Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 428: In the underground palace

Not far away, you can also see many huge burial pits. In these burial pits, there are one by one terracotta warriors and horses, with various weapons in their hands, which are lifelike.

Qin Shuo could even feel that these terracotta warriors and horses would be resurrected in the next moment, but he also hoped in his heart. This was just an illusion of his own, but all this was impacting his eyes.

The luxury of Qin Shihuang can even be said to be the most luxurious of all emperors since ancient times. Of course, this is only the tomb.

And in this underground palace, it can be seen that there are a lot of bones. The number of bones in it is even more amazing. If they saw thousands of corpses in the eternal road, then in this underground palace, I saw tens of thousands of bones.

And Liu Bowen's sight was also attracted by one of the bones, and he walked toward the bone. The clothes worn on the bone are completely different from the others.

It seems that he should also be the upper level among these bones. Although the skin on his body is already rotten, the flesh is still exposed to the air without decay, and there is still a scroll in front of his body.

Liu Bowen also hurried up and picked up the scroll on the ground. He had already noticed that the clothes were actually very similar to his master's ancestral clothes, and they belonged to the same school.

With this inference, perhaps this person is also his former master, but now he has turned into a corpse, even if he is cultivated as a golden body, there is no way. Escaped from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

If it were not for the appearance of Sui Hou Zhu, perhaps Qin Shuo and the others would not be able to get out, but the way forward is unknown, and there are still many things waiting for their challenge.

Liu Bowen put the scroll that was placed in front of the corpse in his arms, and he could study patiently in the future. A map was also placed under the silk scroll.

It can also be clearly seen on the map that some institutions in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, with this, the exploration of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang will definitely be easier.

If Qin Shuo didn't see such a scene with his own eyes, perhaps he would not believe it in the mouths of others.

A few people did not stay in place for long. Instead, they walked out along the forest, and the potholes after another made them feel a little dizzy. Fortunately, there was the existence of that map.

Not far in front, maybe it was the burial pit. There were a lot of funeral objects in it, and there were more gold and silver.

But now Qin Shuo simply doesn't have time to care about these things, because there must be more precious things in the front, these are just appetizers.

If it is an ordinary tomb thief, perhaps there is no way to go for long here. After the silver has evaporated, a kind of poison gas is formed. Fortunately, the resistance to weapons is still very strong.

The warriors of his own are also rough and thick-skinned, so there is no need to worry about them at all, and Liu Bowen must have his own way, after all, he is also a warlock.

Soon several people walked to the front of the first grave. And there are countless terracotta warriors and horses in the tomb pit. These terracotta warriors and horses are of different colors, and they are completely different from the terracotta warriors in Qin Shuo's impression.

In fact, the colorful colors are the true colors of the terracotta warriors and horses. Later generations of the terracotta warriors and horses only disappeared completely because of some other reasons, such as not being well protected.

These are all the sharp men of Da Qin, although they are all made of clay, they are also carved in the same way as those sharp men.

As I said before, there were four major arms in the Warring States Period. This Qin elite was one of them. Under Meng Tian's leadership, these Qin elites also made immortal contributions.

King Qin swept Liuhe and looked at He Xiongzai. This sentence is also vividly expressed in this tomb. It is completely possible to see the strength of these soldiers and the mighty power of these soldiers.

Qin Shuo and the others also bypassed these burial pits, even if it is mud, the mud is a kind of terrifying power.

Just when Qin Shuo and the others thought it was really safe to go through, there was a sudden sound in their ears, and this sound was also a sound that made people feel something shattering.

Qin Shuo turned his head slightly, and he found that a terracotta warrior general beside him seemed to move slightly. When Qin Shuo thought it was just an illusion of himself, there were cracking sounds. It also appeared in his ear.

At this moment, in more than a dozen tombs nearby, this kind of cracking sound was heard.

"No, this should be the legendary Mohist puppetry. Everyone should be a little more careful and run."

Liu Bowen was the first to react and said loudly.

Since ancient times, the Mohist has been a faction that has caused great headaches for rulers. In fact, the Mohist is equivalent to ancient scientists. They used their hardworking hands to create a genre.

After Liu Bowen finished speaking, the terracotta warriors and horses in the tomb pit next to them moved one after another, and there was also a black light in the originally dim muddy eyes.

Immediately afterwards, one after another sound of fragmentation sounded, Qin Shuo directly ran forward with his generals, but these fragmentation sounds were getting faster and faster.

In the tomb pit in front of Qin Shuo, there was already a terracotta warrior who jumped onto the passage, but was only smashed down by Cheng Yaojin with an axe.


Liu Bowen shouted when Cheng Yaojin just raised his axe, but he didn't know that Cheng Yaojin was so fast.

"Why don't these people be enemies?"

After Cheng Yaojin cut a terracotta warrior into pieces, he turned his head and asked.

But then Cheng Yaojin knew why Liu Bowen would dissuade him. After he chopped up one of the terracotta warriors and horses, the remaining terracotta warriors and horses awakened more quickly.

And the black "color" light in his eyes has completely turned into a red "color" light. If the light of black "color" represents calmness, then the light of red "color" completely represents a kind of hatred.

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