Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1449: Idea problem

Normally now, Elizabeth should actually regard Qin Shuo as an enemy. After all, Qin Shuo did not deal with Elizabeth less in the past, and he still dealt with Elizabeth in all aspects. If Elizabeth was not Mind, it's actually a lie.

Even he is very concerned about these things. These are all very normal things, at least they are more normal than other things.

Now if these things are added, it will also make people feel a little uncomfortable, but there is no way to do it. After all, this is also a very important thing!

As time goes by, there are actually more and more problems. For example, between them, it was actually because of their respective interests in the past that there were some disputes. But now it is also because of some interests, so the same is coming together.

The two of them don't even have any good feelings. This is also a very normal thing. After all, these are the kings of two countries. If they have good feelings for each, it is also not a good thing.

What's more, before, Qin Shuo still smashed the sunset empire fiercely. This thing made Elizabeth feel very uncomfortable, and even now Elizabeth feels that there is some Qin Shuo who wants to kill him.

But ideas are also ideas after all. There is no way to realize such an idea. If you really kill it, then you will only be left unlucky in the end. This is also a thing that can't be helped.

Now, as time progresses slowly, the problem is actually getting more and more serious. For them, they have to consider almost every point. If they have not considered it a little, it will also cause a lot of problems. It is not very simple to ask each country very seriously, especially for them.

If you don't pay more than one hundred twenty thousand points, then these problems will also make people feel very uncomfortable.

Now Qin Shuo is fine, just like to mock Queen Elizabeth a little bit. After all, she can be regarded as the queen of a country, but now she has fallen to such a point.

However, Queen Elizabeth still has no choice but to accept these ridicules. After all, he still wants to restore his appearance. If he says that he wants to restore his appearance, then he can only rely on Qin Shuo.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shuo is so arrogant. To be correct, he should not be regarded as an arrogance now, but a mockery of the loser. The current Elizabeth is obviously a loser. Up.

"Originally, I actually thought you were a very wise king, but now it seems that you are indeed a shameless villain. If there is no normal king like you?"

Anyway, the current Elizabeth also had some helplessness, and then directly spoke to Qin Shuo.

"In fact, I feel that you actually have a lot of problems in national governance. If these problems were not highlighted, they would be fine, but now they have come out completely. You should reflect a little bit. About these things."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he said directly.

"If I were to reflect on this matter, shouldn’t you also reflect on it yourself? I am only looking at some elites in the country, and what you value is the people, I I feel that neither of us has made any mistakes. Why are you here to blame me? I feel that elite education is the best kind of education."

Queen Elizabeth also spoke directly at this time, and it can be seen that she does not want to admit defeat.

"All your so-called elites are people with immediate benefits. For example, what is happening now does not happen in our country. It is not only related to my excellence, but also on the other hand. The systems of our two countries are fundamentally different."

Qin Shuo was also arguing directly at this time, and he had 10,000 reasons for arguing in this regard anyway.

If I said that I didn't deal with those aristocratic families at the beginning, maybe it is now the same situation as the Sunset Empire, but I started with those aristocratic families at the beginning, so that didn't make their strength more and more inflated.

Once it's time for those people's strength to start to expand, it may be time for their own country to be destroyed. This is an insight in many people's hearts, so it is even more important in Qin Shuo's heart.

"Anyway, now we are all in our own name. Don't say who is more noble than others. We are both similar people."

Queen Elizabeth still seemed to be reluctant to admit defeat at this time, and then she said directly.

"Anyway, after returning to my house this time, I will definitely find a better doctor, and then let you restore your appearance, so that we can confront them."

Qin Shuo did not continue the quarrel at this time. After all, the continued quarrel was of no use, and now it started to comfort Queen Elizabeth.

"Then our quarrel this time was not initiated by me, but by you. How do you pretend to be so pitiful now, and all the sins are all for me to bear? Is it?"

Queen Elizabeth also snorted coldly at this time, and then said directly, it can be seen that she is also somewhat dissatisfied with this.

"I didn't pretend to be pitiful at all. After all, it can be seen now that it is not me who is really pitiful. I still have power in my hands and the country in my hands, but you are different. "

At this time, Qin Shuo was once again grotesque. I have to say that he must surpass many people in the yin and yang eccentricity, and even many people can't compare to him in the yin and yang eccentricity.

Anyway, in his eyes, it is not too serious of yin and yang. After all, sometimes if it fails, then in many cases it will make people feel that there are some headaches.

As time grows slowly, in fact, these problems are becoming more and more serious. If you don’t put these problems in your eyes, they may become more serious, but these are not the most important ones. Some other aspects are important.

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