Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1596: Bear country

At present, Qin Shuo's hands indeed have a lot of things that can be used a little bit. Of course, these uses are not the kind of derogatory use, but a correct use.

For example, I slightly used a project before and directly divided the territory of their own home. In fact, it was not just because they helped themselves.

And it’s because I have to pay attention to being too worried about Chi You, so I divide it out. If I can let them bear the pressure together, then I must have already thought a lot about the pressure on my side. A little bit, even they have a little bit is still very clear.

But they voluntarily take on such an animal, so even if they don't want to, there is no way. After all, the situation is like this now, and no one can change it at all.

Qin Shuo had actually returned to his country at this time. He had already heard a news after he had just returned to his country. So it seems that some countries now seem to have some changes. same.

Of course, this country actually wants to say that he is relatively familiar with it, but it is not someone else, but the bear fruit he has been paying attention to.

Xiong Country itself is a relatively important country, so many people now pay more attention to them.

Qin Shuo did the same in the past, but in his prediction, the whole country should not attack so quickly, but it is obvious that his last prediction was completely wrong.

However, Qin Shuo knew that such a fast attack on the opposite side must be due to these reasons. If it were not for these reasons, they would not be like this at all. They are not stupid, they should be able to see clearly. The power gap between the two countries.

If they really attacked by force, then there is actually nothing bad about them on their side, but they are all different from the other side. Although they are also close to Europe, and they They all regard themselves as a European country.

However, they have always been inferior to Europe in terms of technological development. Although their country's territory can be regarded as relatively broad, Qin Shuo is actually in many places. There is no need to worry, after all, it is now close to a modern war.

Therefore, it is simply not that the number of people can make up the difference in strength. If the number of people can really make up the difference in strength, then the situation is not like it is now.

Generally speaking, this place must have some wolfish ambitions. Qin Shuo has been paying attention to them since before, and their greed for the land.

In fact, they have always been exposed to the outside, and Qin Shu didn't understand why they were like this. Maybe it had something to do with many things, but these problems didn't have much to do with Qin Shuo.

He wants to directly repel those people. In fact, what is most worried about now is not to say, but the current Longteng. After all, the current North is actually closer to his territory. If they don’t solve these problems this time, then the threat to them is the greatest , Of course, he also knows that he has formed an alliance with Chen Shu now.

However, he himself doesn't know exactly what such an alliance looks like, but he believes that Qin Shuo will definitely rescue him. Although the war has not yet begun, the opposite is just showing some husks. tooth.

What's more, this time the opponent shouldn't be a big offense, just want to come and test it. If they really aggressively offense, then their defense will definitely have some problems.

After all, although a country like him said that the land is very vast, this is not a completely good thing. After all, their Siberian plains are basically barren.

There is basically no difference between those places where there is or not. Even if you want to grow something, it is more difficult, but it is still possible to grow corn.

When it comes to planting corn, Qin Shuo is thinking about this world-famous painting, that is, a bald middle-aged man laughing with a corn in his hand.

Their sudden attack should have been premeditated long ago, and it certainly could not have been premeditated recently. Now they are already on their borders. In fact, they are also afraid of being such a powerful neighbor.

After all, in their eyes, if Qin Shuo continues to advance like this, the land in the future will definitely be wider, and it is in their impression.

Now this country is actually like a god, but Qin Shuo always feels that there should be someone standing behind him, otherwise they would definitely not be like this, so now Qin Shuo is the first to let For your own subordinates, investigate these things and see if someone is really behind them to help them.

If no one is helping them, then Qin Shuo's next thing is relatively simple, and then he will directly fight the opponent. He believes that if he does it, the opponent is not his opponent.

In fact, the strongest cavalry on the other side is still some cavalry, but those cavalry are not very useful now. The big deal is to buy more land mines on the ground. Now the power of those land mines has basically been greatly improved.

Qin Shuo is still worried about this. I don’t know if Chi You will cooperate with them. If Chi You is really cooperating with the other side, then the problem facing him is definitely much bigger. .

If Chi You chooses not to cooperate with them, then the problem he faces is much smaller. In fact, all of this is in the hands of holding, but Qin Shuo doesn’t know if there is such a kind of home country. Feelings, if you say yes, then it is naturally the best. If you say no, you must be able to face more problems.

If these problems can be solved smoothly by themselves, then it is naturally the best. If they cannot be solved smoothly, then the harm to oneself is actually within a certain limit, and it is not that big, of course. It's not that small.



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