Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 377: Extinguishing Heaven Slash

After Bahamut finished speaking, he immediately revealed some of his hidden attributes in front of Fang Han and a large number of human warriors.

【Bahamut (Dark Boos)】

[Boos level: lv110 level]



Fang Han's forces exploded in an instant.

"My God, what kind of Boos is this, it has actually been upgraded to the dark rank, and it's still a super pervert at level lv110!"

"I can't fight, I can't fight. Let's just lie down and die. We, Nirvana, are only level 81, a difference of 30 levels. Play with wool."

"It's no wonder that the Nine-Layered Divine Realm City-State Alliance's reminder came so late for this monster attack. It turned out that this Super Boos was fully prepared. Bahamut deliberately concealed the news. He wanted to catch us off guard!"

"This Boos has already excited me. I want to conquer it!"

"Hey, in the human race, there is no one as crazy as you. You are not a human race!"

"That's right, I'm a Bull Demon Warrior! [True God of the Bull Demon God] has a fierce bull! What I like most is a powerful enemy!"

"Niubi!" The Human Race Warrior gave a thumbs up.

But he glanced at the lava soldiers on Bahamut's position, and immediately frowned again.

"Why did you wait so long before starting the war?"

"Yeah, God Nirvana, why don't you go to war?"

At this time, our own people are already a little impatient.

The pressure from the Warriors below quickly penetrated to Fang Han.

"Tell the brothers, let them bear it. The longer the war starts, the better for us. Because the weather will change soon. As soon as the sun comes out, we are on the back side of the sun, and the enemy's position is on the side facing the sun. I understand. Everyone understands."

"Wonderful! I, the Bull Demon God, will immediately pass on your words, Great God Nirvana, and tell my children to let them hold back their bull temper."

The Bull Demon God is a straightforward person. Hearing Fang Han's explanation, he immediately drove to his battle formation in the Bull Demon Domain, and spread the original words of Nirvana God.

Sure enough, soon, the somewhat turbulent Terran city-state alliance army formation returned to calm again.

The wind blew the grass on the ground and hit the shields of the Shield Warriors, making a crackling sound.

In this quietness, there are death and war roaming around.

"Bahamut, I am going to meet you independently. Do you dare to fight?"

Fang Han finally waited for the moment when the sun came out.

At this moment, Bahamut already realized that something was wrong.

Why is the sun so dazzling?

"Boy, even if you don't look for me, this deity will take you out and destroy you!" Bahamut flashed the Demon King's Heavenly Sword in his hand.

The huge Boos body began to alienate.

Then, it rides a fire Qilin. Head towards Fang Han.

While waving the Heavenly Knife, he shouted: "Lava Legion, the war is on! Kill them, annihilate the army of the City-State Alliance, and flatten the entire Misty City!"


Fang Han's side.

Fang Han also raised the [God King Scepter] high.


The rulers of several major guilds took the lead in setting an example and led teams of knights to kill them.

Fang Han held the [Scepter of the King of God] and used [Sudden S] to fly across the space.

no doubt.

As the commander-in-chief of the city-state alliance.

He had to get a good blow in the first round against Bahamut.

Only then can the morale of the army be stabilized!

【Ding! Your Xuntu S has been successfully upgraded, the skill point bonus consumes 7326 points, and the skill has been upgraded to "Xuntu SS" Max trigger is complete, and the Max state will last for 50 minutes]

Fang Han turned into a ray of light.

Bahamut judged that he landed in his main position on the battlefield, it should be 5 seconds later.

But in the next second, Fang Han had already dealt a close blow.

"Enjoy the feast of magic!"

Fang Han unceremoniously released a Warrior skill activated by magic.

【Destroying Heaven Slash】

【Destroying Sky Slash Level: SS】

[Skilled Occupation: Warrior (some special occupations are available)]

[Boos Correspondence: Fire, Ice (God)] [Cast Level: lv80]

[Skills influence: Fire of Different Space, Voodoo Series, Boundary of Imprisonment...] [Influence Talents: Air Speed, Time-Space Transfer, Ice of Destruction, Dark Armor of Destruction...] There is no doubt about it.

The last two [Affect Talent] entries.

This is the key to Fang Han choosing this skill.

It can not only delay the target's speed, but also limit the opponent's dark attribute.

This skill——is it tailor-made for [Dark Boos Bahamut]!

Fang Han's vicious vision can be seen.


A mass of red extinguishing light successfully enveloped Bahamut's side.

Then, the dark power of Boos on it was instantly sinking.

Even Bahamut himself didn't understand what was going on.

"What, Human Race, you actually inspired the peak skills that only Warriors have? Why did this happen, why did this happen!"

Bahamut issued a torture of the soul.

However, when this ray of red light covered it from the head to the whole body, there was also a magic chant from Fang Han's side.

"[Crazy Bomb]!"


The big dark boss, Bahamut, has been stunned for two seconds, and is using his dark magic power to eliminate the imprisonment of the invasion.

The delay of these few seconds does not have much effect in the duel between the two sides during the battle.

But its impact on the morale of the legion is extremely domineering.

What the lava soldiers saw was that the skills released by ID Nirvana imprisoned their king!

And as the master of the lava hell, Dark Boos Bahamut has not responded until now.

Enemies who don't know the situation are guessing what happened.

Moreover, Bahamut exists as the king of Boos, and even the king has not pushed his position to the plane of the city-state alliance.

The beast cavalry of the lava hell under its command can't surpass the king's existence and extend its power to the enemy's battlefield.

This creates a situation that is extremely unfavorable to the lava hell!

As soon as the battlefield started, within ten minutes, the plane of the city-state alliance had fully infiltrated into the lava soldier's position.

The small human Warrior took the initiative to find the big lava soldiers to fight, which made the trolls and soldiers of the lava series feel ashamed.

"Yo, what happened to our king? Why hasn't the king moved a step yet?"

"Yeah, it's all started, why is the king still in the air, and didn't use the world-killing skills to wipe out that human kid."


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