"People with chicken feet?"

Zhang Yang really didn't expect that this human being has something to do with chicken feet?

Because Zhang Yang didn't understand the words of the foot pot chicken, after hearing the guy murmur, the walking corpses in the village turned around and looked at Zhang Yang.

Then, a one-sided battle broke out.

Countless arcane torrents destroyed all the walking corpses, along with the corpses that had not been eaten by the man with the chicken feet.

When Zhang Yang came to the person with the chicken feet, the guy was still flicking his teeth with a child's hand.

"Someone from Xiaoxihachi? Or someone from a flower gardener?""

This guy was arrogant, and after asking 29 in two languages, Zhang Yang finally understood.

"It seems that he is a flower gardener."

This guy raised his head, looked at Zhang Yang, and a certain desire flashed in his eyes: "I like people who grow flowers the most. Children's meat is tender, and they will become soft and rotten when they are rolled in the pot."

"The woman who grows flowers is even more delicious. Not only can it quench the fire, but the meat is tender and juicy. One bite is extremely satisfying."

"The old man's meat is a bit woody, but with an extra fire, it tastes good.

After speaking, the guy licked his lips: "With your thin skin and tender meat, it must taste very good. 99

Zhang Yang listened to this guy quietly, and his heart was very calm.

"Come on, let's be the belly of your uncle Yamamoto!

It turned out that the man was called Yamamoto.

After he stood up, using the bone as the material, he condensed an axe two meters long and slashed towards Zhang Yang.

Obviously, although he looked down on Zhang Yang in his mouth, he was very fond of him in his heart.

It has to be said that the strength of this guy is already very strong at present.

A trace of divine power has already appeared on his body, and as long as it is nurtured, there will be no obstacles in the way of demigods.

Of course, this is still far from Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's body is full of divine power, and there are various types.

Without even a single undead cry, Zhang Yang condensed a bone spear and easily blocked the powerful axe.

Compared with Zhang Yang's power, this guy's power is not enough to see.


Seeing that his axe was easily blocked, Yamamoto's eyes widened: "How is it possible!!!

"Just a small devouring law, or a low-level law such as devouring flesh and blood, would you dare to make a mistake?

With a shock of Zhang Yang's right hand, an unstoppable force rushed towards Yamamoto, knocking him far away.

After it collapsed several bone mountains, it stopped.


Yamamoto, who stopped, spat out a mouthful of blood and wiped it off. Yamamoto looked at Zhang Yang with frightened eyes.

"Impossible, at this stage, there are still people who can be stronger than me?

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"Sir Shuten-douji, your devout believers are asking you, please grant me the strength to defeat the powerful enemy!"

Yamamoto watched Zhang Yang walk 643 steps, panicked. After reading a lot in a language that Zhang Yang couldn't understand, a gray light fell on him.


An evil voice appeared in Yamamoto's mind: "It has taken so long to reach the pinnacle of disdain for a grandmaster? I haven't even touched a demigod... What a waste.

"Please Shuten Douji-sama make atonement."

Yamamoto hurriedly asked the god he believed in, hoping that he would forgive his sins.

"never mind.

Shuten Douji directly controlled Yamamoto's body, and he wanted to see who, in this period of time, could make Yamamoto, who had already been proud of his master, begging for his arrival.

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