in the skill column.

The division is now clear.

The first column is: self-study skills.

This is the skill that players learn by themselves after the wild skill book drops.

The second column is: General skills.

Originally there was only one energy bomb, but now there are many more.

Such as "Elemental Fusion", "Elemental Critical Strike" and so on.

This is a skill that all elemental masters can learn.

When you get a legendary mage transfer, these general skills are naturally inherited.


There are many skills, as many as twelve.

But now, there is only one thing Qin Feng can learn from.

Named "Elemental Mark"

[Element Mark]

[Quality: Green]

[Explanation: When using any elemental skill, you can accumulate elemental imprints. After accumulating 10 elemental imprints, the next time you use an elemental skill, you can use elemental imprints instead of magic consumption]

A very pure passive skill.

To put it simply, it means reducing mana consumption.

A must-have skill for most elemental masters.

With experience in his previous life, Qin Feng clearly remembers that after reaching the full level of this skill.

Every time you use three skills and accumulate three marks, you can use any skill once without any consumption.

It can be said to be a must-have for elemental masters.

However, Qin Feng did not intend to use this skill.

He has too much mana.

There are so many that even a priest who has more spirit points than the main spirit can still give in.

There are also talent bonuses, so there is no need to waste skill points on this.

Looking back.

It is the inherited skill of the five series.

These inherited skills are unique.

It is a skill system unique to the Five Spirit Warlocks.

The first thing he looked at was the wood element.

At level 10, there are two skills that the wood type can learn.

On the branch of the skill tree, these two skills are also on two branches.

The skill system on the right is called: "Sen Luo"

The skill system on the left is called: "Vientiane"


The skill branches on the right are the skills in the wood system that tend to attack and kill.

The skill branches on the left are skills in the wood system that favor functional diversity.


At level 10, there is a skill that can be learned on each of the two skill branches.

They are the "Wood Clone" of the Senluo series and the "Wood Clone" of the Vientiane series.

Look at the two skills.

【Hand of Wood】

[Quality: Blue]

【Level: 10】

[Instructions: Consume 30 mana, condense the arm of wood, and perform a sweeping swing within 5 meters in front. While repelling the enemy, it will cause 150% of the maximum magic attack wood attribute damage to it]

[Cooling time: 3 seconds]

A group-type skill with a percentage mechanism. Under the cold shrinkage, the skill CD is not long, and it can be used as a monster spawning skill at this stage.

Moreover, this is without talent growth.


When Qin Feng chose to learn this skill.


This skill has been upgraded.

The Wooden Hand is directly upgraded to the "Giant Wooden Hand", and the quality is upgraded from blue to orange.

The skill effect has been greatly improved.

The most significant change is that the skill has two more effects.

One is a horizontal strike, which is a huge concentrated arm that is swung horizontally. Its effect is to repel the enemy, and the damage caused is 180% of the maximum magic attack as wood attribute damage.

The second is slapping, that is, a huge palm slaps the enemy from top to bottom. The effect is to stun the enemy with a 60% probability, and the damage caused is 250% of the maximum magic attack as wood attribute damage.

However, there is a gap in the scope of the two skills.

Side attack can cover a range of 12 meters in front.

The range of slapping is only 3 meters.

Because the condensed wooden palm is only so big.

Directly max out the skills and upgrade to level 10.

At this time, the damage of the skill is increased again.

A side attack deals 220% damage, and a slap attack deals 350% damage.

As for the second skill.

Wood Clone.

After learning, you can directly advance to "Multiple Wood Clone"

【Multiple Wood Clone】

[Quality: Orange]

【Level: 10】

[Explanation: Consume 300 mana to condense and summon 3 wood attribute clones. The wood attribute clones are the same as the main body and can imitate the main body to release skills (but the power is only 30% of the main body), and cannot be broken by the skills]

[Cooling: 1 minute]

[Duration: 1 minute]

Very significant functional skills.

Its greater role is in the PK field.

Because it cannot be broken, and the simulated body release skills, it is difficult for the enemy to detect who is the body.

It can give the body a huge operating space.

Therefore, Qin Feng only learned level 1 of this functional skill.

At this moment.

The wood skills have been learned.

Then there are the remaining four series of skills.

It is also not much different from the wood type.

Each skill column is divided into two skill branches.

The fire elements are [Explosive Flame] and [Incineration]. One is good at bursts, and the other is good at continuous damage.

The water systems are [hydration] and [flood]. One system is good at assisting, and the other is a damage type.

The earth elements are [Landslide] and [Thick Earth], one is good at defense and the other is attack skills.

The metal elements are [sharp] and [sturdy], one is good at killing, and the other is more auxiliary in defense.

at this point.

As he majored in the wood element, Qin Feng naturally would not invest too many skill points into the other four attribute attack skills.

It's a defensive and auxiliary type of skill.

Qin Feng has learned a lot.

for example.

Water-based [Water Healing Technique]

It can restore 100% of its own health from magic attacks, and has a "water healing" effect attached to it, gaining 15% immunity from damage in the next battle, lasting 20 seconds.

for example.

Earth type [Earth and Rock Technique]

Can summon a huge rock in front to block long-range attacks.

as well as.

Metal type [Diamond Technique]

Can enhance the body's defense.

Of course, Qin Feng also learned other skills.

But I just clicked on level 1.

After all, if you don't learn, you won't be able to learn subsequent skills later.

In the skill tree, you need to light up skills one by one.

Therefore, although he was very sparing in using skill stones, under such circumstances, Qin Feng still consumed more than 25 skill points.

But accordingly.

At this moment, Qin Feng's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved compared to before his job change.

Not just at the attack level.

It lies in aspects such as survivability.

As an elementalist, what he lacks has never been attacks.

It's just that it's too crispy.

Now these problems have basically been solved.

When he walked out of the Element Hall, Qin Feng looked towards the suburbs with a grin.

"The next thing that needs to be done is to reach level 20 as soon as possible!"

Level 20.

It is the first level required for hidden tasks in the main city that Qin Feng knows.

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