Only seven days left to live? She goes crazy and kills

Chapter 15 No one is not afraid of death

The Queen Mother was the luckiest woman in the late emperor's harem, and had the last laugh as a concubine.

She has never been a queen, or even a beloved concubine.

But the seat she is sitting in now is unmatched by the former empress or any favorite concubine.

There were so many women coming and going in the late emperor's harem, but she was the only "virtuous concubine" who was famous for being indifferent to fame and fortune, and was a virtuous woman recognized by the late emperor.

Therefore, when she accepted Yan Donghuang as his daughter, the late emperor had no objection, and Yan Donghuang also felt her sincerity. Despite the overtures of all the concubines in the harem, he was the only one who got close to her.

If a person can pretend to be gentle and kind for ten years, then no matter how withdrawn and difficult to get close to someone, they will not involuntarily let go of their guard and trust her more.

But after taking the position of Queen Mother, such kindness and gentleness no longer seemed so important, so even pretense seemed redundant.

For the rest of her life, she enjoyed glory and wealth, surrounded by servants. She became the most noble woman in the world. She didn't need to look at anyone's face, and she no longer needed to show her kind side to anyone.

The Queen Mother of Chu thought that such glory and wealth would accompany her throughout the rest of her life, and even her funeral a hundred years later would be grand and spectacular, unmatched by anyone.

But when she woke up early this morning, she felt a little uneasy.

She sat in front of the desk and copied scriptures for half an hour. In the past, she would calm down when copying scriptures and she would soon calm down. But today, she scrapped several sheets of paper in succession. There was always a feeling of restlessness in the heart of the Queen Mother. .

"Paint the screen."

"My slave is here."

"Is there anything going on in the palace today?"

Huaping looked puzzled: "The Queen Mother is asking about the harem or the front court?"

The affairs of the harem are under the control of the Queen, but the Queen and the concubines are still young, and they will not neglect the morning and evening every day, and the Queen Mother will know everything she wants to know.

It is a rule that the harem is not allowed to inquire privately about the affairs of the previous dynasty.

Unless the emperor takes the initiative to talk about it.

"The Emperor has arrived!"

A high-pitched voice sounded, and the hand holding the pen trembled. A drop of ink fell on the rice paper, instantly staining the newly copied scriptures.

All the people in Ci'an Palace knelt down to welcome the Holy Master.

The Queen Mother put the brush on the pen holder, slowly turned around and washed her hands in the basin brought by her grandma. After drying them, she turned and walked out.

Emperor Zhaoming, who was wearing a dragon robe, stepped into the palace door and saluted the Queen Mother: "My son, please see your mother."

"In the past, after going to court, the emperor would go to Qinzheng Hall to review memorials and summon ministers to discuss matters. In the evening, he would have time to come over and have dinner with Ai's family. Why are you here so early today?"

Emperor Zhaoming looked gloomy and raised his hand to wave: "Everyone, step back."

The Queen Mother frowned slightly, noticing that the emperor's expression was abnormal, and the ominous premonition that had just appeared in her heart became stronger: "What's wrong?"

"Something happened outside." Emperor Zhaoming said in a cold voice, "Yan Donghuang has mobilized troops into the imperial city."

This short sentence instantly made the Queen Mother's heart sink to the bottom.

She took a deep breath, suppressed her uneasiness, and asked, "Does she want to rebel?"

"There is indeed an intention to rebel." Emperor Zhaoming closed his eyes slightly and said in a sinister and resentful tone, "And just now, Yan Donghuang led troops to surround the uncle's house, saying that the Minister of Chu had deducted military pay and enriched his own pocket, which is an unforgivable crime."


The Queen Mother fell down on the phoenix couch, the blood on her face faded.

A trace of cruelty appeared on Emperor Zhaoming's face: "Queen Mother, Yan Donghuang is probably crazy. We need to find a solution quickly."

The Queen Mother looked frightened and angry, holding the edges of several cases tightly with her hand wearing exquisite armor, feeling anxious and anxious: "Didn't Sheng Jing'an attack her? How could she not be threatened? Doesn't she want the antidote?"

No one is unafraid of death, especially those in high positions.

Hold the power and enjoy the glory.

You haven't had enough of being aloof, so why would you want to die?

Even if Yan Donghuang wasn't afraid of death, he would still be worried that the Qingluan Army would be implicated. Why did he suddenly lose his mind and lead the army in rebellion?

"She may want to make a desperate move and force me to hand over the antidote." Emperor Zhaoming said in a cold voice, "But she has already led the rebellion, can I still allow her to continue living?"

The Queen Mother was uneasy: "What should we do now?"

"Mother, do you have any ideas?"

"Now that things have come to a point, we can only blame all the blame on the Sheng family." The Queen Mother gritted her teeth and looked determined, "Sheng Jing'an planted the poison. Who can prove that what he said is true? He humiliated the eldest princess on her wedding day. , trying to marry wives and concubines together is contempt for the imperial power. "

Emperor Zhaoming was silent for a moment: "That plain wife is the sister of Concubine De."

Although she is a concubine, she is still a member of Concubine De's mother's family. If all the blame is placed on the Sheng family, not only will the Duke's government be in danger, but Concubine De's mother's family, the Shen family, will also break away from him.

"Your Majesty, the situation is urgent now. We can't care about so much. We must abandon the car to protect the commander." The Queen Mother made a decisive decision, "Shen Yun became pregnant before marriage and lived in the Sheng family with no name or identity. It is a shame for the family. The Shen family should kill this daughter. Die with the right style."

Emperor Zhaoming understood what she meant.

This means giving up Sheng Jing'an and Shen Yun. The Shen family can keep them if they can, but if they can't, they can give them up.

In short, we must give an explanation to the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, an explanation to Yan Donghuang, and an explanation to the Qingluan Army.

Regardless of whether Yan Donghuang believes it or not, as long as it can be delayed for a while, the poison in her body will attack more quickly until it invades her lungs and makes her unable to use force or even speak...

After seven days of stability, everything will be fine.

But the emperor still had concerns: "Yan Donghuang has dispatched 10,000 soldiers into the city, half of them are stationed at the main gates, and the other half are stationed on the imperial road outside the palace. Does your mother know what this means?"

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