"Where does he have extra medicine? He is also participating in team battles, silly!"

"Ah, I'm going to die. My current magic slot has been emptied. I can't even send it out. What should I do?"

At this time, a very ethereal voice sounded - if you have any difficulties, please find God Nirvana!

These Mages and Archers who didn't have any magic potions instantly became happy.

"Look, at the message bar, God Nirvana has spoken!"

[Players who consume a lot of mana, please go to the four areas of the resurrection point a/b/c/d to receive magic potions, and a small amount of repair potions, the amount received is 100,813,300/100,846,100]

"Fuck, I want to go there."

"Don't squeeze, everyone has a share."

"Hurry up, four resurrection points, millions of mages to receive potions, if you don't hurry up, it won't be our turn."

"Oh, you stepped on my head."

"No way, there are so many Mages, my magic robes are all torn."

"Don't squeeze, big brothers. I'm a witch, Mage, do I want to?"

"Sister, has your magic gauge been emptied? Here's a small potion for emergency!"

"Ah, thank you big brother, big brother, you are 1/10 as cute as Nirvana!"

The player warrior had a "Is that so?" expression.

Then, in the turbulent crowd, it swept towards the resurrection point.

Soon, players like Archer and Mage, who consumed a lot of magic potions, returned to their positions and took the positions where they attacked the Earth Demon King just now.

At this time, the blood volume of the Earth Demon King has been displayed at 30,264,400/1,000,000.

"Wow, I just left for a while. Boos lost a lot of health."

"It's okay, as an Archer lying flat. With so many big brothers in front of us, our bows and arrows can be released slowly. Enjoy the fireworks while you're at it. Bang!"

The female Archer may not have realized that the danger was about to happen.

After she glanced adoringly at the great god Nirvana who was commanding the battle on the hillside, suddenly, the bow and arrow were pulled into the full moon and released at the moment.

[You have been imprisoned by the "Light Gaze" of the Earth Demon King]

[You have been hit by the Earth Demon King "Raging Flame" and your HP has returned to "0"]


"Hey, when the earth devil king was about to die, he was given a second by the devil king. I'm just a girl. I don't show my ID when I hide in the crowd. How come the devil king picks soft persimmons!"

"Sister, I have just been resurrected too. Let's participate in this battle of boos under the command of God Nirvana!"

"Good pinch~"

This girl and another player received the potion once. The resurrection point pharmacy collection places placed in the four areas are doing business as usual.

Seeing that the earth demon king's blood volume had been emptied in the middle of the night on the third day. There are less than 10,243,300/1,000,000 left.

But at this time, Fang Han chose to take a full rest.

He let the players who have mastered the confinement technique be on duty, frantically throwing special confinement skills such as freezing, fire wall, petrification, paralysis, freezing, and deceleration on the earth devil like throwing cans.

The earth lord looked very weak now.

Every time you move a step, there will be thousands of lights of imprisonment on your body.

The players who received the order retreated from the combat state.

They were in groups of three or five, in groups of seven or eight, and in groups of eight or nine. They gathered together and discussed a lot.

"What's wrong? When boos was about to die, God Nirvana told us to stop."

"I don't understand, I don't understand, what is this operation?"

"Why did you stop? I don't understand either. Go ask the boss."

"Hey, my back is sore now, and my legs and feet are cramping. I have released 13,067 skills since I formed a team to attack the Boos Earth Demon King. It's too painful. Damn, I really want to close my eyes and sleep."

"Don't, haven't you seen so many people with their eyes wide open, waiting for the moment when the boos explodes, to share some benefits?"

"That's true, but God Nirvana's mysterious operation made me numb."

"Are you saying why you stopped attacking this matter? Don't doubt it, God Nirvana naturally has his reasons."

"It is said that every time there is a special event, Nirvana Shendu will greet in advance, so that the Warriors are mentally prepared. I believe he will release a message soon, telling everyone what is the reason, so that the attack on the Earth Demon King All stopped..."

This player who has in-depth research on Nirvana, his prediction will soon come true.

【Message area】

[City-State Alliance Announcement: Great God Nirvana issued an announcement that the all-area magic of the Boos Earth Demon King "Death Recitation of the Hell Sutra" will soon enter the release time. All players are requested to obey the instructions unconditionally and enter the dormant state]

As soon as this news arrives.

The players got excited again.

"Oh oh! I said that Nirvana is sincere and never deceives me. It is true. You see, Nirvana is pitying our lives. Therefore, all members temporarily withdraw from the battle. Wait for the 'death chant' of the Boos Earth Demon King After passing, take the Earth Demon King away."

"Great God Nirvana, great God!"

"This art of conducting is absolutely amazing. Follow Nirvana and eat ninety meals in three days! 666"

Taking advantage of the rest period, the players played mischievously again.

Soon, it was time for Boos Earth Demon Lord to release "Death Chant".

Even though they knew the power of this boos skill, the players of the city-state alliance's guilds were not panicked at all.

"Ah, I'm going to die. I really want to experience the feeling of being cursed by an lv105 earth demon king!"

"You are looking for death. You want to die so soon, don't you? Why don't you get down quickly and avoid the skills of the Boos Earth Demon King."

"Big Brothers, stop arguing. Why is it so quiet around here?"

"Hahaha, in order to avoid skills. Millions of players have jumped up. This scene is really spectacular. I guess I will never forget this scene in my life."

"It's quite interesting. It's probably the feeling of 'The rivers and lakes are in the past, but I still miss my brother'."

"Yo ho, why hasn't there been any movement? I'll go check it out."

The unlucky player who spoke last had just stood up when a green light swept over his body.

Then his spirit left his body and had been driven back to the city.

"Ah, why did he die directly?"


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