Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 214 Using the Eternal Godhead, the Shaking King of Shadows!!!

The King of Shadows hides in the shadows.


His eyes were also full of horror.

Dragon and Angel forms are not immune to control.

He knew this.

The galaxy at the foot is obviously a domain skill...

This human being born clearly does not have the ability to activate immune control!


Your own Shadow Hand will fail.

Even the terrifying forbidden spell of the King of Doom is invalid...

What kind of monster is this human?


You can also shoot, directly kill the King of Doom with 20% HP.

Cause up to 157.8 billion damage!

This human being born is definitely not something that he can match.

The Shadow King panicked.

He wants to run.


In the Galaxy God Realm, the space is closed, and he has no way to escape!

Qin Mu ignored the shadow king in the shadows.


Galaxy God Territory, as long as he does not die.

Then nothing can escape.

Not even Azshara, who mastered the Forbidden Spell of Spatial Displacement.

What's more, what about the Shadow Lord?

The third-order mythical BOSS can't pose a threat to him either.

A comfortable view of the godhead.

[The Godhead of the Lord of the Galaxy] (eternal level)

Requirement: Lord of the Galaxy

Effect: The Lord of the Milky Way is an exclusive inheritance godhead. After using it, you can become the true Lord of the Milky Way and dominate hundreds of millions of stars.

Exclusive Godhead, click to use without hesitation.


In the backpack, the dazzling Godhead of the Lord of the Galaxy flew out.


into his body.

all of a sudden.

Bright, dazzling and dazzling colorful beams of light erupted from Qin Mu's body.

The colorful beam of light shot straight into the sky, piercing the sky.

Light up the whole night.

But it makes people surrender and dare not look directly.

The stars in the sky flickered violently.

It seems to be welcoming something...

The stars surrender!

An extremely terrifying aura continued to escape from Qin Mu.

In Qin Mu's shadow.

As the third-order mythical BOSS, the shadow body of Surgard, the king of shadows, trembled uncontrollably.



next second.

The King of Shadows could not bear the oppression of this terrifying aura.

Get out directly.

Falling out of Qin Mu's shadow, his face was full of fear.

Eternal Godhead!


This terrifying breath is definitely an eternal godhead!!!

Only the Eternal Godhead can make him tremble uncontrollably.

The Shadow King was stunned.

Brain crashes.

To know……

Whether it is the king of the Scourge Legion, the supreme dragon god of the giant dragon family, or the chief god of the Titans who invaded from outside the territory.

They are all main god-level godheads.

Even if.

Known as the greatest elf queen Azshara in the history of the Eternal Continent.

It's just the main god-level godhead...

The transfer of the Eternal Hidden Profession is simply impossible.

Not to mention……

Get the Legacy Godhead!

From the birth of life on the Eternal Continent to the present.

Only the five ancient gods nurtured by heaven and earth have the supreme eternal godhead.


This human born person actually possesses the legendary Eternal Godhead.

too crazy!

No wonder the strength is so terrifying, the King of Shadows scalp is numb for a while.


After a minute...

The terrifying aura on Qin Mu's body slowly dissipated, and the colorful beams of light in the sky disappeared.

The pressure on the Shadow King disappeared.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

its not right!

The Shadow King suddenly reacted.

This human being born is not as fierce as the advanced myth level.

This time.

The advanced myth level is still the eternal godhead.

Isn't he dead?

Relax your hair?

Thinking of this, the Shadow King broke down in cold sweat.

And Qin Mu is here.

He looked happy.

Listen to the beeps that keep popping up in your ears.

""Ding! Congratulations to the player who has successfully advanced to the mythology. The qualifications have been improved. When upgrading, you will get all attributes +500 and free attribute points +200."!"

"Ding! Your level has been raised to level 101, all attributes are +500, and you have gained 2000 free attribute points.

"Ding! Your level has been raised to level 102·

"Ding! Your level has been raised to level 108, all attributes are +500, and you have gained 2000 free attribute points.

(Have you Zhao)...

The golden light of the mythical rank upgrade on his body kept falling.

It is the experience of killing BOSS before storing.


After becoming mythical, the experience required is too much.

So much experience stored.

Qin Mu also reluctantly rose to level 108.

And his advanced mythology, the attributes obtained by leveling up skyrocketed again.

Directly doubled 10 times.

But this attribute is not the most important.

Just icing on the cake.

The most important thing is the bonus of Eternal Godhead.

Just when Qin Mu was about to check the godhead.

In my ears, the weak voice of the King of Shadows sounded...


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