"Now it's a pure spirit, but..." Feilin looked back in the direction he came from, and was horrified to find that Feili was still there.

To be precise, Feili hit her head on the hard scales, and then retreated with her head covered.

It felt like hitting the south wall.

The feeling of manipulating the false clone and the original body at the same time was back.

There was no time to think about it. A hurricane also hit his head. Feilin collapsed and found that a brand new Bahamut with golden light all over his body was landing from the sky.

"This is a fantasy space, a spiritual world, and also the world we know, Bahamut." The next moment, Feilin understood the current situation, "You and I have the same power in this field, and you are my fictional product. You want to kill me to get rid of the shackles of hypocrisy and become a real existence in people's eyes."

"Proof of existence......"

"Are you conscious?"

Feilin took a deep breath, and the flame of life rolled around him.

"I've had enough of the red tape. I don't have time to waste with you. Let's duel in the most direct way, Bahamut!"


Filin and Bahamut charged at each other, forming two distinct colors.

Then, Filin penetrated Bahamut's chest and shattered the fantasy fake he created.

Only I know that you are fake, and your weakness is me!

In reality, Fili was stunned for three seconds, one thought and two identities were completely synchronized. Fili's full magic power gathered in her right hand, and also penetrated Bahamut's chest at once.




The living were all shocked, and after they died, they all lamented that they died too early when they crawled up as undead.

Bahamut screamed in pain, and the hundred Jing magic leaked from the cracks in his chest. The gold on his body slowly faded, and even the appearance of the black dragon was slowly melting, like a clown whose lies were exposed.

It was also at this moment that a huge amount of magic power was released. Hecate's super gravity magic was dispelled. Bahamut stood up, glared at Fili, and aimed at Fili with huge magic bullets one after another.

At first, Fili resisted two rounds, but her magic power was quickly exhausted, the barrier was broken, and she was hit on the head and bleeding. When she couldn't resist, Carol came in front of Fili, and the strings were interwoven into a new barrier, which was also melted by three ultimate breaths.

"No way? What did you do? Why is the effect so exaggerated?" Carol was hammered to her knees, and the sudden pressure caught her off guard.

Fili understood that this was the last struggle of the star beast. The rumor was broken by the person who made the rumor, leaving only the shaky cognitive power to support it, and Bahamut's only reason was disappearing, leaving only endless rage.

Another ultimate magic bullet fell, and Fili and Carol held hands and resisted together.

At this time, someone passed by them. It was Serena. She raised her shield and smashed it on the ground. White magic formed wings and extended backwards. Then she built a wall and blocked two attacks in succession. The wall turned into ruins.

"How should I put it? It's an amazing one-hit kill. Even I didn't know there was such a 'secret'." Hecate appeared in time and dragged Serena behind her. Then the magic of teleportation was launched under everyone's feet and they left the place instantly.

After that, Bahamut gradually turned into a dragon-shaped outline. The magic on his body continued to evaporate and disappear, and it was shaky.

Faced with this situation, the surrounding moles began to stir, but both the church army and Fili were unable to continue fighting and were taken away from the battlefield by Hecate.

This was not a normal war against star beasts.

Chapter 93 Sect and Witch

The battle around Bahamut was not over. The sacrifice of the church's front-line legion was indeed epic, but the situation soon changed.

The star beast has strong malice towards all life. It is the common responsibility of all creatures on earth to encircle and suppress the star beast. This is how it should be...

Bahamut did not die immediately after being fatally attacked. Even though he lost his true self, he was still struggling to fight back. However, this time he no longer had the power he had before, not even one thousandth of his power. So there was a short melee around the star beast.

People were shocked by Fili's power, but not many people knew Fili, nor did they know that the witch defeated Bahamut. Moreover, in the current state, many people did not admit that the star beast was defeated.

The surviving predators around began to appear. They had suffered a lot just by watching the battle before. Now of course they had to make a profit. They entered the field regardless of the opposition of the church and started a crazy plunder of the star beast's body.

Orfa and Enil were of course involved. The elite of the Morgana family preserved their strength and were relatively intact among many forces. They only consumed a lot of magic power during defense. Their target was not only the star beast, but also the attack on the Arian sect.

However, the front-line legions of the Arian sect were almost completely defeated and gradually evacuated the battlefield. The brave Alex and the expedition knights were both seriously injured, and the sect forces temporarily withdrew.

The current god Arianus is even less interested in the current situation. He stopped Bahamut not for the sect. After a brief greeting and thanks to the elves, Arianus prepared to visit Hecate and Fili.

At present, the desperate battle around Bahamut lasted for nearly three days and ended temporarily, and the wasteland melee around the star beast has just begun the first round. After all, even if it is mining, the body of the star beast is so big that it cannot be emptied overnight.

The surviving civilian groups and large organizations, mercenaries, and various speculators are all coming slowly.

At the same time, Fili and others who escaped to a safe place began to recuperate.

"Okay! What a loss! Ah!" Carol covered her head with both hands, "Isn't it such a loss for us? We finally defeated the star beast, but we can't get the loot immediately. We have to wait two days for the most valuable thing. It might be gone!”

"I'm very satisfied to be alive." Feili sat down on the ground. Her magic power was exhausted and her voice was weak. After speaking, she hurriedly supported Serena, "How is your injury?"

Serena covered her arm that was almost swaying in the wind: "Maybe, it needs treatment?"

Carol saw it, raised her hand and called for the strings to wrap around Serena's hand, wrapping it into a cocoon. The healing power continued to be output, and Serena's face soon became much rosier.

Seeing this, Feili suddenly took out a crystal from her arms and handed it to Carol: "Thank you very much. I have this for you, as promised before."

Carol's face was suddenly filled with excitement, and a blush appeared on her face: "This is!!!"

Feili showed the expression of a little fox stealing a chicken and laughing like a chicken thief: "The moment I penetrated Bahamut, I seemed to have touched something and stole it. Maybe it was Bahamut's star core."

The star core exudes azure brilliance, and the whole body is crystal clear.

Serena was the only one present who did not understand the value of the star core. She looked past the star core and stared at Feili's chest. Where did such a large star core come from?

Carol immediately rushed over and hugged Feili, rubbing her face with her face, extremely happy: "It's too exaggerated, how can you use up such a big star core? You actually mean what you say! Give all of these to me? That's amazing. It’s amazing, you will be my best friend from now on, no, it’s mom!”

This speech was incoherent, and the content made Feili very speechless. Just when she was about to take over the star core, the star core was attracted by gravity magic and fell into the hands of Hecate.

Carol let out a cry of displeasure.

"Don't make any noise, I'm not robbing you. Just wait for me."

A glowing magic book appeared in Hecate's hand, and she opened one of the pages and murmured to herself.

"It's too strange and unreasonable. This so-called Bahamut has changed too much from before. Now it is inferred from the traces of soil and earth veins that star beasts were indeed buried deep underground..."

Carol immediately said seriously: "I have to say that the power of this star beast is unusual, far exceeding the strength recorded in historical documents. It is impossible for ancient people to have the technology to create such a sealing device. The magic technology of thousands of years ago is generally still Lagging."

Hecate did not hide anything: "About this, you are right. The ancient people's technology was still lacking. At that time, the person who sealed the star beast was the god Arius... Oh, let me explain."

Hecate threw the star core to Carol, and Carol's face was filled with happiness after catching it, as if she were the happiest girl in the world. However, Philly turned her eyes and looked at where no one was.

The surrounding lights gathered like fireflies, and Arius stepped out of the light.


As soon as Arius appeared, he showed dissatisfaction when he saw the four surprised eyes: "Witches, humans, what are you surprised about? And, Hecate, you should know who I really am, why are you pretending to be so? A look of surprise?"

Feili quickly put away her surprised expression. Like Carol and Serena, she had the same thought at that moment - "Why not a goddess?"

The gods recorded in Arian sect records, statues, and religious paintings are all images of goddesses, which is called holy and beautiful.

Hecate shrugged: "Do you know why I don't want to see you? You could obviously restrain this sect but never did anything, and the result was so many tragedies."

Arius strongly refused: "God should not be bound by humans, and I don't ask anyone to believe in me. I only care about my own cradle. So don't blame those humans' crimes on me. The troubles they caused have nothing to do with me." ! Forget it, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

Arius looked at Feili and couldn't help but admire: "I have to say that this battle surprised me. Another godlike person was born among the witches... No, what is your situation?"

Feili was stunned and guilty: "Is there any problem?"

Even though the existence of the star beast is now confirmed, the matter that turned the star beast into Bahamut is indeed related to her. The reason is unknown and needs to be investigated. The resulting casualties make Feili feel uneasy.

However, this kind of uneasiness is short-lived. After staying in this world for a long time, my values ​​​​are somewhat selfish, not to mention that after being brought into the power of witches, I am naturally opposed to the Arius Church.

Arius hesitated at first, then looked Feili up and down: "Are you real now? Or are you a phantom?"

Feili snapped her fingers: "Don't explore my secrets. This is the basis for your livelihood."

Arius nodded: "In short, another great witch worthy of the name is born. I would like to express my gratitude to you for defeating Bahamut."

Feili laughed: "It's very subtle to be praised by the gods. It just means thanking you for something."

Arius held up a ball of light, which formed an hourglass and fell into Feili's hand: "I give you my friendship, which is also the power of divine power. If you encounter a crisis in the future, this hourglass can look back on your life."

Feili's eyes lit up: "You are so polite."

Hecate coughed: "Okay, it's time for you to explain."

Arius had nothing to say: "There is nothing to say. This star beast crashed near my cradle, and I helped the humans at that time seal it."

Serena couldn't help but ask: "Why was such a dangerous thing sealed instead of just getting rid of it? Now it has brought such a disaster..."

Arius shook his head: "To be honest, I'm not good at fighting. I couldn't kill it at the time, so sealing it was the best way. Later, this land was also nourished by the extracted star beast magic power. It seemed like nothing was wrong, so I just left it alone. ”

Hecate immediately mocked: "Are you really a god? You can't even control such a thing."

Arius was also very surprised: "Logically speaking, I buried it deep under the earth's crust, and it would be very strange to unlock the seal. I also appear here to ask for help from the hero who defeated Bahamut. Miss Feili, can you please Going underground to investigate again?”

Feili felt guilty again and sweating on her head: "But...it's okay."

Arius did not suspect Feili: "If my guess is correct, someone should be summoning the star beast, and then unblocked it in advance by chance. Maybe the spell used by the other party can be found underground."

Feili felt a headache: "The mine has collapsed."

Arius also considered it: "You can ask the spirit of the earth. With her help, you should be able to enter the underground."

Hecate put her hands on her hips and said, "Why don't you go yourself?"

Arius waved his hands hurriedly, frowned and smiled bitterly: "My whole body hurts now."

Arius was actually seriously injured and his divine power was greatly depleted. Now he just wanted to go back to the cradle and lie down and rest.

Then several people discussed the entrustment. During this period, Hecate kept sarcastic towards Arius, and Arius could only accept it with a wry smile without refuting. After the discussion, they each left.

Carol said that she had no place to rest recently, so Feili thought about it and invited her to live in the hotel as the nearest base for activities.

After that, the fight over the star beast continued.

In the first two days, various forces attacked each other and took advantage of the chaos to knock something out of the star beasts. In the following days, the Arian sect regrouped and new legions arrived. A large number of regular troops expelled everyone in the name of protection and investigation, including help. The civilians who had passed them also asked to leave and surrounded the star beast again.

This act of eating alone naturally attracted resistance, especially Olufa's side, which directly took the lead in bloody conflicts with the sect. However, the sect was not a vegetarian either. Two new brave men and five expedition knights came and began to isolate and blockade the star beasts. And led the legion to arrest and kill the troublemakers, and new miners also arrived one after another to dismantle the remains of the star beast.

In order to warn outside forces, the Arian Church began to execute captured prisoners, hanging and burning them in the name of justice. Later, they found that they could not contain the covetous outsiders, so they planted the executed corpses on the roadside as a warning to others. .

In the chaotic situation, heavy punishments were used to achieve certain results, which shocked the weak people, but soon caused a backlash, especially for people like Olfa who did not aim to compete for star beast materials. They simply attacked the church and destroyed the star beasts. body.

With Olufa's attacks in the east and west, other groups also began to attack the sect, and the conflict between the two sides continued to escalate.

After this situation lasted for a week, the number of casualties gradually reached the level of a thousand people. The processing speed of the star beast's remains was less than one-tenth, and the conflict showed signs of continuing to escalate.

Feili also wanted to find a chance to investigate the mine, but this situation really shocked her, and she even thought that if it continued to develop, the number of casualties might exceed the casualties during the crusade against Bahamut.

This kind of conflict naturally made it into Miriam's newspapers. The border did not restore peace because of Bahamut's crusade. Instead, it fell into a new round of tension because of the bloodhounds from all over the world.

When the surrounding small countries saw the body of the star beast, they were also eager to attack. They gathered the coalition forces and slowly approached, and brought out various explanations to try to prove that the body of the star beast was in a neutral zone and everyone should have a share in seeing it.

Feili also saw the current development, and the guilt she felt towards the Arian Sect gradually faded away. The most news she had seen in the past few days was how many heretics the Arian Church had executed.

Hecate's mentality was purely to watch the fun and not take it too seriously: "Fight, fight, just hit your head and bleed. Don't look at the Arian Church's implementation of justice to protect the people. They are really ruthless when dealing with foreigners." ”

Feili put down the newspaper: "Everything has its own two sides, and our position with the Arius Church is even more dangerous. But are you just looking at the remains of the Star Beast like this?"

Hecate blinked: "You have already obtained the star core, are you still not satisfied? Carol also said that she wants the star core to be more for research, and the results of the research will be given to you when the time comes."

Feili's interest was waning: "With such a big star beast, there should be something better, right? For example, I just want a set of star beast equipment."

Hecate stretched out her hand and flicked Feili's forehead: "If you want it, I'll give it to you. The characteristics of that star beast are not good, and it also has the characteristics of the pollution curse, which is similar to the star core you took. The difference... is really strange. What's more, what you really need is not equipment, but to improve your magic power. In the past two days, the news about you has been spreading, and it has become a hot topic."

Feili was puzzled: "Me? What's wrong?"

Hecate was speechless for a few seconds: "You really don't know what you have done? You penetrated the body of the star beast with one blow, bringing a huge turning point to the crusade. People outside are also praising your name, great witch Feili has truly deserved her title.”

Feili let out a sigh, with a face filled with confusion: "Big witch? Me?"

It was only Arius who mentioned it before, but Fili didn't take it seriously at all. Anyone with a discerning eye would know her level and she was not qualified to be compared with Hecate.

Hecate chuckled and said, "The Great Witch is not determined by your strength, but by your reputation. How did you get your reputation? Fighting against star beasts is to keep disasters out of the country. People will naturally be grateful to you, but you still need to strike while the iron is hot and keep your reputation hot for decades or even hundreds of years. When people mention you, they will naturally respectfully call you the Great Witch."

Fili was about to refuse, but she heard footsteps outside. Several witches ran into the room in panic, gasping for breath.

"Lord Hecate, Sister Fili, it's bad! Lucia and Bella were captured by the Arians! They, they just wanted to sneak in to collect some materials..."

Chapter 94 Fili and Fili

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