Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 840: Come to the first world again

"Anyway, you just think too much. As for the specific reason, you can guess by yourself, I don't bother to say it."

Qin Shuo also said, it seems that there are some things that do not care about these things.

"You guys like to talk half way. It was the same before, and it is still the same now. It is best to change this habit slightly in the future."

Long Teng also shook his head and said.

"In fact, I don't think there is anything bad about this habit. It's the way it is. How can I tell the specific reasons?"

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

"Anyway, as long as you think it through yourself, when you look back, if they really want to do something to you, you can rest assured that the big chief will definitely protect you."

Long Teng spoke, and after speaking, he looked out of the spaceship.

In fact, if you look from the inside to the outside, it is basically the galaxy, which is actually very beautiful.

"Actually, there is one more thing I want to tell you. This Xuanyuan is also very cruel, so you have to pay more attention to him. Even if he doesn't do anything against you, he may even do something against your sister. In other words, it was shot against Chen Yan."

Long Teng said.

But after he said these words, he felt that the air around him seemed to be cold for several degrees, and then if he glanced at Qin Shuo now, Qin Shuo's face was also full of anger. .

"If this is really the case, then don’t blame me for not warning him in advance. I don’t really care about making shots at me, but if anyone hits someone next to me, then I will definitely let him die. of."

Qin Shuo said, Long Teng looked at Qin Shuo's eyes, but he didn't doubt what Qin Shuo said at all.

Perhaps it was the murderous aura honed in the game, which has now been reflected in his body, and now Qin Shuo's body is also full of murderous aura, which makes people feel shuddering.

"You can also rest assured a little bit, I guess he might not be like this either. If it is true, I will definitely help you mediate."

Long Teng also forced a smile and said.

"Anyway, I have already said it. If you want to move me, it's okay. Even I won't be so angry, but if you move people around me, then you have to bear my anger."

Qin Shuo said, and then he didn't care about Longteng, but looked at the scenery outside on his own.

"Sometimes things are not like that anymore. Although it is an internal struggle in the country, there seem to be two ancestors in that realm in their family. You should also know the terrible realm, so The chief executive can also avoid conflicts with them, that is, avoid them as much as possible."

Long Teng said."Actually, I said that you high-ranking people are also very strange. For me, as long as anyone provokes me, then I must be without his good fruits. From before to now, I I have always had this mindset, but I actually want them to know."

Qin Shuo said.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these things, what are your plans for Jingzhou now?"

Long Teng changed another topic, which was not so heavy.

"Anyway, it's one thing in general. You and I are now allies, so it's definitely impossible for me to attack you, but everyone else, except Sun Ce, is likely to be my target. You I should know that I already have such a strength."

Qin Shuo said frankly, even if he told his plan completely, no one else could stop it, because others didn't have this strength, and Qin Shuo had such a strength.

"In fact, I knew you had such a plan before. But to tell the truth, you are really powerful, and you can actually resist the whole country with the strength of one person."

At this time, Long Teng also sighed slightly. For this, he really admired Qin Shuo.

"Actually, there should be some chances, otherwise, how could I be so strong? It's just that there are some things I can't say."

Qin Shuo also sighed at this time, it would be better to hide it in the bottom of my heart.

"Actually, don't get me wrong. I'm just personally curious. It's not to listen to your news."

At this time, Long Teng was also afraid of Qin Shuo's misunderstanding, so he said that he also explained a little bit.

"Naturally, I know this, and I also believe in you very much. Anyway, after I see it this time, I will try to trick it."

Qin Shuo said, and then he continued to look at the scene outside.

When Long Teng saw that Qin Shuo now had some carelessness, he said that he didn't say much. According to Qin Shuo's habits, he should have already been prepared.

Judging from his previous understanding of Qin Shuo, Qin Shuo's calculations are very shrewd. Basically, he doesn't fight unprepared battles. He definitely doesn't care about time before every preparation. Yes, then it is a one-shot kill.

The speed of the spacecraft has also gradually slowed down. Now they are in outer space, and a very bright light can already be seen not far away. The spacecraft also sailed directly in, after passing the checkpoint. , After all, their spacecraft is also a military spacecraft, so it doesn't need any inspection, so they went in directly.

It didn't take long before Qin Shuo and his spacecraft had already fallen slowly, and they had gradually fallen down in a hidden place. It seemed that it was Qin Shuo's idea.

"Now it's the first time, I said, why did you still sleep here? Woke up."

Long Teng also pushed Qin Shuo and said.

"I haven't come out of the game for almost several months. Isn't it normal to sleep now? It feels like I haven't slept in reality for a long time, or is it more comfortable in reality? Cooler."

Qin Shuo stretched out and said, as if he didn't sleep well just now.

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