Only seven days left to live? She goes crazy and kills

Chapter 26 Is Yan Donghuang willing to stop?

Chu Shangshu Fang woke up quietly and heard Li De'an say in a trembling voice: "The eldest princess also said that if the Queen Mother does not come out of the palace, after two hours, she will cut off the legs of the Second Young Master Chu and give them to the Queen Mother. If the Queen Mother still does not After leaving the palace, I cut...the lifeblood of Third Young Master Chu..."

All the ministers were shocked and almost felt frightened by Yan Donghuang's behavior.

"Your Majesty!" Chu Shangshu was so frightened that he knelt down crying and begging, "Please, Your Majesty, save my family. It is not a pity that I should die, but they are all innocent. Please save Your Majesty's son, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Zhaoming stared at the brocade box in Li De'an's hand, and his voice trembled undetectably: "Is it really Chu Yuanzheng's hand that's here?"

Li De'an nodded in fear: "What I saw with my own eyes was... General Yaoguang of the Qingluan Army gave a dagger to the Chu family's concubine, and he cut off all the lives... with the dagger..."

Li Shangshu's eyes were about to burst: "Which bastard? Which bastard is so ruthless and ruthless?"

Li De'an turned to look at him with a complicated expression and hesitated to speak.

"It's now time, Eunuch Li, it's okay to say whatever you have to say." Prime Minister Pei said calmly, "Why did the eldest princess cut off the hand of the eldest son of Chu? Why did she force the queen mother to leave the palace? What about that bastard of the Chu family? Which one?"

Li De'an didn't dare to say anything more, and just looked at the emperor uneasily.

"Li De'an, just tell the truth." Emperor Zhaoming paced anxiously, "What else did Yan Donghuang say?"

"The eldest princess didn't say much, but what she did..." Li De'an said tremblingly, "A large amount of gold and silver was confiscated from the Chu family. General Yaoguang of the Qingluan Army also mentioned the delay in food and grass last March. He said... he said Chu Shangshu filled his own pockets and was greedy for military pay, which almost caused Qingluan's army to starve to death on the battlefield. This account must be settled with the Chu family. "

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the ministers looking at Chu Shangshu changed instantly.

The eldest princess leads the troops to ransack the homes, one by one?

More than five million taels of silver and nine hundred thousand taels of gold?

This is not just the huge amount of gold and silver that can be obtained by corrupting the military pay, but there must be more ways to corrupt.

When Chu Shangshu heard these words, he almost fainted again.

He got up and knelt on the ground, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Your Majesty, I am wronged, I am wronged!"

"Is Chu Shangshu unjustly accused?" Prime Minister Pei turned to look at him, seemingly puzzled, "Where did the eldest princess get the large amount of gold and silver confiscated from the Chu family? Could it be that the eldest princess ordered someone to put it into your Chu family in advance? Warehouse, and then lead people to search? "

Chu Shangshu said angrily: " do I know? The eldest princess has gone crazy. Is there anything she can't do?"

"The eldest princess is indeed crazy today, but there was no sign of madness before yesterday." The Prime Minister said calmly, "Not to mention millions of taels of silver, nearly one million taels of gold, as well as countless jade vases, antique calligraphy and paintings, It is impossible to cover it with something and quietly send it to the Chu family's warehouse. How did the boxes of property get into the Chu family? Can Shangshu Chu give an explanation? "

"Prime Minister, now is not the time to pursue this matter." Emperor Zhaoming frowned, "You should think about how to stop Donghuang from going crazy."

The prime minister was silent for a moment: "Your Majesty, I think it's time to investigate Chu Shangshu for corruption and perverting the law. If he hadn't deducted food and grass in private, how could the eldest princess mobilize so many people to ransack his home? If she hadn't ransacked the Chu family, she wouldn't have chopped it down. The eldest son of Chu threatened the emperor and the queen mother. Although Chu Shangshu is not entirely to blame, he cannot escape the blame. "

Chu Shangshu roared: "The Prime Minister doesn't know anything. He just listened to Yan Donghuang's words and put the blame on the lower official?"

"A one-sided statement?" The prime minister turned to look at Li De'an, "Eunuch Li, did the gold and silver confiscated by the eldest princess come from the Chu family's warehouse?"

Li De'an looked at Emperor Zhaoming uneasily and hesitated to speak.

"Eunuch Li has seen it with his own eyes. There should be no lies." The prime minister said, looking at Chu Shangshu again, "If Mr. Chu denies that he is greedy for military pay, why not explain where your Chu family's wealth comes from?"

Chu Shangshu's face turned pale. He only cried and begged the emperor, but did not reply a word to Prime Minister Pei's question.

"Your Majesty." The Prime Minister bowed and saluted, "I think it is easy to calm down the eldest princess's anger. As long as she considers the guilty ministers, I will unconditionally support the punishment according to the laws of the country."

Emperor Zhaoming's expression darkened: "Dispose of everything unconditionally?"

"Yes." The prime minister nodded, "The murder of the eldest princess by the Duke of Zhen is a capital crime. The emperor has already decreed that the Duke of Zhen will be imprisoned. The Minister of Chu is embezzling military pay, which has caused the Qingluan army to be short of food and grass supplies. He is ashamed of Qingluan. Army, the emperor should hand over Chu Shangshu to Qingluan Army."

Chu Shangshu’s face changed greatly: “Your Majesty, I have been wronged——”

"The Prime Minister is right." The Minister of Rites nodded, "Because of the delay in food and grass last year, General Qingluan must have accumulated too much dissatisfaction, and may even misunderstand the emperor. This time I saw the mountains of gold and silver in the house of the Minister of Chu. How could the soldiers who almost starved to death on the battlefield not feel resentful? Because all this gold and silver came from the mouths of the soldiers. They were fighting at the border, but Shangshu of Chu cut off the soldiers' livelihoods. What about the Qingluan Army? Don’t hate?”

"The emperor should issue an order to hand over Chu Shangshu to the Qingluan Army, so as to calm the anger and resentment in their hearts."

The direction of the wind seemed to change dramatically in an instant.

Officials headed by the prime minister strongly supported handing over Chu Shangshu to the Qingluan Army in order to calm the eldest princess's anger as soon as possible.

Chu Shangshu's face turned pale and he was helpless. He was unable to even plead for mercy and defend himself.

Emperor Zhaoming's face was as dark as water, and he looked at Chu Shangshu who was kneeling on the ground without saying a word. Thinking of his mother's earnest explanation, he was in a dilemma.

If handing over Chu Shangshu could alleviate Yan Donghuang's anger and let her stop, he was willing to do so as long as he could keep the country and the country stable.

But is Yan Donghuang willing to stop?

No, she won't.

She used poisoning as an excuse to go crazy, and she would not stop until the imperial city was in chaos.

If he leaves Chu Shangshu to their disposal, she will definitely go even further and raid other officials' mansions.

Seven days, even if it’s only seven days.

She will also turn the imperial city into a bloody mess.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty." Li De'an said cautiously, "The eldest princess only gave her two hours. She said that if she couldn't see the Queen Mother, she would just... just..."

"Your Majesty!" Chu Shangshu knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Please, Your Majesty, please save Quan Zi, please please the Queen Mother...please the Queen Mother..."

Prime Minister Pei looked thoughtful in his eyes when he saw the scene in front of him.

The emperor's uneasiness is real, and so is Chu Shangshu's fear.

Yan Donghuang insisted on letting the Queen Mother leave the palace, absolutely not to express the love between mother and daughter.

What did the emperor do to make the always loyal eldest princess go so crazy?

"Ying Rong, you go out of the palace and tell the eldest princess." Emperor Zhaoming turned to look at Ying Rong and gave an immediate order, "I have no intention of harming her. Please give me some time to prove my innocence. Don't make people panic and the country unstable!"

"I humbly accept my order!" Ying Rong stood up and left.

"Your Majesty," Pei Shangshu said, "For the safety of Chu Shangshu's family, why don't you escort the Queen Mother out of the palace to persuade the eldest princess?"

Emperor Zhaoming looked ugly.

He could not let the Queen Mother leave the palace, otherwise she would send a hostage to Yan Donghuang.

Even if the others were dead, he could say that Yan Donghuang was cruel and ruthless, causing a bloody storm in the city.

But once the Queen Mother fell into her hands, he had to save her because she was his mother.

When the empress dowager fell into the hands of thieves, the emperor was unable to do anything. This was not only a lack of ability, but also a great act of unfilial piety.

He, the emperor, will become the laughing stock of the world.

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