Chapter Three Hundred and Thirteen

Recently, a legend has emerged in the city of the sky.

A legend about archers.

Recently, even the lone ranger in the sky city knows that the Tang and Song dynasties and the World Guild are at war.

Throughout the Dark Forest, there are battles happening almost every moment.

As the city of the sky, the first large-scale battle, which lasted for such a long time, naturally involved everyone’s attention.

Many anchors, bar hosts who mix forums, hang around in the Dark Forest all day.

Once you hit a larger-scale battle, you can get a lot of rewards if you don’t talk about rising fans or rewarding singles.

And in this kind of attention, an archer, the archer of the World Guild, slowly appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

The archer profession has just opened for more than a month. Most of them are still struggling to level up.

And when this archer first appeared, he was still less than 30th level.

But it was this twenty-odd archer who quietly appeared in the Dark Forest when the Tang and Song dynasties were fighting against the World Guild, incarnate as a hunter, and frantically hunting people from the Tang and Song dynasties.

In the beginning, the archer’s methods were a bit rusty, but he quickly adapted to the professional characteristics of the archer, and became more comfortable in the role of a hunter.

From the beginning, dozens of people were hunted and killed every day. Now, hundreds of people from the Tang and Song dynasties die under his bow and arrow every day.

Moreover, most of them are legal units of Jingui.

The professional characteristics of archers are indeed very suitable for assassination. Even in some cases, it is more suitable than thieves.

After so many days, the ID of the archer was finally exploded, throwing away the sea and flying fish!

At this time, the Dark Forest.

A thief was struggling to shuttle through the woods, his face full of fierceness.

This thief is the thief who dared to harden the ninth-level car shock at the beginning, named Duxiu, one of the members of Longwu Studio.

Compared with the nine heavenly kings of Longwu Studio, Gu Ying and Yao Dao are incomparable, but they are definitely top thieves.

“Report, that guy has gone to the right! It is estimated that he intends to enter the Devil Grotto.”

“Report, I saw it here, at coordinates xxxxx, I went to the east.”


At this time, in the ears of the poison sleeve, news from his subordinates continued to report.

What they are chasing and killing is the Abandoned Sea Flying Fish!

The Tang and Song dynasties did not consider the cost in the war with the World Association.

But for this archer, he has become a mortal enemy of the entire Tang and Song dynasties!

Not only because the abandoned sea flying fish killed so many people in the Tang and Song dynasties.

In this war, the thousands of people killed by the abandoned sea flying fish are just a small number.

But the problem is that the abandoned sea flying fish killed so many people in the Tang and Song dynasties, but they have never died once!

Now, Feihai Feiyu has already circled and I don’t know how many fans. He has already been followed by countless people on the ranking list.

As long as he dies, his level changes, he will be known for the first time.

But the problem is, he just never died!

For the Tang and Song dynasties, this is simply the second wind!

Although Duxiu was not a member of the Tang and Song dynasties, it is now Longwu Studio who is leading the battle.

Let Abandoned Sea Flying Fish become gods by stepping on the name of their Longwu Studio, which is unacceptable for Duxiu.

Moreover, the most important thing is that poison sleeve knows that the strength of this abandoned sea flying fish is very average!

At most, it just reached the level of the elite.

If caught by him, Poison Sleeve is confident that he can definitely bring down the Abandoned Sea Flying Fish within a minute.

But just such an archer with a mediocre strength and a level that hasn’t reached the thirtieth level yet, but he just broke out of his current reputation.

His understanding of position selection and standing is so unique!

Every time you can find a location suitable for sniper killing and a great escape route.

Let the Tang and Song dynasties, many masters, including poison sleeves, survive numerous encirclement and suppression operations.

But this time, it was the poison sleeve who brought a group of thieves, and waited patiently for more than seven hours next to a group of sorcerers, and finally caught the abandoned flying fish.

“Boss, he got into the ruins of Picheng Town!”

Another message came from his ears, and his eyes lit up immediately, “Look at where you are going this time!”

The ruins of Picheng Town are said to be the ruins of the town, but they are actually ruins that have fallen underground.

This map is actually a catacomb-shaped map, with only one exit.

Abandoned Sea Flying Fish was chased in a panic this time, got into this place, don’t even think about coming out again!

Soon, the poison sleeve came to the entrance of the ruins of Picheng Town.

“Leave the five people at the door, and the others will follow me in! This time, he must not be allowed to run away again!” Duxiu said viciously.

At a small entrance, the archer couldn’t sneak, but five people were left to stop him. The determination of the poison sleeve to kill the flying fish in the sea is evident.

Within the ruins of the town, the abandoned sea flying fish rushed, but they already had a bad premonition in their heart.

He is not completely familiar with the nearby maps.

Before I shot it, I knew there was a small town in ruins. The map of the ruins of the ordinary town is naturally a great place to escape.

Abandoned Sea Flying Fish immediately put this map into the escape route.

But I don’t know that the ruins of this small town are actually like this.

When he walked to the entrance of the ruins of the small town, Abandoned Sea Feiyu was already cold in his heart.

But the matter is now, he can only bite the bullet and get in.

Abandoned sea flying fish running wild, suddenly felt a trace of heart palpitations.

This is a sign that a thief has entered his hidden area.

When he looked up again, a dagger had already killed him alone.

Poison Sleeve seemed to vent the anger in his heart. He insisted on using his strength and operation to crush Poison Sleeve. Even his skills were useless. He held the dagger directly like a knife, slashing towards the flying fish in the abandoned sea.

The Abandoned Sea Feiyu Cang raised his longbow to parry, but as soon as he stopped the knife, the shape of the poisonous sleeve immediately disappeared in front of him.

It seems that he had long expected that he could stop it.

Then, severe pain came from behind, and the dagger of the poisonous sleeve cut his back.

Abandoned sea flying fish staggered forward and fell, but took advantage of the momentum to roll, got up and ran.

Duxiu sneered and was about to continue chasing.

The reason why he didn’t use the skills was to enjoy the feeling of playing with cats and mice.

But at this moment, Abandoned Sea Flying Fish turned around and shot a fan-shaped rain of icy arrows.

Arrow rain fell on Poison Sleeve, and immediately plunged him into a slow slowdown.

Thousands of arrows are fired!

Abandoned Sea Flying Fish’s unique skills are also one of the reliances on which he has been able to wreak havoc for so long.

This skill is too suitable for kites.

Then, Abandoned Sea Flying Fish released another light arrow in one direction-this was the direction in which he judged that the thief was most likely to encircle him.

Where the light arrow passed, all the sneaking thieves could not hide.

Eagle strikes the sky!

Another exclusive skill of Abandoned Sea Flying Fish.

Moreover, most of them are sent together with Wanjian, coming from the same heritage.

Abandoned the sea flying fish glanced, the eagle shot the thief photographed in the sky, his mind was running wildly, and he immediately chose the safest escape direction.

Pick a seat! Pick a seat! Pick a seat!

Abandoned Sea Flying Fish always knows where own is strong.

This operation also allowed Abandoned Sea Flying Fish to run out of the encircled circle smoothly.

However, it didn’t take long for Abandoned Sea Flying Fish to once again found traces of thieves sneaking around her body.

Abandoned sea flying fish can’t help but want to give up.

It may be very simple for a thief to escape the siege of more than twenty archers.

But conversely, it is too difficult for an archer to escape the besieged by more than twenty thieves.

Hearing a series of footsteps in his ears, the thief was still not ready to hide, and rushed directly towards him.

Abandoned Sea Flying Fish turned around, broke through the window of a dilapidated house, and got in.

When I was about to get up, I suddenly saw a huge sea-blue crystal in front of my eyes.

Afterwards, a sea-blue light swept across him.

Then, the figure of the abandoned sea flying fish disappeared.

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