There are more strengths and characters in Wudang Mountain than Lu Yan imagined.

The Mu Taoists all appeared.

This is a character from Lu Xiaofeng.

It took Lu Yan half an hour to fully understand the strength of Wudang Mountain.

At this time, the Seven Heroes of Wudang exist.

Zhang Cuishan, in particular, is the most talented among the Seven Heroes of Wudang.

The strength is outstanding.

The Wudang Seven are the seven strongest young talents among the young generation.

And Zhuo Yihang is also very extraordinary.

But there is a big gap with Wudang Seven.

Not even on the Young Talent List.

Lu Yan rubbed the center of his eyebrows. With the holy land of Wudang Mountain and Zhong Kui, his relationship with Taoism far exceeded that of Buddhism.

As a king, Lu Yan must be open to all rivers.

Absorb the essence of hundreds of schools of thought.

Lu Yan finally clicked on the reward for promotion to the kingdom.

The first is the Hidden Sword Pavilion, a huge building that appears in King Yun's Palace.

The Qiwu Pavilion and the Library Pavilion are the three talents of each other, echoing each other.

These are the three major buildings of the palace

"Ding, congratulations to the player for drawing the stunning beauty——Mrs. Pearl, character title——Tide Banshee, from the world of Qin Dynasty, charm value——104"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for drawing a stunning beauty - Concubine Yan, character title - Dongjun, from the world of Qin Dynasty, charm value - 104.

Lu Yan suddenly froze.

Two beautiful figures appeared in his mind.

He didn't expect to appear. They are not historical figures.

They are two stunning beauties from the Qin Dynasty.

Lady Mingzhu and Concubine Yan.

Two beautiful figures appeared in Lu Yan’s mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Lu Buyan for drawing a military general—Li Cunxiao, nicknamed—Flying Tiger General."

"Ding, congratulations to player Lu Buyan for drawing the civil servant Li Bing, nicknamed Lu Hai.

Before Lu Yan could react too much, the game automatically drew two talents for him.

One is civil and one is martial.

They are both very good. cool character

"Lu Yan's eyes suddenly widened.

Flying Tiger General Li Cunxiao was one of his favorite generals.

There is such a saying in novels, novels, and legends.

"Generals are no match for Li, kings are no match for Xiang, strength is no match for hegemony, and fists are no match for gold."

As the saying goes,"There is no first in literature, no second in martial arts." History has developed for five thousand years and gone through more than twenty dynasties. Each dynasty Many heroes have been born and many works have been derived.

However, very few can be recorded in history, so they either live in romances or novels.

Everyone is very extraordinary. Li refers to Li Cunxiao, a famous general in the late Tang Dynasty. Li Cunxiao was originally the adopted son of King Li Ke of Jin Dynasty. Because he was ranked thirteenth, he was also called the Thirteenth Taibao. He followed King Li Ke of Jin Dynasty to conquer the east and west all the year round, and established a Magnificent military exploits.

Every battle is for the vanguard, and every battle must be won.

《It is recorded in the"Five Biographies of Li Cunxiao" in the Old History of the Tang Dynasty in the Five Dynasties:"When he was strong, he would ride and shoot, and he was the most brave. He often rode as a vanguard and was never defeated. In 894, Li Cunxiao was falsely accused of judging the enemy, and was sentenced to a chariot break and died. During the execution, Li Cunxiao actually pulled back five running horses, and everyone watching the execution was amazed.

The king failed to do so, and he was talking about Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu was born in 232 BC, and he was brave and martial. In his early years, he followed his uncle Xiang Liang in an uprising in Wuzhong to resist the violent Qin Dynasty.

Xiang Yu was born with supernatural powers, which is recorded in"Historical Records: The Annals of Xiang Yu":"His birthplace is more than eight feet tall, he is strong enough to carry a tripod, and he is extremely talented. Although all the children of Wuzhong are afraid of his birthplace.".

In 202 BC, during the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, Xiang Yu fell into Liu Bang's trap. In the end, Liu Bang's hundreds of thousands of troops surrounded Gaixia. At this time, Xiang Yu only had 800 cavalry soldiers by his side.

Xiang Yu led the crowd to break through and killed them all with one man. Hundreds of Han soldiers were killed, but no one dared to come forward. Xiang Yu knew that he would inevitably die, but he did not want to die in the hands of his enemies. Finally, he drew his sword and committed suicide by the Wujiang River.

Although he died, he was still the overlord of Western Chu!

Unable to overpower, of course I am talking about the most powerful general of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba was the third son of Emperor Gaozu Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty and Queen Dou. Unlike Li Cunxiao and Xiang Yu, Li Yuanba was not a historical figure, but a character in a novel, so he made fictional exaggerations. a lot

《It is described in"The Legend of Xing Tang" and"Heroes of Wagang" that this man has the strength of a thousand catties in his arms, making a pair of gold hammers weighing four hundred catties each, totaling eight hundred catties.

He is almost invincible on the battlefield.

In the end, he was struck to death violently.

Boxing is not as good as gold. It refers to Jin Tai, a legendary hero from the Northern Song Dynasty. This man was good at martial arts and had extremely high talent.

When he was ten years old, his parents died one after another. So when he was twelve years old, he ran away from home and began to wander around the world. He has a bold personality and likes to make martial arts friends all over the world.

Later, he became a disciple of Master Hongyun and studied martial arts diligently, becoming a master in ten years. Together with the sworn brothers, they defeated seventy-two arenas without even losing a single victory. He is truly invincible in the world, thus earning the title of"World Boxing Champion".

Jin Tai is the legendary"first person in Chinese martial arts".

It also has the reputation of"fist cannot beat gold".

Lu Yan got Li Cunxiao, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Li Cunxiao and Xing Tian are different.

Both of them have probably reached the peak of their human bodies, but Li Cunxiao is a general, while Xing Tian is more inclined to protect.

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