Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1542: Elizabeth's please...

"To be honest, the reason is not that complicated, because I am actually a useless person in reality, so he doesn't have to do anything at all. He spent a lot of time to deal with me, and in reality there are people who protect me. , He has no chance to start. Now our royal family is also forbidden to fight such a fight. If we let others know that he is engaged in such a fight, it is estimated that his name will no longer be preserved."

Only at this time Elizabeth slowly said her own reasons. In fact, he is now worried. If the younger brother starts to deal with him in the current reality, then he is really late.

Really, there is no chance for a little bit of comeback, and the current Rang actually wants to rely on Qin Shuo to still have a little chance of comeback.

When Qin Shuo heard Elizabeth's explanation, he already knew something. Depending on the situation, Elizabeth should be a vegetative person in reality, otherwise he would not be like this.

But he really has some difficulties with this, because he hasn't gone abroad much, and this is still in the first world. Although his strength is very strong, he is also worried that he will have What are some problems.

In case he said this to deceive himself, then he can't be killed by others in the game, but if he is killed in reality, then everything he has is wasted. And his own empire will slowly collapse with his death.

If this is really a strategy of his, then it is definitely impossible for him to agree to this.

"I know what you are thinking about now, but I guarantee my life. This matter is just like what I said before. I didn't falsify a little bit."

Elizabeth at this time also spoke directly, and it seemed that he was also anxious about this.

"To be honest, the lives of the two of us are not proportional at all. Don't say these things, it's useless to say these things. Besides, I really don't know if what you said is true or false. And crossing countries in the first world is also a very difficult thing, not to mention that I still have a military position in the first world, so it will be even more difficult for me to cross the border."

At this time, Qin Shuo also spoke directly, directly rejecting such a suggestion, thinking that such a suggestion was completely wishful thinking, and he was not that stupid at all.

And in a situation like this, if you make such a decision, then you are not only responsible for yourself, but also irresponsible for your subordinates.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is definitely impossible for him to make such a decision. Now he has already thought about it, so he will not change his mind at all.

"Originally, I thought you were a very bold person. You need to know that wealth is in danger, so this matter is more important to you."

Elizabeth also spoke again at this time. He obviously didn't want to give up such an opportunity. If she gives up such an opportunity now, then the next time she waits for this opportunity, it is probably her next life. "Don’t I know what you’re saying? But I can’t gamble with my "life", and I can’t even risk it with my "life". My life is worth more than yours."

After Qin Shuo waved his hand slightly, he directly spoke. It can be seen that he is quite confident in saying this, but his confidence is actually the capital of his own confidence.

There must be a lot of problems in their hearts now. These problems must be solved by finding a solution. If they are not solved now, then there may not be such an opportunity in the future. This is a reality. , People have no way to deny this.

With the development of time, these problems will definitely become more and more important, and not as they are now. Now in their eyes, these problems are not particularly important. If they want to solve them, they can basically be solved. Solved.

The point is to see how a person's mind is. If the mind is a little better, it's nothing.

In fact, the current Elizabeth also has some helplessness. If it were not for this necessary situation, he might not ask others at all, but he himself has no way.

After all, it’s under the necessary circumstances. If you say that you are still doing the so-called face, then you will definitely be injured in the end. Even if he wants to find someone to save his life, it will be nothing. Something too possible.

Qin Shuo now is the only life-saving straw in his hand. If he can grasp it, then it is naturally the best. If he can't grasp it, then the situation may get worse.

Now he can only believe in Qin Shuo, and unconditionally believe in Qin Shuo, otherwise, in many ways, he has no choice but to prepare these things well.

Although many people have some doubts about this point, it does not matter. After all, the situation is such a situation. If someone feels some doubts about this point, it is nothing. Method.

He does have a good impression of Queen Elizabeth, but it is just a kind of love and good looks that are kind of heart-to-heart.

What's more, Qin Shuo can use this queen in the future, so if you have a good relationship with him now, it will definitely have a great effect in the future.

Now this queen has already regarded herself as the only life-saving straw, she can barely let him catch herself now, but she must be impossible to be like this in the future.

In any case, his current position is still about interests, not about caring for others. After all, he has no capital to appreciate, and other people's things are other people's things.

Qin Shuo hasn't had much time to go out in recent days. After all, he still has so many things in his hands, so he does not intend to return to the real world.

Now his time in the game has almost occupied 99% of his life, and his real life only occupied one%.

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