Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1335: Western thinking

Qin Shuo never believed in those freedoms in the West. He knew that his country had its own freedom, and he didn't have to imitate others. He had a very different way of thinking.

Nowadays, most aborigines don't pay much attention to Western words. After all, in their eyes, those Western people are just barbarians.

If a country is proud and complacent, it is not a big deal, but the most important thing is to keep expanding its own strength while being proud and complacent, so that it can guarantee that it will not fall behind.

What really leads to failure is actually another kind of arrogance and complacency, but it causes one's strength to fall behind, which is what makes people feel truly uncomfortable.

No matter what other people think, Qin Shuo has always upheld such a concept anyway.

As long as one's own strength continues to grow, then there may be a good explanation for these problems.

In the eyes of many people, perhaps strength will gradually change over time, but it is necessary to preserve the magnitude of this change.

This time, after Qin Shuo wiped out all those aristocratic families, he gained a lot of wealth, all of which were the accumulation of those aristocratic families.

It is even an exaggeration to say that in some countries, the accumulation of hundreds of years has disappeared in just a few days. But there is no way. First, I warned them before, but they didn't listen.

They should be responsible for their pride, and they should also be responsible for their stupidity, all of which are their tuition fees.

Of course Qin Shuo would not kill them all, and would make proper arrangements for many truly talented people.

But they must not be able to enter the central authority, otherwise, the threat to themselves will be too great.

He is not so greedy for power. Once he has waited until all the things in his hands are completed, he would rather give up the power in his hands. Many people also need such a power very much.

But only Qin Shuo knew in his heart that sometimes having too much power is actually not a good thing.

There are too many things that he needs to consider, which is completely different from the previous free situation. He still misses that kind of free life in his heart. At least he won't do too many things. upset.

Even Qin Shuo found a lot of weapons and the like in some families, and even these families were preparing for a direct rebellion.

At the beginning, there were quite a few officials who had some criticisms about this aspect, but after discovering these things, they didn't dare to say anything. Instead, they praised Qin Shuo wisely and martially.

Now Cao Pi also knows about this. Originally, he knew that he was behind him and still had so much support from the forces. He was still quite excited in his heart, but he did not expect that his support would completely disappear in just a few days.

Qin Shuo had completely cut off his back. At this time, he seemed to have no choice but to surrender. Now Sima Yi is also by his side, and the expression on his face is also uncertain. I don’t know what he is thinking about in his heart. It was on the Cao family, but now it seems that the Cao family is useless at all, and has not been beaten at all.

But even to such a level, he still dare not "show" any rebellious thoughts. Because he knows that even if the current Cao Pi is incompetent, but with so many military commanders and civil servants, you will not give up on him, not because of his surname Cao.

Those Wu Jiang had no other thoughts at all. They were finally Cao Cao themselves, and now that Cao Cao is dead, they must have all their attention to him.

So now Sima Yi is also anxious. He was still going to rescue Dianwei before, but he didn't expect that they would meet Dianwei who had already been defeated before they arrived at the scene.

After seeing that situation, he could only shook his head helplessly, after all, he would continue to do this no matter what.

This has not yet reached the point where all the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and there are even some comebacks. It may be that you have to see how you "operate".

"My lord, in my opinion, Qin Shuo actually has many enemies now, so we can unite with other enemies and deal with Qin Shuo together."

Sima Yi also thought about it for a long time, and finally said this sentence bitterly. In fact, under the premise of saying this kind of thing, he had already thought about it, and was insulted by the opposite Cao Pi.

"What kind of experience does he have now? Isn't it just us? No, according to your statement, do you want it? Do you want to work with people from other countries?"

Cao Pi still had some doubts at first, but he was about to figure out the situation right away, and then said in surprise.

"To this day, if you still want to protect this Qianqiu foundation, there seems to be only one way."

Sima Yi also nodded at this time. He also knew that if this matter fails, it is estimated that they will be wiped out for them, and Liu Bei already has a lesson. If they are unsuccessful, they may eventually be scolded by thousands of people. If they are successful, there may be other explanations.

"Do you know what you are talking about now? Don't you even forget your identity? If you really did this thing, how would you let me face my father?"

Cao Pi was naturally angrily after hearing these words, and then said directly.

"In fact, we are just borrowing those abilities, and we are not helping them, that is, while Qin Shuo and the others are fighting against those people, we can also make some internal changes."

Cao Pi's response was actually quite in line with Sima Yi's expectations.

"Then you can talk a little about your plan now, if it makes sense, then maybe you can adopt it a little bit."

After being silent for a long time, the current Cao Pi finally opened his mouth and said that now he has also entered the point where the mountains are exhausted.

"I myself have some connections with the Emperor of Fuso. We can take advantage of this."

Sima Yi also spoke at this time, but what he said made the current Cao Pi's face changed drastically.

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