Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five

“Sorry, I refuse!” Jiang Feng replied after thinking about it.

He believes in the character of a killer fairy tale, and he can do it if he says it.

But even as the killer fairy tale said, Jiang Feng successfully became the final winner of the core space, and he still lost the 5th level rune·Essence.

Originally, Jiang Feng was bound to win this Rune·Essence, even if he was facing the four of them in a killer fairy tale.

However, what Jiang Feng didn’t know was why the family members had to deal with him, and what interests were involved behind them.

But what Jiang Feng knew was that one-third of the people in Carolan who could pose a threat to him were locked in this core space.

Keeping them closed is the most beneficial thing for Jiang Feng.

No matter what the family wants to do, if they lose the power of these people, Jiang Feng doesn’t believe it, what else can they do that is worthy of his fear.

After listening to the killer fairy tale, his voice sank immediately, “No discussion?”

Jiang Feng pondered for a moment, and said, “If you are willing to take your Killing God Studio and join my World Guild, I can save you at any price.”

The Killer Fairy was silent.

He couldn’t agree to this request.

It’s just being trapped for a few days. Compared with losing a certain degree of freedom, he certainly understands how to choose.

However, he also knew that Jiang Feng’s request was very reasonable.

If it’s not relative or reason, his killer fairy tale is here to hunt others, Jiang Feng naturally has no reason to save him.

The difficulty in this matter is that his loss is not proportional to Jiang Feng’s loss.

He was trapped for only a few days.

But if Jiang Feng were to save him, the price to be paid was inestimable.

Therefore, the other three people who were trapped didn’t even think about bowing their heads to Jiang Feng.

Naturally, this matter will not stop.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng and the supreme naughty boy continued to frantically snatch the secret realm’s resources in the secret realm.

One day will pass quickly.

the next day.

The city of the sky, the blue valley.

After the game started, Han Fei went online directly here.

With him, there are three main groups of thirty people, a total of ninety people.

“Brothers, be swift and clear this place quickly!” Han Fei shouted immediately after he went online.

On a new day, the monsters here are refreshed, and they must clear this place as soon as possible.

It is the second most important thing for the World Association to obtain Hulan Stone by itself, and more importantly, it is not to let others know that the secret of Hulan Stone is produced here.

As long as this place is emptied, the secret will be safe for that day.

“Don’t worry, Vice President!” Everyone responded.

At the same time, in the major cities and maps dedicated to Hulanshi, there are people from the World Guild directly online here, quickly clearing the monsters that have just been spawned.

These people have another characteristic, that is, they are not up to level 20.

In the City of the Sky, not long after the game started, in the Teleportation Array of the City of the Sky, from time to time, a member of the Guild of the World appeared to teleport to the City of Moonlight.

However, compared with the traffic of the two main cities, this person can’t attract anyone’s attention at all.

After all, the only thing about these people is that they are all level 20.

Outside the Hulan River Valley, the music frenzy itself will naturally not stay here forever, but there are still a few thieves left behind.

Since yesterday, everyone who enters the valley, especially those with a level of over twenty, will come forward and ask questions regardless of their reputation or whether they have a guild.

Once it is confirmed that the other party does have Hulan Stone, the price will be quoted directly.

However, the harvest can be said to be extremely bleak.

The Hulanshi market has not been exposed at all, and ordinary people don’t even know that there is such a secret realm.

But those who can really come into contact with this level basically know that the value of Hulan Stone has been rising rapidly.

Especially since yesterday, I don’t know why, the rate of increase can be said to be terrifying!

It is of course impossible for ordinary people to know the reason, but Jiang Feng is very clear: it was caused by a killer fairy tale.

It’s impossible for the Warsong Guild to pick up the leaks, and the price speculated by the Killer Fairy Tales is completely unacceptable for them.

And just when these thieves were bored, the number of people entering the Hulan River Valley suddenly began to increase.

Originally, I didn’t see a person for a long time.

But after the game started today, the number of people entering the Hulan River Valley suddenly increased.

After they went online today, the first one they met was actually a Paladin.

Moreover, he was a Paladin with extremely ordinary equipment.

Amused a few thieves.

Is it possible for such a person to get Hulan Stone?

If you got it by fluke, I’m afraid the Hulan Stone would have been sold long ago, so let’s change into something you can see.

However, disdain to disdain, but will find the task of explanation, we must not perform.

The discipline of the Warsong Guild has always been strong.

Besides, maybe, it is really a rookie who doesn’t understand the market, and it can make them cheaper!

A thief greeted him and said, “Brother, get down the secret realm?”

The Paladin didn’t speak, and he just passed over him and walked into the valley.

“Brother, wait!” The thief immediately stopped him and said straightforwardly: “We want to buy your Hulan Stone, thirty thousand! Renminbi!”

The Paladin seemed surprised when he heard this price.

When the thief saw it, he immediately said:

“Brother, you are a holy knight, it is very difficult to get a big gain if you enter the secret realm. It is better to sell the Hulan Stone to us, but you can get a real 30,000 ocean!”

“Looking back, you can change into the best equipment at will. How about?”

However, the Paladin said directly: “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

The thief immediately became anxious.

“Forty thousand! Brother, forty thousand, as long as you nod your head, 40,000 yuan will be able to hit your card in five minutes.”

The Paladin didn’t have any emotions anymore, and went straight past the thieves and walked down the river valley.

The reason why he was surprised was only because, before, he didn’t know that the stone that the guild handed over to him was so valuable.

However, Hulan Stone belongs to the guild. He is only a user. He would not do anything like betraying the guild and reselling it.

“Dammit, what the hell!” Seeing this, the thief immediately sipped, “If you don’t have it, there will be no, pretending to be a f*ck ratio!”

The thieves don’t believe it, this guy can really have Hulan Stone.

When I heard the price of “Thirty Thousand”, I was clearly moved. If it is true, how could I disagree?

Sure enough, if this person is poorly equipped, it is impossible to have Hulan Stone.

However, the following scene surprised the thieves.

The Paladin who walked into the river valley suddenly disappeared less than three hundred yards deep and was sucked into the secret realm.

In the ensuing time, something happened that surprised these thieves even more:

More and more people are entering the secret realm!

In less than an hour, more than two hundred people have entered the secret realm.

Moreover, it continues.

These thieves finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately reported the incident to the music frenzy.

“What are you talking about? More than two hundred people have entered the Hulan River Valley?” After hearing this news, the music frenzy was also shocked.

“Are you sure you are not mistaken? Are they all sucked in by the secret realm? Not just passing through the Hulan River Valley?”

The thief immediately said: “President, I’m sure! Moreover, there are no more than two hundred people. After the calculation, there should be almost three hundred people!”

The music frenzy immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and asked urgently: “Do they wear the guild badge?”

The thief replied: “No, I have asked a few more questions, but no one told me what guild they belonged to.”

The music frenzy flashed his eyes and guessed something.

Hanging up with the thief’s voice, the music frenzy then dialed Jiang Feng’s voice.

At this time, Jiang Feng was working hard to clean up wild monsters in the secret realm.

Where he is, the monster density is too terrifying.

After working hard for almost a day, it only cleared a hundred yards away.

Jiang Feng was also slightly surprised when he received the voice of the music frenzy. After the friendly match yesterday, as the presidents of the two parties, even if it is out of courtesy, you have to add friends.

At this time, Jiang Feng also guessed something after receiving his voice request.

After the connection, there was a silence on the music frenzy for a while, and then he said, “Brother Qingfeng, those who entered the Hulan River Valley secret realm today are all yours!”

Previously, Jiang Fengneng brought 24 people into the Hulan River Valley at one time, which has already surprised the music frenzy.

But at that time, he was only guessing that Jiangfeng people had such a high popularity in the city of the sky, relying on the right place and the people, and he collected so many Hulan Stones.

But the next day, nearly three hundred people and three hundred Hulan Stones appeared.

When the music frenzy looks back and thinks about it, that’s not the case.

In the Sky City, there are so many top guilds, and no one can produce so many Hulan Stones at once.

Even the original “Overture of the Dead” didn’t seem to have many Hulan Stones in total.

Therefore, the music frenzy has to suspect that these three hundred people are all from the World Association.

Jiang Feng was also straightforward, “Yes!”

The eyes of the music frenzy flashed immediately.

Even if he guessed it, he was still taken aback when the facts were before him.

Hulan Stone, which has been fired to the outside world to tens of thousands, can Jiang Feng easily produce hundreds of them?

Taking a deep breath, the music frenzy said solemnly: “Brother Qingfeng, the Hulan River Valley is so big, do you plan to eat it alone?”

Jiang Feng smiled, “President of Music Frenzy, if I only have dozens or hundreds of them, maybe I will find you to cooperate.

But since I have hundreds, thousands, do I still need to cooperate with you? ”

The music froze for a moment, and then he understood.

If there are only dozens or hundreds of them, Jiangfeng wants to grab the resources of the Hulan River Valley more quickly, of course, it is necessary to make every Hulan stone have the greatest value.

That is to be used by someone who is strong enough.

There are not enough masters in the Guild of the World, so it is reasonable to find the Warsong Guild to cooperate.

But now, how many Hulan Stones of the World Guild need, is it necessary to cooperate with your war song?

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