Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1571: main purpose

Anyway, for Qin Shuo, as long as he can hurt the opponent, what's more, his main purpose now is to save people, not other aspects. As long as he can call people, then it is a good thing.

This incident itself was not a military action, but a political action, and this matter is Qin Shuo’s personal affairs. If these things can’t be done right, Qin Shuo should not save them, even if he No matter how much you care about them, it is estimated that it will not save them for a long time.

After all, on his side and Somaya's side, they have already become a kind of existence that is in the same situation. If they really let Somaya go, then they will probably distinguish counterfeit coins in the future.

But if you agree to their request, and then directly become their host, in fact, there will be no benefit to your own side, although it sounds like a very good thing.

But if you really do it, you will know how complicated this matter is. If you are not careful, maybe your country will be said to be the same as the pirates. If it is true to that level, Qin Shuo really couldn't argue with anything, and he couldn't explain it clearly anyway.

There are a lot of things they need to solve now. If these things cannot be solved, then their actions in the future will definitely be greatly restricted.

Such a restriction will definitely make Qin Shuo feel very troublesome, so now his main task is to eliminate such a restriction to a minimum, so that he will have some benefits in the future. Yes, not like it was before.

Many people may not understand what this means, but if it is really to that extent, maybe they will already figure out all these things.

For them now, no matter what it is, it will not make them feel better. For example, it will be like this at this time.

Qin Shuo is already actively searching, but no matter how she searches, it seems that there is no way for these things, and he simply can't find it.

Now their whereabouts, presumably they did not live in an ordinary place here. Perhaps the other side already had some precautions. If there is no precaution, I think it is impossible.

After all, their identities are so important. If they say that they don’t do a good job against them this time, it may cause some very serious consequences. They must know this. After thinking of this, I will even more In trouble.

After all, if in the past, these problems might not have been so troublesome, but now they are different.

Now they are reunited together again. After all, they are all not found, so they must be the same meeting together now, and then they are ready to go out and search together. At this moment, he suddenly heard of the two pirates. After all, Qin Shuo is also a player, so the conversations in other countries can be fully translated, so Qin Shuo can understand the two of them.

"I know where they are hiding people now. Come with me sooner now."

Qin Shuo also glanced at Gan Ning next to him at this time, and then said directly.

But you are also taken aback at this moment. After all, he can’t understand the pirates’ words, so he doesn’t know what happened, but now it’s Qin Shuo’s order after all, so after he heard these words He also followed immediately, wanting to see what was going on.

Anyway, for him, no matter what matters, maybe those things are not major issues, and he should be able to solve them. This should be a key point. If he can solve them, then he will definitely have a lot of things. advantage.

Now if I say that these problems are solved, then the problems should be bigger. They have no way to solve these problems. If they can be solved, he will definitely solve them.

At this moment, they have already arrived in the cabin. There are many pirate guards in the cabin now. It seems that there should be dozens of pirates. Anyway, there are so many people guarding this place. Then it means that this place is definitely very important. If it is not important, they will not look like this.

After thinking of this, in fact, this place is already where Chen Yan and the others are hidden, so now Qin Shuo and the others just rushed in. Anyway, according to Qin Shuo's current strength, even It was to kill their entire ship, and that was not a big problem.

The important thing is that Qin Shuo wants to think about it, not his ability. Anyway, Qin Shuo's ability is definitely sufficient no matter which way he looks at it. Therefore, Qin Shuo now has such a problem. idea.

Now as time grows, these problems will definitely become more complicated. If they can solve these problems, then it must be a trivial matter. If they can't be solved, then the problem is some big.

For Qin Shuo, it is definitely a good thing that his strength can grow. He actually came here for two purposes, one is to rescue them, and the second is to convince their second master.

At this time, their second-in-chief ship is also protected by a lot of people. If Qin Shuo rushes in now, he will definitely be stunned, but if he makes some trouble on this ship now, then he will definitely do so too. Arouse the power of other pirates.

Taking advantage of such an opportunity, Qin Shuo was completely able to find the second master of the pirate, and then he would tell him his thoughts.

So Qin Shuo at this time had already begun his own head. For Qin Shuo, this kind of massacre was actually not a very difficult thing. If it is to a certain extent, they will definitely make these problems to a better degree.

If he can't do better, then he will definitely think of some changes. These changes are definitely a key. Now in the Gulf of Thailand, it is a very difficult situation in itself to get out, so he You must fix your own problems, otherwise you will come in this time.



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