Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1586: pressure

If most things can be solved, then the problem must be better. At least in many ways they will not feel how uncomfortable, because everything seems to belong to their parents, including the way they are now. , There will be many problems.

Now, with time, their ideas will definitely appear a lot of bad, but these unreasonable social and consistent, this should not be a big problem, anyway, in the eyes of many people, this is also the case. Look like.

In other words, at this time, Qin Shuo and the others have also come to where they want to come. At this time, they only have this purpose, so that is to win this game, no matter what kind of game is going on. What degree.

They can only win this game slowly over time. If you can’t get down, it’s even more a pity. If you can win, then naturally it’s the best. Now their There is such an idea in my heart.

Although many people may not agree with such an idea, the current situation is that there is such an idea. Even if many people disagree, there is no way. For him, many problems are comparisons. Difficult to solve.

Today, Qin Shuo has also come to this Gulf of Thailand. I have to say that the topography of the Gulf of Thailand does have some disadvantages for them.

The most important thing is that there is actually a very narrow canyon in this place, and their battleships simply cannot pass through this canyon. If they pass by force, then the result will not be too good.

The situation at this time is like this. Even if many people want to oppose it, there is no way at all, and there is no reason to oppose it. Now, Qin Shuo can only slowly deal with it. A state is adjusted.

For Qin Shuo, there must be some challenges this time. If it wasn't challenging, he couldn't be so nervous, she was worried that the big boss opposite would continue to have any tricks.

After all, he was scheming before, and Qin Shuo had some clear understanding of this, and Qin Shuo really didn't have a good way of her trajectory.

Now if it is said that all these problems can be solved, then it must be of great benefit, even if there is no way to solve it, then there is nothing too big.

In fact, the current situation is still more entangled in this point. I am worried that many of these things happen. If this kind of things happen more, the pressure on him will actually be greater. Anyway, he now has some This kind of thinking.

If they are making these problems more and more serious with the development of time, it will definitely not be a good thing in the future. There will be many problems that need to be solved in the future.

If you can’t solve it now, it will be more difficult to solve it in the future. Even if Qin Shuo is in this place and the terrain is not suitable for him, then there is no way, you can only bite the bullet and continue to rush. I can only see what the subsequent results look like.

If the follow-up result is a good result, then it is okay. If it is a very poor result, then it will make people have some headaches. I also have some ideas about these problems.

Of course he definitely wants to put these ideas into practice. After all, for them, there is one at this time, as long as they can solve the basic problem.

It is enough for them. These are too difficult. Many problems can be solved by themselves for a long time. It is almost impossible to solve them in a short time. However, according to In this case, they will not have too many problems.

Now Qin Shuo himself is looking forward to victory very much, and he does not know when the dawn of victory will come. Of course, the aforementioned is definitely hope that this time can be shortened, but it is not his hope that these problems can be solved. .

For them, these problems are definitely more annoying. Now Qin Shuo is not in a hurry to attack. After all, in such a situation, if he attacked, it would not be good for him, but for him. There is a very big threat.

Therefore, he has only gradually slowed down his progress. For many problems, as long as he can initially solve them, it is almost enough, and it is not that he wants to go all out.

After all, if that happens, the pressure on oneself will be heavier, and even if one goes all out, it may not be able to get such a good result.

The problem is now such a problem. As for the extent to which it can progress in the end, in fact, everyone does not know, but now everyone also hopes to solve this point as soon as possible.

Otherwise, in the future, they will face more dangers. Although they can solve many problems, it will definitely take a while, at least in their opinion at this time. , Consuming such a time is something too worthwhile.

The problem is now such a problem. As for what kind of result can evolve into in the end, in fact, everyone does not know, but they all hope that this result can be better.

In this way, it would definitely be better for them. According to the current form of development, they are actually getting better, and it is just around the corner, perhaps not far from this day.

According to the current situation, this kind of development speed can actually be regarded as the faster one. If they ignore this kind of development speed, it will have a great impact on them, so they basically It is impossible to ignore this.

Now the pressure on them is definitely great. These pressures will not be solved in a short while, or it will take a long time before they can really solve these problems.

The current situation is that the departure is in the morning. When I arrive at this place, it is basically noon, and you said that this time is another meeting, just to make a better plan for this matter.



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