It seems that some kind of misfortune has been encountered before, leaving a psychological shadow. Well, witches will encounter such a world at some point. There are really not many places for them in this era.

Then Philly and Irene each gave their reasons, one said good things about humans, and the other refuted desperately. Only Charlotte yawned silently and walked out alone.

Charlotte opened the door silently: "It seems that you can become very good friends, but if you don't leave, you will be late for the party tonight."

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Irene was so angry that she was biting her hair: "Ah, I'm so angry. This guy doesn't understand human malice at all. He will definitely suffer in the future. For example, the fox-like man in the hotel actually pretended to be himself." It’s ordinary people.”

Feili always puts on a half-smiling expression: "I know, but he also provides me with a lot of conveniences. It's a win-win cooperation."

Feili's idea was that if she went to the witch's night party alone, something might go wrong, and finding a witch to go with would be a better way to prove her identity.

God knows whether the witches who organized the night banquet will be able to verify their identity or something. Maybe they have some special means?

It turns out that Feili sometimes has too many ideas. Witches naturally have their own way of distinguishing whether she is a witch or not.

As she neared her destination, Philly saw the butterfly-filled forest described in the letter. The forest was lit up by glowing butterflies and fireflies. Animals of all sizes jumped up and down. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman patrolled the forest. It was peaceful. .

In this tranquility, there was also noise. Continuing forward, Feili saw a woman surrounded by several witches.

"With your skills, you still want to fish in troubled waters?"

"Since you like wearing women's clothes so much, I might as well turn you into a woman! Live like this for the rest of your life!"

The woman who was soon surrounded screamed like a slaughtering pig, and then she was poured a magic potion and thrown into the forest.

Witnessing this, Feili couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. This was the result of being exposed.

Fortunately, I am a high-level illusion, a deceitful phantom. It doesn't matter if I can deceive Charlotte and Irene and sneak into the night banquet. I wonder what kind of existence the great witch is?

If he goes in and is discovered, Feilin's life will be over, but he has come to this point. The purpose of borrowing the power of the witch is so close, how can he give up so easily?

When Eileen saw the scene that just happened, she couldn't help complaining: "These spies are getting more and more aggressive. They used to just monitor the outside, but now they want to sneak into the banquet. It's really unreasonable. Look, Feili, the people outside They always want to peek into our secrets. If they know everything, they will definitely drive us away. "

Feili pretended to think: "Your idea is a bit extreme. If the witches completely cut off contact with the outside world and become a group of world-weary and solitary loners, that will be the beginning of their demise."


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Charlotte replied slowly: "Irene is always noisy and has too many ideas, but Feili, you are also very naive. I always don't understand what humans are thinking."

Irene spread her hands, as if she was showing off the luxurious decorations on her body every moment: "Have you never encountered a witch hunter? Witch hunters are even more extreme. How many companions have been killed by them so far?"

Feili knew about witch hunting and sighed. This was indeed an act of extreme persecution. She decided to avoid the war: "At least we have to live a new life in this country. What's the good of staying in the forest all day long? Are there many wild bacteria? "

Eileen and Charlotte suddenly replied at the same time: "A lot indeed."

Got it, it seems like you have to show interest in wild fungi when playing a witch, otherwise you will be suspected, right?

Soon her idea came true.

The witch's night banquet has a word for banquet, and there must be food and drink on site. It's more like a tea party, with several tables set up, and each table has tea, snacks, and simple stewed mushrooms.

Irene looked ready to make a move, but did not step forward rashly. The witches around her were also staring at the mushroom soup, but they were waiting for something.

Charlotte bit into the lollipop to make room for the mushrooms: "The mushrooms should be handled properly this time."

Erin was unsure: "Probably."

Seeing them like this, Feili felt panicked: "Well, why are you so guilty?"

Charlotte explained in a slow voice: "Ms. Hecate is very good at all kinds of magic, but she has no talent in cooking, and she has no discernment in collecting wild mushrooms, some of which are dangerous to witches. Fungi will also be collected by her. There was a hallucinogenic incident at the banquet last year. The witch who was poisoned said that there was a little person dancing in front of her for nearly three days. "

Erin also rubbed her head: "I thought I survived that time, but when I found that the mushrooms in the bowl were urging me to eat quickly, I knew that I had also been tricked."

Feili couldn't calm down after hearing this. What kind of witch skill is this? Speaking of playing the Celestial Witch for so many times, it seems that I really think of myself as a witch. Today's real body comes, and "he" doesn't have the same resistance to fungi as the witch, not to mention that the witch himself can't stand it.

"Uh-huh~ Here we are, there are a few more good-looking children with new faces this year. What's going on? Everyone has already picked up the spoon in previous years, right? Why don't you eat it this year? I prepared this for four days and carefully prepared it. Let’s try the mushroom soup we made, it won’t taste good if it’s cold.”

At this time, a small, unattractive figure among the witches came out. The big witch hat temporarily covered his appearance, but his voice was particularly clear and sweet.

None of the witches took action: "..."

"You don't think that the same thing as last year will happen again, do you?"

Fili heard someone in the crowd whispering: "It's true that it may not happen again. The victims were randomly selected, so we have to wait for others to eat first."

Hearing such complaints, Fili wanted to sit at the table where no one would eat.

Hecate looked around. Fili was a little tall, so she could only see the witch's hat turning: "What an unlovable group of children, does anyone want to try the mushroom soup first?"

The witches slowly took their seats, but most of them were sipping tea, looking elsewhere, and eating snacks. Only a few newcomers were eager to move, but were stopped by their companions.

This atmosphere made the new witches feel uneasy.

Suddenly, Fili felt someone push her, and she suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

"Hey?" Looking back, she saw Irene's grimace, and the guy even made a victory gesture.

Fili was numb, but saw Hecate walking towards her.

"Hey, hey, is this the new kid? Come and try my special secret mushroom soup. It only comes once a year and is very delicious." After saying that, Hecate used magic to guide the bowl and spoon to float and served Fili a bowl of mushroom soup.

All the witches around were silent at the same time, and all the previous pretentious actions stopped, staring at Fili.

Fili looked up to the sky and sighed. This might be the biggest threat to her besides her family.

Chapter 24 Good Witch and Bad Witch

Speaking of which, you may not believe it, but the witch's mushroom soup... is really bland.

Fili drank the dry mushroom soup with the determination to die, and Hecate served another bowl in a blink of an eye.

No, do you think it's strange that I didn't faint? Fili looked at Hecate in confusion, but Hecate was smiling, like a kind elder who advised his granddaughter to eat more.

After two bowls of mushroom soup, Fili felt that her life might end here. She returned to Irene and Charlotte, and both of them looked at her with admiration.

Everyone thought you could only take two sips at most, but you showed off two bowls in a row?

Irene clapped her hands gently: "Although the experience of meeting you is not very pleasant, I have to admire your courage. Let's talk about the gem later."

Fili looked tired: "What gem?"

The double mushroom soup tasted even worse than water. Apart from nutrition, there was no advantage to it. No, regarding nutrition, these witches also took the premise that they would not die from eating. Who knows if the mushrooms he ate were poisonous?

Irene temporarily put down this topic: "Let's talk about it later, let's drink the mushroom soup first."

At this moment, the witches were talking and laughing. Maybe seeing that Fili was fine, everyone started to share the soup.

Soon, the witches at the next table collectively pounced on the table.

This year's mushroom soup is still fierce.

Irene sipped the mushroom soup in small sips: "This is what I admire most about Lord Hecate. It is obviously the same mushroom soup, but it can poison different people."

What kind of cooking skills is this from another world?

Charlotte seemed confused for a while: "I still remember that Lord Hecate wanted to learn how to bake cookies. No, I seem to have lost my memory and don't have that memory."

What kind of cookies did you eat in the end?

After about five minutes, Fili found that she was not completely out of the situation. She began to cover her mouth and stomach. She felt her limbs were weak and dizzy as if she was drunk. The scenery around her seemed to have turned into a picture book style. The witches around her were either figurines or paper figures. It felt very bad.

Sure enough, ordinary people's resistance could not resist the witch's mushroom soup.

Fili felt that she was going to be exposed today, and the consequences were also very bad. She might be forced to drink medicine by the witches and become a girl forever. Wait, can I be a witch in this way? No, no, wake up!

At this moment, Fili's head suddenly sank as if she was dozing off, and she suddenly woke up. It seemed that something in her body loosened, and the heavy curse on her body weakened a lot. The negative effects of the mushroom soup disappeared just like that. Not only that, the mushroom soup seemed to increase her magic power, which was very magical.

The other witches also had a small increase in magic power after drinking the mushroom soup, even the table that failed.

The magic power increase effect seems to be temporary. From this point of view, this mushroom soup is more like a magic potion than food.

"Aha, as expected, no matter when, it is a blessing to be able to drink steaming mushroom soup."

"It's a pity that Lord Hecate insists on clear soup."

"This is authentic, right? Maybe I'm drinking the intangible cultural heritage from thousands of years ago."

"Are you saying that Lord Hecate is an antique?"

The witches chirped, and the noise added up like five hundred ducks. This scene reminded Fili of her school life in her previous life. The classroom was almost as chaotic when the teacher was not there.

The night banquet was held in such an atmosphere. To outsiders, the witch organization seemed to have a strange and mysterious color, but it was just like that after joining.

The topics they talked about included gossip and even love. Some witches were curious about the so-called love, while other witches were both optimistic and pessimistic.

In addition, many witches were doing transactions. They wanted to exchange materials from other witches through barter, and the transaction items could also be strange magic.

For example, Charlotte was asked to buy magic that could make food taste sweeter, and the reward was four thick cookie dessert baking recipes.

As long as the witch agreed to the price of the exchange, the transaction could be established.

In addition, Feili also heard dangerous news among the witches.

"It seems that some dangerous guys have been scurrying around recently. There are always people missing at the border, and then they spread rumors that it was us witches who did it."

"That's not a rumor, because it really could have been a witch."

Feili pricked up her ears and leaned over to listen to their descriptions. There were some monsters that turned humans into beasts. These monsters went around causing destruction and causing trouble. Many vicious cases had already occurred.

Feili joined the chat group of strange witches: "I also found two monsters here, namely the Rock Rock Dragon and the Poison Dragon. After killing them, they turned into innocent girls."

A witch sighed: "I am the same. I ran into the Nightmare Dragon when I was looking for mushrooms in the forest. It gave me a good beating and almost crushed me to death. Fortunately, the disaster was diverted to the east and the young dragon crashed into Charlotte's body. The candy house just escaped."

The witch with a serious face said: "I have specifically followed this incident. After three on-site investigations, I found that the magic traces are the witch. I took advantage of this night party to observe carefully. This magic power does not belong to anyone present."

Charlotte joined the conversation and looked at the last witch: "So my last candy house was so bad. Stop!"

The discussion was obviously about serious matters, but because of Charlotte's participation, it turned into a playful and playful discussion, and the discussion soon couldn't go on anymore.

Feili shook her head gently. These witches were no different from ordinary girls. Even though their average age was much higher than hers, they still lived innocently in their own world.

At this moment, Philly seemed to catch sight of Hecate in the distance, who waved to her to show friendship.

Yes, I almost forgot the main purpose.

During the night banquet, there were also many studious and enterprising witches who came to Hecate to ask for advice on magic. Some simple magic was easy to explain, but if it involved secret knowledge, Hecate stopped abruptly.

"This is a secret. If you want to know, what secret are you going to trade with me?"

Yes, consulting Hecate was also part of the witch's deal at the night banquet. Feili tried her best to squeeze in from the outside and finally got close to Hecate.

It was obvious that Hecate had to look up at Philly, but Philly finally felt the majesty she had not seen for a long time. This majesty was somewhat similar to that of her father, and it didn't feel oppressive. Instead, it was very kind.

"Hello, little girl, did you feel satisfied with today's mushroom soup?"

Of course I am satisfied. Now my waist is no longer sore and my legs are no longer hurting. My body feels much more relaxed.

"Very satisfied, thank you, Lord Hecate, please..." Feili hesitated, and changed the question temporarily, "Can I ask for the recipe for today's mushroom soup?"

Hecate raised her witch hat: "This is troublesome. I collect the mushroom soup every year from my travels. I don't remember the names very much, so I just throw it into the pot and cook it carefully."

Can the words casual and serious really be used together?

Seeing Philly's serious expression, Hecate's tone became more serious: "Then what secrets are you going to exchange for?"

Feili pretended to think for a moment before saying, "I know something about the blood curse of the Morgana family."

Chapter 25 Secret Exchange

Hecate is a respected great witch and has been taking care of the local witches for some years. The relatively loose witches are reluctantly gathered together, and being able to gather together once a year is considered a huge improvement.

Among the many great witches, Hecate is the easier type to meet, but the transaction is not easy at all.

Hecate was slightly surprised. The Morgana family is a relatively annoying force. If you don’t provoke them, they will provoke you. Sometimes, for the sake of the single star beast, even the passing dogs will be kicked. The witch will attack them. Naturally, he didn't have a good impression: "It's really interesting, but is the secret of the bloodline curse of any use to me? If I exchange it for the mushroom soup recipe, the value of this secret is obviously too high, and it will cause unnecessary trouble."

Feili tried hard to get the chance: "Maybe this secret is of no use to you, but what about the fact that the Morgana family is actively investigating the witch?"

Hecate did not give in: "Then it depends on whether they have the strength. Little girl, say something useful."

Feili tilted her head: "To be honest, I can't think of any secrets that will help you at the moment, but I can do things to improve the witch's reputation and bring more witches into contact with society, so that everyone will not be at odds with ordinary people."

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