the status quo." As the owner of the deception talent, deception is an instinctive behavior. When making up Fili's identity, it is considered to be deceiving others all the time, so that outsiders believe in Fili's identity, and the field of deception will continue to increase.

But Fili is real now, which is putting the cart before the horse. The field of deception usually shrouds the body and has not been strengthened and exercised.

So Flin returned to the hotel after selling the cotton candy machine, stood face to face with Fili, looked carefully, unfolded the field of deception, changed each other's appearance, and achieved seamless switching.

"What's the next step on the path? I can deceive people and animals, but I can't deceive star beasts." Filin was a little depressed. As long as it was a living thing, even God would be deceived to show you. In a sense, he did it, but wild beasts like star beasts still couldn't be deceived.

So, the next path can try other things, such as deceiving the world? Ah, it's a bit philosophical and mysterious.

What counts as deceiving the world? Just like deceiving Scathach just now, or creating Bahamut? That is to distort history, distort reality, and create something that doesn't exist by spreading a lot of false information? This is too tiring.

Now there is double the magic power here. Filin and Fili reached out tacitly, stuck together, and jointly unfolded the field of deception, directly covering the entire hotel.

The next moment, everyone in the hotel fell into a state of near unconsciousness. After a short stagnation, Felix began to write information for the blank scroll and gave it false memories, but this state was soon broken. The first to resist was Carol. The power of the hero sent a huge resistance, and almost immediately opened her own domain, maintaining herself in the falsehood, and then there was a wave of protest.

Carol sent a telepathic message: "What are you doing?"

Felix replied with a guilty conscience: "Aha, I tested a new magic..."

The moment the false domain was opened, this ability went out of control.

The current state is to pull everyone into the domain. It was mentioned before that the living things in this domain will gradually "fade" and lose their original sense of existence. That was Felix's laissez-faire behavior. Now Felix gave new information to the faded living things on this basis.

Scathach and Nishinoka changed into school uniforms, thinking that today was the day to go to elementary school. The snow girl Aislin thought that she lived in an apartment and had to pay the rent today, but Serena, who was out, escaped.

Not only did people's memories change, but even the buildings in the hotel were also stained with the modern style of the earth, and various electrical appliances gradually appeared in the room.

Feilin sensed that something was wrong and hurriedly stopped the false domain to free everyone from the illusion.

Except for Carol, no one realized what happened. It was as if time had stopped.

Then, Feilin hid in the closet, because Carol soon came to ask for an explanation. The moment she pushed the door open, she saw Fili sitting obediently on the bed.

"Oh, are you pretending to be good? Was that your ability just now?" Carol had experienced Fili's false domain and considered whether it was possible to be an illusion, but she didn't expect the influence to be so great that even she almost fell for it.

Because there was no real threat, and she could feel that Fili had not targeted her just now, Carol easily broke free, so she was not very angry, and by the way, she had a good excuse to satisfy her curiosity.

Fili smiled and said, "Look, I'm a deceitful witch, so it's normal for me to know illusions."

"I'm obviously better at martial arts." Carol brushed her hair, "I don't know if you have any strange misunderstandings about me. Just now I felt a sense of infinite power, as if I had gathered the magic power of seven billion people, and I was almost invincible."

Fili put her hands together, "Sorry, my ability is out of control. My talent is too special, so I just guessed it by myself, and there is no track to follow."

Carol paced in the room, "Of course I know, just like my alchemy, there is no other genius like me in the world, hehe. By the way, just now I clearly felt that there were two sources of power, and the other person..."

Suddenly, Carol kicked open the closet and found nothing. However, her eyes were fixed and she did not give up. She pulled out a men's dress from inside and threw it to the ground.

"Give me more!" Carol growled.

Snap, Feilin was exposed from the mimicry, a little dazed.

Carol joked: "Did you change into men's clothing because you were too nervous?"

It's impossible to make a mistake. Sell it to Carol and see what she can say.

"Of course not. When your power exploded just now, I captured your magic sample. Although it was well hidden, the breath of the sample did not go far, so of course it can be found." After Carol finished speaking, she got close to Felin and placed it on him. He looked carefully and sniffed, "Strange..."

Feilin hurriedly asked: "What? Is there something wrong with me?"

Carol shook her head: "Nothing is right. It smells like an idiot who has never been in love. Covering others with his own territory is a very impolite and dangerous behavior. Breast it!

When heroes' fields cover others, they usually enter one-hit kill mode.

Feilin retaliates in kind: "Okay, then you are a master of love. If you go out and buy mercury, you can meet ten of your exes, and one of them will form a lifelong workshop with you."

Carol sneered: "You think I can't fall in love? If I get serious, not to mention looking for a man, even hooking up with a woman is a matter of minutes. Am I right, Philly? Come on a date with us in the afternoon."

Philly has a black streak, and this Carol is quite difficult to deal with.

"By the way, Carol, please keep the magic just secret for me. I will be careful in the future." Feili frowned and smiled helplessly, "I suddenly thought of a wonderful magic machine. Can you help me make it? look?"

Carol clapped her hands: "Then you have found the right person, let's talk about it. No, come with me to the workshop to talk, just the two of us~"

After saying that, Carol seemed to be declaring war on Feilin.

What's the big deal? Felin voluntarily quit, and Feili followed Carol. What they want to study is the gramophone and records. In the future, the songs from the succubus will be sung, Feili's piano music will also be spread, and they will be sold everywhere to make money. Also rely on it, it’s more useful than you think.

There seemed to be nothing going on today. Feilin went to the kitchen for a walk and smelled a fragrance as soon as he got close. When he went in, he saw that Scathach, Nishinohana and Charlotte were all there.

The air was filled with sweet aroma and overflowing with magic. It must not be ordinary food. Feilin became curious about the unknown: "What delicious food are you making?"

Charlotte replied calmly: "Manager? You came just in time. Since you asked me to be the pastry chef, I want to open a separate cake display window in the hotel and make different pastries according to my mood every day. Look at this, I will Named "Green Moon Love", it combines religious style and holy cake. In addition to being delicious, it can also dispel curses, greatly increase the sacred power and darkness resistance for a day, and can also increase the attack when defeating monsters. sex and defense.”

Feilin was silent, and after a while he asked: "What's the point?"

Charlotte's eyes were a bit colder: "I heard that a knight is about to go to Kalan, and another disaster is happening in Kalan. Of course I have to prepare some good things for her."

Feilin pointed to the cake: " long will it be kept?"

Charlotte's eyes returned to clarity, and she remained silent. After a moment, she turned around and said, "Wait a minute, I'll study some candies that are easy to carry."

However, the "Love in the Green Moon" cake was eventually written on the hotel's cake guide.

Chapter 115 Scathach’s Sleepwalking

In terms of the transportation speed of this era, strong people can reach the speed of trains and airplanes. 99% of ordinary people still use medieval horse-drawn carriages. Big countries can rely on magic technology to accelerate to a certain extent, but the area around Miriam is not included in this. .

The disaster that happened in Karan is still far away for Miriam. Ordinary people can't feel anything. Adventurers and mercenary-related professions will feel that the difficulty of wild monsters has increased a bit, but it doesn't matter.

Feilin was studying family letters at night. In addition to targeting Hecate, the family's instructions this year also included a special letter, which happened to be delivered this morning. It was nominally from the earl personally in recognition of Feilin's role in the star beast incident. His achievement allowed him to go back for a dinner party at the end of the year.

Please, you said earlier that Hecate should be silenced at the witch's night banquet, and now you want to go back to receive the commendation yourself? Schizophrenia is nothing more than that.

The earl's attitude towards Feilin has always been very bad. The relationship between father and son is not that of a loving father and a filial son. It can be said that they are incompatible with each other.

"Well, maybe you should go back and see your mother, that guy..." Feilin fell into a brief memory. In this life, his mother was also the daughter of an earl. Under the suppression of the powerful earl, her character became weaker and humbler year by year. She was submissive and did not dare to resist the arrogant earl. , after what happened to her sister, she never gave birth to another child, and she was depressed all day long and was not in good health. Feilin tried to comfort her mother, but it had the opposite effect. In order not to irritate her, she chose to leave.

Now it seems that the problem in the family must be this generation. There were not so many troubles in the past, otherwise there would be no cohesion.

Other children are either timid or scared due to living environment problems, and even suffer from Stockholm Syndrome due to lack of love. I'm afraid it will be exciting to go back this year.

With these thoughts in mind, Felin wants to build momentum for himself and use the intelligence network he currently has to form a "large and clear" witch force that has been infiltrated by the family. He will look for opportunities to use Feli and Hecate to plan and plot against a wave of counts.

The best way at present is to find all the enemies of the count and lure him out to kill him. However, the count is extremely cautious and his actions are erratic. He previously announced that he would personally participate in the star beast plundering battle, but gave up again. I don’t know what happened. What do you think?

Soon, Felin played many witches by himself, falsifying rumors among Miriam, shaping the image of Feili as a rising star, and expressing that the two great witches had corresponding supporters, allowing Feli to gradually reveal herself from the family's perspective.

While he was writing the letter, Feilin was keenly aware of the footsteps in the corridor outside the house. They were far away and light but could not escape his magical perception. Feilin quickly rushed over and opened the door quietly. Looking through the crack of the door, he saw the light of Scathach. I walked along the corridor with my feet on my feet, and finally stopped at the place where the moonlight was brightest, staring blankly at the green moon in the sky.

The moon has special significance in this world. The goddess of Qingyue, the goddess of Mingyue, and the goddess of Red Moon are the three oldest gods. Their power is everywhere, and they have performed miracles all over the world. Their beliefs are everywhere. Different from Arius's lively state, some believe that they have personalities, while others believe that they are gods of rules whose true identity is unknown.

Scathach's current state is like being attracted by the moon. Film came quietly behind Scathach. She didn't notice it. She looked at the moon along her world Film. Today happened to be the roundest day in a month. There was a green halo around the edge of the moon, but after looking at it for a long time, Feilin felt that the moon was getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes, and he felt a sense of awe and fear.

"Is the legend of the Moon God true?" Feilin thought for a moment and shook his head slightly, "I wonder when people in this world will land on the moon."

After saying that, Felin patted Scathach. The little dragon lady did not come back to her senses immediately. Felin found that she seemed to be sleepwalking. He walked around in front of her, patted her in front of her with both hands, activated the realm of deceit, and mentally Give Scathach a blow.

"Huh?" Scathach came to his senses and then asked, "Brother Felin?"

Feilin spread his hands: "You are sleepwalking. How strange. It's the first time I discovered that you have such a habit. How did you feel just now?"

Scathach was still a little confused, so he followed Felin's inquiry and answered: "I... still had that dream. Today, the perspective of approaching the room came to the bedside, and then I came to my senses and came here."

Feilin pointed to his collar: "Take out the necklace I made for you and take a look."

Scathach didn't know why, but when she looked for it, she couldn't find it.

Felin gave her a sign, protected Scathach with deceitful power, and they went to Scathach's room together. Felin finally found the broken necklace beside the bed.

The "Lost Corridor" created by the deceitful power had no effect. The necklace protecting Scathach's dream was destroyed. Strange things happened to her. Judging from the extent of the damage, it may have had a bad influence.

At this time, even Carol was resting. Felin pulled a chair and let Scathach continue to rest.

Feilin frowned deeply: "You can continue to sleep, I will stay by your side."

Scathach felt slightly uneasy: "Brother Felin, what happened?"

Feilin nodded and stood up again: "I'm not sure what you are encountering now. I suspect that the people who hurt you before have come back and they have found you. Let's not talk about this anymore. You can rest first and I will take care of the unfinished business. Bring the account book and continue working. I will be busy all night today, so it doesn't matter. You can rest assured. "

Scathach felt embarrassed: "I'm a bad sleeper."

Felin raised his hand: "How about I wake up Feili and ask her to accompany you? Listen to me, Scathach, I now suspect that you are in danger, do you understand?"

Scathach was nervous for a moment, then said oh and stopped refuting.

What force unknowingly attracted her?

There was nothing to say all night, as Felin was busy, the pen tip gently rubbing on the envelope, Scathach lay on his side on the bed, looking at Felin's serious expression and did not fall asleep for a long time.

In the end, Felin couldn't find the reason. He discussed the matter with Carol and Nishinohana the next day. Neither of them had a good idea. Carol planned to make some equipment and put it around Scathach's room to observe and monitor the magic fluctuations. , Nishinohana intends to do astrology.

Everyone began to worry about the youngest child in the store.

Serena originally wanted to guard the door for Scathach. Yes, just like Li Shimin in the previous life who couldn't sleep, the knight was guarding the door. In the end, Felin persuaded her to stop her. It was useless for her to guard the door without magic, and she It's business to go home and recruit soldiers.

"This is an expedition, and we are starting to really start raising military expenses. I really want to rob the country."

"In addition to conquering Karan's demons, we can also do some commissions on the way and purchase supplies from villages and cities." Felin said, and also pulled Feili over, "Besides, we also have magic support, large-scale It’s difficult to use teleportation magic, but it’s okay to send you something every once in a while, don’t you think so, Feili?”

Feili patted her chest: "So just be at ease, fight seriously, and leave the logistics to us. This is a just move. I'll ask the royal family if they have any ideas to increase their reputation. With the royal family's support, they should be able to sponsor some military spending."

Serena solemnly thanked you: "Thank you very much for your help. I will keep this kindness in my heart."

Serena temporarily left the hotel.

Feli went to the Witch's Forest after Serena left. She had written a letter to meet with Surad before. She arrived today and Feli went to find her with the list.

To be honest, spy technology also needs accumulation and improvement. The family's behavior of handing over the spy list to colleagues in different systems is quite unprofessional. It was originally a route to avoid Filin, but now it is in Filin's hands. Even if it is really a spy operation, Filin's arrest means that everything is exposed, not to mention that Filin himself is the sixth child. He hopes that Miriam will have only himself to decide.

The plan of these spies is to find witches in Miriam, approach them in various ways, fund them, play the emotional card, and use human relationships to approach and establish friendship. However, due to the short time and the Miriam witch hiding too deep, many spies did not even have time to launch the action.

Now Filin has handed over the task of catching spies to Surad, of course, he went there as Fili. .

"This is the list of spies sent by the Morgana family."

After reading the list, Surad had an idea in his mind: "I know they have been engaged in espionage activities, but why did they send so many young spies this year?"

Fili deliberately said the purpose was bad, saying that they were greedy for the witch's body, and finally concluded: "So turn them all into girls."

Surad put away the list and sneered: "That's natural. The potion will leave a mark on the transformed people, right on their abdomen. We can clearly sense this mark and understand their movements anytime and anywhere. But it's so strange, why didn't the family send female spies?"

Fili felt that she couldn't let her guard down: "Maybe there are? We just don't know."

If it was a female spy, it would be easier to win the favor of the witch and relatively integrate into this circle, but the family didn't do that. The information Fili knew was that there were very few female spies in the family, and most of them were lurking in important areas. In the past, Miriam was not particularly cared for. The head of the family, the Earl, and Hecate had mostly personal grudges, so they didn't send real capable people.

It has been said that most of those who can come to this remote country are exiled, and female wizards have strong abilities, so the possibility of being exiled is even lower.

As for the conclusion, the Earl has not paid enough attention to the witches, and he underestimated his opponent.

From today, many spies of the Morgana family began to suffer. Those who trespassed into the Witch Forest were asking for death, and the rest who were still hiding and adapting to their identities were also broken into by the witches, forced to drink medicine, and then quickly retreated, leaving the spies who were injected with magic potions confused.

They shouted: "God damn it, why is this? I haven't done anything! How can a group of witches kick the door in and become like this?"

Yes, many people don't know what happened at all, just think that the witches here are too bad.

Miriam's witches are also a bit fierce in other countries, but the spies didn't expect them to be so shameless. In terms of the degree of evil, they are simply at the level of destruction.

However, a few people looked in the mirror and couldn't help showing their expectant eyes, feeling that their new bodies were better than before.

In this way, Morgana's handsome group suffered a devastating blow, at least no one on the list escaped.

After killing these people, Filin naturally couldn't let them go back. He used his ability of deception to find them one by one, comforting, bewitching, and deceiving them, accepting their previous identities as a credit, and persuaded them to go to the resettlement point in the border city to run a new hotel.

In the border city, Fili and Arabel communicated and had already bought a hotel with a grand decoration and a good location. It was a good choice for opening a hotel.

Later, these succubi never thought that these spies would become one of their biggest competitors.

Filin assured these people that although they had lost the most important thing in their lives, their future life would be guaranteed, and the Morgana family would not abandon anyone who had made contributions.

Under the instigation of the ability of deception, the spies on the list collectively ran a hotel, and they all thanked Filin for taking them in.

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