
The door of the tavern was pushed open.

A traveler strode in.

As soon as he entered the tavern, everyone's eyes fell on him.

The appearance of an outsider in such a remote place will naturally attract everyone's attention.

He took off his hat, pocket and scarf, revealing a young face full of dust.

This outsider is unexpectedly young!

"The waiter!"

He strode to the counter and shouted,

"Two pounds of good wine and one pound of beef."

The wine seller was a girl with dark skin, red cheeks, a simple ponytail, and a sheepskin skirt. She came out of the kitchen.

After seeing the boy, the girl's first reaction was unexpected.

"It is Dachu law that minors are not allowed to drink alcohol."

The young man rolled his eyes, snorted coldly, and threw out a silver token.

The token hit the hardwood counter with a crisp sound, causing another ripple.

The Exorcist? !

Such a young exorcist? !

It's a pity that no online author follows the boy, otherwise he would definitely write a book "The Exorcist of Dachu" based on the boy's experience.

Most likely it will be popular.

Unfortunately, I can't write it.

After the young man showed his token, the liquor girl still froze in place and did not move.

The young man was a little dissatisfied.

"Why are you still standing there?"

He is already an adult, let alone drinking, even if there are three children in one meal, there will be no problem!

The wine seller said cautiously,

"We don't have any good wine here."


The girl added another sentence,

"No beef either."

Finally, a large bowl of goat's milk wine and a pound of mutton were placed in front of the young man.

Obviously, this was not in line with the boy's expectations.

Not enough for the world.

After finishing the goat's milk wine and eating all the mutton, the boy wiped his greasy hands on the ground and burped.

"Do you have a monster called Yanghuang here?"

Sheep shortage?

Hearing these words, the owner of the tavern's face changed, and the other drinkers also looked wary.

The male host took a step forward and said coldly,

"The matters on the plateau are not under the control of Dachu."

"You...are not welcome here, blasphemer, please leave."

Even exorcists are not welcome.

the reason is simple.

For hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, Sheep Huang was the only ruler of this plateau.

He is like a god, possessing power unimaginable by mortals, and can destroy heaven and earth with every move he makes.

Even if he is an exorcist, he can't help Yang Huang.

There are rumors that Sheep Huang is a spiritual creature that accompanies the birth of the world when the heaven and earth first opened. It has the same lifespan as the sky, which is very wonderful.

Not to mention this world, even if the powers from other worlds come, they can't do anything to the Goat God.

Da Chu once spent a lot of money to invite several strong men from the outside world.

After entering this world, the strength of these strong men was suppressed and they were killed by Yanghuang!


Since then, the plateau has become the dominant territory of Sheep Huang.

Dachu is the secular leader, and exorcists can exorcise demons anywhere. There is this plateau that they cannot set foot on.

That's why people were so surprised when the Exorcist reappeared.

The young man was driven away without any displeasure. He stood up and left the tavern.

Under the moonlight, the girl hesitated to speak.

The young man asked bluntly,

"Do you know about the sheep shortage?"

The girl asked back,

"You want to know?"


"The satyr is terrible."

"I'm not afraid."

"I can't tell you anything about the Faun."

"Then why are you chasing me out?"

"You didn't pay."


The young man touched his pocket and looked even more embarrassed.

"I have no money."


The boy with no money chatted a lot with the girl selling alcohol.

The Goat God is a god who has existed since the beginning of the world and possesses endless divine power.

Most of the time, the satyr is asleep.

Every once in a while, a living sacrifice of a maiden is needed to keep the goat god in his slumber.

This year is the day of the big festival.

The chosen one...is the girl.

The girl didn't know why she was telling this to a stranger.

She wanted to advise the stranger to leave quickly and not stay here.

Exorcists are not welcome in the highlands.

As long as Yang Huang is alive, they must live in this shadow.

After that day, the girl selling alcohol never saw the boy again, nor heard any news about him.

She sometimes inquires cautiously.

Every expectation was met with disappointment.

The young man probably listened to her words and went to exorcise the demon elsewhere.

Girls often wonder why they are so stupid.

You should ask the other person what their name is.

At least I have an idea.

The day finally arrived.

The day of sacrifice.

The carefully dressed girl sat on a bone sedan chair and slowly walked towards the abyss accompanied by drums and singing.

The goat-god lives in this abyss.

This land has been like this for hundreds and thousands of years.

The girl selling the wine was a little shocked, which soon turned into pleading.

Current extra progress: 1/4.)

When she lowered her head again, the young man appeared in front of her.

The young man pulled out a forty-meter-long sword from his shadow and slashed forward.


"Don't go! You'll die!"

She had accepted her fate and didn't want to see anyone die because of her.

A voice came from above the girl's head.

To everyone's surprise, the young man did not rush into the abyss, but slashed at the shadow of the abyss!


An old laughter echoed in the sky.

There is no need to risk another life...

Not even an exorcist can defeat this terrifying monster.

A dark blade flashed.

People have died...enough.

"Yeah, I'm dying."

She looked up but saw nothing.

When she saw the boy, the girl's eyes were filled with joy at first, but the stars in her eyes quickly dimmed again.

"Shadow Demon."

"We've been chatting for so long, but I still haven't told you what my name is."


Zhan Kong?

(Congratulations on drawing an SSR character to win wine in the blind box chapter. The card draw is guaranteed to be cleared.

"You can also call me..."

With that said, the boy started running forward, getting faster and faster!

"Are you dying?"

The music will awaken the goat god, and when the time comes, the girl will be thrown into the abyss, and the living sacrifice will be completed.

The shadow of the abyss was divided into two, and the abyss... was also divided into two!

"By the way, my name is Yingjiu."

The shadow disappears little by little, and the monsters in the abyss also disappear!

The only thing that can calm the other party's anger is to send a girl as a living sacrifice every eighteen years.

The young man was leaning against the bone sedan with a green pear he got from nowhere in his hand. He took one bite and found it crispy and delicious.

The shadow above the plateau, that invincible monster, was killed by the young man's sword!

The young man swallowed the pear in two mouthfuls, not even wasting the core. He rubbed it randomly on his body with his left hand a few times.

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