Insiders of game companies have entered the game one after another, seeking development.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that"The Great Emperor" is the second world of mankind.

They also have to plan early.

The more points you enter, the greater the advantage.

So you complain to customer service? forget it.

There is no customer service now.

The complaint channel is also closed, and you can only respond to Pangu Zhi Nao.

Pangu makes decisions


""Bai Qi, that's Bai Qi, my idol, God, I'm going crazy, my male god has been recruited", a girl is very crazy. Don't think that women can't be emperors.

In fact, There really are a group of female emperors.

But in terms of number and proportion, they are very rare.

"Fortunately, without Yue Fei, I still have a chance." There is one person who is obviously a fan of Yue Fei.

His name is - Yue Fei Rongguang.

He should be a descendant of Yue Fei.

"You guys really think too much. None of the characters who appear here are people who have left their names in history.

Yu She, people from the Three Kingdoms of Guanhai, Shan Shiqi, Xu Ning, people from Water Margin, Li Mu Baiqi, people from the Warring States period, and Pang Shigu and Zudi. Although I didn't participate in them, I can imagine , this must be a wonderful battle"

"Yes, so many historical figures were involved"

"I want to join the Yun Kingdom. Does anyone know the coordinates of the Yun Kingdom?"

"Yun State is in Dongzhou, and players from other states should not be able to pass it. I am from Dongzhou. To be honest, Lu Buyan is indeed very powerful. He lives happily in Yun State, and Lu Buyan is a very thoughtful person. The first lantern festival in the Yanhuang Continent - the Qingyuan Festival - was held. Now the Yun Kingdom is in full bloom, which is very exciting."

"I've already dragged people here. I suggest that from now on, there will be a channel for emperors and a channel for everyday players, so as to shake people's hearts."

"You are jealous and discriminatory. Why? We are players too, we just don’t have as much luck as you."

"Luck is also a kind of strength"

"Yes, I admit this, so Lu Buyan is better than you"

"Your uncle's"


"The country of Yun is really good, with people from all walks of life, as long as you work hard, you can live a good life. To be honest, in reality, I am the kind of person who can’t get a wife. The bride price is too high, but now, I have two Wife, hehe"

"Damn, makes people envious, jealous and hateful"

"I don’t refute this. Although there is a bride price, it is not that scary, and the dowry is quite large. It is completely the property of the two of us."

"Yes, the divorce rate is not that high. The most important thing is that there is no Lao Wang next door, and the child is my own, so I also married a game girl.

Because of my luck, I became a small landowner, so everyone understands that my wife is very beautiful."

"Treat your wife well and be careful about being poached by players."

"If you dare to poach me, I will report you to the official."


The Yun Kingdom became the hottest spot and the most dazzling pearl in the Yanhuang Continent.

He is a well-deserved star.

Many people want to visit Yun Country.

See and learn.

Look at the prosperity of the Yun Kingdom and appreciate the grand scene of the ancient capital of China

"My focus may be different from yours. By the way, Yun Guo is so awesome, do you think Lu Buyan’s harem has been opened?"

Some people may be more lustful.

They actually care about Lu Yan’s concubines.

"Lu Buyan's harem is definitely open. The queen is Yin Lihua. This has been announced to the world. As for whether it will change in the future, that is another story. Apart from Yin Lihua, I know of another Huajiansha.

Hua Jianxian and I were in the same county. Lu Buyan held a national talent show, and Hua Jianxian was selected and entered the palace."

"I know Yin Lihua. When marrying, you should marry Yin Lihua, but who is that shy person?"?

"Do you know"


There really is a great god

"You all don’t know Hua Jian Sha, Hua Jian Sha is the most beautiful woman in the Five Generations"

"The most beautiful woman in the fifth generation?"Many people's eyes are red.

Although I don't know who it is.

But being called the"number one beauty" is definitely not bad.

"I really don’t know about this, but it’s definitely not easy to be called the most beautiful woman."

Everyone was talking about it.

"Let me tell you some good news. Liu Rushi is also in Lu Buyan’s harem. Are you surprised or not?"

"Liu Rushi? The one from Qinhuai Eight Beauties?"

"If there is no second one, it should be her. I saw her once from a distance. She is so beautiful. She is like a star now. If the other party marries me, she will laugh even in her dreams."


The forum is very lively and is mainly divided into four factions.

The first faction discussed the matter of Yun State unifying the two counties.

Most of these people are kings.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Feeling nervous.

The second faction was discussing Bai Qi and Li Mu.

Especially Bai Qi, he has many fans.

Many people are addicted to melon and soy sauce.

Get involved and talk.

The third faction is those who want to join the Yun Kingdom.

As for the last one, the discussion is naturally about Yun Guo's harem.

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