Online Games: You Call This A Necromancer?

169: The master-servant contract, the birth of the dragon knight!


Zhang Yang deceived himself again, came to Onyxia's side, raised her chin with his hand, and kept his eyes in a straight line: "You don't want your identity as the Black Dragon Princess to be exposed, and you don't want your father's plan. Failed? 99

"What the hell do you want? 33

Onyxia wanted to resist, but for some unknown reason, she couldn't control her body, so she could only stare at Zhang Yang with a blushing face.

"of course..."

Zhang Yang made an A directly.

Onyxia's eyes widened, her hands suddenly changed into dragon claws, and then into lotus arms, and finally her eyes were full of fog, and she hugged Zhang Yang.

I don't know how long it took before the two separated.

A silver silk thread, linking the two of them, flashed fluorescent light in the air.

"You are so brave!"

Onyxia looked at the silver thread, blushing cutely to death: "Since you know my identity, how dare you do this to me? 35


Zhang Yang pulled Onyxia's chair, sat on it, and hugged Onyxia smoothly: "I have this confidence.


Onyxia's face turned black, and a terrifying Void 630 figure appeared behind her.

The arrogant Black Dragon Princess looked down at Zhang Yang: "Are you sure?"


Facing this terrifying black dragon phantom, Zhang Yang not only did not feel any fear, but instead gave a long wet kiss again.

After the end, Onyxia felt a little suffocated with the physique of her dragon.

"Sign it, master-servant contract."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, and the power of the contract condensed a sheepskin contract: "From now on, we will never be separated. 35


Onyxia didn't know what she was crazy about, but she actually picked up the master-servant contract and read it seriously.

"Are you sure this is a master-servant contract?"

After Onyxia read it, she looked at Zhang Yang like a fool: "Apart from the name, what's the difference between this and the equality contract?

"The difference is that I am the master and you are the servant!

Zhang Yang's words revealed domineering.

Although he is not usually such a domineering person, for Onyxia, he must be.

"You are bold.

Onyxia put the sheepskin contract on the table: "I am the proud dragon princess, are you sure I will sign this contract? 35

"Take a step back, even if I dare to sign, do you dare to sign?"

"I, although only the black dragon princess, represent the face of the entire group of giant dragons."

Onyxia provocatively pressed her own brand on the contract, and then handed the contract to Zhang Yang: "Do you dare?"


Zhang Yang did not hesitate to write his name on the contract.

So, under Zhang Yang's own witness, this contract was established.


Onyxia is stupid.

She looked at Zhang Yang in disbelief, wondering if this guy was heartless or what.

She said that she understood it so well, does the man in front of her really understand?

Also, at the moment when the contract was established, she seemed to see a figure full of unimaginable aura. Inexplicably, she felt that the man in front of her was somewhat similar to that figure.

"From now on, you will be my servant."

Zhang Yang patted the place that felt so good: "Come on, hammer your master's thigh!"


Onyxia rolled her eyes at Zhang Yang, sat down obediently, and gave Zhang Yang a serious kick.

When the butler brought the chef and the food to the banquet room, what they saw was a scene that made their jaws drop.

The noble and glamorous countess of her own family is seriously hammering the legs of that strange man.

And the man sat in the position of the countess with a look of enjoyment, looking very natural.

As servants of the big noble family, they all know what to see and what not to see. (cjfe)

What can be done and what cannot be done.

Putting the shock in my heart, after placing the dishes, I hurriedly left here.

And Zhang Yang beautifully enjoyed a delicious meal that only aristocrats of Stormwind City could enjoy, and had a glamorous and noble countess overlooking the whole process, that feeling was absolutely incredible.

"Beware of Bolvar Fordragon, he's a big threat to you!

Zhang Yang left with a swagger after leaving a sentence at the end.

And Onyxia stroked her red lips, replaying the scene just now in her mind.

"It's... disgusting!

Zhang Yang could think of Onyxia's inner activities with his toes. Without him, before the rebirth, the two of them spent too much time working together to fight, and it could even be said that they had the same heart.

It was also the first time someone walked into his psyche. Although the encounter between the two was very dramatic at the beginning, the result was good.

It was just before Deathwing started to riot, Onyxia was discovered, and then Zhang Yang was just doing a quest, and inexplicably got Onyxia and became a god-level mount.

Turning back and taking a look, Zhang Yang went to the occupation area to find the three girls and two children who had already learned the skills, left Stormwind City, and started to fight those mobs outside the city.

Although his original strength was not very good, Zhang Yang's choice allowed him to summon the undead army.

For a time, the entire gate of Stormwind City was surrounded by undead.

If it weren't for these undead being yellow, indicating a neutral name, the eager Stormwind soldiers would all be ready to take action.

"Fuck, who is this boss coming to the sixth floor? So many undead, too strong!"

"Outrageous! This is even more outrageous than my death knight + necromancer. With so many undead, can you set up a new undead clan by yourself?

"I heard of the undead... oh, the king of the Forsaken, Sylvanas seems to be very beautiful, have any of you seen it?

"That's the big guy, I'm not waiting for the little scumbags who are less than level 20, so don't count on it.

"Does anyone want to bully the boss?"

"Are you crazy? The big guy who can summon so many undead, is also you able to touch porcelain?""

"I'm an assassin, a natural undead nemesis, right?"

"Don't take advantage of this time to bully and bully the boss, how can you bully when the boss grows up?"

"You're a lunatic!

"so what?

"I, Si Dao, likes excitement!

On the World Channel, a player named "Four Rice" began to shout, and then began to act.

Driving in stealth to avoid the army of undead all the way, not far from the entrance of Stormwind City, he saw a very special man, with three beauties and two little beauties, as if scattered, walking around. In this beautiful Elwynn Forest.

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