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However, the incarnation of falsehood is not without flaws. When the main body is too far away, the incarnation of falsehood will be slightly slow in reaction.

Scathach raised her head in Fili's arms: "Sister... Can I call you that?"

Fili smiled: "Whatever you like, and I want to ask you, do you plan to stay here?"

Scathach nodded: "I want to be with my sister."

The outside world is very dangerous to Scathach, and she doesn't know whether the organization will continue to look for her. I think it will, because the value of the dragon stone is inestimable.

Fili touched her head: "If you want to stay here, you have to learn how to be an ordinary person. I heard from Fili that you are clumsy and have a lot to learn."

As soon as the voice fell, Scathach slightly side-eyed, looking at Fili with resentment all over her body.

Fili smiled bitterly, what kind of self-fighting is this? Next, she took out a beautiful bracelet with a small bell from her pocket.

"Here, Scathach, this is for you. It is both a gift and a prop for exercise."



Fili raised her sleeves and revealed the same bell.

"You should start with daily life like me. I hope you can always pay attention to the degree of your actions. Even when running, the bell cannot make a sound. When you reach this level, I will teach you other things."

When in the Morgana family, the first stage of etiquette courses is to walk with a book on your head without falling, and to dance with a bracelet bell without making a sound. The family calls this elegance.

Scathach couldn't help but open her mouth wide, shouting in her heart, can this really be done? But since her elder sister did it, she pretended to nod and agree obediently.

From another perspective, it's also good for her and her elder sister to wear the same bell.

Fili smiled secretly in her heart. This child obviously agreed to it with a stiff upper lip, but she still pretended to be a good child.

Then think about it, my elder sister is very strong, so the training method my elder sister said must be right, she needs to become stronger and follow this witch to learn her skills.

Seeing Scathach struggling, Fili added a sentence.

"I'll give you a month first. If you can master this skill by yourself, it means you are talented. If not, I will teach you 'Cat's Agility' first. Okay, my elder sister has something to do and is leaving. You must listen to Flin in the hotel."


I don't want to listen\u003e_\u003c.

In Scathach's heart, she subconsciously regarded Flin as a cunning man like a fox. She couldn't see through his thoughts, so she was a little scared.

But Fili is like the bright sunshine, the oasis in the desert, and the moon in the sky. She is a dragon girl in the near moon.

Chapter 010 Witch's Makeup Skills

Fili found that during the time in the hotel, Scathach was very afraid of contact with strangers. She often peeked out of the windows on the second and third floors, and seemed to be worried about pursuers.

So when playing Fili, she focused on comforting Scathach and boosting her confidence.

Fili tried to make her smile contagious: "I picked you up. No one would turn a blind eye to a wounded and dying child in the wild, right? It's just that I've seen you worried these past few days. Did you sneak out from somewhere?"

Scathach hesitated to speak, fearing that she would say something wrong or make Fili feel a sense of crisis and drive her away. She wanted to stay here not only to avoid crises, but also to repay her gratitude.

Fili raised her finger and analyzed the next survival strategy for Scathach, the most important of which was disguise.

"Don't worry, I'm too lazy to investigate your past. Next, you should learn makeup from me." Fili suggested. She had planned to make up a witch, so she naturally learned the relevant skills thoroughly.

"Makeup...?" Scathach was surprised. This was a word that she had no affinity with.

Soon, Fili pressed the little dragon girl in front of the dressing table.

"You have a good foundation. You will definitely be a beauty when you grow up. Even if you work as a clerk here, you will be very eye-catching. So, I suggest that you make your skin darker and put some freckles on the left and right sides of your nose to look more rustic. Hmm, sit still and don't move."

Makeup is a magical skill that can turn people into ghosts or ghosts into people. Fili belongs to the latter.

After the blending of potions and the use of cosmetics, Scathach's skin seemed to have been exposed to the sun for a week in the summer, and it became much darker. After freckles on her face, she has become a different person. Then dye her hair brown and put on glasses. Now she looks like a country girl.

Now Scathach has no figure and her appearance is too ordinary. Because it is made up, traditional magic technology cannot detect it. This disguise is perfect.

"Amazing." Scathach opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar self in the mirror.

"Don't just sigh. You need to learn how to mix the potion to change your skin color, and all the makeup techniques that follow. I may not be able to help you with your makeup every day. Before you learn it, if I'm not here, you can go find Filin." Fili put away the makeup box.

"Why can he do it too?" Scathach didn't understand.

Fili smiled sweetly: "Well~ When I'm busy, Filin will also help me with my makeup. He is a very careful and gentle man."

What is your relationship?

Scathach raised her eyes slightly: "I will definitely learn it! No, I will memorize the steps today!"

Fili encouraged her: "Very good, keep going."

So far, Fili thought that this wave of mutual use was still very good. She appeased Scathach and assigned her daily training homework. Fili would continue to act as such.

There are many ways for witches to increase their popularity, nothing more than publicizing their identities and waiting for fish to take the bait.

However, Fili wanted to take another strategy. He hoped to make Fili an idol-type witch, and an all-powerful witch, and actively promote herself.

Good wine needs no bush. If you want to become a great witch, you have to market.

It is Fili's ambition to develop Fili into a world-known great witch, and then hold his own thigh, use the resources obtained from the great witch to remove the family's control over himself, and gain true freedom.

However, becoming a so-called great witch is not a matter of one day or one night. Now Fili still has to work hard for a piano.

Today, Fili came to the Adventurer's Association again. The receptionist Miss Savile still didn't find her in the crowd until the other adventurers were almost gone, and then she saw Fili under the notice board.

Is this magic? When Xavier thought that Fili was a witch, he imagined all the magical phenomena as magic.

Xavier came to the side, gently shaking his body to observe Fili. The more he looked at her, the more he liked her and the more he envied her. As a woman, she was not as good as Miss Witch in all aspects: "Miss Fili, are you looking for a task?"

Fili smiled lightly: "Well, I want to find a suitable task, but I don't want to go far. I want a piano recently. Can the association help spread this news? With the piano as a reward, I can complete the work for the client without violating morality."

Xavier thought about it seriously. There is no precedent for similar employment models. The problem often lies in the reward: "The piano is very expensive. Only nobles or wealthy businessmen can pay such a reward, but no similar people have issued commissions recently..."

Just as she was thinking, there was a sound of armor friction next to her. A fully armed female knight came to the notice board and then bowed to Fili.

Fili recognized this female knight. It was the one who lived in her own inn. It seemed that she had been visiting other witches in the past few days, but she finally found herself.

"Dear witch, Lord Fili, if you like piano, I can pay you this amount, but I hope you can lend a hand and save my family's territory."

Fili responded calmly: "Save... Well, although I just said that I don't want to go far away, I can't turn a blind eye to people who are suffering, right, knight?"

The female knight praised: "Lord Fili is indeed noble and upright, salute you."

Fili waved her hands hurriedly: "Don't use honorifics all the time, it's quite strange. We look about the same age, you can just call me by my name."

The female knight realized a mistake: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I... I am Serena, the eldest daughter of the neighboring lord. The water source in the territory is exhausted and there are poisonous dragons. Several expeditions have failed, so I hope to seek the help of the witch."

After listening to the content of the commission, Fili's mind was in a storm.

It is true that false magic is naturally good at disguise, but fighting monsters head-on has always been her weakness.

Having said that, Serena had been looking forward to inviting a witch like herself, and in a place like the Association, refusing the commission would go against the original purpose.

Besides, it was unknown whether the water source was dry and whether the poisonous dragon appeared. The former might be solved by magic and water storage technology, but if the latter was a strange monster, it might be a tough fight.

Here we had to take a gamble. In order to become a so-called great witch as soon as possible, Fili decided to accept this challenge.

This brainstorming lasted only two seconds, and then she immediately agreed: "No problem, then Miss Savile, there should be a notarized contract here in the Association, please help me and Knight Serena to draft a commission contract."

Savier was also happy with the result: "Leave it to me."

After signing the contract, Knight Princess Serena seemed to have let go of something on her mind, took a long breath, and then bowed her body quite skillfully, with one hand on her back and one hand reaching out to Fili, like a gentleman inviting a lady to dance at a ball.

"Without further delay, Miss Fili, are you good at riding? Please forgive me for not preparing a carriage this time. We are in a hurry. Let's set off immediately."

Fili gently put her hand on Serena's hand: "I don't mind riding a warhorse with an excellent knight."

The two smiled at each other and became friends at this moment.

At the same time, Serena couldn't help but marvel. She herself is a woman. Although she was raised as a man by her father since she was a child, she still understands her identity as a woman, especially when she is still a girl, so she naturally has some lovely hobbies.

But holding Fili's hand, from the moment she sat on the warhorse, she couldn't help but sigh at Fili's body. Even through the gloves, she could feel her softness. After riding the warhorse, it was as if she was holding a ball of cotton, for fear that she would hurt Fili if she was strong.

Similarly, Fili couldn't help but sigh at Serena's temperament, heroic and gentle. Such a handsome woman must have a good killing power on girls. She is the type that wants to stick to her even if she knows she is of the same sex.

However, Fili also had some worries, because this time she would be a little further away from her clone and go to other territories. According to the rules of deception, although she could still control her clone, this control would have a certain delay, and memory sharing would also be slow.

Regarding Serena's predicament, she had a plan in mind, but she was worried about accidents. In general, she was still a little nervous, but she would not show her nervousness on the surface.

On the way, Fili specifically asked: "Speaking of which, Serena, didn't you find other witches?"

Serena answered without hesitation: "I did. I visited the Wang family and met the secret witch Miss Hecate. To be honest, we can't afford the reward she offered."

Fili tried to ask: "Money?"

Selica's voice was a little depressed: "Not only money, but also secrets... Although I don't know exactly what secrets I have to hand over, the money alone is difficult for me. To be honest, I am short of money now."

Well, not all nobles are rich, Fili understands this.

But you can't tell from your appetite in the hotel that you are short of money.

For example, their family has a monopoly on several magic minerals in the empire, and they have many people in the education field, so they have a lot of money. But the small nobles outside are different. To put it more extreme, some small nobles may go bankrupt even if they hold a grand banquet.

Fili did not continue to ask, but raised some questions about magic materials. In order to facilitate the possible battles later, these things must be considered.

On the other hand, just after Fili left, Fili's clone got into new trouble. He clearly felt that there were many people sneaking around the hotel these days. If nothing unexpected happened, they might be the people who killed Mawen.

"Scathach, don't go out casually these nights. If you find any suspicious people, don't conflict with them. If there is danger, escape to my room in time."

"I will solve the danger myself, so I don't need your help... And why are you making excuses to let me go to your room? Sister Fili has to leave for work for a while, so you can't wait?"

What a difficult kid? What's more, what are you thinking about? What's so impatient about your bulletproof steel body? Do you have one tenth of the charm of my clone Fili? Grow up first, bastard.

Fili was also very curious about what secrets were hidden in the hotel, but he didn't want to conflict with the unknown forces now. If the false clone was fatally injured, it would disappear. In addition, thinking about things in two lines was very stressful.

Chapter 011 It seems there is a brilliant witch

Filin, who stayed in the hotel, is now in the state of a false clone. In simple terms, it is a physical existence of magic power. If it is fatally injured, it will disappear, and the main body will lose contact.

I discussed the strange things that happened here with Fili, and the conclusion is to protect the hotel and wait and see.

After all, when someone threatens you with a knife on the street, the best way is to turn around and run and call the police uncle.

The problem is that the sneaky people around the hotel are unwilling to be lonely. They are just testing during the day, but they are serious at night. They first rummaged through the cellar, and Filin watched silently in the dark and gritted his teeth to endure it.

On the first night, these people poked several beer barrels, and the beer spilled all over the floor, but Filin still endured it.

On the second night, when they finally went up to the second floor and prepared to investigate the travelers coming and going, Filin was angry.

Heads can be cut and blood can be shed, and even the hotel’s property can be damaged, but guests cannot be disturbed. This is a reputation issue!

According to the last investigation, these people are the ones who killed Ma Wen. They are not many in number, and their thieves are elite. They are obviously looking for something.

The clone discussed with Fili despite the delay, let's do it. Keep giving in will only make people feel that they are easy to bully.

The false illusion came quietly.

As a base, the hotel had set up some traps before this, and the false clone can be physically operated.

Of course, the most important thing is that ordinary ordinary people, no matter how powerful they are, are not as strong as the magic first kill.

The thieves who sneaked into the hotel were in a scattered state, in groups of two, and no one was left alone.

But after Fili took action, it was difficult for them not to be left alone. The two of them often walked and suddenly turned around, and their companions behind them disappeared. When they turned around again, they were punched in the stomach and tied up with sacks.

These thieves are not weak, but they can't defeat magic. Illusion is the most restraining ability of ordinary people, and the battle process is one-sided.

For example, the thief who first went up to the second floor is now repeatedly going up and down from the second floor to the first floor, confused by the illusion.

The noise made some residents come out to watch the fun, and there were enthusiastic adventurers who were ready to help subdue them. As a result, the adventurers entered the stairs and followed the robbers up and down.

From their perspective, this staircase seemed to never end. This is the illusion created by the deception magic.

Finally, there are thieves who sneaked into the third floor. Feilin was worried that Xiaolongniang was in trouble. When he arrived at the third floor, he saw Xiaolongniang stepping on two bruised thieves and beating them up.

With your martial arts value, how did you faint in the forest?

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