Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 592 God Nirvana, Please Forgive The Life Of [Boos Death Star Wolf King]!

"Agreed! Unexpectedly, Nirvana's magic cultivation is so good. It's not good!"

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] There is blood on his head.

Backwards escaped thousands of meters away with space skills.

The other Boos King, who heard the call, also wanted to perform tricks, but was forced to stop by a [chain lightning].

Boom! ! !


Nirvana master Fang Han's 【Chain Lightning】dozens of lightning strikes as soon as they landed, forming a huge cage and confining the latter.

On these distorted lightning beams, the elemental fragments diffused in the space in [Elemental Forest] turned into a steady stream of strength, and were recycled to Fang Han's [God King Scepter]!

His weapon, benefiting from this self-absorbing characteristic, instantly shines brilliantly.

Shining on the character named [Nirvana] ID, the magic robe was illuminated immediately, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in a holy annihilation light.

"Dark Wolf King, do you know why I released [Chain Lightning] to imprison you?"

"Let go of me, God Nirvana, you won't succeed. I will use the wolf king's will to counter your confinement! It's just [chain lightning], it is impossible to confine me."

Struggling constantly, trying to break through [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King], at the moment fell into a state of madness.

After discovering that he had been successfully confined by Nirvana, he immediately went berserk.

——"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

Its claws of the wolf king kept striking violently on the lightning pillars like tree roots. The twisted shape of the lightning itself, coupled with the critical strike of the dark wolf king, made the whole cage even more terrifying!

However, all the counterattacks of the Dark Wolf King seemed to be useless.

Because of its critical strike, it will only make the huge cage in front of it more violent.

All this is thanks to Nirvana who released [Chain Lightning]!

It was he who made this "cage" endowed with "attacking body life!"

[Boos Dark Demon Wolf King], who was unable to break through after several critical strikes, gradually weakened his wolf power, and retreated to the center of the "cage" to avoid being struck by the surrounding columnar lightning.

"Brother Dark Demon Wolf King, why don't you break through?"

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] who has escaped thousands of meters away.

Turn around suddenly.

He was terrified when he found that his companion, who was only a few breaths away from Nirvana's attack range, was trapped in a cage formed by countless lightning bolts.

With its ingenuity, it instantly understood what was going on.

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] He gritted his teeth and shouted at Nirvana master Fang Han: " are so ruthless! You don't even let go of the broken elemental energy of the elemental forest!"

Fang Han smiled coldly.

The dharma body standing in the void is like a pavilion standing in the abyss, and the magic robe is moving in the wind.

"Death Star Wolf King, do you know why you were able to escape for a while, and the Lord alone imprisoned the Demon Wolf King of Darkness?"

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] showed a puzzled expression.

A pair of demonic wolf eyes are frantically turning in their eye sockets.

The beastly light belonging to Boos flickered in his eyes.

While thinking about how to save its companion [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King], it dealt with the Nirvana master Fang Han and said: "Young man, although you are a great eternal annihilation professional, you may not be able to do so in the [Quadruple God Realm]." Obtain the position of master! Don't mention you. Even the deity and the dark demon wolf king have not been able to fulfill this long-cherished wish."

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] The idea now is to delay as long as possible.

In order to buy time for [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] to escape.

It believes that its partner can break through the power of [Chain Lightning], escape from the imprisonment of lightning, and then make another plan.

How could it escape Fang Han's eyes with such small thoughts.

Fang Han with the title [Nirvana] on his head.

The eyes also released a light that terrified the other party.

With a condescending attitude, he said to [Boos Death Star Wolf King]: "It seems that you are still not convinced. I, Nirvana, not only want to severely defeat [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] this time, but also kill you [Boos Death Star Wolf King]. Wang] is also taken down! Transplant the power of the bullish guild to the demon wolf plane as a whole, and plunder the position of the ruler of the demon wolf plane!"


[Boos Death Star Wolf King] Stunned in place as if he had realized it, the entire wolf body of the king remained motionless as if petrified.

As for [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King], it was even more shocking.

"God Nirvana, you are crazy! You actually want ants to swallow elephants, and plunder me [Demonic Wolf Plane] in reverse??? Is it a bit of a dream??"

"Shut up!"

Fang Han threw a magic ring.

Under the blessing of light energy, this object turned into a hoop of light, which was put on the body of King Boos.

[Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] Of course he doesn't want to be caught without a fight.

After discovering that something was wrong, he immediately awakened the few remaining berserk powers.

Trying to get rid of Fang Han's "tightening curse" on its belly spine.

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] Seeing this, he secretly complained.

Because it recognized Fang Han's magic aura.

"Dark Demon Wolf King, don't struggle, this magic halo will only get tighter and tighter when you encounter resistance, until it strangles you out of your waist, and even splits you in two like an angry slash! "

[Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] Hearing this, he immediately stopped in shock, gave up struggling, then turned around, and glanced at his companion [Boos Death Star Wolf King] with shocked and hopeless eyes!

"Brother Death Star, I can only entrust everything to you!"

Then, Boos, the dark demon wolf king, made a move to crash into the cage woven by [Chain Lightning].

Its meaning could not be more clear.

Can't escape Nirvana God Fang Han's lightning cage as scheduled, it would rather die than become Nirvana God's captive!

"Yo, I didn't expect this devil wolf king to be bloody!"

Fang Han limited the magic ring to a certain balance of magical energy.

Let the imprisoned [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] not be snapped off immediately.

Under the influence of double "imprisonment" methods, the Dark Demon Wolf King couldn't escape.

Now Fang Han immediately focused his attention on [Boos Death Star Wolf King] who was as famous as the former!

【Xuntu SS】!

Boom! ~

After the teleportation, Fang Han's body disappeared in the void for less than 0.1 seconds.

The next moment.

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] I also sensed the surge in the space in front of me.

And as he wished, he met his predestined opponent—God Nirvana!

"You, what do you want?"

"[Death Star Wolf King], don't be so nervous."

Fang Han glanced at the demon wolf king suddenly, and made a wish: "I just want to take back my position as the ruler. In the future, I can revitalize your demon wolf plane. The strong demon wolf The forces behind you! Death Star Devil Wolf King, why are you so stubborn! You still don’t understand my intentions!” “You—what did you say!”

Fang Han shook his head and sighed, and continued to persuade him to surrender: "The Flying Demon Wolf King is much smarter than the two of you, let me tell you one thing, the Flying Demon Wolf King has become the elder of my guild, renamed [ Flying Wolf King True God]!"

The shocking news that Fang Han exposed continuously.

It shocked [Boos Death Star Wolf King].

"God Nirvana, I admit that you are the most successful liar. I [Death Star Wolf King] almost believed it."

These words, and the disdainful look on [Boos Death Star Wolf King]'s face, made Fang Han regain a little more confidence in persuading the other party.


Fang Han smiled.

Then he called out in the guild at lightning speed.

In the next moment, the light that was infused with the transmission energy of the [World Teleportation Stone] disappeared, and then reappeared in front of it in an instant.

at the same time.

In front of Fang Han, the great god of Nirvana.

There is one more character.

【Boos Death Star Wolf King】Shocked!

He looked at the Demon Wolf King in disbelief!

Shouted [Boos Flying Devil Wolf King] in horror! ! !

"Your subordinate [True God of Flying Wolf King] is here. I have met God Nirvana!"

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] shouted in amazement: "Flying Sky Wolf King, are you wrong?"

"Shut up!"

The latter interrupted its words with a loud shout.

The scene suddenly became very tense.

Fang Han, the great god named Nirvana, had to come out to clean up the situation.

"Death Star Demon Wolf King, whether [True God of Flying Wolf King] is real or not, you can tell by the title on his head. Facts speak louder than words, so why bother to quarrel?"

With Fang Han's words, [Boos Death Star Wolf King] found the key to restore the truth.

It carried the fear of King Boos and a certain stubbornness in pursuit of the truth. The wolf head moved a little bit, and finally glanced at the top of [True God of Flying Wolf King].

When the words "[Flying Wolf King True God]" were printed into its wolf eyes, [Boos Death Star Wolf King] couldn't seal it completely.

"You traitor! You actually surrendered to God Nirvana! It's an insult to my [Demonic Wolf Plane]!"

"It's just a bastard, Death Star Demon Wolf King, your strength is inferior to mine. Now the master I recognize is God Nirvana. Should you also let go of the pride of the beast and choose to share your destiny with God Nirvana?" Are you bound?"

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] said in shock: "What, you actually asked me to surrender to God Nirvana?"

"It's not about surrendering, it's about choosing the master who can revitalize the Demon Wolf plane!"

At this time, the conversation between [Flying Wolf King True God] and [Boos Death Star Wolf King], even [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] couldn't stand it anymore.

"Flying Demonic Wolf King, you are simply the number one fool in my Demonic Wolf Plane! Proud wolves, why do you need to compromise with the human race? Even if there is no ruler in our plane, we can still dominate the [Fourth God Realm]! You Have you forgotten the last words of the old wolf king when he was killed by [Boos Shurima]!!!"

Fang Han was a little confused for a moment.

But when I heard this, I finally heard something.

Depending on the situation, besides his newly rising guild, the enemy of the Demon Wolf Plane also has a Boos king named [Shurima]!

[Boos Dark Demon Wolf King]'s expression and eyes can read much more information than on the surface. Presumably, the power of this "Shurima" must be above the [Demon Wolf Plane].

Therefore, the ruler of the demon wolf plane will be plundered.

In the end, the situation of "three kings contending for hegemony" appeared.

His guess was verified in the eyes of [Flying Wolf King True God].

"Enough! Death Star Wolf King, I know you are not convinced. Then I will use the magic skills of the Death Star clan to completely convince you!"

"What are you talking about? Are you going to use my Death Star wolf tribe's magic tricks to deal with me? Are you kidding me? I am the Death Star Demon Wolf King!!"

[True God of Flying Wolf King] Startled.

"God Nirvana, can you consider using your traditional magic to frighten the Death Star demon wolf king?"

After all, after joining the bullish guild, [True God of Flying Wolf King] received the treatment of "Blessing God", and his strength has greatly increased compared to before. Here, the guild has also obtained the status of a patriarch, keeping pace with [Handsome Boy Qing], [Bull Demon God] and other plane powerhouses, revitalizing the bullish guild together, allowing it to obtain many things that it has never obtained in the [Magic Wolf Plane]. experience.

More importantly, after he obtained the qualification of "giving God".

The more I deal with [Nirvana], the more I feel that the ambition of this eternal annihilation demon Mage is not simple.

Considering that he himself was a defeated player, but was rescued by the human demon Mage, [Flying Wolf King True God] really regarded the bullish guild as his home.

No, God Nirvana summoned it, and it followed the special teleportation light of the [World Teleportation Stone] to this war field called [Elemental Forest].

As soon as he opened the eyes of the demon wolf, he found two kings under the same plane!

This made the Flying Demon Wolf King extremely excited!

At this time, Fang Han's plan to subdue [Boos Death Star Wolf King] has reached the implementation stage.

Facing the reminder from his subordinate [True God of Flying Wolf King].

Fang Han directly refused.

"No need, I, God Nirvana, practiced several Death Star magic skills before entering the [Quadruple God Realm]! Among them is a domineering Death Star secret technique called [Falling Stars]!"

[Boos Death Star Wolf King] Startled.


"Do you want to try it?"

"Come on, God Nirvana, don't let your Death Star skills be annihilated in your magical body. You are not of the same kind as my Death Star family. But you are just joking if you say that you have practiced the Death Star family's magic! Can that little Mage body bear the price of cultivating Death Star skills? Hahaha, you are really brazen, God Nirvana!!"

As soon as these words came out, even [True God of Flying Wolf King] had a little doubt about Fang Han.

After all, there is some reason for him to persuade Fang Han not to subdue [Boos Death Star Wolf King] with skills other than traditional magic secret techniques.

Because even he himself has never witnessed Fang Han's magic of the Death Star Clan.

At the moment, the negotiations between the two sides seem to have reached an impasse.

The only way to resolve this crisis is to let the king named [Nirvana] prove his commitment with facts.

——"Summon, the power of the secret star!"

And then.

When Fang Han's magic robe made a hunting sound of "chug chug".

As expected, a stream of death stars enveloped the [Elemental Forest] that had turned into a war domain from the sky.

——It’s Death Star Fire!

"My God, he really knows the magic skills of the Death Star Clan!"

"Hey, it's too late to say anything now. [Boos Death Star Wolf King], I, Nirvana, will punish you with [Stars Fall] Death Star skills! Accept the punishment!"


The death star fire made a terrifying sound like countless metals being torn apart.

Streams of fire formed a spectacular sky, which burst down from the sky.

As Fang Han's magic chant deepened.

These streams turned into flaming meteorites.

One after another violently slammed into [Boos Death Star Wolf King].

The space began to surge.

The mighty power of the magic attack almost shook the entire God's Domain world.

In the Elemental Forest, some weak [nameless beasts] frantically fled from the hiding place as if they were avoiding the end of the world. The scene was absolutely shocking.

"God Nirvana, be merciful."

"God Nirvana, change annihilation to subjugation, and save the life of [Boos Death Star Wolf King]. With him, it will help you enter the [Demonic Wolf Plane]!"

Even the [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] who was trapped in the chain lightning cage expressed his attitude to Fang Han after [Flying Wolf King True God] spoke.

You must know that after the death of the old wolf king.

Among the Three Great Demon Wolf Kings.

【Boos Death Star Wolf King】 is the most violent.

[Boos Dark Demon Wolf King] is the bloodiest.

As for [True God Flying Wolf King].

is the most proud!

He can be regarded as the "beautiful wolf" of the demon wolf plane, enjoying the envy of the entire demon wolf plane.

Even the first two are very jealous of the Flying Demon Wolf King.

In the fight for the ruler of the plane, the first two even reached a contract, and they wanted to work together to destroy the most competitive flying demon wolf king first. A showdown will take place again, and a master will rise from among the three wolf kings!


【Ding! Your magic skill "Starfall" hits the target successfully. Boos Death Star Demon Wolf King suffers damage from crit, freezing, heavy blow, fatal blow, petrification, freezing, magic heart invasion, weakness...]

[Death lock blood]!

When Fang Han [Boos Death Star Wolf King] was about to be crushed to death by the falling flint of the stars, he released the blood lock skill without hesitation.

The [Boos Death Star Wolf King] at this moment is like a dead dog that is about to die.

As for whether to kill or not, it all depends on the idea of ​​Nirvana master Fang Han!

- Defeated! He lost!

[Flying Wolf King True God] came to [Boos Death Star Wolf King].

Panting, half-kneeling on the ground, after observing the state of the Death Star Demon Wolf King.

Immediately, he asked Nirvana Great God Fang Han: "Nirvana Great God, please forgive [Boos Death Star Wolf King]'s life! [Boos Dark Demon Wolf King], it's time for you to say something!"


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