Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 586 God Nirvana, I Can See Some Nostalgia From Your Back! ?

"Well, the master is wise."

"I will listen to my lord."

"Let's kill together."

Under the call of Lei Gongba, the advance legion of the hostile guild continued to hunt and kill Fang Han.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

——500 meters!

——300 meters!

--50 meters! ! !

"Haha, God Nirvana, do you think you can fool me with such a small trick? I am the guild master [Lei Gongba] of the [Little Hex] guild! Look at me [Flying Dragon Slash]!"

【Ding! You have been hit by the enemy's skill "Flying Dragon Slash"...]

【Ding! The skill "Flying Dragon Slash" has reduced your movement speed...]

【Ding! Your skill "Enhanced Magic Shield" has been triggered - the summoning of the triple magic shield is complete! 】

The moment when the melee attack skill [Flying Dragon Slash] of [Thunder Lord] touched the magic robe of Nirvana Great God Fang Han.

The three enhanced magic shields on Fang Han's body suddenly appeared in Lei Gongba's sight, as if eyes had grown from the back of his head.

At this time, the Fire Beast King of Nirvana Great God Fang Han sensed the scorching attack cyclone from [Flying Dragon Slash].

Immediately flicked its tail suddenly, changing the direction of rushing forward.

The Beast Skill [Pixiu Flame] spurts out in the opposite direction.


【Ding! Your summoned beast "Fire Beast King" successfully releases the Pixiu flame, and the remaining attacks of the enemy's skill "Flying Dragon Slash" are immune]

At this moment, Fang Han stopped instantly.

The Fire Beast King exhaled flame-like breath, and was angrily looking at [Lei Gong Ba] who was chasing up in a hurry.

Lei Gongba also stopped his mount in time.

With a cold snort, Bing Feng pointed at Fang Han and said, "God Nirvana, you can't escape."

"Run? Who said you were going to run away? I call it lure the enemy into deep. Lei Gongba, you have been fooled. The hundreds of thousands of players in the [Little Hex] guild have also been fooled!"

"Hahaha, you are lying!"

Lei Gongba still didn't believe Fang Han's words at this time, and continued to point his saber at Fang Han, full of the arrogance of a stalker.


At this time, [Bull Demon God True God] suddenly came from somewhere on the battlefield.

A [Crazy Explosive Slash] successfully caused 105,484,500 damage to Lei Gongba!

This sneak attack was extremely violent. And it was sneak attacking from behind.

This shows that the rear of his [Little Hex] guild has been breached by the enemy!

Lei Gongba immediately realized the seriousness of the problem!

【Ding! You have been hit by the enemy guild veteran "Bull Demon God True God" "Crazy Explosive Slash", and your HP has been reduced by 105.4845 million]


The power of one blow actually caused Lei Gongba to lose one-third of his HP.

The blow of [Bull Demon God True God] had completely woken him up.

Seeing that his master was attacked by enemy warriors.

A team of shield soldiers immediately came out with [Guild Battle Shield] to protect the guild master [Thunder Lord]!

After drinking two bottles of [Healing Medicine (Advanced)].

The elder of the guild beside Lei Gongba shouted in shock: "It's not good! Mr. Guild Master, we seem to be...really fooled!"

"Peng!" "Peng!"

"Clang!" "Clang!"

"Bang!" "Bang!"


At this time, the state of war between the two evenly matched guilds in the field of war has turned into a state of melee.

The six forces that came out of nowhere completely cut off the main force of the [Little Hex] guild.

Lei Gongba now wants to transfer the main force to the task of dealing with Fang Han, but he is already powerless.

Lei Gongba looked at the Nirvana master Fang Han who had activated the three magic shields in shock, and shouted in shock: "Boy, you are luring the enemy deep!!"

"Hey, Lei Gongba, I told you a long time ago that you should not underestimate the bullish guild in the [Remains World]. Modesty makes people progress, but it's a pity that you are too arrogant. It's a big loss!"

"What nonsense? I, Lei Gongba, didn't come to listen to this. Today, I only need to kill you, a little devil Mage, and I will be able to turn around. Let the [Little Hex] guild stand out from the encirclement again and take your Misty City is destroyed..."

"What did you say!"

A murderous look suddenly appeared in Fang Han's eyes.

This murderous aura stunned the [Ox Demon God True God] who had just recovered his strength.

——"Not good, God Nirvana was angered by the leader of the hostile guild!"

[True God of Bull Demon God] Immediately let the subordinates who are close to Lei Gongba retreat back tens of meters. Make room for Nirvana to cast his magic skills.

"Lei Gong Ba, I will show you the power of my magic skills!"


【Ding! You successfully summoned the "God King Scepter"]

【Ding! With the blessing of the God King's Scepter, the magic skill "Ice Flame Flowing Fire" has been successfully summoned]

Fang Han blew a breath of fairy air on the "ice and fire" that was about to fly out of the [Scepter of the God King], and said with a cold snort: "Lei Gongba, you can despise me, God Nirvana! But you can't despise my Piaomiao!" City! He is a miracle rising from the ruins. And these warriors under my hands. They will rise again. One day, this small guild will soar into the sky. The peak of the fourth domain of the gods!"

Fang Han yelled these words with thunder-like arrogance, and then, the magic skill [Ice Flame and Flowing Fire] flew towards [Lei Gongba] instantly with a breath of death.

【Ding! Your magic skill "Ice Flame Flowing Fire" hits the target successfully]

【Ding! The enemy's target character "Lei Gongba" has lost 155.3262 million health points]

【Ding! The defense of the enemy target character "Thunder Lord" is reduced by 23%]

【Ding! The movement speed of the enemy target character "Thunder Lord" is reduced to 75%]


Just such a group of "Flowing Fire" magic skills composed of [Ice Flame] and [Flame].

Almost made the careless president of [Thunder Lord] pay the price of death.

Amidst the roar, Lei Gongba's health bar instantly bottomed out.


The guild Shield Warrior next to Lei Gongba is very powerful, plus the treatment of [Element Priest] in the enemy guild.

With the blessing of a fierce operation, Lei Gongba's [Little Hex] guild finally saved their guild master's life!

But this time the "blood bar disappearing technique" made Lei Gongba finally recognize Fang Han's strength.

Shocked and shouted: "Shield Warrior, more Shield Warrior! Priest, hurry up and add blood to me, hit two more [Defense]!"

【Ding! Under the "healing" skill of Priest "Thousand Sails", your health is restored to 13%]

【Ding! Under the "Healing" skill of Priest "Baili Feiyun", your HP is restored to 22%]

【Ding! Under Priest's "Healing" skill of "I had no intention", your HP will recover to 71%] [Ding! Under the "Magic Defense" skill of Shield Warrior "I am Mage", your defense power increases by 24%]


Seeing that his blood volume was finally preserved.

Lei Gongba took a deep breath.

"God Nirvana! What magic skill did you use?"

Lei Gongba roared angrily.

The demeanor is still a bit arrogant.

"You are not a Mage anymore. It is impossible for players of the same profession who have not comprehended the peak will to see through my magic skills!"

Fang Han said proudly to his defeated general as if taking an oath.

"Hmph, I don't care what magic you use on me, I will make you pay ten times the price! [Element Slash]!"

The light of seven or eight elements gathered on the weapon of [Thunder Lord].

Like a combination of flames and sparks.

Like shooting stars tearing through the night.

The [Elemental Slash] attacking Fang Han was several times more powerful than before. With a sound of "Peng!", it slashed at Fang Han and his mount [Fire Beast King]!

"What a mighty power of fire!"

"Not good, God Nirvana is going to have an accident."

"It's okay, don't be nervous. God Nirvana can stand it."

"That's right, Lei Gongba's Elemental Slash is simply tickling God Nirvana!"

[True God of Bull Demon God] was also in the place of war, talking to the guild brothers who were fighting side by side with him.

Sure enough, the 【Elemental Slash】, which released 100% of the attack power of Thunder God, only caused a small ripple on Fang Han, the great god named Nirvana.

Under the light of the anti-shock light of Fang Han's outermost [Enhanced Magic Shield].

In an instant, the flame of [Element Slash] was sent flying outside.


"Ah, that's impossible!"

"Is there anything impossible, Lei Gongba, you are finished! I will use [Frozen Ray] to plunder you!"

Fang Han saw that the opponent's [Element Slash] had failed.

The triple-enhanced magic shield has fulfilled its mission honestly.

Before the opponent quickly recovers the next wave of attack power.

The [Current Excited Field] magic skill brewed in his hand has become the [Frozen Ray] magic skill.

Follow the rhythm of boundless [Sudden SS] magic skills.

The figure flickered in the space three times.

Approaching the sky above the target like a phantom.


When Lei Gongba reacted.

Fang Han shouted: "[Frozen Ray]!"


A lightning-like arc ray with magical power instantly hit Lei Gongba.

Lei Gongba nervously raised his war blade to evade, but he and his mount were frozen at the same time the moment they came into contact with the [Frozen Ray]!

【Ding! Your magic skill "Frozen Ray" successfully hit the target, Lei Gongba has been frozen, the time limit is 3 seconds...]

"—[Blood Slash]!"


Another violent magical light flashed out.

Fang Han was in a situation where the [Little Hex] guild powerhouses around him hadn't reacted yet.

The second [Warrior skill] summoned by magic has already cut towards Lei Gongba.

The next moment.

In Fang Han's mind, the news of the target's death has already been transmitted.

【Ding! You have successfully plundered the player "Thunder Lord"]

【Ding! You have obtained the reward of "Elemental Ring (Small)"]

If Fang Han didn't refuse.

After killing [Thunder Lord].

His [Infinite Plundering (SSS level)] magic skill will loot a piece of top equipment on the enemy's death target marked by magic will!

Sure enough, when [Elemental Ring (Small)] appeared in his package.

Fang Han has picked up this little piece of equipment with great excitement.

"Elemental ring! Well, it's taken!~"


field of war.

See [Little Hex] The guild leader is dead.

[Little Hex] The advance army of the guild was in chaos.

The chaos spread to the entire battlefield within five minutes.

[Little Hex] The powerful members of the guild saw that their boss had been plundered by God Nirvana. Everyone showed horror and immediately gave up resistance. Hundreds of thousands of guild players all fled into the forest near the War Realm.

"God Nirvana, the enemy has escaped!"

"God Nirvana, give me a team, and I will kill all the cubs of the [Little Hex] guild."

"God Nirvana, don't chase after the poor!"

"God Nirvana, we have already won the battle. Misty City has been saved, and the Bullish Guild can finally gain a foothold outside the [Ruins World]."

"Well, I don't recommend chasing and killing hostile guilds. But the most important thing now is to take over the hostile guild's territory. And protect the [Elemental Forest], which is not large in scale but can generate income!"

Under the suggestion of the elders of the guild under his command.

Fang Han is as good as others.

Immediately let [Iron Mian Sheng] lead the main force of the guild to protect [Elemental Forest].

As for seizing the [Little Hex] guild site, Fang Han handed it over to [Big Brother] to complete.

And [Bull Demon God] was sent by Fang Han to plunder the [Boos area] of the [Little Hex] guild.

Although the [Boos area] of the [Little Hex] guild is not particularly large.

But in the process of the bullish guild's development from small to strong, of course, the more such boost areas, the better.

"My Nirvana God's war command, did you hear it clearly?"

"God Nirvana, we heard you clearly."

"Okay, let's go ahead. Tomorrow, I will have a banquet in the [Little Hex] guild to celebrate the victory of the guild battle!"

"Long live!"

"Long live God Nirvana!"

"Follow God Nirvana, eat nine meals in three days! Hahaha!"


At this time, Fang Han returned to Misty City with a big victory in the guild battle. Misty City doesn't even have enough aptitude for the main city of the [Quadruple God's Domain] world.

So Fang Han, who got the elemental ring (small), even hired a master craftsman in the city to dismantle the ring and replace it with elemental energy for storage, even such a small goal could not be achieved.

This made Fang Han very distressed!

"God Nirvana, I can see a bit of nostalgia from your back!?"

[Handsome boy Qing], accompanied Fang Han, and walked into a certain street in Misty City.

He is a newly joined guild powerhouse.

Naturally, he didn't know about the things that happened in [Double God Domain].

"On this street, before it merged into the [Quadruple God's Domain], there were many buildings and crowds on both sides of the street. Countless professional players would come here to consume, buy equipment, hire craftsmen, create accessories, and even eat, drink and have fun. , everything you need!"

Seeing that there are only buildings on both sides, but there are no "crowded" street scenes as described by Nirvana, [Handsome Guy Qing] said thoughtfully: "Then Nirvana, you are holding this ring..."

Fang Han regarded [Handsome Guy Qing] as one of his own, and told him without any concealment: "In this building, there used to be a [Izakaya], and there was a [Mysterious Old Man] who could identify the rare treasures of God's Domain! The appraisers in the world are even more powerful."

"I see! God Nirvana, you want to dismantle [Elemental Ring (Small)] and replace it with elemental power, am I right?"

"Right, that is it!"

"Maybe, I can help you."

After finishing speaking, [Handsome Guy Qing] went to the city to buy a few teleportation scrolls.

Bring Nirvana master Fang Han to a shop he runs.

"God Nirvana, look! This is the first [craftsman (junior)] in the southeast of Misty City, maybe you can dismantle the equipment here."

"No, his level is too low."

After speaking, Fang Han tried it.

"Heaven Designated, I'm sorry, my level is not high enough to help you disassemble [Elemental Ring (small)]!"

See the words of Nirvana Great God Fang Han.

[Handsome Guy Qing] Suddenly fell silent.

Fang Han laughed.

"But you still did me a big favor!"

"Ah, God Nirvana, obviously this [craftsman] didn't help you, why are you so happy?"

[Handsome boy celebrates] asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Because [craftsman (junior)] can't help me disassemble the elemental ring. But craftsmen are common occupations in the world's main cities, and you can inquire about information."

Under Fang Han's inquiry.

[Craftsman (Junior)] finally revealed to Fang Han an important news related to [Mysterious Old Man].

"Heaven Designated, since the fusion of the [Four God Domains]. Our craftsman world masters, and craftsmen who are higher than the master level. Some have survived. But I can't guarantee that the mysterious old man is still alive 100%. But if you want For news about the mysterious old man, I suggest you go to the coordinates 5236 and 1109 of Misty City, and you may find something.”

This coordinate location is reserved for those strong planes who cannot identify their identities after the reconstruction of [Ethereal City].

When Fang Han used the low-level teleportation scroll to teleport to the location of 5236 and 1109.

He was instantly watched by countless strange eyes.

"Look, that man is the lord?"

"Yes, he seems to be the future city lord of Misty City."

"It seems to be just the guild leader now."

"However, he just led the bullish guild and defeated the [Little Hex] guild!"

"What a wonderful young Mage."

When Fang Han entered the building, he saw many strange faces.

A patrol of warriors just came to the building at this time.

The guard captain on patrol recognized the identity of the Nirvana god Fang Han!

"Greetings to God Nirvana!"

"God Nirvana, how did you come to this kind of place?"

"God Nirvana, is there anything we can do?"

After Fang Han greeted the patrolling warriors, he immediately expressed his request.

After all, there are too many "players" whose identities are to be confirmed gathered at this coordinate.

It was impossible for Fang Han to search one by one.


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