Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1398: Goguryeo's lead...

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In fact, there is no shortage of traitors in any country, and there are actually more traitors in a small country like this one.

Because those small countries that are not considered to be powerful, they themselves have some debts in terms of national confidence.

Many people don't even recognize the history of their country, and even want to put the history of their country directly into nothingness. If their country is also such a weak and small, there may be many such people.

For example, in the previous life, such people were not even one or two, they were already hundreds of thousands.

Sometimes the number of people in a small country may not reach a few hundred thousand, let alone a country like them.

Perhaps such a number is not too big under the huge population base. If you look at it from other aspects, then this number is quite amazing.

Now there are many traitors in their country, but in Qin Shuo's eyes, this is a very normal thing.

It is the current leading party that does not lack some very wealthy chaebols, or some high-ranking officials. In the eyes of those high-ranking officials, their official position and their interests are the most important.

The chaebol power in a country like them in reality is actually very large, but now it has entered the game, and there is still such a situation.

Almost all the forces in Shanghai are the same, and now many people feel a little helpless.

If you continue to proceed now, then perhaps you will feel weak in many aspects.

With the development of time, people's ideas will also be somewhat different, but these different ideas will gradually tend to be consistent.

The current Qin Shuo doesn't need to worry too much about this. Anyway, as long as he is able to pass it, he can see how the opposite party responds.

Anyway, the current alliance is also completely disbanded. These three countries are completely overwhelmed. It's just that Qin Shuo hasn't done anything to Fusang yet.

But no matter what, it’s actually a matter of time to do it yourself. When the time is right for him, he must go out to conquer mulberry, and before he goes out to Fusang, he must also find that big snake. .

After all, inside the body of that eight-qi big snake, there is also the last sacred artifact of Fusang. As long as they get the last sacred artifact, the strength of their entire Fusang will be greatly reduced.

In that case, if I said that I wanted to deal with them, it would be simpler, not that it would have to be so difficult now.

Although all three of them know the idiom of lip death and tooth cold. They also know that once things say which country will be destroyed, they will definitely aim their finger at another country, but now they dare not easily declare war!

This is all because of fear, because they know that perhaps their winning rate for the opponent is really very low. If they say that they are decisive, then the decisiveness is for nothing, and hesitating will lose.

Many people's thinking has now undergone some changes, but these changes are all in some positive sense, not in some negative sense.

The battle on this side is also in full swing, but on the other hand, Qin Shuo also started attacking Luoyang.

In the past, the Guanzhong area was severely damaged after two generations of turmoil in the Han Dynasty. Therefore, in terms of economic strength and military strength, there was no way to support the capital as a dynasty.

But Luoyang itself is very rich, because it happens to be in the Guanzhong Plain, so this place is also very suitable for growing some food and other things.

In the past, the population density of this place was actually very dense. The main reason was that this place was a capital city, and in the past this place was an economic center and political center.

But now it is completely different. Whether it is his economic center or political center, it has completely occurred and deviated.

Their current population density is not even as good as that of some other small cities in Qin Shuo's hands, and many of them have escaped directly.

This is a hazard to the aristocratic family, because all the wealth is in their hands, so they can also run wild on this piece of land at will, and no one wants to be like this.

In fact, for these people, as long as it is safe enough for them to survive, as long as it can feed them enough, then they can guarantee that they will stay here forever.

But no matter what it is, there is no way to complete this place, so the weakness of this place must be a kind of settlement.

Such a huge centralized machine has already begun to slowly collapse, and even now it has collapsed, leaving only such a core!

In fact, Qin Shuo wanted to get a position like Luoyang when he was thinking about it. After all, he also knew that such a position was also very good, and he even wanted to build a capital here.

Luoyang itself is in the center of the ancient territory, and even such a center position makes many people feel that there are some things they don't know how to do.

If a communication war can be established in this place, then Qin Shuo can actually build Luoyang into an economic center of gravity.

Now Qin Shuo has built the Huiji County into an external economic center, but now the internal economic center is still Shuobaicheng.

But a city, in fact, it is best to only undertake one field, and not be able to assume the economic center and the political center at the same time.

In this way, it would actually make the link between economy and politics closer, which Qin Shuo didn't want.

Qin Shuo's current attack on corrupt officials is very powerful. In fact, many corrupt officials are still slowly emerging. In fact, this is a key point.

Sometimes a person's nobility is actually because there is not enough temptation, if there is enough vitality, then it will make people lose reason.


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