Dong Lei glanced, quickly grabbed Zhong Ruoyun's arm, and pulled her into Han Yunshi's room.

At this moment, Han Yunshi was already sleeping soundly in her sweet dream.

However, for Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun, she didn't care about these.

Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun continued to hug Dong Lei, trying to explore and continue to get Dong Lei's cooking skills.

Dong Lei couldn't bear it anymore, and his appetite was opened, so he started a cooking competition with Zhong Ruoyun.

In front of the sleeping Han Yunshi, he carried pots and pans and started cooking and stewing.

As a result, Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun was fed well and fell asleep contentedly.

In the end, Dong Lei hugged a beauty on both sides.

After all, the love between Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun and Deputy City Lord Han Yunshi for him reached the extreme...

"Hey! I, Dong Lei, am still very powerful for taking down the two deputy city lords of Jinning City at once..."

Dong Lei said very proudly while looking at the two sleeping beauties.

At about noon the next day, after taking the beauties to have lunch in advance, Dong Lei said goodbye to Han Yunshi and Zhong Ruoyun, who had already called each other sisters.

Looking at the reluctant eyes of Han Yunshi and Zhong Ruoyun, Dong Lei shook his head, smiled, and went to Jinning College alone.

After all, it was the first time for Han Yunshi and Zhong Ruoyun to participate in a cooking competition.

There would still be some discomfort after eating and drinking...

Before leaving, Dong Lei also told Han Yunshi and Zhong Ruoyun that he would go to Jinning College to become a disciple.

And he had to take the top three in the Qingzhi competition.

This really made Han Yunshi and Zhong Ruoyun look confused and puzzled.

Han Yunshi and Zhong Ruoyun really couldn't understand that a top-level general.

He actually went with a group of little brats to compete for the top three in the Qingzhi competition?

Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun also knew that Dong Lei was the top-level general Shifeng.

This made Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun like Dong Lei even more and love him.

Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun didn't expect that Dong Lei could make her feel more young and handsome, which made her very excited.

In this case, if she wanted to marry Dong Lei, the people of their Zhong family would not dare to say much.

After all, being able to get close to a top-level general is also what their Zhong family wants to see.

Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun, which of her pursuers is a top general?

Deputy City Lord Zhong Ruoyun doesn't care much about Dong Lei having other women.

A capable man, of course, needs to marry more women.

In the eyes of the brainwashed Zhong Ruoyun, this is nothing...

The liveliness of Jinning City is also extremely prosperous and noisy.

Dong Lei is full of curiosity about the streets of the entire Jinning City and looks around frequently.

When Dong Lei arrived at the gate of Jinning College.

It was discovered that Jinning College at this time was also the day to recruit disciples.

For Dong Lei, he wanted to be in the top three of the Qingzhi competition.

First of all, of course, he needed to become a disciple of Jinning College.

So, Dong Lei also had to become a disciple of Jinning College first.

At this moment, the gate of the entire Jinning College has become like a sea of ​​mountains, and it is almost impossible to squeeze in.

This is even more noisy than the busy streets of Jinning City.

Many gamers are heading to Jinning College to study.

Not only can you improve your knowledge, but you can also equip yourself with more advanced equipment.

In addition, Jinning College also has books that can increase your experience points.

Of course, books that increase your experience points are smaller and safer than books that can be used to kill monsters.

There are also NPCs from the Huoyang Empire who are willing to study in Jinning College to improve their strength.

In addition, there are relatively evil forces who want to mix in and enter Jinning College.

In the Huoyang Empire, the Wind and Thunder Empire, the Earth Covering Empire, and the Water Control Empire are empires of evil forces.

Everyone looks exactly the same, and it is difficult to find people from the Earth Covering Empire and the Water Guarding Empire.

These young men from the evil forces, of course, came with a mission.

On the one hand, they can remind their own imperial forces to report in advance and ambush when the four major colleges go to their imperial territory to slaughter them.

On the other hand, they can also get various rich resources from the four major colleges to improve their strength.

Only, game players can see which ones belong to the evil forces through the panel.

However, for most game players, they just kill them wherever they want.

Or even if they tell the facts, there is no evidence to speak of.

After all, they must have whitewashed their identities to come to the Wind and Thunder Empire and want to join Jinning College.

Of course, there are also some people from the evil camp who want to see what kind of strength the disciples of the four major colleges have.

Moreover, they also want to suppress or kill the aspiring youths in the righteous camp.

There is another side, that is, the four major colleges have already hidden the Fire Sun Empire, the Water Control Empire, the Earth Covering Empire, etc.

Even, this part of 그 already belongs to the inner disciples and core disciples of major colleges.

Therefore, Jinning College belongs to the four major colleges of Fenglei Empire. Of course, it is very difficult to become a disciple in terms of assessment.

It's not like Dong Lei in the Evernight Academy in the Evernight City, where 늀 can let Shaowen the Golden Wheel Fa Wang help him successfully gain knowledge...

If you want to enter Jinning College, you must pass the four-level assessment before you can successfully enter.

These four levels of assessment are: certification of knowledge, recognition of strength, avoidance by disciples, and avoidance by mentors.

Certification of knowledge is that every youth who wants to join Jinning College must at least reach an intermediate level of knowledge to pass the first level of assessment.

This first level of assessment is a hard and fast rule.

For those who do not have intermediate knowledge, there is no need to add the term Jinning College.

Therefore, those who want to join Jinning College as a disciple must have at least an intermediate level of knowledge.

Every time at Jinning College, there is a recruiting time, and today is the recruiting moment.

At Jinning College, there are already thousands of people who want to join Jinning College.

Each Jinning College recruits only fifty students.

As you can imagine, if you want to join Jinning College, you have to stand out among these tens of thousands, which is very difficult.

For the first level of assessment, twenty knowledge pillars were placed at the assessment site.

Moreover, there are special assessors, who are also senior brothers and sisters from Jinning College, who are in charge.

Anyone who wants to join Jinning College must know the certification and assessment of this first level of knowledge.

The certification of these knowledge pillars only reaches the level of one diamond, and there is no certification at higher levels.

The pillar of knowledge is divided into red light, green light and yellow light, and three kinds of light are released.

The red light, green light, and yellow light correspond to lieutenant general knowledge, advanced knowledge, and diamond knowledge respectively.

Generally speaking, many gamers and young NPCs have only intermediate knowledge at best.

Moreover, it is only through their years of study that they can achieve intermediate knowledge.

And almost none of these gamers have anything to really learn.

They all relied on points from the military department to exchange for intermediate knowledge, and then went to a small city like the Evernight City to spend money to buy it.

The behavior of these people is the same as Dong Lei's shameless subordinate Jinlun Fawang before...

However, for game players, the subsequent assessment is not as simple as imagined.

After all, Dong Lei, the strongest man, is only at the epic level.

Almost all of them are gold level and silver level, and when it comes to the third level of the test, it is almost impossible to pass the avoidance test.

There are only game players like Dong Lei who have three-diamond knowledge and are invincible at the emperor level.

Only then can he be able to take the assessment of Jinning College and gallop around unrivaled.

녊At noon time.

The assessment ceremony for the first level of Jinning College begins.

In an instant, people gathered outside the entire Jinning College.

Countless people who want to join Jinning College and become disciples are walking towards the first level of assessment.

Many young people only have intermediate knowledge.

There are also very few individuals who have reached advanced knowledge, which is truly astonishing and amazing.

There are four young people among them, who are at an advanced level of knowledge and all possess epic-level strength.

These four people are Jia Shiying, Ji Derong, Meng Chengyun, and Yin Dongyin.

Jia Shiying possesses epic elite strength and advanced knowledge, and is also the grandson of Jia Jing, the elder of the Jia family.

Ji Derong belongs to another family in Jinning City, and is relatively weaker than the Jia family.

The reason why the Ji family can become one of those second-ranked families is that the Ji family follows the Sun family, which is a subsidiary family of the fourth family.

That is, Sun Qiyue's Sun family. The head of the Ji family, Ji Hua's sister, married Sun Qiyue's father, Sun Dongpu, the head of the Sun family.

Belongs to Sun Dongpu’s third concubine, who is also Sun Qiyue’s mother...

Ji Derong possesses epic-level deputy sect strength and advanced knowledge.

Yin Dongyin possesses epic elite strength and advanced knowledge, and is a member of the Earth-shattering Empire who belongs to the evil camp. Of course, he has a mission when he comes to join Jinning College.

And Meng Chengyun belongs to the 뀙Yang Empire, with epic-level deputy sect strength and advanced knowledge.

Among them, there is also Lei Wendong, the son of Commander Lei Qianqi, who has epic elite strength and intermediate knowledge.

Of course, many members of various families in Jinning City and members of other city families also want to join Jinning College.

After all, Jinning College is the fourth college of Fenglei Empire and has a lot of resources and teachers...

As Dong Lei had an epic level status, many people took the initiative to make way.

After all, in their view, the epic level meant that they could at least enter Jinning College.

Generally speaking, the outer sect disciple Da has at least gold level strength.

And the inner disciples need at least diamond-level strength.

The core brother has almost reached an epic level of strength.

And the direct disciples at least have some strength, and almost all of them are at the master level.

Becoming an outer disciple of the Fourth Academy of the Fenglei Empire, you can almost live outside the outermost courtyard of the academy.

These outer disciples have the most access to resources and teaching staff.

And, some colleges have to do all kinds of chores and pig feeding.

However, they still attract the love and love of everyone.

After all, being able to become a disciple of Jinning College is very helpful to them.

With the identity of Jinning College, they are also very prestigious and reused.

And the inner disciples can be regarded as formally becoming disciples of Jinning College.

The inner disciples are guided by the teachers of Jinning College and have the resources of the college.

This is the real one that can get knowledge and strength in Jinning College.

As for the core disciples, they are at least accepted disciples at the deputy director and director level.

The status of the core disciples is more noble than that of the inner and outer disciples.

Finally, there are the direct disciples.

The direct disciples are the disciples of the principal of Jinning College and the elders.

They have almost all the resources and knowledge that Jinning College wants.

Of course, they also need to rely on their strength to get the corresponding points to exchange for what they want.

However, it is still different with the cultivation of the principal and the elders.

The same is true for the other three colleges of the Fenglei Empire.

At this moment, Jia Shiying, Ji Derong, Meng Chengyun, Yin Dongyin, and Lei Wendong have successfully completed the first level of the assessment.

Almost half of the people have passed the first level of the assessment.

Only people like Dong Lei who are too lazy to push and squeeze came over at this time.

Dong Lei's lazy demeanor made the brothers and sisters who were in charge of the outer disciples present a little unhappy and unhappy.

However, Dong Lei has epic strength, and they dare not say anything more with their gold-level strength.

Jia Shiying, Ji Derong, Meng Chengyun, Yin Dongyin, and Lei Wendong were waiting for the second round of the test to begin.

So they all chose to stand aside and watch the tests of others with interest.

When Jia Shiying, Ji Derong, Meng Chengyun, Yin Dongyin, and Lei Wendong saw Dong Lei, who was also at the epic level, they all looked at Dong Lei.

Moreover, Jia Shiying and Lei Wendong started talking.

"Wow! This epic guy can have intermediate knowledge, right?"

Jia Shiying, dressed in a white robe, thin and skinny, with a smile on his face, looked at Lei Wendong and said in a mocking tone.

"Of course, otherwise how could he come here?"

"It seems that this epic guy looks like a decent person, he doesn't have the intermediate knowledge level as you said? Hahaha..."

Lei Wendong has a fat body, a round face, and a thick hand playing with his hair, and he also said sarcastically.

This caused Meng Chengyun and Ji Derong to smile and laugh.

On the contrary, Yin Dongyin had a gloomy face, looked at Dong Lei a few more times, and then continued to be indifferent.

When it was Dong Lei's turn, Dong Lei stepped forward to the knowledge pillar and reached out to touch it.

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