"If it weren't for your protection, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to survive here.

After the Queen of the Undead finished speaking, she immediately knelt down on one knee and made a request.

The clansmen behind him, under the leadership of the clansman who spoke just now, all made the same action.

And the tribe said in unison.

"Also ask Academician Qin Mu to shelter us..."

This sound resounded throughout the area.

Qin Mu's brows slowly furrowed.

But then he slowly stretched out.

"Well, well, I agree!"

He did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed to the request made by the Queen of the Undead.

"Really? 257 Is this true? You are willing to shelter my people. 33

The Queen of the Undead still couldn't believe it. Academician Qin Mu agreed to his own request so readily.

He knew that if this was put in the past, he would not have promised him so readily.

There will definitely be some definite sincerity.

But this time, the Queen of the Undead was unexpected.

Qin Mu agreed so readily.

Is there anything else in it.

He didn't have any thoughts to think about these things anymore.

Qin Mu has already promised some other things and he doesn't need to think about it any longer.

After all, his clansmen have been protected by Qin Mu, the most powerful academician.

If there are some other dark forces, they will challenge them.

Then Qin Mu is bound to take action.

At that time, those dark forces would not dare to act rashly.

Just when they were talking and laughing, the army of dark demons who had been silent on the opposite side.

At this point, it will not continue to calm down.

How could they remain silent when they received such strange information?

The Queen of the Undead is already on their plate.

This time there was one more person.

And just now that person has displayed a powerful magic circle.

That magic circle sacrificed all the summoned dark creatures in that magic circle.

Such a person with a strong cultivation base came to this place.

Undoubtedly, they are the thorns in the eyes of these dark forces.

As the saying goes, long pain is worse than short pain.

If you don't pull out this thorn as soon as possible, then the demon army of them has come here thousands of miles without gain.

And all their preparations will be in vain.


The army of demons who were not calm let out a strange roar.

Obviously, these roars were a little dissatisfied with the agreement Qin Mu and the Queen of Undead reached just now.

But what's happening now is beyond their control

Although they can't believe it.

But this matter is already a sure thing and can no longer be changed.

He can only let these things develop in the direction of his own imagination.

Others have no way to stop it.

Even if the dark demon army is not satisfied, they have no way to take these people in front of them.

There could only be some muffled growls with a little bit of anger there.

The patriarch of the dark lord clan did not dare to act rashly.

He was also very jealous of the magic circle that Qin Mu cast.

Although he also knew that Qin Mu would not be able to display the second magic circle again.

But he didn't dare to continue to charge towards this side.

It can only lead some demon army there, making strange roars,

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