The martial arts competitions in border cities are funded by several chambers of commerce. The purpose is to promote their weapons and equipment. They are willing to provide free weapons and equipment to the participants. The requirement is that they must wear these weapons and equipment to compete.

Serena sneaked away the strong men she was chatting with, threw them out the door, clapped her hands and returned to Feili: "Is it really okay for you to be listless today?"

There is still a trace of black line on Feili's forehead: "No problem... listlessness is just because of being entangled, and it will not affect combat effectiveness."

Arabelle nudged her with her arm: "Let me introduce, this martial arts competition is also sponsored by me. Of course, I don't need your help to promote it. Please take these two name tags. The VIP rest area and high-end buffet will be free of charge. Enjoy it. If you don’t like it, you can order a meal and my people will deliver it to you quickly.”

Serena glared at Arabelle: "Why did you come with me? Do you want to participate too?"

Arabelle is eager to try: "This is a rare opportunity. I want to reach the finals and face Feili."

San Yi Bo Yi Si Yi San Ji

Serena had veins popping out on her forehead: "Then I'll join in too. I will definitely stop you and eliminate you from the competition, and I won't let you harass Feili!"

I don’t know when Serena started showing a hint of hostility toward Arabelle.

However, something unexpected happened. Although the selection battle between the two went smoothly, they were eliminated in the qualifying battle.

Feili can only lament their luck. In this city-level martial arts competition, the strength of the players is not outstanding. There are only a few people who can be called strong. In fact, these strong people are not Cerei. The problem with Na and Arabelle's opponents was accidents.

The opponent Arabelle encountered was a lich. Yes, although he was an undead, a lich that was a human in life was still in the human camp, and his status and everything were legal. When this lich faced Arabelle, he used more than thirty kinds of strengthening magic at the beginning, and controlled these strengthening magic with amazing talent.

"Normally speaking, it's a big deal for a person to activate five strengthening magic spells at the same time. He managed thirty of them in one breath. Even though he is a mage, he still couldn't bear to punch me with such a strengthening range." When Arabelle came out of the arena, she was holding her stomach and vomiting blood, her face was ashen, "Many people think that the lich is a mage, but they have given up their bodies and worked hard for hundreds of years to study. That skeleton is really not weak. I lose." Be convinced.”

Feili couldn't help but shake her head: "You are so unlucky, that lich is not inferior to me in strength."

Arabelle was also surprised: "Hey, Feili, are you very strong?"

Feili nodded: "Yeah, I'm super strong."

three①②eight clothes four clothes three⑨

The reason for Serena's failure on the other side is also very simple. She met the Knight of Dejection... To put it simply, he is a person who is full of decadence and looks weak. If nothing else, this kind of person will fall down if the wind blows him. , but her sword didn't touch the opponent for a moment. In the end, her eyes blurred and she was knocked down by the opponent inexplicably.

"Hey? Feili, did you see clearly what happened to me just now? Why couldn't I hit him? Did he move? He was always in the same place, right? How did I get knocked down? I lay down when I regained consciousness. ...I haven't used my full strength yet!" Serena was about to cry. She had exercised well. She didn't slack off even after her promotion. She still trained hard every day. How could she participate in an urban and rural level martial arts competition just one day? tour?

Feili stood behind Serena, stretched out her hand to touch her hair and comforted her: "Okay, don't be depressed. You are unlucky to draw lots and meet a master. That guy has reached the top level in terms of martial arts and magic power. Like a moving nuclear bomb, you are indeed no match."

We can’t say that the two girls are too weak, we can only say that the strength of their opponent is too strong. Then Feili also faced her opponent, a red-haired female swordsman who looked ordinary. She looked like an adventurer and had sharp eyes. , there is an indescribable weird aura about him.

"The following is Feili's battle against the successor of Feiyan Sword! Please take your positions and get ready~~~ to begin!"

This battle was extremely difficult for Feili, and she doubted her life. Even she began to wonder if there were too many strong men in the world. Could it be that every time she went out to buy a pack of cigarettes, she could meet heroes?

I thought it would be an easy match, but Feili was left to play for forty minutes, until the field was destroyed, the audience hid in the bunker, and the opponent was unspeakably surprised, and he suddenly became the focus of the audience.

People were talking about both sides of this match. The strength of the red-haired swordswoman was obvious to all. What really surprised people was Feili's martial arts. No one could have guessed that the witch could gain even power in such a high-intensity martial arts showdown. It hasn't happened yet. Seeing the witch using magic, everyone began to guess what kind of trump card Feili had played.

Just when everyone thought the winner was about to be decided, the red-haired swordswoman suddenly withdrew from the field and gave up the fight, as if she didn't want to attract attention. This made Feili relieved.

"At least I got my ticket to the finals, so I won't have any difficult opponents next... right?" Feili silently put away her weapon, scanned the mess on and off the stage, and couldn't help but sigh, it's so difficult!

Just when she was about to leave, Feili suddenly held her forehead and paused. She suddenly found that a large amount of her magic power was lost. It was not used in battle, but was absorbed under strange rules, and she couldn't even go where it was. clear.

In a daze, Feili's consciousness suddenly drifted into the distance, and she inexplicably saw a dark and ferocious dragon gestating in the moon. Its body became increasingly clear...

Just when Feili wanted to observe carefully, her consciousness returned to reality. She stumbled and regained her balance. The scene she just saw seemed to be an illusion.

"It's not an illusion. There have been many rumors spreading in the past few days, describing Bahamut's appearance in detail, but..." Feili looked down at her palm, squeezed it again, and had a bad premonition, "Magic and miracles are not It's free. If you want to make a lie true, even if it's forged, you need to consume magic power. The magic power just lost...Does this lie need to be supported by my magic power? No, it will be drained. No, that star beast will be drained. You didn’t ask for magic power from me when you were born, so what are the rules?”

Serena and Arabelle ran over, holding Fei Li's arms on the left and right: "Are you injured? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Feili smiled and shook her head: "There is no injury. Neither the swordsman nor I used our full strength to maintain our strength at the limit that our bodies can reach without using magic power. We are just tied for the time being."

Serena breathed a sigh of relief, and then had a new question. She supported Feili as she walked: "By the way, how did you do it in the fight just now? With a dagger as a weapon, you won't find it difficult to break through the opponent's sword. Is it around? I feel like I can’t even grab the center line..."

Feili gestured: "I've already used a dagger, do I have to fight the opponent openly and openly? I really can't break through her center line, so I can just go around it and use speed and skills to find flaws. A swordsman with a slight weakness can quickly I was in a hurry.”

Arabelle looked at today's contestant box: "I'm always afraid of these people who are obviously strong but too low-key. Of course, except for you Feili, after all, you are so beautiful."

Feili took her hand out of Arabelle's arms: "Let's not talk about it for now, Arabelle, your behavior makes me very suspicious of you. Do you like girls...?"

Arabelle thought for a moment, and unexpectedly thought about this problem for a long time: "I think I am a normal succubus. In theory, I should like handsome men, but I don't seem to reject beautiful girls like you. Think about it, doesn't this mean a gain? Double the happiness?”

Serena pulled Feili into her arms on the spot.

Arabelle looked at Serena with a smile: "I like people like Miss Serena more who have both chivalrous demeanor and girlish grace."

Serena and Feili silently took five steps back.

Chapter 86 Let’s unite

The fragments of the star beast are among the top rare items in the world. Under certain circumstances, they can lock a living person from death or bring him back to life. People who want immortality also pursue it crazily. The simplest and crudest power among them is even more powerful. It can be said that everyone wants ordinary people to join the ranks of the strong.

To put it bluntly, the militant organizations that have gathered in Miriam want to steal a piece of the pie from the church. As for why an organization dares to cause trouble under the nose of a certain country, it can be generally assumed that no country can kill them quietly. Death Star Beasts and Star Beasts are natural disasters that move when they start to move. These organizations intend to knock materials from each other during the Star Beast activities. The Molten Mountain Dragon in another world belongs to this category.

In the evening, Feili was kneading dough in the rest area while analyzing: "They are not only active in the Miriam area, but also gather in surrounding small countries. Star beasts have rarely appeared in recent years. As the news spreads, they will continue to attract more people's attention. , then the number of people trying to break in will further increase.”

Serena was very worried: "What about you? Are you going to fight for star beast materials too?"

Feili didn't speak immediately. She kneaded her face and covered herself. After thinking for a while, she said: "It is said that the core of star beasts houses the source of their power. If you get the star core, you can control the power of star beasts. I also have a purpose I want to achieve."

Serena hugged her chest and couldn't help but squint her eyes and frown: "A little surprised, I thought you were also a carefree witch, Feili."

Feili walked to the stove and lit a fire to boil water: "No matter how carefree you are, there has to be a limit, well, but I will be confused after I achieve that goal, and then I will also think about what my new life is. By the way. , do you want something sweet or something salty?”

Serena immediately replied: "For dessert."

Dinner was good and settled.

When returning to the room where she was resting, Serena was also preparing for various recent events. During this period of time, her life of assisting the city in maintaining law and order and cracking down on gangs and evil was quite fulfilling. In a sense, Serena was satisfied with her role. Knight's pride.

It feels great to hoe the strong and support the weak to uphold justice.

At this time, there was a chirping sound outside, and several magic reactions approached.

"Huh? Do they live here?"


"Then let's arrange our room nearby."


After he finished speaking, he heard footsteps approaching gradually, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Is it Feili? I heard that you live here, and we are here to help."

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Feili was quite surprised when she opened the door. There were eight or nine witches wandering in the small garden outside the door. Feili had some impressions of them. They were all faces she had seen at the dinner party last year, and some of them were from the table on the street.

The leading witch put her hands on her hips: "Didn't you hear that a star beast is coming? I asked Master Hecate if we need help here, so let's come and take a look. I heard that many people have come along the way. You see? Pass them?"

Fili tilted her head unexpectedly. She was dozing off when a group of cute little pillows flew over. She quickly organized her words: "I don't know much either. I've been sweeping illegal evil forces in the city recently and actively communicating with those big organizations. I haven't noticed other sisters. Maybe you can look for them?"

The leading witch thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's start looking for them tomorrow, and then build a barrier nearby. If the star beast really appears, the power of the barrier can support the people until they have finished evacuating."

The witches who stayed in Miriam were all kind-hearted. They were indeed impatient with humans, but after living together for so many years, both sides had a good understanding. They also had a family business in Miriam, and their attitude towards the locals improved a lot. Well, anyway, they didn't see them at ordinary times.

After that, Fili held a small meeting with these witches in the garden. Everyone discussed Bahamut one by one. Fili played the CG of the Realm of Rebirth for them seriously, and performed Bahamut's ferocity under the interpretation of false magic.

But Fili slightly forgot one thing. These memories were animation performances for him, but they were equivalent to real in the eyes of the witches. Their thinking mode had completely regarded Bahamut as a real thing.

Especially after listening to Fili's nonsense at close range, the witches present immediately believed it without doubt. Now they had to take it seriously for their own safety without the urging of others.

It was quite terrifying for these childish witches to enter the serious mode. They could often focus on one thing for years or decades.

At the moment they believed it, Fili suddenly felt her heartbeat speed up, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth and cough. The sudden surge of magic power in her body made her very uncomfortable. Just now, the law of deception seemed to be activated naturally, and it extracted her magic power without Fili's control. This magic power disappeared instantly, so that no one present noticed the abnormality.

"What's wrong with you? Your face suddenly looks bad?" Only Serena found that Fili was uncomfortable.

Fili shook her head: "I choked on my tea."

Selena's shoulders drooped, and she wanted to say something, but held back: "Then drink slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

Witches are energetic and have a relatively low desire for sleep, so after Fili fell asleep, these witches gathered together to study magic, and then they began to call friends, and more witches came to the border city the next day.

Fili was much more relieved now. As the number of witches increased, the witch power gradually formed a climate here, and she had the confidence to negotiate with large organizations.

Perhaps it was really aware of the witches gathering, and the city and the black market became low-key, and the fights between large organizations became much more friendly, and there were no more street fights causing large-scale damage.

Then the succubus's performance was a great success. Fili and Arabelle made the headlines of the newspapers, touching each other's faces with butterfly headdresses, and it looked like they were about to kiss each other, which made Serena suffer for a few minutes. Yes, a few minutes, and then she put the distracting thoughts behind her and got busy with serious things.

After the concert, Fili didn't even change her costume, and rushed directly to the martial arts competition. There was no other reason, she was just late.

These days are the elimination rounds, and being late for too long will automatically be judged as a failure. Fortunately, Fili's match was later, so she was not judged as a loser due to an accident.

It may be that the masters in the few days of the selection rounds have all finished rolling inwards. During the elimination rounds, Fili didn't meet any particularly strong people and successfully entered the semi-finals. Then her eyes went dark because the remaining four semi-finals were all monsters.

According to the investigation, the knight with a sad face is the leader of the Shadow Organization, His Excellency the Lich is the head of the Great Cemetery, and the remaining is an alchemist named Carol... very strong.

At Fili's level, it is no longer effective to evaluate strength based on superficial magic power. The victory or defeat between heroes can only be known after fighting.

"I hate meaningless battles." Fili never expects strong people to fight. She is more like a carnivore. Hunting must be purposeful to avoid meaningless hunting and getting hurt. That's all.

But the fight still had to be fought, but the next alchemist sang while fighting with her, and was eventually judged as losing because of excessive damage to the venue and threatening the safety of the audience. Fili happily won one more victory.

The martial arts competition also had to be repaired for a day, so the second match was moved to the next day.

The audience on the second day had learned their lesson and were fully armed. Those who had armor wore armor, and those who didn't had armor used door panels to deal with it.

The depressed knight faced the magic lich, and the two sides launched a unique contest.

Their battle was very unique. The depressed knight did not use martial arts, but instead frequently burst out magic to bombard the lich. The lich used special magic to refine a set of knight armor for himself, wielding two greatswords to fight the knight in close combat.

The battle between the two was quite fierce. In the end, the lich launched the magic of falling from the sky, and the knight also opened his magic to almost cover the entire city.

This battle forced Serena to not be able to sit in the VIP room at ease. When the two used their ultimate secrets to attack each other, Serena also opened the city wall posture to defend.

In the end, the entire martial arts venue was razed to the ground and turned into dust. The martial arts association severely reprimanded this behavior and cancelled the qualifications of both sides of the fight. Fili unexpectedly won the first place.

"Is this okay?" Fili took off the tiles on her head, her face full of speechlessness.

Perhaps this is what is called the fight between gods and mortals. After the battle, there were not many people in the audience who could stand properly, but afterwards the audience was overwhelmed with emotions, saying that this was the most unforgettable battle of this century, and many people realized new tactics from it.

Today, people in the border city began to discuss whether enhanced magic or pure magic is stronger. It turns out that everyone is a strength party and wants to pursue the most efficient way of fighting.

After the battle, Arabel hosted the two leaders and finally had a chance to talk.

Fili did not stop them from approaching the star beast, but instead proposed an alliance.

"More people will approach in the coming days. On behalf of the witch, I propose that you give up the dispute, temporarily form an alliance, jointly manage Miriam's industry, and keep other outsiders out."

Since everyone has shown their strength to each other, since they are all heroes and recognize each other, it is much easier to talk.

The Shadow Organization is the easiest to talk to. Their boss doesn't care about whether it is a star beast or not. He just thinks it's interesting and handsome and thinks it's a good stage.

The lich was more fussy and asked for further detailed discussions, and then they would properly divide the scope of interests and responsibilities. At the same time, he preliminarily approved the alliance plan. He believed that witches, succubi and shadow organizations were already difficult to deal with, and being too persistent in zero-sum games would only make them the first to leave.

"Then we should also invite the nightmares..."

Fili was interrupted by Arabel just as she said this.

"I'll negotiate with the nightmares."

"Will you really negotiate properly?"

Fili expressed concern, but Arabel was serious.

After the bosses had a preliminary discussion, Fili began to work on the banquet. The lord planned to organize this banquet, mainly to invite the adventurer guild, the chamber of commerce bosses and the leaders of other industries in the city to come, so that everyone could get to know each other, so as not to hurt each other by mistake later.

Seeing that things were finally moving forward, Fili felt much more relaxed. On the surface, the witches were gathering more and more, and these big organizations in the dark also agreed to cooperate. It can be said that both the black and white sides were settled.

The rumors about Bahamut were further confirmed after the witches came. Now the scattered border cities finally felt a sense of crisis and actively made way for the materials of the barrier and assisted in repairing the city walls to resist the possible crisis.

But I don’t know if they tried too hard, a very strange situation formed around the Holy Kingdom of Arius. A group of people outside who were ready to take advantage of the situation knew that they had dug up Bahamut, and even knew what it looked like, but only the parties involved were confused.

This is not difficult to understand. It was originally an era of underdeveloped information. The Holy Kingdom of Arius thought it had dug up a treasure and was still actively blocking the news. It didn’t notice the discussion outside at all.

Of course, they didn’t find anything unusual in the early stage, but as time went on, the spies of the church finally found something wrong.

"Have you heard? The Holy Kingdom of Arius has dug up ancient ruins, the moon that sealed Bahamut. It's really scary. They actually plan to awaken the sleeping star beast."

"Puff!" The spy who had just sat down to drink tea suddenly spit out tea. He didn't bother to wipe his mouth. He hurriedly took the gold coins to the person who was talking, asked about the situation in detail, and then reported back.

Like most political institutions, the sporadic gossip obtained by the spies was not immediately taken seriously, but there were more and more lawless lunatics around the excavation site, and these news finally spread to the Saint Arius sect.

The bishop in charge of the excavation site put on a painful mask on the spot. The moment he confirmed the news, he couldn't help shaking his head up and down, right and left, and grabbed the collar of his intelligence officer, forcibly resisting the desire to vomit blood.

"Quick, what exactly is Bahamut, go and find out for me. I want the exact source of information, do you understand?"

"I'll go right away! I will investigate at all costs on this trip, and I won't let you down."

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