Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 849: Lu Wenhuan

The intellectual aspect is even more needless to say, even the counselors around him feel that Qin Shuo is like a person who can't guess, and many general directions are actually pointed out by Qin Shuo.

Their role is to perfect those general directions, make up for all the lack of those general directions, and there are some combat aspects, but Qin Shuo is really smart.

If you let Qin Shuo know that other people think of him in this way, then he might also feel a little shy. He has a certain advantage in the general direction, which is also because of his past life.

When I was just reborn, I had already thought out all the ideas, but now I just practiced it again. Anyway, Qin Shuo felt that it was nothing.

"Then this time it is from Lingling County. Before the main attack, we have had some deals with Longteng. Can we let him take the shot this time? If we let him take the shot, then things will be much easier.

Guo Jia said, "touching" his beard.

"I have already told him before, but he won't make a move this time. He actually has some difficulties in being caught between two people, so I don't blame him for this."

Qin Shuo said.

"Actually, if you don't send troops head-on, it's okay. Since you have already connected with the other side, then the entire Lingling County will be blocked. If the lord wants to go fast, then the army can directly suppress the border.

Guo Jia said, if you want to be fast, it is natural to be like this.

After all, if one force drops ten guilds, the strength on his side also occupies an absolute strength.


Lingling County, Quanling.

Xuanyuan also had a gloomy face at this time, and Liu Biao was sitting next to him, and he didn't know why his heart was worried about.

"Liu Jingsheng, what do you mean? Since they have already said that it is an alliance, why this time only came with fifty thousand troops?"

After taking a look at Liu Biao, Xuanyuan spoke.

"After all, no one knows which side Qin Shuo will attack from, so the pressure on our side is also quite large. A soldier with 200,000 military personnel must stay behind. My 50,000 are already between the teeth. I squeezed it out for you."

Liu Biao said that there was something wrong with his attitude.

In fact, this Liu Biao also has the same "problem" as the other aborigines, that is, there are some people who look down on these players, and she has such an attitude from the beginning.

"I used to make clear the stakes with you before. If you really want this, then neither of us will survive in the end."

Xuanyuan stood up, walked in front of Liu Biao, and said.

Behind Liu Biao were Wenpin and Kuai Yue, with vigilant faces.

"You don't need to be so anxious. Since I have come this time, I must be confident. Don't think I only have these 50,000 soldiers, but these 50,000 soldiers are all elite soldiers, and there are two others. Isn’t Wan’s cavalry enough?" Liu Biao spoke after taking a sip of tea.

"If this is the case, then it should be enough. Before, I always thought that there were only 50,000 ordinary soldiers, so I said that I was so angry. Now I also ask you to forgive me a little."

After hearing these words, Xuanyuan also directly apologized. After all, if he did not apologize, then perhaps the relationship between the two of them would be lost.

The current Xuanyuan is actually a bit eager. In fact, he hasn't fully awakened in reality yet, and he is even in treatment, but in order to preserve his own industry, he can only do that.

The current Xuanyuan should already have some hatred towards Qin Shuo, after all, Xuanyuan also murdered Qin Shuo so much, and Qin Shuo directly injured him seriously.

But because of the participation of the chief executive, there are still some difficulties in my own family, and there is no way to deal with Qin Shuo.

Moreover, they were warned by the system's main **** before. If they said that they continued to be unwilling, they would face strong revenge from the system's main god.

The current Xuanyuan simply didn't have the ability to face the revenge of the system master, so he could only endure it, and there was no other way.

Xuanyuan paid a great price once, so he could exchange for Liu Biao's alliance. Liu Biao was simply eating people without spitting out bones.

I am using my own territory as a bet this time. If I say that I and Liu Biao won this time, then I will occupy the place Qin Shuo previously occupied. If I said this time to Liu Biao, then my own territory. Will also be attributed to Liu Biao.

Of course, if his territory is occupied by Qin Shuo, then Liu Biao has nothing to do.

So this matter is a huge gamble for both him and Liu Biao. If you win, then everyone will be happy. If you lose, you will face a loss of money. ending.

"Now I also have military commanders, so do you have any generals?"

After Liu Biao glanced at Xuanyuan, he also asked.

"It just so happened that I had subdued a famous military commander before, so I don’t need your help anymore. What you have to do now is to form an alliance with us, not to lead my soldiers to fight. They fight."

Xuanyuan saw through Liu Biao's thoughts at a glance, and said directly.

"Don't be so anxious. I just ask casually. If there are any, it is naturally the best."

Liu Biao also began to explain, but he had some doubts about this sentence.

But Xuanyuan was too lazy to explain at this time. He had also received a generals summoning charm some time ago, and it happened that this single generals summoning charm actually summoned a first-rate historical general.

He didn't have much advantage in the generals, but now he suddenly became an advantage.

This first-class historical military commander is called Lu Wenhuan, and he is also a famous military commander in history. He gained fame during the Battle of Xiangyang.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Mongolian military commander Ashu also directly attacked the Anyang Beach in Xiangyang, and then it was because of this famous military commander Lu Wenhuan that he kept this Xiangyang.

However, his character has always been criticized. Although he defended the Yuan army in Xiangyang for six years, he still surrendered to the Yuan army in the end.

And after the surrender, he himself was willing to be a **** and became a vanguard in attacking the Song Dynasty, so it is normal to say that he is talented but not virtuous.

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