Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1434: Heavy cavalry

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However, their cooperation this time did not seem to be successful, because their cooperation this time has been completely exposed, so the two countries should not be together in embarrassment.

Anyway, after knowing these things, in fact, he now feels a lot more at ease. After all, he can solve many aspects, and he doesn't need to be like before.

The current self had successfully destroyed the alliance between them before, and now that it was changed in this way, one of his own methods had almost been resolved.

In fact, they have already got a reason to declare war. They didn’t use Fusang before. The most important thing is that there is no reason to declare war. It is impossible to find a reason to declare war casually. There are also some unreasonable things internationally.

Although they don't need to look at the colors of the international at all, but if they are accused of the international characters, they still have to care a little, after all, they are also a business person.

Now it’s like after I was thirsty, the other side directly sent a bottle of water over, and I finally had a reason to attack them with me, but they definitely couldn’t attack them in the last two months because of this. It was something Qin Shuo had said before.

I thought they were in a certain period in history at random. After finding a reason, they began to attack their big guys. But I didn’t expect that the Feng Shui took turns, and the whole history has been directly turned out, and they are now The strength has also risen completely to the point where Fusang can't get close.

Now with the development of time, people’s thoughts will definitely change slowly, but the magnitude of this change is definitely impossible to have much change, but in general, it must be all for them. A good thing.

Now Zheng Chenggong reported this incident to the court for the first time, and when the court had to know about it, he was actually very happy, and then he gave Zheng Chenggong a little reward.

Qin Shuo is now on the ship, and at the same time he has received such a news. In fact, he still feels a little relieved about such a news.

"This time I didn't expect that the little Fusang people actually attacked actively. We had no reason to do so before, but their hands and feet are really big this time. Anyway, as long as they dare to use their hands and feet. , Then I dare to cut off their hands and feet directly."

Qin Shuo's face was also full of excitement at this time, anyway, now he finally found a reason, and such a reason is still very sufficient.

"I was a little surprised at the beginning of this incident. To be honest, Zheng Chenggong has such a high strength. Otherwise, he wouldn't know this. Anyway, he made a very correct one. Otherwise, the current result may be completely different." At this time, Chen Yan also spoke next to him. It can be seen that he still appreciates Zheng Chenggong. After all, he is considered a national hero in Lishui. A national hero, he must have some worship.

"You don't have to talk nonsense, otherwise, how could I have spent so much effort to find him? You also need to know that he is a super historical general, and should be regarded as a handful of our entire history. The number of admirals is now."

Qin Shuo also spoke directly at this time, and it can be seen that he is quite satisfied with this point.

"It's just that this sunset empire actually plays a very important role in it, but to be honest, they are really cunning. Even if they do these things, they definitely cannot admit it. If they want to If they admit, then only defeat them."

Chen Yan nodded and said.

"Anyway, we are not in a hurry now, just because we are also going to Europe, this time I wanted to go to their palace to have a look, anyway, according to my strength, what should be a big problem."

Qin Shuo also glanced at Chen Yan at this time. After all, he didn't know much about this, but Chen Yan was relatively familiar with Europe, so he said that he would ask him.

"The current sunset empire seems to have a lot of military commanders, anyway, their current military commanders either use muskets or their Western swords, but their current cavalry are also very powerful, especially theirs. Those cavalry, and then matched their musketeers."

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yan also directly said the thoughts in her heart. All of these were known to him, and he had done some research before, otherwise he would not say it directly now. Up.

In fact, the European cavalry and the cavalry of their own country are not in the same system at all. If Qin Shuolai is to judge a little, the European cavalry is actually stronger.

After all, their individual strength is also stronger, so if you say that a single player is fighting, it must be that the opponent's strength is better. This is also his judgment from a special direction, but if you say From the overall point of view, it is completely different.

The heavy armored cavalry in Europe were basically in the early days of the Byzantine Empire, and they had already begun to slowly emerge, and their strength itself was very powerful. He definitely couldn't deny this, so Qin Shuo Now, there are also some ideas that want to get some heavy cavalry.

Now, after all, although we are gradually moving towards the age of firearms, we are quietly moving forward, but we are still so far away from the real age of firearms, so now he will have such an idea. Now the first industrial revolution is It is far from over, even just beginning, let alone those things that will only appear in the second industrial revolution.

The cavalry in Europe now can be said to be human-shaped tanks. After all, the armor on them is very heavy, and they are wearing some very heavy plate armor and they are now wearing them. Those parts are completely different, but their disadvantage is that they are very bulky.


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